View Full Version : DM Help Any ideas for a one shot Adventure? [PF]

2015-12-22, 03:06 PM
Hey playground! I'm hoping to wrangle a few of my friends together this evening for some good ol' Pathfinder, but I haven't got anything really planned. I'm no stranger to improvising and some of my best games have started off with me just flipping through the Beasteary and seeing what looked cool. I don't expect this session to turn into a long campaign, so I need ideas for one shots...

So far my only idea was to have the PC's awaken on a deserted isle, and after investigated it discover that aftermath of cult activities gone horribly wrong.

Anything would help, from general ideas or maybe adding on details. The party is level 1 to accommodate a new player, and the only class i know will be present is a rogue (played by said new player)

Thanks in advance.

2015-12-22, 03:23 PM
Well you could either research the colossal list of adventures who exists for pathfinder or you could go for what you made.
The latter have the advantage that it will feel more personal for you: it will be your creation and not the use of another scenario which allows you to adapt easier the world and maybe to react better when the player says "I do not care if this sword is made for killing BBEGX I am going to break it because I am convinced that like in 675473% of the cases it is the phylactery of the bbeg or something else of this kind" and other kind of natural reactions(natural only for players).
the former allows you to have maybe a better scenario but you will necessarily strand away from it in 3 minutes when the players will say stuff like "we create a fire wall with the scroll we bought for starting to kill the inhabitants of this temple by burning highly dangerous chemicals and filling all the temple which is not open enough with deadly carbon monoxide and other nasty stuff" and that because of that they kill 5 important friendly npcs and most of the opponents.

2015-12-22, 04:08 PM
Here are some ideas from one-shot adventures I've run. If any of the sound interesting I can give you more details:

1) The small town of Redwood has begun a very successful campaign to expand its farmlands but has inadvertently crossed over into territory already claimed by a figure calling himself The Goblin King. The Goblin King is a real arse; he's been demanding gold and virgins from the town as reparations for crossing into his land and threatens that his hobgoblins will destroy the town if his demands aren't met.

The town hires the party to journey through the goblin warren and show this Goblin King who's boss.

2) it's racing season! Costa del Luna is hosting their annual Air&Sea twenty league race. People, including the PCs have come from miles around to witness the much celebrated event but not all is as it seems. Several of the competitors sink mid race and it seems there's a saboteur at work.

The party is quickly deputized by the races grand marshal to root out the cheaters and stop them before they can further alter the course of the race.

3) it's finals week at the Scholemance Mage Academy. Unfortunately a golem, the final project of one of the students, has broken loose! It's rampaged through the school freeing other dangerous magic experiments. Who knows what dangerous magical effects and creatures are loose in the now evacuated academy.

The Dean has hired the PCs for there's discretion. They need to get into the school and take out the golem before news of this embarrassing incident can spread.