View Full Version : Suddenly transporting (unwilling) keep to another dimension?

2015-12-24, 04:05 PM
I'm the DM. One of my players wrote to his PCs background that their family keep suddenly disappeared one day. Another dimension was mentioned but I can decide what happened. What happened? The game is a bit low-magic Greyhawk, just like in the PHB (but magic is just less common).

2015-12-24, 04:20 PM
I'm the DM. One of my players wrote to his PCs background that their family keep suddenly disappeared one day. Another dimension was mentioned but I can decide what happened. What happened? The game is a bit low-magic Greyhawk, just like in the PHB (but magic is just less common).

The simplest explanation that isn't 'A Wizard Did It' could be quite handy. The family keep and its residents grew to be very much in alignment with one of the outer planes, possibly something quite nasty like Grey Wastes or Gehenna, so the multiverse decided the keep was better off there. Seriously, this stuff happens a decent bit in established canon.

2015-12-24, 04:20 PM
I'm the DM. One of my players wrote to his PCs background that their family keep suddenly disappeared one day. Another dimension was mentioned but I can decide what happened. What happened? The game is a bit low-magic Greyhawk, just like in the PHB (but magic is just less common).

Lots of possibilities. Here's a few.
A planar rift of some kind opened up beneath it.
An illusion made it seem to be gone (it's actually still right where it was), and a little bluffing by someone or other convinced everyone to avoid physically going there for long enough that his family gave up.
Their keep was actually an Instant Fortress (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#instantFortress) the whole time, someone finally identified that, used the command word when everyone as gone, and stole it.

2015-12-24, 05:12 PM
Their keep was actually an Instant Fortress (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#instantFortress) the whole time, someone finally identified that, used the command word when everyone as gone, and stole it.

I love this idea, but it's awfully small. I guess the player meant an actual keep. That's a fairly high tower, but they had a keep, which is sort of like a "castle light". I think the size will be a problem.

2015-12-24, 05:21 PM
One possibility, as Jack_Simth mentioned, is that the keep hasn't gone anywhere at all. Perhaps someone or thing moved in and is concealing the fortress from others. Illusions and enchantments are possibilities here, but so is a 'Bermuda Triangle' fog bank that extends for miles around the keep so no one's actually been able to find it.

Or someone could have conceivably remodeled the keep to be flying and it took off somewhere else.

2015-12-24, 11:04 PM
His family was unspeakably evil in their off time and it got swallowed up by the Demiplane of Dread?

2015-12-25, 05:02 AM
Saw it somewhere in Dragon magazine:
All creatures in Primeval Scar should make Will save time after time (only local animals and evil fey are immune).
And if they fail the save?
They just disappear...
Nobody (literally nobody!) knows where...
(Maybe even - nowhere)
And stay "disappeared" unless correctly worded Wish or Miracle will be cast to get them back

Maybe, Primeval Scar formed somewhere around their keep, and everybody failed their saves at once?

2015-12-25, 06:34 AM
My favorite use of Fiend of Possession is animating portion of an enemy's stronghold, and depending on DM's definition of Object, their entire stronghold, and letting it walk away.

John Longarrow
2015-12-25, 10:51 AM
OK, I just put on my "EVIL DM FACE"....

Small keep, right?

His family is now in service to the joker who drew the right card from a deck of many things... The 'Keep' card. Yep, these things gotta come from somewhere!

Now your character's gonna have to find out about the DoMT, go on a quest to find one, and draw his keep back! Insta-quest that could be a wonderful trainwreck to run!

2015-12-26, 06:18 PM
There's actually a 9th level spell in Dragon #308 that lets you move lairs, Shifting Sanctum. It's only a 10ft. cube a level, but with the Sudden Widen feat, that becomes 20ft. per level, and with a caster level boost or two, can be quite large indeed.

You do need to be a Dragon or have a certain feat to learn and cast it though. It does, however, work to move things through planes. and works on buildings (or even only parts of buildings, which means you can do it in parts, if you can manage the 12 hour cast time)

2015-12-26, 09:53 PM
It moved to Ravenloft.

2015-12-27, 12:01 AM
I love this idea, but it's awfully small. I guess the player meant an actual keep. That's a fairly high tower, but they had a keep, which is sort of like a "castle light". I think the size will be a problem.

It was an instant fortress created by an epic artificer, using CL 30 and metamagiced to hell. A warlock finally passed by and detected that ridiculous aura, then just waited for a chance and UMD'ed the thing to sell it on some outer plane.