View Full Version : Desperate Treasures (Reozul's Run) IC

2015-12-24, 06:33 PM
You are in a dark room. In front of you there is a Staircase with a Lever on the side. You can see the discarded Book next to you, where you dropped it. There is a battered Door near the bottom of the staircase.


Head: None.
R Hand: Battered Sword 2d6 Dur 5
L Hand: Unarmed 1d3 Dur X
Body: Old Armour 2 Dur 10


Rod of Identify Dur 3
(Identify: Safe spell, reveals all properties of one item.)

St 3
Ac 3
Ev 3
Sk 3
Sp 3
HP 50/50
In 0/100
De 0/100
Vo 0/100

2015-12-25, 03:51 PM
Due to the sudden start, I'm going to voice my assumptions here before posting actions:
- No inventory limit (encumberance)
- There is not enough light currently for me to attempt to read the book.
- The staircase leads up not down. (The wording in the recruitment thread left me a bit confused)
- The Rod's durability defines how often it can be used?
- General Question: Do I have a way to make a torch (flint/steel + cloth or something)?

On to actions:

Sighing at his misfortune, Baleol picks up the stupid heavy book that got him in this mess.
Glaring at it, he decides he might as well take it with him as he puts it into his Haversack.

Now how to get out of here

The Staircase was broken and he sadly cannot fly.
So really, the only option is the door.

But first it might be good to see if there are other things down here in the darkness.

Having thought so, he proceeds to search the room for anything useful before moving towards the door.

His hand reaches for it only to stop halfway.

Traps, can't forget about them.

Carefully he at first flicks a small bit of wood at the door, then tries touching it with a longer piece of burnt floorboard that was thrown
down here with him. He hopes the door won't react so that he may try to open it.

1) Put Book in Backpack
2) Search Room for items (including a perhaps stronger piece of floorboard as makeshift offhand club)
3) Test door (small projectile, proxy touching)
4) Open door if no reaction in 3

2015-12-25, 05:41 PM
- No inventory limit (encumberance)
- There is not enough light currently for me to attempt to read the book.
- The staircase leads up not down. (The wording in the recruitment thread left me a bit confused)
- The Rod's durability defines how often it can be used?
- General Question: Do I have a way to make a torch (flint/steel + cloth or something)?
Yes, No, Yes (You're at the back at the staircase, so you can't reach the hole you just fell through), Yes (it can be used 3 times), No.

1) Put Book in Backpack
2) Search Room for items (including a perhaps stronger piece of floorboard as makeshift offhand club)
3) Test door (small projectile, proxy touching)
4) Open door if no reaction in 3

> Get Book
You take one step to the left.

You pick up the book. It's quite heavy, but this time you don't fall through the floor. It looks like it will fit in your backpack.

"Chosen One prayer book" added to inventory.
> Look Room
You look around the room, hoping to find anything of interest...

You are in a dark room. Near you there is a Staircase with a Lever on the side. There is a battered Door near the bottom of the staircase.

> Examine Door
You take a step forwards, and a step forwards and to the right.

You try testing the door without opening it. It looks like a perfectly ordinary door that sees a lot of use. Or did, until it was blown up; the door is badly damaged and charred. If there was anything special about this door, it's long gone now.

> Open Door

You open the door...





















You are standing in front of the Open Door when you notice two Priests having a heated debate in a language completely incomprehensible to you. You notice several more Doors around the Torch-lit room; one has been blown right off its hinges which seems to be the crux of the argument from the frenzied gesturing of one of the priests. Their hoods can't be giving them the best peripheral vision: they haven't noticed you yet!

2015-12-26, 11:41 AM
Not being the stealthiest of persons, Baleol decides on approaching the priests.
Hoever, even he is not without care.

He once more takes out the book, clenching it in his offhand in such a way that the priests will see what it is.
Perhaps if they decide to attack him, he can throw it at one of them to keep that one preoccupied.

So readied, he approaches them, sword in his main hand, but still pointed to the ground.