View Full Version : Looking for a paticular item

2015-12-24, 09:10 PM
Ok I though I saw a while back a item that a pc caster level
I need to know if there are any items that boost caster level that
are between 1000 and 30000 gp

oh and happy holidays to all~

2015-12-24, 09:13 PM
Orange prism Ioun stone boosts CL by +1 and costs 30,000 gp.

2015-12-24, 09:17 PM
Orange prism Ioun stone boosts CL by +1 and costs 30,000 gp.

two things can the stone be put on the pummel of a longsword

also anything cheaper

I lost caster levels do to my swiftblade levels

2015-12-24, 09:33 PM
you could always just take the Practiced Spellcaster feat (Complete Arcane) if you need to make up some lost CL from a martial dip.

EDIT: as far as changing an items equipment slot, theres a small section somewhere that mentions changing item types, as long as it makes sense, but i think its a house rule/variant and subject to DM discretion. I know there was a mundane modification in Dungeonscape? that let you hold a wand in the handle of a weapon, and activate it without actually holding the wand, so if your DM were to allow something similar for Ioun stones, thatd be the closest thing I can think off.

2015-12-24, 09:37 PM
The ioun stone flies around your head; RAW that's what makes it "work" and there are some drawbacks to "wearing" it that way ... however, the generic cost formula is simply for "no body slot limitation" or somesuch, so a custom item could be put into your sword, carried in your pocket, made into an earring or a haripin, etc. at the same price.

Caster level is pretty heady stuff; items which boost it are rare and expensive.