View Full Version : DM Help A multiple elemental creature?

2015-12-25, 10:31 PM
Is there a cannon creature that uses or has aspects of all the classical elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air? Something that would be a multi-elemental as it were?

2015-12-25, 10:34 PM
Omnimental. Monster Manual III, page 118.

2015-12-25, 10:41 PM
Thanks Zanos!

2015-12-25, 10:45 PM
There's also the Unraveler (http://i.imgur.com/SiwMRc0.png) from Planar Handbook, which certainly looks the part if nothing else.

2015-12-25, 11:19 PM
AFB but the Tempest from MMII I think has all of them. Also, you could jam together elements on a playable. double Familiar Form into an Elemental Familiar'ed familiar for Earth Elemental, base race Gnome and grab the Phantom Sparks and Haunted flaws for fire and wind astetic. With those flaws grab Magically Adept and Magic in the Blood for three 0 level spells 3/day each. See about getting Create Element with Air, Fire, and Earth with ritually added Desert Dweller for Water. Ritually add Amphibious for swim and water breathing and you have a mini omnimental. Flight is harder, but you could slap on the Hummingbird side effect to Creat Air to grant a little hovering.

Edit: You can also ritually add the subtypes of course. Fire, Air, and Water would be missing.