View Full Version : Warcraft: Quest for the Prismatic Blades 5e IC

2015-12-26, 05:43 AM
OOC Thread
Year 619 by the King's Calendar, Spring
The ruins of Dire Maul have seen better days. They have also seen worse days for that matter.

Before you stands what used to be the pinnacle of Highborne architecture, with a twist of unusual activity within. The gardens of the once beautiful city are teeming with Ogres working for the feast to which you were invited. You can see some of them still raising red banners on the walls, some of them haphazardly putting wildflowers on the path leading you to the feast, and some carrying plates of food and kegs to the feast table itself.

At the table you find seats reserved for you at the far end, farthest from the merry Troll sitting at the head of the table - King Zelan'jin himself. You can't see his face from the distance, but he seems busy telling some tale to his lieutenants from his time adventuring, how he lived in Stranglethorn Vale hunting beasts and men alike. Between him and your seats is a long row of ogres, his lieutenants. After them come the other guests of the feast, sitting awkwardly: a Tauren and two Night Elves, none of them looking at the other directly. The Tauren wears a simple robe, scratching his head from time to time. The Night Elves look as different as Night Elves can: the woman is in traditional Sentinel armour, her hand occasionally going back to her sword; the the man's arcane aura is felt even from this distance, though he looks strange with his eyes continuously blinking.

As you approach, the three non-ogre guests look up to you, happy to see someone to break the awkward situation.

The Night Elf man offers the seats next to him to Undyne and Annasazi: "It is always good to see distant cousin quel'dorei. I am Lorekeeper Lydros of the Shen'dralar Highborne. Do tell me, did you come to Eldre'thalas just for the feast or also to recover the body of your compatriot? Terrible business, it is." As he speaks his face gets uncomfortably close, making you think he has poor eyesight.

With the Tauren deciding not to start a conversation, the female Night Elf turns to Zan'mat: "The mad Troll here was saying there'd be representatives from every capital, but I didn't think anyone would actually come." she curtly extends her hand. "Fellerieth Anornar, Sentinel Captain in Feathermoon Stronghold, not too far from here. I really wouldn't bother with this nonsense if the Troll didn't actually command a troublesome force of Ogres. What brought your kind to send an emissary here?"

With the small talk between the guests and you taking your seats, you hardly notice an Ogre approaching from the entrance of the ruins with an Orc in his side. He yells to the King, interrupting the tale he was telling to the ogres around him: "Boss! This orc say he also guest. What I do?" The Troll makes a slapdash gesture to get him on the table, and within seconds an extra set of plates and cutlery is placed for the Orc - right next to your seats. "Tok'Shar you sit here! We bring food!" the ogre exclaims at the Orc, leaving him to take his seat.

As the sun sets, the feast is surely and steadily gaining traction. It won't be long before it will turn into a full celebration, and you'll probably find out what this fuss is all about by then. For now, what do you do?

2015-12-26, 07:09 PM
"My lady, I am Zan'Mat, sent here as representative of the Draenei Diplomatic Corps. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Captain Anornar, was it not? You say King Zelan'jin commands a force of Ogres. Tell me, milady, what is his role in the politics of Kalimdor?"

While speaking with the Captain, Zan'Mat quickly assesses the quality of her garb and workmanship of her armor.

2015-12-27, 07:09 AM
You quickly size up Captain Anornar's armour as you speak. It gives you the same impression as any Night Elf product: its clear the blacksmithing technique is based on ageless tradition and it shows, but the result is so generic that the expertise seems to be used for quick workmanship and not quality. When your gaze goes back to meet her eyes, you see that she has noticed your gaze and subconsciously fixes her breastplate.

A single eyebrow arches at your question, and she replies with a smirk that oddly makes you feel like she's your superior. "Pleased to meet you Zan'Mat. To tell the truth he's more of a local trouble. He was an adventurer trying to raid the riches of the ruins of this city, like many before him. Except he got lucky and managed to defeat the leader of the Ogres here in a duel two years ago, and the others submitted to him - it's their tradition I'm told. Since then he has attempted to gain control of other parts of the ruins - namely the ones held by demons in East and the Highborne in West."

She briefly glances over the Tauren eating close to her, and making sure he's not eavesdropping in the conversation, continues in a more hushed tone.

"The only reason we're keeping an eye out from the Stronghold is the fact that the Horde does from their Camp. They're closer, and if they somehow used the Troll to gain control of the ruins it'd be very troublesome."

2015-12-27, 07:13 PM
A slightly beef and burly man sits down on the other side of the tauren while only slightly glancing at him. His greatsword attached to his scabbard on his back. The man however doesn't say anything at the moment.

2015-12-28, 08:37 PM
The young orc facepalms as the ogre manages to draw the attention of everyone in the feast to his arrival, something he must have been specifically avoiding, but shrugs and makes his way to the table as pointed promptly. The orc approaches, his posture a bit different from the usual curved stand of an orc, his shoulders a bit narrower also, his clothes clearly not those of a warrior.

Nodding briefly to the others at the table - including members of the Alliance, seeing this as a proper diplomatic encounter - from under a dark cloak, his face can barely be seen beyond his yellowed tusks as he remains silent, laying a gnarled staff - one that had a crow perched over it - to the side of his chair, he sits up and stays that way for the time being, his eyes rather observative of his surroundings.

2015-12-29, 11:31 AM
"The quel'dorei are no more ... not since the Scourge. I am Annasazi of the Sin'dorei. Tell me, what do you know of this terrible business?" she says, staring firmly back at the Lorekeeper, refusing to back away from his uncomfortable approach.

2015-12-29, 02:42 PM
As the feast goes on, several Troll dancers walk around you. These female Trolls do their best to dance as their hands remain shackled, trying to keep a straight face as the Ogres around them harass them.

Lorekeeper Lydros blinks repeatedly as Annasazi answers, giving the impression that he really has an eyesight problem. "Ah, you don't know then. There was, um, another Child of Blood, a Sin'dorei like you say, who visited us but then unfortunately passed away. Since no one of his kind came, I had just assumed... Well..." Before he can talk any further, his voice is muffled by the ever-increasing chants of "SPEECH! SPEECH! BOSS MAKES SPEECH!" coming right beside him.

"Alright, alright." the Troll at the end of the table mutters, grinning to himself as he gets up, his hand firmly on his sword sheathed on his belt, and moves to a platform slightly more elevated than the tables where you're seated. As he walks to the platform he delivers a slap on the hip of a dancer passing by him, and the dancer is visibly troubled but gives no reaction. Once he gets to the platform, Tok'Shar makes a slight double-take as if he is reliving something he has already seen. The Troll clears his throat as he begins to speak, the ogres falling silent.

"Subjects! Foreign dignitaries! I be welcomin' ya ta dis Feast o' Celebration! Celebratin' what, ya might say. I be afraid it be a long story ta tell. But I be thinkin' ya have the time!" The garden falls silent for a second as he fails to get a reaction, then the Troll continues.

"As many of ya know, I came here wit' me comrades from Stranglethorn Vale. Excellent fighters dey were, all three of dem. But dey all died during our first assault ta King Gordok, and I barely escaped. On me way back I stumbled across Lydros over 'ere, and he gave me dis..." The Troll draws his sword, as it emits a reddish hue, several rune-like inscriptions glowing with the power within. "Quel'Serrar, forged by dragons. It be but an unfired blade when he gave it ta me, of course, but he told me who could forge it, not thinkin' she'd actually do it! But she did, and wit' Quel'Serrar I managed to defeat King Gordok and become who I be now: Zelan'jin, King of Gordoks!" The Ogres start cheering at the mention of the title, but Zelan'jin quickly silences them.

"But there be more to da story. More den I ever told. For the person who forge dis blade be Onyxia, Broodmother o' Black Dragons! And she told me there be one more blade like dis, but much powerful, hidden here in the Eastern parts o' Dire Maul. She told me here be another blade whose forgin' be started by her father..." Both Lorekeeper Lydros and Captain Anornar become visibly distraught, expecting the name to come: "Deathwing. And she told me other dragons, other Dragon Aspects could help forge it, make it stronger, make it a Prismatic Quel'Serrar."

Zelan'jin puts his Quel'Serrar back into its scabbard, continuing his speech. "Ya probably be wonderin', 'Why speak of dis now?' And I say to ya, because I be a good king! I see how Alliance and Horde suffer against da Lich King, and I be volunteerin' ta help ya fight it! All I need be people ta help me get ta da East Section of Dire Maul ta retrieve da unforged blade, help me convince da other aspects to forge it, and I be willin' ta kill da Lich King for ya, wit' my new blade!"

Captain Anornar mutters "The nerve in this Troll..." to herself as Zelan'jin continues. "So dis be da reason for da celebratin': da start of a victory against da Lich King! My gift ta da Alliance and da Horde, my support! So who be willin' to get da sword for me?"

By the end of his speech, you two notice a faint movement by the banners hung around the ruins. For a split-second you think you see a floating eye go from one banner to the other, but you remain uncertain as it disappears before you can be sure you saw it.

"I understand if ya be needin' time ta answer, we have da whole feast ta think. Zelan'jin quickly adds before descending from his platform, taking his seat once again. Among the non-ogre participants of the feast an uneasy feeling settles, the envoys from Feathermoon Stronghold and Camp Mojache, Captain Anornar and the Tauren, looking at each other with distrust and Lorekeeper Lydros looking down on his meal, deep in thought. The dancers resume their dance.

2016-01-02, 07:39 PM
"So, he wishes us to retrieve a powerful blade for him, which he pledged to use to slay the Lich King. What do you make of it, Captain Anornar? Is he trustworthy enough?"

2016-01-03, 01:22 AM
Ro-Ga calmly gets up and walks toward the pillars making it look like he needs to slightly think and/or stretch his legs. However he will try to take a look around and see if he can spot anything strange.

Perception: [roll0]
Percetion Adv add-on: [roll1]

2016-01-03, 06:41 PM
As you discreetly get up from your seat and take a closer look at the area where you last saw the floating eye, you quickly spot it again. It's an incorporeal Observer that looks very familiar to the Eye of Acherus that Death Knights had used to spy on ground under the necropolis. As you get close to it, it also notices you.

As the burly man gets up, seemingly stretching his legs in the area, the Feathermoon and Mojache representatives also prepare to take their leave. "I'm afraid we've been invited for a whole bunch of nothing Zan'Mat, this Troll is nothing but an egomaniac and only a fool would take his word. I'm guessing your accommodation is here in the ruins, but if road ever takes you to Feathermoon Stronghold you're always welcome to stay. with this Captain Anornar rises from her seat, as does the Tauren next to her. "Well, evening." the Tauren coldly says, following suit. This leaves only you as the non-ogre guests of the feast.

The atmosphere quickly changes, however, as Lorekeeper Lydros suddenly jumps from his seat, looking in the same direction as Ro-Ga. Before anyone can react, he gives a simple command and makes a quick gesture, as the thing he was looking at becomes clear: a floating eye, now stuck in the air by Lydros' spell. "An Observer is spying on this feast!" Lydros exclaims.

Zelan'jin gets up as the Ogres around him become confused, clearly not understanding the situation. "A warlock is spying on you, Zelan. I can track it if you'd give me a minute..." As Zelan'jin looks at the Highborne, assessing the situation, an Imp, together with what appears to be gan'arg, approaches the feast table from the Eastern Wing. "Erm, my Master demands you release his Eye of Kilrogg, or we'll make you!" yells the Imp, glaring at Lydros and preparing to strike, while Lydros shows no signs of faltering.

Zelan'jin, now his face turning to a grin, gives a "Halt!, stopping his Ogres before they can prepare to strike the demons, leaving Lydros defenseless. It looks like violence will erupt very quickly. What do you do?

2016-01-04, 10:58 AM
{His vision is so poor that he invades my personal space, yet he easily spots the Eye of Kilrogg that I barely noticed ...} Annasazi muses, as she casually backs away from Lydros. She had no cause to risk her life defending this "cousin". Still, she didn't move too far from the demon - if it came down to fighting, she wanted to be in a position to get in an early strike.

Move casually away from Lydros, but try to stay within 50 ft of the gan'arg. Use Stealth if possible to try to be unnoticed.

2016-01-04, 04:46 PM
The orc stretches back against the chair as the troll continues his long monologue, holding back a chuckle, after he finishes, he speaks in a rumbling deep voice in orcish and in a tone high enough for those close to him casually hear, as if he's speaking to no one directly "His majesty is so generous in his gifts, both the Horde and the Alliance should be humbled by such actions..." grinning rather satisfied afterwards.

Continuing to listen with a rather peculiar attention, the orc shifts his gaze at the uninvited guests as they approach, assuming a more defensive position as nerves start to strain, he grips his staff hard but only waits.

If any of the newcomers attack, Tok'Shar will cast Sleep centered on the Imp, hopefully also hitting the Gan'arg.
Save DC 13.

2016-01-04, 07:56 PM
"Dear me," Zan'Mat exclaims as the newcomers threaten a fellow member of the alliance, " perhaps you should do as it says, Lorekeeper? It does not seem our esteemed host is ready to defend his home!"

Ready Eldritch Blast against Imp. Trigger: enemy tries to attack Lydros.

2016-01-05, 03:26 AM
The tension remains as neither side moves, and after a few silent moments pass a wretched sigh comes from the Imp. "Ah that's it, we'll take him out!"

The air crackles as the gan'arg lets out a cry and starts huddling towards the feast table, and the Imp apparently prepares a spell. The guests at the table all seem to prepare a counterattack, with the exception of Annasazi, who disappears.

As the battle starts, you guys are about 40 ft. from the demons.

Imp's initiative for summoning a demon: [roll0]
Percentage die to summon demon: [roll1]
Which demon to pick in the event of success [roll2]

Gan'arg's initiative for dashing: [roll3]

Zan'Mat, Tok'Shar and Ro-Ga, I'll need initiative rolls for your readied actions to see if you react on time. I believe it should be 1d20+2, 1d20-1 and 1d20-1 respectively.

Annasazi, Stealth roll to see if you can hide, please. If you succeed, then you can move at half your regular speed and take any action while hidden(including an attack with a Sneak Attack).

2016-01-05, 07:55 AM
As the imp blurts out his aggression, the orc angrily shakes his head "Foolish little one!" as he mutters some other older and much darker words while waving his hands in the air in circular patterns towards the imp, trying to counter his spell.

Initiative: [roll0]
Casting Sleep centered on the Imp.

2016-01-05, 07:58 AM
Forgot to roll Sleep: [roll0]

2016-01-05, 08:16 AM
A radiant beam of light dances from Zan'mat's extended hand towards the Imp. Unfortunately, the untrained draenei was far too slow, and too much of a poor shot, to prevent the creature from summoning the demon.

As the Gan'arg surges forward, Zan'mat backpedals while beseeching the Light to incinerate the servants of the Burning Legion.


REACTION: Initiative: [roll0]
Eldritch Blast: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]. Crit: [roll3]

REGULAR ROUND: Initiative: [roll4]
Sacred Flame: Gan'arg must make DC 13 DEX save: [roll5] or take [roll6] damage.

2016-01-05, 10:50 AM
{... dammit, I was hoping we could wait to start fighting after dessert was served ...}

Stealth: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1] {+ speed factor as needed}
Actions: Remain hidden. Observe the room and the non-combatants. Is anyone else hiding. Why are the troll/ogres not defending their ally - Lydross? Are all of the guests fighting against the demons? What was the menu for dessert? Perception check and Insight checks (rolled by DM).

2016-01-09, 06:25 AM
Both sides quickly react to each other as the battle seems to start.

As you observe the battle, you are assured with the fact that you are the only one who seems to have hidden somewhere. By what little you can observe in the space of six seconds, Zelan'jin and his ogres don't seem to be too concerned by Lydros' well-being. Your guess is that they simply see it as two nuisances fighting each other - especially when you consider your previous observation that all three factions (the demons in the East, Ogres and Zelan'jin in the North and the Highborne in the West) have some enmity between each other.

Out of the guests, you see that the young Ogre mage that joined later than the others is casting a spell towards the Imp, though its effect isn't apparent as you observe. The Draenei also attacked the Imp with what appears to be a bright line of light. You also see that the burly man who sat close to the Tauren drew his sword, however for the moment he seems to be taken by indecision.

The dessert that the Ogres were supposed to serve next was Peach Pies. Which is a shame since that was your family's favourite.

The Imp appears to be quicker than everyone else, uttering some words in demonic, but his expression turns to one of frustration as his spell seems to fizzle. "Argh, blast!" it yells.

But before the Imp can react, Tok'Shar's spell takes effect as sparkling energy seems to surround the Imp. The gan'arg seems unaffected while the Imp starts losing its balance. It can only let out a quick "Wha..." before falling to the ground, seemingly sleeping.

A bright line of light leaves Zan'mat's fingertips, missing the Imp by a small margin. It burns the ground it touches, scorching a small patch of grass.

Ro-Ga stands still with his weapon in hand, preparing to assess the situation before attacking.

Ignoring the others around it, the gan'arg runs towards Lydros with a frenzy. He quickly makes the way and ends up standing in front of him. Lydros looks at the small creature, unable to defend himself without losing concentration.


As the Imp remains asleep, the gan'arg intends to attack Lydros viciously with its claws.
Gan'arg's Initiative for attacking: [roll0]
Melee attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] In case of crit: [roll3]
The attack seems to continue with no help from the Ogres. What do you do?

2016-01-13, 01:23 PM
{Repulsive as Lydross may be, but I'm not sure he deserves to be mauled by a demon. Besides, I'd still like to know what happened to that other Sin'dorei.}

While hidden (so I have combat advantage), move a small amount if needed to be at more than 5 feet from an enemy (so that I do not get disadvantage on my ranged attack). Throw a dagger at the Gan'arg.

Attack: 2d20b1+5
Damage: [roll0]
+Sneak Attack: [roll1]

2016-01-13, 01:43 PM
Ok, dunno what was wrong with my formatting above - which caused the dice roller to fail to roll for my attack. But lets try again:

Attack: Best of [roll0] and [roll1]

2016-01-14, 08:23 AM
Tok'Shar looks around angrily as he suddenly realizes the ogres seem to just enjoy watching the scene, before concentrating for a nother spell, he roars "Don't just stand there, blast you! Tie up the little devil, for he has much to answer for!", then waving his hands around themselves as a black mist forms ahead of him, eventually weaving itself away and towards the gan'arg, where it takes the form of a ghostly hand strying to claw at it.

Casting Chill Touch on the gan'arg: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (crit? [roll2])

2016-01-14, 10:51 AM
Without saying anything, Ro-Ga will move up to the gan'arg after using his Blood rite and attack the gan'arg.

Bonus Action: lose 1 of my Maximum HP, so I'm at 10/10.
Move Action: Move up to gan'arg.
Standard Action: Attack gan'arg.

BA = Fast Action +2, Attack = Melee, Heavy Weapon -2.


2016-01-14, 12:00 PM
Before the gan'arg can touch its claw at Lydros, it finds itself under a barrage of strikes. First from the black smoke in front of Tok'Shar reaches out a claw, tearing the creature's skin on its back. Then Ro-Ga makes a run to the creature, drawing his mighty Runeblade (thus showing his nature as a Death Knight) and tearing the small demon in half just as a Dagger flies to gan'arg's other side from the shadows. Ro-Ga takes a step back as the creature's wounds start glowing, marking its banishment to the Twisting Nether, but before that can be completed a resolute yell of BY FIRE BE PURGED! is heard, setting the Gan'arg ablaze. Clearly overhwelmed by the attacks that took seconds, the creature makes a green, harmless explosion.

As everyone takes a short breath (including Lydros who seems shocked that a demon just blew up in front of him), the Imp remains fast asleep on the side. Lydros' spell seems to serve its purpose as the Highborne lets the Eye go, saying simply "Fascinating." as he sets his sight on the sleeping Imp. What do you do?

2016-01-14, 12:23 PM
"Indeed," Zan'mat agrees with Lydros as he advances on the sleeping Imp. "Seldom does one get the chance to study a denizen of the Twisting Nether."

"Lorekeeper, you are unharmed?" the Draenei asks as he cuts off a length of hempen rope and starts to truss up the little beast. As he does so, the draenei whispers an arcane phrase that will ensure the little beast's impending interrogation will proceed more ... smoothly. (Cast Hex on its Charisma).

2016-01-18, 09:36 AM
"I am unharmed, and for that I am grateful to you." says Lydros, then starts walking towards Zelan'jin who watched the whole spectacle without reacting. You see the two argue for a quick moment, with Lydros mentioning "that blasted Satyr" while Zelan'jin responds very little, bringing the subject back to his proposal each time. After a minute of discussion on a topic that seems to reference some things you don't quite know, Zelan'jin blurts out an angry sentence: "Ya listen mon, if ya ain't interested in my proposal, we don't have anything ta talk. Ya be free to enjoy the dessert, or ya can leave early."

Lydros walks back towards you, muttering to himself, and when he gets back to his seat, he looks at all of you. "I believe I will be leaving early. I have only you to thank for saving my life. As the person who's the source of this Quel'Serrar madness, I feel obliged to do something. If you are still thinking about taking up Zelan's offer, at least first come to the Athenaeum in the East Wing." He takes his walking stick that was leaning on the table next to his seat. "May the stars guide you. With that he leaves the feast area.

At the same time the Imp that Zan'Mat had tied up starts waking up. "Huh... What?! Free me, free me you fools!" it starts yelling, unable to move.

The ogres get back to the festive mood as the Imp no longer appears to be a threat, several Ogres bringing Peach Pies to be served to the table.

2016-01-18, 09:45 AM
"My friend," Zan'Mat says amiably while nibbling at a delicious slice of Peach Pie, "you do not seem to be in a position to make demands."

Taking another slice, the draenei dangles it in front of the creature. "Hungry?"

2016-01-20, 04:55 PM
"This is nonsense! Tok'Shar scoffs to himself as he shakes his head, seemingly irritated, he seems to weigh his options and his own thoughts over the situation, crossing his arms and mumbling angry words in orcish.

His gaze follows Lydros with interest as he speaks, as a shining spot of reason in all this madness, his eyes follow the elf as he leaves, as if taking notes on something, he suddenly turns over to the captured imp, approaching but keeping a reasonable distance, allowing the draenei to continue the interrogation without feeling threatened, but listening to it closely.

2016-01-22, 05:08 PM
Ro-Ga reattaches his blade to his sheath and sits back down. He then goes back to eating.

2016-01-25, 03:54 PM
As you remain for dessert, the rest of the feast goes along uneventfully. As the massive ogres around you dance and sing, Zelan'jin telling several other (and obviously made up or at least exaggerated) stories as the night comes to a close.

With the moon high up in the air, you are invited to Zelan'jin's chambers, where he wishes to discuss details of his offer before leaving you for your sleeping quarters.

Zelan'jin's Quarters, Dire Maul (former Eldre'thalas)

After passing through a wooden door guarded by two hulking Ogres, You find yourself in a room decorated in a way poor, barbaric people would think kings live. There are many relics of conquests, most of them goresome heads, carcasses and other body parts, blindingly bright crystals of different colors and even a corner where gold is simply left to pile up. As you enter, Zelan'jin looks at you, as if expecting amazement.

After you all take a seat in the cushions on the floor or remain standing, he raises his hand, ready to start. But he is cut off, by the same ogre that brought Tok'Shar to the feast.

"Boss! Elves and Tauren have sent..." he looks to his back for a moment before turning back to the room. "Elves! They want join!" Zelan'jin gestures to let them in, clearly fed up with the Ogre for today.

Entering the room are two females, both taller than an average human and both with pointy ears. One of them gives away her Night Elven origins with her pruple skin, amber eyes and green hair. The leather armour she's wearing gives the impression that she's often on the move.

The other, however, is a bit more complicated. Beneath her long flowing robes you can see glimpses of a pale blue skin, and the features are clearly High Elven. However her face comes off as standing right in the deep end of the uncanny valley, looking far too normal to be normal. As she enters a smell also fills your nostrils, one of a very strong smell of roses, but underneath which you can't help but smell rot.

Zelan'jin seems unfazed at the entrance, looking at you and the new arrivals alike. "So, ya all be here to help me get da Prismatic Quel'Serrar or not?"

2016-01-25, 09:18 PM
"That does appear to be my mission here," the Draenei replies in an amiable tone, nodding at the troll.

Upon catching sight of the night elf, Zan'Mat calls out to her. "Milady, I am Zan'Mat, a humble emissary from the Prophet Velen. I am pleased to make your acquaintance!" he exclaims, as he pats the still-trussed up Imp on the head.

2016-01-26, 02:09 PM
"What?" the apparently elven woman* asks in confusion at a question being asked the moment she walked in the room. "Oh, umm yes I believe so?"

Looking to the other assembled people she says, "Greetings sisters." to the other elves. To the others she says, "And to all of you as well. I am Kythise Duskheart." She looks around and says almost nonchalantly with only a hint of sadness, "Looks a bit different than when I was last here, though that's to be expected."

*Aside from the glowing red eyes.

2016-01-31, 09:24 AM
"Elune-Adore, honorable Zan'Mat", said the druid to the draeni, without paying attetion to the forsaken. "I'm Titania, an envoy from the Cenarion Circle. It's a pleasure to meet you".

Then she looks to the troll. It was a nasty one, but for now she had to cooperate. "As for your request Zelan'jin, yes I'm here to help you in your quest to retrieve the sword", she said politely.

2016-01-31, 01:44 PM
Kythise notices the night elf just ignored her and thinks on how to respond to this for a few moments. Several seconds later she decides to go with sticking her tongue out at her and making a face when she's looking some other direction but others aren't.

2016-01-31, 03:35 PM
Ro-ga looked at the two that just arrived and saw Kythises reaction and chuckled slightly to himself. However he then turns toward the rest waiting for the mission to start.

2016-02-03, 11:24 AM
Zan'mat gives the newcomers a deep elven bow (all those diplomacy lessons finally paid off) and returned his attention to the Imp, giving it a friendly pat on the head.

2016-02-04, 02:23 AM
The Imp angrily glares at the Draenei patting it, grumbling "Get your paws off me you oversized goat..." under his voice.

Zelan'jin, however, grins at the sight of positive responses he has received. "Good. Well, den let's discuss strategy. Ya see, da area is mostly home ta demons, like dis one. I also believe der be a blood elf like ya who settled within." he says the last part to Kythise, apparently paying too little attention to notice her differences from a normal Blood Elf.

"Back in me days I would rush inta da ruins and get da sword lightning quick, but it has... Cost me some friends. If ya want ta get some knowledge of da field before ya go in... Luckily we have an expert wit us." with this, he turns his gaze to the tied-up Imp.

2016-02-04, 07:04 PM
"That's a good idea. Do you know the approximate location of the blade? How many demons are guarding that place?", asked the druid to the imp.

2016-02-07, 08:23 PM
The Imp snares at the Elf's direct entry to the topic. "And why would I care to answer? The worst thing you can do is send me back to the Nether. Which is a minor annoyance compared to what could come from betraying my master..."

2016-02-07, 10:21 PM
"Your master is already angered with you, that is a fact. Whatever you do, you cannot worsen that. And you lose nothing if you help us", insisted Titania.

Persuasion check:

2016-02-07, 11:17 PM
"She's right," Zan'mat smiles as he once again pats the little imp on the head, surreptitiously hexing its Wisdom. "Like it or not, you have already failed. Should we send you back to the Twisting Nether immediately, your punishment will be most dire. However, if enough time has passed, such failure may already be forgotten."

"Also, friend Imp, do not forget that your masters, the Eredar, would likely be considered oversized goats as well."

Hex the thing's Wisdom; resisting CHA-based intimidation, persuasion, or deception using its Insight will be disadvantageous.