View Full Version : DM Help I am working on a Challange and would like some input

2015-12-26, 11:22 PM

I was challenged by some of my fellow players/DM's to come up with a campain that is entirely based around a single ECL 20 encounter that goes from Level 5 to completion, Solely from the pool of supplies from a Level 20 PC character. Their were some rules, All combat encounters have to be from the pcs direct ally's (so cohorts/followers/summons/bindings/controlled undead ect),

No Multi class you had to go Pure level 20 in a single class and if you choose leadership your followers ALSO had to go pure single class (as did all your cohort),
Cheese limit if you decide to go a binding only 2 "wish granting" binds. One for greater binding one for lesser binding,
Keep it believable ie you have to pay for buildings/make sure you are not causing too much of a riot with the local populaces and you can't SOLELY build for level 20 (ie you had to make it their too)

The idea was the entire campaign should be coming solely from this single encounter. the PC's are starting level 5.

I decided to try a necromancer route.

I made a Dread Necromancer 20

Gave him Leadership/Undead Leadership and extra followers. with a final Charisma score of 38 (18 start, 5 levels, 3 from age, 2 from lich template, 6 from cloak of charisma, 4 from a tomb) that allowed me to max out my leadership score. To make things realistic I added that his cohorts were a cleric and Conjurer wizard (level 17). The Dread necro's goal is to raise an army and attack (and take over) one of the levels of hell because he thinks that undead do not get the respect they so rightfully deserve as paragons of evil. I made each of his cohorts take leadership and anyone chained also take leadership/undead leadership/extra followers when applicable, I then made him attack 2 nations at the same time (one general of a cohort each)

I have done the math and have found that I have ALOT of level 1's, (like 1000's of them) but when you go to level 2 that number drops like a rock, and based on how leadership goes it keeps going down. My big concern is how am I going to give reasonable encounter for the mid levels (14-18) since my high level opponents are

1 level 20 (who likely should be the final big bad)
2 level 17 (who are split since he is attack two nations at the same time)
4 level 15
8 level 13
16 level 11's
32 level 9's.
64 level 7
128 level 5's
(and a bunch of followers most of whom are level 1 with a small matter of others up to level 6)

Trying to both keep to the theam (so mostly undead/bound outsiders) while at the same time keep encounters interesting is my primary concern at this point.

Many thanks for any help/advice/tips and tricks.