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2015-12-27, 12:07 PM
Let the Cull begin!


The city of Vizimia is mobbed as the winter sun slowly begins to go down. All along the major streets House Cannith wrought everburning lanterns begin to glow in a multitude of colours shedding light on the snow covered roofs and slush filled streets. Normally the streets would begin to quieten but not tonight. Crowds will the streets, inns and tap rooms have thrown open their windows and doors and halflings and humans with the left arms exposed and House Ghallandra's mark decorating their skin push small food carts where dragonshards glow a dull red heating chestnuts, sizzling meat or small delicately decorated pies. Other crowds line the decks of the Lyrander airships hovering overhead, the crackling electrical an fiery elemental rings adding to the lights on the streets below and n the distance the crackle and loud horn of the last lightning rail carriage of the day can be heard pulling into the station.

In the main market square just beyond the splashing everfull fountain surounded by statues of fanciful beasts a stage has been set up. As you arrive into the packed square you can watch with amusement the House THurani entertainers performing on stage. The wicthborn of shadow summoning illusionary monsters to slay for the delights of the crowd as a small group of Cannith and Sivis guildsmen and women fiddle and play with the dragonshard projector. The square itself is filled with hundreds of townspeople, craftsmen, farmers and fishermen all wrapped in warm furs holding mugs of ale or warm spiced wine and all awaiting the announcement from Queen Amelia about the start of the Cull and the long night of feasting and celebrating that follows. Many looks excited but for many others the tell tale sign of worry and stress are apparent, especially for the farmers and fisherfolk that wonder if the monsters awakening in the morning will result in them or their loved ones being killed in all manner of horrific ways before hunters manage to slay whatever creature is unleashed.
More obvious in the crowd are the Hunters. All bedecked in their finest with unusual glowing weapons, strange armour and off bejeweled gloves, masks and helms - all the magical accouterments that a successful hunter needs. As befits their station they stand for the most part in a roped off section of the square outside the Guild Hall.

2015-12-27, 03:54 PM
What have she got herself into? The skinny woman look around and frowns. The smell of people (specially fishermen) always annoyed her and in winter some of them were probably skipping shower and uuggh! watching as a drunk dwarf spill cheap beer in her black silk cloak which resembled a pair of bat wings and weaved by a reknown master craftsman back when she was living in Novograd's arcane academy (oh! that was life!), Miss Jessica Crawford begin to wonder if she was wrong for the first time in her whole life in setting such bet. Nah! She is Jessica, she is never wrong! But the smell... And why is it taking so long to have the Cull announced?

She make a gesture with her hands and runes glow in her left wrist, as the beer is forcible removed from her cloak and the scent of pine fills the air around he.

"That's one Presdigitation for you, free of charge. Now try not to spill any more beer in me again, or maybe I'll have to charge you a... Fireball. Or better! Get out of sight!", Jessica tells the dwarf and shoo him away with her snow white hands which contrast with her pitchblack eyes, long hair and cloths.

Well, there may be a slightly possibility she was wrong. Maybe one in a million? Nah! Make it one in a billion. That's a better number.

2015-12-27, 07:46 PM
Vasher smiled, as he looked out over the crowd at all the similar faces. Everyone in this part of the world looked like each other, pale skin, and light eyes.

He stood out like a sore thumb, different color skin, hair and eyes.

Just thinking about it, he smiled even more, his armor matched his own colors, it was a burnished gold like his skin and eyes, his chest piece and pauldrons were enameled white, highlighted by bright red on the edges, matching his long dreadlocks, that were for the moment, tied up to fall down his back.

He stood relaxed, half holding, half leaning on his shortspear, which towered over him by a foot or so. His shield was slung on his back, over his backpack and his left hand was tucked into his waist belt.

The stance was how he felt, and how cocky he was. He knew he had a sought after skill set, and teams vied to garner his cooperation and assistance for missions, and so he knew too, that he would get onto some of the most prestigious hunts.

Now if they would only start this damnable Cull! he thought to himself, looking at the others, he knew most of them, these were some of the best Guildmembers around, which also demanded the question, was it happenstance that so many top tier hunters were here at once, or was something else going on?

2015-12-28, 05:02 AM
Looking around himself, Ras'kan considered how, after many years of living with the light skinned, he still found it difficult to cope with their chaotic lifestyle... So many people, so little space, all of them packed around, incapable of breathing the real air of the world.

But he still came here, looking for a good hunt, still considering how ironic was that so many people liked the Cull, an event that reminded him of his tribal ways on the forests of Xen'drik.

Trying his best to ignore the fastidious lightings of the celebration, he looked around himself, searching for his companions... and adversaries. He met, or heard of, all of them, but one stood out.
A little more dark skinned man, with white hair almost like his, if not for the red endings. "I rember him," he thought, from his times of hunting in Kaer'Morden.
The fascinating dwarven city attracted many adventurers like him, those who prefer the silence and darkness of the hunt, to the rumors of the crowds.

2015-12-28, 07:57 AM
Evelyn Dawnchaser waits patiently in the area roped off for the professional hunters. In previous years she may have been more overwhelmed by the sights and ceremony, but by now this opening ceremony is becoming pretty routine. Her building excitement had more to do with the thrill of the upcoming hunt, and she's just like all this pomp and ceremony to be over with. The mercenary off-season had between good to her this year and done much to advance her standing, but the hunt is what she's all about.

She nods a greeting to some of the other hunters she recognises and likes. Vasher, Morgan, Malne. These guys are asking the guild's best and they've earned the professional courtesy through various joint missions.

The others she mostly knows in passing or from the guild's-houses.

2015-12-28, 01:02 PM

A slender, pale woman stood next to a brightly colored parasol, eyes scanning the hunters cordoned off with her. 'Regent Silvan said there would be others from the Order here as well...ah, there he is.' Malne shook her head in disapproval as a gnomish mage entertained some peasants on the other side of the rope with simple illusions. 'Always showing off...'

She looked out again and nodded to a few faces among them that she recognized, either from their own fame or from past Cullings. 'My fourth.' She tapped the wand tucked into her belt in impatience and tried to forget how her previous Culling had almost ended disastrously. "No more mistakes this time." She said aloud, seemingly to herself without realizing it.

2015-12-28, 02:44 PM
Morgan returns Evelyn's nod with a wave from his spot in the common camp, busy regaling a group of new hunters with some old tale of a hunt in exchange for drinks. His lance, shield, and helmet lean nearby against the post that his horse is tied to.

"So there I was, tracking down a hydra that some scouts said they had seen heading towards a town. Now, the scouts said that it was just a regular hydra, but...

2015-12-29, 03:13 AM
As the hunters gather, talk "shop" and drink a hush falls across the square as in the faint wisps of snow the witch marked acting troupe stops and the Cannith and Sivis experts place a complicated collection of metal and crystal upon the stage. A pair of the guildsmen unleash their power, tatoo fading temporarily as a shimnering image of the young Queen Amelia appears on stage. The latest item from the Cannith/Sivis guild allowing her to appear before her subjects from the safety of her palace.

A cheer and a clap rise from the crowd as they bow to the young queen who is popular with the townsfolk for her focus on civil projects and relief on taxes. Though her cancelling of tax exemption for the nobility has not helped her at court.


She smiles at someone in the palace who no-one can see before beginning. My dear loyal subjects. Once more we stand in the edge of darkness, once more our great Kingdom stands under threat of destruction.

My sages and the wizards of the guild have divined the portents and once more the cull is upon us. Monstrous spawn will emerge over the next few days to plague us once more. And as each year we will rely on you, our brave citizens and valued hunters to save us..."

As she mentions the hunters a cheer goes up from your roped off area. For the most part as the Cull is realised the townsfolk are silent and nervous looking. Though some, mostly the young, look excited. The Queen continues on, praising each city state in turn before closing.

....... Good luck, may the host keep you safe and with Ollidata's blessing may the odds be ever in your favour.

As she finishes she vanishes from view as the crowd cheered her before they start talking about the cull. On the edge of the square you can see bookmakers and a priest of Kol Korean setting up the betting stand, many of your names upon the boards and a great stack of coloured boards depicting various monsters.

Before you can even finish your drinks however a peal of a bell sounds from the north in the vine rich hills above the city and a warning beacon blossoms, a sole point of light in the dark of the hills that loom above Vizimia. The queen's advisors it seemed were very tardy in predicting the start of the cull.

At the peal and the beacon people scatter, the militia heading to the walls, many heading to bars for one last night of revelry while naive inexperienced hunters race for Vidalis stables....

2015-12-29, 03:21 AM
What does the beacon mean specifically, and what should an experienced Hunter be doing? Knowledge(local):[roll0]

2015-12-29, 06:23 AM
Jessica look up at the beacon as it shine in the dark night.

"Seems you got a job to do, mistress", Night Wing, Jessica's raven familia says in common as it lands on her shoulder, " It would be wise to gather alloes before others get the best ones".

Jessica look at the raven, her eyes laid upon the white mark on its tiny forehead: a clawed hand grasping a crescent moon, her arcane mark.

"Yes, we better hurry".

She then cast a cantrip and point to a few ones, most specifically the best ones (she got to win the bet after all!)

"How are you doing?", her silent message flies from her lips, unheard by all but Vasher, "Care to join me for the greateat Cull ever?".

She then proceed to call the next one.
"Malne! Long time no see you. Want to go out and slay dragons together?"

Next one is Evellyn.
"Evellyn my darling, I could use your help in this Cull. What you say?"

The last one is the tribal Ras'kan.
"Good evening, Ras'Kan. I'm Jessica Crawford and we've known each other in some hunting. I'm interested in gathering a small group of hunters to achieve the greatest bounty in history. Wanna join?"

While she's busy delivering messages, her raven fly around and lands on Morgan's lance.
"Good night, mr. Morgan. My mistress is interested in joining forces in this Cull and wanted to know of you're intrrested as well. She is standing near the betting stand".

She then waits for their replies, hoping they would be willing to join her.

2015-12-29, 07:51 AM
"Hearing" the silent message from the wizard, Ras'kan instinctively turns towards her, and aswers with a laconic reply: "Joining forces would be wise"
He then turns toward the beacon, preparing himself to advance towards it.

2015-12-29, 08:17 AM
Evelyn raises an eyebrow at the message. This isn't the Sivas alert she'd been expecting, nor a voice she recognises. She glances around until she notices the caster responsible. A noblewoman? A black-dressed girl she's only seen a few times before, with little in the way of guild reputation. Well, there's usually one or two each year who try and get in with the senior members to share in their greater glories. It's actually a fairly bright idea - If they don't get themselves killed they're sure to learn a thing or two.

"Clever girl. Tag along if you wish. Try not to get underfoot."

So who does she want to go hunting with? Of the assembled hunters not currently rushing for the stables there're some clear choices.

Vasher, combat medic without peer.
Morgan, young, but good with a blade and with a string of big kills to his name.
Ras'kan, an experienced scout recently beginning to attract the right sort of notice from the right sort of circles.
Malne, to provide arcane might.
And maybe the new girl might help I that regard too.

Evelyn tilts her head to indicate they should assemble. "Looks like the season is starting early this year. This alert can't be big or Sivas would have sent details, and it will be swarmed with hunters by now anyway. I have a few ideas where to start now the monsters are awakened, but I'm open to suggestions."

Knowledge(local)[roll0] for good hunting grounds.

2015-12-29, 11:07 AM
Vasher casually watches the Queen and her magnificent display of magical tech, he was always impressed with this nations ability to create seemingly impossible things out of thin air. As the image faded and the warning beacon sound, his grin grew a little bigger, until it settled in a happy relaxed position, he was debating heading out;

Was this a small spawn, early indicator of others, or was this a large fiend, ready to pick off all the eager monster hunters as they rushed to glory and death?

He shook his head, he couldn't decide.

And then he heard the missive directed at him, turning he gauged the sender correctly, it was the nobelwoman Jessica. He had heard about her, any in the guild worth their salt had, she was attempting to push herself into the inner ring of hunters. Vasher had shrugged when he heard the story, there were other ways to prove ones worth, and your schools efficacy.

But that meant little now, she was here and had asked him a question.

He nodded to her in assent, seeing the others react to her, she had a keen eye for the best.

Approaching, as the others did, he heard Evelyn talk and nodded in agreement.

"Does anyone have any good methods to divine the spawns, or are we going to await the missives and beacons to alert us?" he turns to the sound of the beacon "Who knows, perhaps this first one is nothing small," he says, almost with a grin. "and all those fledgling hunters throwing themselves too." he mutters, shaking his head.

2015-12-29, 11:29 AM
The beacon, a flicker of flame in the dark hills some 3-4 miles away. Whilst with no information it may be large or small it will have the notoriety of being the first bounty of the Cull.

Evelyn considers local hunts from the past few years. Normally there are lots around the winter orchards, the lands there offering rich pickings. But the wine hills to the West and the caves to the south have been filled with reptilian beasts and weird tentacled aberrations of late there is nothing special that she can recall.

Around you the experienced hunters are a mix of heading out and heading back to the bar. Many muttering about needing a good nights sleep before the cull begins in earnest in the morning. Some look worried and you know for many hunters it will be a difficult night!

2015-12-29, 11:43 AM
Let the younger hunters rush for the notoriety of the first kill. They need it more, and scrabbling about for scraps is undignified.

"Winter orchards could be good," she suggests.

2015-12-29, 01:06 PM
Jessica look at the other woman and smile, "It will be a pleasure to learn from the best", she says faking admiration.

Dont get caught underfoot? Jessica will show her who must be careful not to be caught underfoot!

She looks at Vasher and smile.
" I sure can divine, but it would take an hour to finish the casting. However I can take us there in a moment notice", she says looking at each one, "With the unlikely possibility of teleportation misshaps, but the idea to get the first kill in this Cull is something I'm looking for. Just as a headstart. What you say? Teleport there and get some action tonight still?"

2015-12-29, 01:44 PM
Morgan rides up to the group, helm under his shield arm. "Personally I was planning on swinging north this year, but the Winter Orchards are usually a promising place to start. Though I would like to go and at least check on the signal, even if it is nothing."

2015-12-29, 02:04 PM
Ras'kan, after hearing the words of the powerful knight, slowly turns toward the magician called Jessica, that he seems to remember having met in the past.
"Sir Morgan spoke truly... it would be unwise to teleport right there in the middle of... something we do not know."
He then closes towards the wizard, glancing at her raven familiar.
"What about it?" He says, pointong at Night Wing, "A single beast in the night can see many more things then an entire army in the morning, and still be unnoticed"

2015-12-29, 02:21 PM
Jessica smiles to the drow, "I guess I was right to ask you to join me. Night Wing, you get some action, but do so without atracting attention", ahe says touching her familiar's beak and covering it in a mantle of nothingness, " I'll be keeping an eye on you and will teleport us there once you reach the destination".

She then reach into her pocket and wrap a silk clothpiece in the raven's talon, murmuring a spell on it.

Spontaneously casting Spymaster's Coin on the silk clothpiece[ (burning Rope Trick) and Spontaneously casting Invisibility via Proteus feat (burning Mind Poison spell)

"Now go!", she says as the bird fly away in the night, heading towards the beacon.

2015-12-29, 02:48 PM

"I would not see the honor of the first kill go to lesser hunters." Malne says as she walks over and joins the group. "I know some of you by name, others by reputation only. I am Malne of of Oxenfort, member by deed of House Orien, and Mage of the Order by right of skill." She says and bows formally to the group, then nods again to Jessica, casting her own arcane mark as a symbol in the air by way of greeting. The mark is a half circle below a flame, with seven stars around the fire denoting her rank in the Arcane Order.

"Priest Vasher, I am glad that we hunt together again." She says and flashes him a brief smile. "I am no diviner of secrets as you know..." She nods again to Jessica. "...but am ready to meet any foe with my own Art. I propose we await the word of the raven before seeking out the beacon."

2015-12-29, 03:12 PM
Vasher nods and smiles to Malne "Good to see you Malne, its been to long." he looks to the others and straigtens a bit. "If you do not know me, I am Vasher, War Priest and healer, wellmet." he says simply. Turning back to the two casters, "I agree, we should wait, ready to go as soon as we know, there will be no drinking for me."

2015-12-29, 05:41 PM
The raven vanishes from sight before flapping on silent wings North towards the flaming beacon, the mage following its progress in her own mind with her view split and out of focus as she gets used to the strange and fuzzy way the raven see's the world. The beacon is reached after some 15 minutes, a simple stone tower some 30ft tall with a tiled roof and a great stack of oil soaked branches now burning merrily. The beacon in the central square of a large farm with maybe 3 large buildings and another 2 large farms within eye sight during the day - a place far too small to boast a Sivis message stone but its place on the hills gives it a fine view. Now, its a scene of carnage. The raven's eyes pick up a large shape moving swiftly as a farmer bolts across the red lit yard, a massive wolf like shape, but 20ft long and some 10ft tall leaping from the shadows, massive serrated teeth tearing the farmer in half. With dark fur studded with spies and bony protrusions it a savage looking hunter


Its a magical beast so Know (nature) is the most applicable

Even as the raven hovers silently a hundred feet or so up in the air it's eyes can pick out the massive shadowy shape picking up the body and dragging it back into what looks like a large barn, a simple looking structure on the far side of the farm some 60ft long and 30ft wide and tall....

2015-12-29, 09:08 PM
Looking through the raven's eyes is kinda disorientating at first but she soon get used to it.

She watch in horror as the beast butcher the farmer, trying to recognize such beast while looking and memorizing the place details for the teleportation spell.

She looks at the other hunters and describe it as best as she can, wondering if she should have prepared an illusion to be able to replicate its image... Well, bummer.

"The beast is attacking and killing some farmers, but it's possible that there are more than one so be cautious", she says and then proceed to tell them whatever she might know of such beast.

She waits for them to get ready to teleport, casting a few protective spells before doing so.

Spiderskin and Shield

2015-12-30, 08:00 AM

"I've never heard of such a beast." Malne says as she finishes a simple incantation and floats off the ground. "Let's hope it burns like everything else." She says and wisps of blue flame warm to the touch surround herself and her companions, harming no one.

Casting Fly on herself and then Mass Fire Shield (Warm Shield) on the party.

Fly: 12 Minutes.
Mass Fire Shield: 12 Rounds.

2015-12-30, 08:15 AM
Seeing the look of horror into Jessica eyes, something burns inside Ras'kan... something primal. While she describes the monster, the drow move quickly and silently, and an almost imperceptible shadow springs from his hands and feets, and disappears immediately. "Then, we shall see whose blood will be spilled first."

Entering Dance of the Spider Stance

2015-12-30, 10:59 AM
Vasher straightens at the mention of this beast, he draws out his shield and readies himself.

"I am ready when you are."

No buffs from Vasher, he's a reactionist, not a pro-activist

2015-12-30, 11:55 AM

At the news of the beast Evelyn nods her agreement. There's no sense letting the younger hunters get themselves slaughtered, and her opinion of Jessica raises somewhat when she realises she can teleport them there directly.

Evelyn slips into a fighting stance designed to increase her allies effectiveness.

"When we get there I'll lead the charge, and then we should attempt to flank it."

+12 to allied damage on the charge. Then change of stance to give +6 to allied damage whilst flanking.

2015-12-30, 02:03 PM
"Right! Let's do it", she says and begin to chant some magical words as her belt, a very large and tottaly unfitting her style, glows with a brown color and several runes appear around them.

The world then begin to turn into mist and the urban area soon get out of focus and is substitued by a farmland.

Taking us to the place the beacon appeared.


2015-12-30, 07:30 PM
Morgan grips his shield tight and brings his lance to the charge position, ready to face down whatever monster is approaching.

2015-12-31, 04:32 AM
With a shimmering Jessica's belt takes you to the path on the edge of the farmyard, a broken blood smeared fence leads into a field in which in the dim light you can see the mounds of dead cattle slaughtered by the beast.

The beacon in the corner of the yard crackles loudly as snow drifts past it as you all peer at the barn on the other side of the 80ft wide mud, slush and blood covered yard. Ras'kan's sharp eyes pick out the shapes of broken stalls in the barn and a brief shadow of something large. The tracks on the ground nearby suggest only 1 however....

All of you can hear the loud howl from within the barn. It may not be coming out for a fair fight!

2015-12-31, 05:57 AM
Ignoring the light as much as he can, the drow turns around with a wry smile, speaking to Jessica: "You brought us here... and what now? I can't see other creatures around, so either we go ambush the monster inside the barn, or you people with arcane power could force it out"

2015-12-31, 11:02 AM
Vasher readies himself for the teleport, he had done it before, but not many times. Enough to know you needed to be ready, no matter what.

Relieved they were not stuck in the middle of combat, or stone, he took a step to steady himself in the cold farmland mud, and released his shield, which flew into the air gently, hovering in front of him like a protective ward, while he fished in his backpack for something, once found, he utters a small orison and gently lifts it up to his face and opens his palm, allowing the ioun stone to take up its slow orbit around his head, illuminating the area.

Release shield to animate
draw iuon stone and cast light (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/light) on it.

2015-12-31, 11:42 AM
"There may be some survivors still and the faster we slay it the faster we get to the tavern for a glass of wine", Jessica says, "And our friend's fire shield wont last for long, so we better go and get it".

Jessica begins to move towards the barn, hoping someone move ahead of her. She's a mage and not suited to be the frontline after all.

2015-12-31, 12:09 PM
"I'll take point," Evelyn offers, beginning to make her way towards the barn, sword drawn.

2015-12-31, 01:45 PM
Morgan quietly moves his horse into position alongside Evelyn, eyes straining to see his quarry in the barn ahead. "If we could get light into the barn, it might force it out to meet us."

2015-12-31, 03:05 PM
"The only solution I can think of might burn the barn down. Does anybody know Dancing Lights?"

2015-12-31, 09:54 PM

"I know a better trick than mere lights." Malne says to Evelyn. She pulls a wand from her belt as she rises into the air and points it at the barn. A spark of fire shoots out the end and zooms ahead past her companions through the open barn door, then explodes in a fiery blast.

Fly 30ft up, cast Fireball from her wand.
Reflex DC 14, [roll0] fire damage.

Mass Fire Shield: 11 rounds remaining.

2016-01-01, 02:40 AM
The flame pulses within the barn a wood catches alight and grain dust glows and flares into a massive conflagration. A shadow, resolves rapidly as the massive shape leaps from the doors and covers the courtyard in a mater of ~3 strides! Ignoring the flying wizard the massive lupine east streaks towards the warriors at the front, both Morgan and Evelyn looking to be prey for it! Its huge teeth seek to close upon Evelyn's head whilst the tail lashes out with lightning speed to crack across Morgan's armoured form.

Guulvorg moves out of the barn to a position 10ft from Evelyn and 15ft from Morgan (PA's for a little bit)
Bite Evelyn [roll0] dam [roll1] and trip [roll2] Vs evelyn [roll3]
Tail strike Morgan [roll4] dam [roll5]

2016-01-01, 03:33 AM
The drow almost answered positively to Evelyn question, when a huge explosion caught his attention, and the equally huge animal that got out of the barn caught caught it even more!
"What the... what kind of ambush is this?

Seeing the violent attack of the monster, Ras'kan beat the back of his boots runs towards it, then jumps in the air preparing to hit the beast with his Scorpion Chain

Charge and Power Attacking with Leap Attack. (Using the Boots, that counts as a standard action)
Roll to hit (-5 for power Attack, +1 from Drow skirmisher)
[roll0] eh, forgot the +2 from charging, so the result is 24... also, actual AC of Ras'kan is 19
Roll for damage (+15 from power leap attack) [roll1] Plus another 12 from Evelyn stance! So total damage is 32 (Or 56, in case the +12 from evelyn is multiplied as well) then adding Flaming damage [roll2]

after the attack, moving to be on the opposite side from where Evelyn and Morgan are.
(Tumble check for AoO) [roll3]

2016-01-01, 05:47 AM
"Solution that might burn the barn down," Evelyn mutters under her breath as Malne lights up the entire interior. But she didn't get too long to do so, because soon she's just barely fending the beast off with her shield!

She steps inside it's guard in a manner likely to set up a flanking position and calls out a war cry so as to inspire her allies: "For Amelia! For Denebria! Destruction to the beasts!" She then brings her greatsword down with colossal force, recovering ready to block the anticipated retaliation.

5-ft step.

Elder Mountain Hammer [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Ignoring DR

LtA: +12 damage to any charges this turn.

2016-01-01, 10:48 AM
Seeing the barn get exploded, Jessica wonder if there were any survivors inside... Oh well.

The fireball did the trick, the beast was out there fighting so I guess that is what matters.

Jessica barely manage to follow its movements and so decides to make things more even. With a chant, Jessica cast the Haste spell, making all allies close enough faster.

Moving away from the beast and casting Haste

2016-01-01, 01:20 PM
Morgan hisses as the tail lashes across his breastplate, but spurs his mount into a charge against the fell beast with the hope that his lance point would be the last thing the monster sees. There will be words about burning the barn down later.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage Roll [roll1]+[roll2]+12 and multiply the whole thing by three. So Base of 33 Damage, for a total of either 66 or 87 damage, depending on whether or not I get to multiply the +12 bonus

Ending the charge 30 feet away from the creature and wheeling.

2016-01-01, 01:38 PM
"Morgan, again!" I order, spotting an opening the knight could exploit as the beast reels from that last hit.

Using my swift action for White Raven Tactics. Morgan's init becomes Evelyn's Init -1 and thus he gets to act again.

2016-01-01, 02:00 PM
Morgan heeds the order, putting his full weight behind this next lance strike. "For Arawai!"

Once more:
Guide with knees: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]

Damage: ([roll2]+[roll3]+12) x3

2016-01-01, 05:02 PM
Even as the huge lupine nightmare tries to savage the hunters Evelyn steps forward, blade blocking the massive jaws, although Morgan is less lucky as the tail slams into him drawing blood. Any feeling of victory is short lived as Evelyn slices the creature with a brutal hacking blow that would have a killed a lesser beast. Even as her sword lashes down burning blood cascades over her but the glowing fireshield evaporates it with a loud hiss. From the shadows the dark skinned elf vaults sideways, long tailed scorpion chain whistling only to glance off the strange barbs on the beast's spine. As Jessica spreads a quickening pulse of magic over the party the young knight sallies forth, the first blow of his lance driving the beast to the ground, even as he races across the courtyard Evelyn's shout brigs him racing around, the horse's hooves drumming the ground as he drops the lance. The shock of the blow near enough shatters the magical weapon but working as team the Guulvorg's head turns at the right time and a second later the massive barbed tip of the lance tears into it's skull skewering it and killing it in an instant!

The creature rolls over twitching and jerking before expiring messily....

Well a x5 damage critical hit was a real painful experience for me then! And the +60 damage from Leading the Charge was a nice bit of teamwork!

2016-01-01, 05:23 PM
Morgan wrenches back on his lance and wheels again, scanning the area for more threats. "Fan out, look for survivors or more monsters. And someone see about putting that barn out!"

2016-01-01, 05:37 PM
Evelyn decapitates the beast and recovers its head, then flicks the burning blood off her blade.

"Great strike Morgan! And nice work..." she fumbles for the name of the newbie mage but skips forward with only slight hesitation "... we wouldn't have beaten the crowd without your teleport."

She prods the corpse with a foot as she muses. "First blood of the season and a Guulvorg too. Respectable."

2016-01-01, 06:01 PM

"Well done." Malne says as she floats lower to the ground. She glances at the beast to make sure it's dead. "That was some remarkable coordination, from everyone. This may be the best team year." She says. "This beasts head will make an impressive display in the hall."

"Survivors? Oh yes, I'm sure Vasher can attend to any that have a chance of making it." She says, almost as an afterthought.

2016-01-01, 06:08 PM
Morgan snarls as he jumps down off his horse. "Then at least be useful and check for more monsters." With that he starts running for the conflagration that the barn has become.

2016-01-01, 06:14 PM
Ras'kan observe with interest the scene... he cannot even remember the last time he fought alongside a group of able companions like those around him...
"There were no survivors, I'm sure of it. And either way, there aren't surely now" he casually says to Morgan, while he is running for the barn.
"That was a good fight, considering the ill organized way it was initiated" he adds, looking at Malne.

2016-01-01, 06:15 PM
Evelyn gives Malne the 'you're being insensitive again' look and then goes to help Morgan with his search for survivors; even if she has no expectation of finding any, it's the done thing.

Search [roll0]

2016-01-01, 06:30 PM
Gritting his teeth, Morgan rushes headlong into the barn, ignoring the words of the others to search for possible survivors.


2016-01-01, 06:55 PM
Jessica looks as the knight ride way faster than she thought was possible. "Did my Haste did that...?", she mutters to herself.

But her moment of daze is over, she look at Morgan and nod to him, "Good job", then look at everyone around, "Good job everyone! I'm glad I've chosen you guys"

She raises her hand and telepathic send to her familiar, "Look around for any more beasts or survivors and let me know if you do" and run to follow Morgan towards the burning barn, casting a spell as she get close to it.

Night Wing obey its master's command, flying around and looking for any sign of creature or survivor.

Casting Locate Creature, looking for more Gulvaargs, burning Minor Globe of Invulnerability for it

Then burning Wall of Smoke to cast Spontaneous Search.
Spontaneous Search let me take 10 on a Search check on every square in a 20ft radius and know what's there.
Take 10 on Search: 22

"Does anyone know a way to put off the fire? If not, I'll try something", she says getting ready to cast a Wall of Ice around it, but first she'll wait to see if she find any survivors with her spell or with someone else have a way of doing it.

2016-01-01, 07:14 PM
Vasher was ready to act, he had acted the fighter part before, but this was a new group, so he waited to see.

He didn't have to wait long.

Impressed, he was about to go help Morgan when he was delegated to healing the left overs.

He had forgotten how Malne worked. Shaking his head, he did as bidden, moving to the barn.

He can take 10 on heal checks, so he'll do so as needed, for a total of 31

2016-01-02, 10:13 AM
As Vasher searches for survivors Jessica and her Raven do the same. Sadly neither can find anyone living nearby,the interior of the farm house broken and wrecked, blood splatters ruining the cull feast that had been laid out. Morgan, wrapped in flames and safe from the burning barn looks in the burning structure. It's a Charnel yard with some 20 bodies from grizzled old grandpa to little children heaped in a pile. All are dead, all killed by the Savage and evil guulvorg.

In many ways it's more of a mercy to let the barn burn and be a pyre to the dead farmers who once lived here.

2016-01-02, 11:56 AM
Morgan walks back out of the barn and shakes the cinders off of his armor. "No survivors. Guulvorg got them all. Let the thing burn."

2016-01-02, 12:14 PM
Ras'kan turns again to the noble knight coming from the burning barn, while his fiery shield gives him a supernatural appearance.
"Let the justice of nature do its work"

2016-01-02, 04:49 PM
Evelyn nods her agreement. The barn would make a fitting pyre. A bitter end to a glorious first hunt.

"Back to the city. We should walk. That way we can turn back the other hunters."

2016-01-02, 06:20 PM
Morgan mounts his horse in silence after he deactivates the Sivas.

2016-01-02, 07:57 PM
"No survivors", the mage says and sighs, "At least there will be no more deaths caused by the beast now".

Jessica put her hands in the belt before hearing the word walking.

"Walking? Are you sure?" she hesistate a little, "I can teleport us back to town. We can break the fastest hunting record or something...".

She sighs again. She wont complain in walking a little, maybe it would be good to know them better.

"If we're walking, would you let me ride with you, Morgan?", she ask the knight, showing her prettiest smile.

2016-01-03, 02:49 AM
The hunters watch the barn burning for a few minutes, each offering some sort of prayer for the dead. Poor farmers who had not asked for this sort of thing before they begin to walk/ ride back to the town that glows merrily brightly illuminated and clear to see a few miles away. About half a mile back you meet the first set of hunters, some you recognise. Ser Loras on his horse and riding a large dire wolf his sister the enchantress Elisa and their friend Boris running alongside, the shaggy axe wielding barbarian asily as fast as the horse and wolf. All 3 pull to a halt, Ser Loras holding up a hand to show he means no harm, blue eyes staring at the massive head balanced on Evelyn's backpack. "A fine trophy and fast start to the cull. What is it?" His sister grins before looking close to sad, "Even as we were riding here we saw another 3 beacons from the outlying farms and a message reached the House Sivis message stone of a pack of trolls besieging Consett to the south. I think we may have begun a few hours too late. The Queen and the court's desire for a great feast will have cost the lives of many by morning. We should have started this morning and dispersed around the country to ready ourselves." The slight edge of bitterness is marked. You know both Loras and Elisa are well loved by the people as they strive to protect the most lowly and ask for no fame or riches in return.

2016-01-03, 03:15 AM
Ras'kan remembers Boris and his friends, and respect them more than most of the hunters he knows "As usually, the weak customs of lightskins cost them their lives." he notices, before thinking at the best possible course of action. Then, he turns to his newfound companions.
"Looks like we will have to face another fight, and not the bottom of a mug... I'd like to kill some troll, what would you say?"

2016-01-03, 03:58 AM
"It's a Guulvorg," Evelyn informs the newcomers cheerily, familiar with them and their work. She bristles at the criticism of the queen though. "If the queen called the cull late tis only because her advisors failed her! Never before have the beasts begun this early."

Her irritation quickly moderates into sadness. She too has a reputation for caring for the plight of the commoners, being of humble roots herself.

"Fighting the beasts costs enough as is, the realm cannot afford to put the entire guild on retainer against the possibility they may be wrong. I would say it is fortunate they got it near enough, at least we are all ready to respond immediately."

Evelyn turns to the young mage, still none the wiser as to her name. "Have you been to Consett before? Your teleport could be wisely used now." Then, realising this could quickly become ridiculous, she adds: "I am sorry. I did not recall your name earlier and am still none the wiser."

2016-01-03, 12:18 PM
"Trolls at Consett? And I dont remember ever being in there for a teleport", Jessica answer Evellyn, "And the name is Jessica Crawford, pleased to meet you", she make a mock bow to her.

"How far is Consett? Maybe we could ride or do something about it, maybe even cast some divination to allow me to Teleport there".

I guess Jessica never was there, but if DrK want she could have been there in the past

2016-01-03, 04:14 PM
Consett is a small walled village of ~200 people ~2 days walk from Vizimia. There isn't a lot there save for some cider breweries and a lot of orchards. Its good hunting ground though for the annual cull.

Loras nods to Evelyn before they look back to the town behind them. "As you say Evelyn. We shall see you later. We are planning on heading east over there... He points towards the hills east leading further into the orchards. "There have been no beacons over there yet but there will be soon I expect." Elisa pets her wolf before looking sad at the burning barn. "If we don't help them, no-one will."

2016-01-03, 04:17 PM

"Well met." Malne says and gives a slight bow. "Yes...it seems someone did not inform the beasts of when we would begin their slaughter." Malne says and chuckles at her poor attempt at humor. "Do you know if others have been dispatched to Consett to deal with the trolls?" She asks, then turns to the group at large. "Is anyone familiar with Consett's defenses, if any? Are they prepared to hold back the trolls until someone arrives?"

2016-01-03, 05:05 PM
Evelyn looks at Jessica just a little longer than necessary, before returning to the discussion of transport.

"Ser Loras, Elisa, Boris, a fine plan. I wish you good hunting! We'll see what we can do for Consett."

She turns to the others. "Consett is about fifty miles from here. Vasher your Wind Walk is fast, right? About an hour, you think? They have high walls; the village might be able to hold until then."

2016-01-03, 09:24 PM
"If Vasher can get there that fast maybe there is still hope for Consett", she turns to Vasher, "I can scry on you when you get there and Teleport the rest of us there as soon as you arrive".

2016-01-03, 11:35 PM
Morgan turns to Vasher. "If you don't mind, I'd like to go with you. I'm going to need a bit of time to get materials if we're going to fight trolls."

2016-01-04, 10:34 PM
Vasher nods as they discuss with the other hunters, his white dreadlocks softly batting agains the metal of his armor, he nods in agreement.

"Indeed, I can do that, I'll take the vanguard, and you can jump right in on top of us when we arrive." He looks to Evelyn, Nightwing and Morgan, "Be careful when I transmute you, while we will not be invisible, it is very easy to lose sight of each other as we move." he turns and marks a line in the dirt with the tip of his spear, and kneels with the spear on the ground in front of it.

He places his hands together palms touching, and then moves them opposite each other in a circle, hums a small prayer and then rises with his spear, a mist appearing in his hand as he touches Morgan, Morgans steed, Evelyn, Nightwing, and then himself, morphing them into clouds of white wind.

2016-01-05, 02:57 AM
"I'm ready," Evelyn confirms, ensuring she heeds Vasher's advice.

2016-01-05, 03:58 AM
When the three warriors prepare to depart for Consett, Ras'kan observe their transformation, commenting on the group...
"They look noisy even morphed into air... let's hope they don't get immediately discovered, so that we can survey the battlefield... he turns towards Malne, with a disgruntled look, "And this applies to you, too!"

2016-01-05, 01:45 PM
Vasher and a few of the others shiver as they morph into air, flying through the night. Flying high in the sky all 3 hunters are able to see the beacons flaring up as small gleaming beacons across the rolling farmlands of Winter Orchard. It takes some time as you fly south before the small walled village of Consett hoves into view. Flames glimmer on the ground and grass in half a dozen places where fights have happened and in a few places you can see a large long limbed monstrous body charred at the base of walls where the villagers have dealt with the trolls.


1. Outer gate and Walls
2. Wrafton's Inn
3. Market Square
4. Stables
5. Smithy
6. Sivis House
7. Bairwin's Grand Shoppe
8. Deneith Guild house
9. Tenements
10. Temple
11. Inner gate
12. Consett brewery
13. Ghallandra wayfarer inn
14. Temple of the Sovereign Host

Floating down into the town square you are welcomed gladly by weary, smoke stained and bloodied defenders. The most well armoured approaches you as you solidify in the square. He has half plate emblazoned with Deneith's symbol. He bows low, "Welcome to Consett. I am Jan di'Deneith. You are most welcome indeed. The trolls have been attacking all night. We've driven off a couple of pushes but they are determined buggers." He looks at the three of you, "Just 3 of you is it?"

Sorry,I'm not sure what you're up to? Are heading back to Vizimia then teleporting to Consett?

2016-01-05, 01:54 PM
"Look around, give Jessica a good target," Evelyn instructs the Raven immediately upon arrival. Then she greets Jan with a bow of her own.

"Well met, Jan. I am Evelyn Dawnchaser, and this is Vasher and Ser Morgan Lugh. We will shortly be joined by three more, senior guild members all. What's the tactical situation?"

She gestures that he should lead the group up to the walls to survey the scene.

2016-01-05, 02:42 PM
"Aye. We've got two casters and a drow on the way. Where do you want us?" Morgan looks slightly embarrassed by the title of Ser being appended to his name.

2016-01-05, 02:55 PM
As Vasher sets down and transform back to his self, he takes stock of the surroundings allowing Evelyn to take point, she seemed to naturally fill the position anyway, and Vasher had no desire for it unless needed.

He smiles at the man, and grins even more, holding back a small chuckle as he questions their numbers.

"How many are we talking about here? And what directions?" he asks, hoping to see if the trolls were attacking from one direction, or were somehow being led and directed by something smarter. Trolls were stupid, so that meant one attack vector, one lane of fighting.


2016-01-05, 03:48 PM
"You forgot.to introduce me", Night Wing speak as it flyto Vasher's shoulder, " I'm prince Night Wing, pleased to meet you. My master, Jessica will be soon joining us along with the others".

Far away from there, Jessica waits till she feel Night Wing's anxiety. She grabs a shard of purple crystal and begin to chant for a few minutes, as runes glows and the image of Night Wing and rhe others focus inside the shard.

Burning Stinking Cloud spell for Scrying

"They've reached Consett", she offers the drow and mage of the arcane order her hands, " Shall we?"

Burning Draconic Polymorph for Teleport.
% roll [roll0]

2016-01-05, 06:20 PM
Ras'kan touches the hand of Jessica "Yes, let's go"

2016-01-05, 08:04 PM

"Yes, first kill of the Culling. A guulvorg. Guulvorg." Malne says to the crowd of admirers. She handwaves to Jessica and Ras'kan. "These two were very instrumental in the beast's slaying, all of our team was, to be honest. Where are they now?" She repeats the question of an onlooker louder, so that everyone can hear. "They've gone as our vanguard to Consett. House Sivis received a message about troll berserkers, we're expecting notice from them any moment..." She says and raises an eyebrow at Jessica. We need a name for out team. Something striking.

"Ah, indeed." She says to Jessica then turns back to the crowd, her face serious. "Tend your watch fires well and keep your swords ready." She says before disappearing with Jessica and Ras'kan.

2016-01-06, 02:28 AM

There are cheers and shouts as the Guulvorg head is dragged though the streets, huge fangs glittering in the lantern light. The town buzzes with rumours and gossip, monsters rising early, villages under attack and one rumour of even Kaer Morderen under heavy assault. The mines boiling with a variety of massive Aberrant monstrosities.

At the guild house the Guulvorg head is promised a place on the wall in the tap room. The first of this year's beasts. The mounting board decorated with a Cannith rune that will keep the head fresh.

What you buying?

A few minutes of trading and buying in the guild shops and you're ready to leave. The sorceress's speech well met and received as you are cheered as you vanish - seconds later appearing in the market square of Consett. A sound of troll howls and roars nearby and your fellow hunters on the wall nearby.


At hearing the names Jan bows looking relieved as you realise he's probably the most experienced man in town. You can hear shouts from the Temple to Host as the clerics heal the injured.

Jan points at the gate, "They are pretty dumb. About a dozen maybe, they just come a running straight at the gate and we've been lucky so far. They've got a mountain troll though and a big nasty looking one in armour. But all he's done so far is lurk at the back."

He looks at Morgan astride the horse, You're not going to go out there Ser Morgan? Thats madnes!".

As he talks you can all hear the low guttural chant and barking of the trolls fron the tree line maybe 300ft away, though in the darkness its hard to make out any movement. Jan looks at you, then turns to the town. "We've done well so far. Now we have hunters from the guild to help us. And these are the best the guild has. And we have more coming. We can, we will survive this night."
Heading to the walls you can see the doughty farmers and smiths and weavers of the town smile, a look of grim fatality fading as all point and wave or salute the hunters.

As you reach the top of the 15ft high wall there are a few cheers from the square as you see Evelyn, Ras'Kan, Malne and Jessica appearing!

2016-01-06, 03:38 AM
Jan points at the gate, "They are pretty dumb. About a dozen maybe, they just come a running straight at the gate and we've been lucky so far. They've got a mountain troll though and a big nasty looking one in armour. But all he's done so far is lurk at the back."

He looks at Morgan astride the horse, You're not going to go out there Ser Morgan? Thats madness!".

As you reach the top of the 15ft high wall there are a few cheers from the square as you see Evelyn, Ras'Kan, Malne and Jessica appearing!

"So two trolls per Hunter. You're right, that hardly seems fair to them," Evelyn replies with a cocky grin as she waves the others over.

"This shouldn't be too difficult. First order of business: shall we sally, or fight from the walls? With their numbers we could be easily surrounded. Jessica, can you protect yourself if that were to happen? I know Malne can fly, but I'm not familiar with your abilities yet. Otherwise fighting in the open would give Morgan room to manoeuvre and be safer for the villagers."

2016-01-06, 04:24 AM
Before the departure

Seeing the cheering of the people at Malne speech, the drow rethinks at his youth, when the hunters were seeing as heroes, coming back to their villages with slaughtered preys.
Sometimes Ras'kan believes that he could even come to like life with the lightskins... if it wasn't with their fetish with illuminations!

When in the Vizimia, Ras'kan quickly buys 5 flasks of alchemist's fire... just to be sure!

At Consett

Being cheered at is something Ras'kan could get used to, but this time is too early... looking around to assess te situation, he easily climbs the palisade and reach Evelyn, while she is considering the best course of action.
"Well... just take a look at this entrance... If some of us could block the passage from the wall tower to the inn, with... I don't know, some supernatural obstacle, we could force the trolls to charge towards the narrower path on the right side of the entrance where two of us could be enough to stop them"
While speaking, he touches the slashing end of his chain, and a dark substance flows for a moment, disappearing into the weapon.

Using deadly sting ability on the scorpion chain. at the first hit in the next hour, initial and secondary 1d10 constitution damage with a fortitude DC of 16

2016-01-06, 04:37 AM
"Well... just take a look at this entrance... If some of us could block the passage from the wall tower to the inn, with... I don't know, some supernatural obstacle, we could force the trolls to charge towards the narrower path on the right side of the entrance where two of us could be enough to stop them"

"That would mean allowing them inside the walls," Evelyn points out.

2016-01-06, 05:13 AM
"Or... trapping them inside the walls" answers Ras'kan "but if you prefer to attack them on the plains outside, well, that's your call. In that case our overeager destroyer..." he points at Malne "could safely rain fire on them"

2016-01-06, 08:01 AM
"Flying is out of question unless we wait some time for me to swap a few spells... But I can defwnd myself through illusions and conjurations", Jessica answer and ponders, then begin looking at her infinite scrollcase, " Nothing here for flight too. But even though staying in the wall seems wiser and bettrr to defend, I have no problem with going out there and lay destruction on these sorry trolls".

2016-01-06, 09:02 PM

"We can hold them at the gate." Malne says once she's rejoined the others and been appraised of the situation. "Supernatural obstacles...yes, I've a few dweomers in mind that should mire them in place once they commit." She says and turns to Raz'kan with a raised eyebrow. "We fight as a team, like the wolfpack. Our strength is the variety of our talents, joined together."

"That said...I can of course draw the trolls out from the tree line once we've decided on how best to defend the wall." She says and draws again the slim wand from her belt. "I have some preparations to make, though they should not take long." Malne takes a step back and folds her hands together around a silver necklace that hangs from her neck, a small crystal set at the end of the chain. She chants soft words of power in a low voice and the air around her thrums with the Art, ephmereal wisps of flame and wind that swirl around her before dying down into nothingness.

"Any such planning should commence shortly, I am unable to maintain this Art for overlong." She says, then lays an elemental ward over all present.

Malne calls Wall of Fire from the Spellpool. She then burns her 5th and 6th prepared slots and adds their spell levels to her Divine Companion. She'll be able to cast Wall of Fire once within the next 12 minutes.

Then, she casts Mass Resist Energy (Fire, Resist 30) on everyone. This lasts 120 minutes.

2016-01-06, 09:40 PM
"Why do I suspect you'll be lobbing Fireball at us...?", Jessica jokes as she receive the elemental ward, "Ok. Im fine with either we going there or we defend the walls".

"Night Wing! You are to stay in the sky and watch over Consett once we go bring the fight to them and relay any message as needed".

She then look at them all, waiting.

2016-01-07, 12:05 AM
"Casters on the wall. Try not to roast us all alive." Morgan turns to the other hunters. "I'm willing to be bait to draw the trolls out into the open, but I have no idea where you'll be most useful."

2016-01-07, 04:45 AM
Evelyn nods.

"Ok, so we engage them in front of the walls, using the wall of fire and our fire resistance to pen them in. That just leaves enticing them over. Anyone speak giant?"

She draws her bow, searching for a target beyond the walks.

2016-01-07, 05:26 AM
"I can use a spell to, but that would leave me with one less Fireball and I'm a telapath, so I can reach them despise language... But I guess trolls would get if anyone armed approach".

2016-01-07, 05:42 AM
"I can use a spell to, but that would leave me with one less Fireball and I'm a telapath, so I can reach them despise language... But I guess trolls would get if anyone armed approach".

"I was thinking more along the lines of just shooting them," Evelyn admits, fully prepared to take some shots from up to 600ft if necessary.

2016-01-07, 11:04 AM
Vasher nods in agreement, this team was beginning to mesh well.

"I think merely walking outside and presenting our hides as possible menu items would bring them out." he turns to Morgan. "I'll join you, might need a kick in the arse or two" he says, winking at him.

"I have some tricks of my own, including a powerful prayer that can cut them to ribbons, if they manage to surprise or outmaneuver us."

He walks towards the gate by stepping off the parapet, and letting one of his rings arrest his descent, allowing him to fall like a feather slowly and softly, until his large frame, and heavy armor touched the ground.

2016-01-07, 11:18 AM
"Let's go." Says the drow; he then climbs down from the walls, following Morgan and Vasher

2016-01-07, 02:55 PM
Morgan calls up to the leader of the militia. "Captain di'Deneith! What have you and your men been using to prevent their regeneration?"

2016-01-07, 09:01 PM

"Take care not to get drawn out past the wall too far. Priest Vasher, Jessica's and myselfs obstacles can't readily chase after them with you." Malne says as she climbs the stairs to the top of the wall. "Such a racket." She says after listing to the hoots and howls of the trolls. "I don't suppose anyone understands what they're doing out there?"

2016-01-08, 01:46 AM
Morgan calls up to the leader of the militia. "Captain di'Deneith! What have you and your men been using to prevent their regeneration?"

The young man looks in shock as Raa'Kan and Vasher drop over the wall, Morgan calling the gate to be opened as he rides out a second later, ground thundering under the hooves.

" What are you doing? We can't let you back in if the fighting goes badly? We daren't risk letting a troll in the walls, or using the alchemist fire within the walls!"

Even as he speaks trolls appear at the edge of the tree line. Massive gangly creatures of claws and sinewy muscle. Most look similar with scraps of clothing or a tree trunk but one stands out. Head and shoulders taller than his kin and dressed in mail with a vicious sword its some sort of magically enhanced troll. The other you notice looks like the vile offspring of a troll and a giant, a huge hulking monster with a massive club and gnarled face.

To ID the war troll and salient facts
To ID the mountain troll and salient facts

The troll lord is clearly no full, he doesn't bother with proving with one or two trolls as he has done previously instead the entire troll pack bursts outs the trees roaring and hollering hunting the new prey that has left the safety of the walls.

Trolls appear in rough line at trees 300ft away!
There is
1 mountain troll
1 war troll
11 normal trolls

players to act then do group init. Could you let me know in your post roughly where you are in relation to the gate

2016-01-08, 04:10 AM
"Fear not Jan. We've got this," Evelyn reassures the captain as she follows Morgan out of the gates.

Anyone got a haste?" She asks, as she quickly sizes up the range. Maybe half dozen arrows or more downrange before having to draw her sword? She judges the distance and then moves out about 20ft from the walls. Against these foes arrows won't do much more than soften one up, but every little helps. She picks a troll in the vanguard and opens fire.

Attack [roll0] inc range penalties
Damage [roll1] +20 if crit

Attack [roll2] inc range penalties
Damage [roll3]

Attack [roll4] inc range penalties
Damage [roll5]

If hasted, +1 to all the above attack rolls, plus:
Attack [roll6] inc range penalties
Damage [roll7]

2016-01-08, 05:36 AM
Ras'kan takes his 5 alchemist's fire bottles and give them to Morgan: "Take those, I will not need them..."
After that, he takes his boomerang in hand, walks on his left and try to hide behind the shacks, slowly advancing to stay on the same line of Evelyn when the troll will attack.

Hide [roll0]

Move Silently [roll1]

2016-01-08, 06:03 AM
Jessica climb the stairs along Malne.

"Maybe staying up here would be wiser than be out there... Also, up here I can get a better view of the whole thing", she begins speaking, stopping herself once the trolls get in sight.

She point at them and her glasses shine with an orange glow, "You know what I hate more about the Fireball? It's the guano part...", she reaches her spell components pouch, grabbing a handful of bat guano before finishing casting her spell.

Reflexes DC 2014 for half damage.
She'll try to hit as much trolls as she can (I completed missed the map, if there is one, not sure)

Fire Damage: [roll0]

(Burning Greater Magic Weapon for Fireball thanks to her glasses)

2016-01-08, 08:30 AM

"Before everyone gets too far away..." Malne shouts down to her companions on the other side of the wall. "Take this last warding!" She says and motes of embers float down and surround them, warm to the touch and violet in color.

Malne casts Mass Fire Shield (Warm Shield). It lasts 12 rounds and protects against cold damage (affected creatures take half damage from cold based attacks). Creatures that hit the warded companions take 1d6+12 fire damage, per hit.

2016-01-11, 10:59 AM
Morgan drops his lance and charges the left side of the vanguard, striking a straggler before continuing on his charge.

Attack Roll [roll0]

Damage Roll [roll1]x3

Ending 50 feet from the trolls I charge.

2016-01-11, 12:34 PM
A fireball erupts around the trolls as the arrows rain down on the massive mountain troll. One striking deeply into as Evelyn fires a very accruate shot. Like a great green wave of massive snarling claws and teeth the trolls race forward, slowly beginning to converge upon the gate as they seek to tear through the paltry few guards and rend the town to pieces.

Easy turn for me. All take run or double move actions and run towards the gate. Map has been updated.


Please retake your turn with what you'd like to do whilst the trolls are so far away

2016-01-11, 01:58 PM
Seeing the enemies moving forward, Jessica grab her rod and let out a sinister wail as her shadow seems to flicker for a few seconds, but to no other effect.

Begin casting the spell (it have 1 round of casting time).

She's summoning one shadow - her shadow for thematic purposes - to fight for her.

Once the spell is finished, an invisible shadow will "appear" up to the "O" collumn (she'll positionate it as close as she can from the mountain troll or the war troll) and flying at 10ft height.

It's incorporeal, have fly speed 40ft (good), invisible, AC 13, Incorporeal touch +3 to hit (1d6 Str damage) and dodge feat (it will be dodging its target: mountain troll > war troll).

Duration: 22 rounds (extended with rod)

2016-01-11, 02:26 PM
Evelyn follows up her attack on the mountain troll with another barrage of arrows.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Stance: Leading the Charge.

2016-01-11, 09:06 PM

"How unsurprising." Malne says as the trolls run across the field. "A few more moments, make them count!" She says and flings lines of magical force at her comrades on the ground.

Cast Haste on everyone (including the Mount).

Group Buff Spells
Haste (+1 Attack, AC, Reflex, +30ft speed, 1 extra attack on full attack): 12 rounds left
Mass Fire Shield (half damage from Cold, attackers take 1d6+12 fire damage): 11 rounds left
Mass Resist Energy (Fire 30): 120 minutes left

2016-01-12, 03:55 AM
+1 to previous attacks.
Additional hasted attack: [roll0]

2016-01-12, 05:14 AM
Seeing the troll advance, Ras'kan stays hidden in behind the barns, taking his boomerang and preparing for the first attack

Ready an action to attack the first two adjacent trolls that come at range (Boomerang range is 40 fts thanks to Helm of Hunter giving far shot feat)

Attack Roll [roll0] Damage [roll1] + Sudden Strike [roll2]
Total Damage = 25
Daze: Fortitude Save of 10+damage = 35

Ricochet Attack Roll [roll3] [roll4] (I don't think sudden strike applies on this attack)
Daze: Fortitude Save of 10+damage = 20

If there will be no adjacent trolls at range, will attack only one.

2016-01-12, 11:04 AM
While the others are attacking, Vasher kneels down, leaning on his spear for support, as his shield bobs in front of him, warding him from danger.

He fishes out several tiny daggers and tosses them into the air with a small incantation, the daggers come to life, and start bobbing and weaving before him, as if he were a puppet master, and they his puppets.

With a flash, they fell to the ground, and a veritable wall of blades erupts all around them in a circle.

Casting Blade Barrier (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bladeBarrier.htm)
Any creature passing through takes [roll0] with a Ref DC 22 for half

Will place the spell as a circle, around the group outside the wall, so the far left of the circle, is adjacent to the gate.

2016-01-14, 03:08 PM
The arrows fly forth striking into the mountain troll that bleeds heavily from it wounds. Even as that happen the view is obscured by a wall of blades leaping up into existence but the maddened and frenzied trolls just leap through shedding blood and splattering gore as they come. The wave of angry green claws and fangs comes closer, almost within striking distance as a galloping troll can move as a fast large and well bred horse! As they close the drow steps out from the small shack, a sinning boomerang snapping into their skulls and sending both stumbling, dazed and slowed bythe impact of the spinning boomerang.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jkxSNTOrkgTgworsvSI-KuvFQJye14on6p8dMqO7IvY/edit#gid=0)

2016-01-14, 03:31 PM
"For Amelia!" Evelyn yells as she charges the nearest Troll, trying to cut her way to their leaders.

Edit: RNB can't be used on a charge, so Evelyn simply moves. Subtract 2 from her attack roll.

Swift to swap to Absolute Steel

Move to Troll 2 7 squares east. Tumble DC 15 autopassed by minimum roll of 19.

Ruby Nightmare Blade, x4 damage Concentration:[roll0] vs Troll2 AC
Attack: [roll1] [+18 base, +1 Haste, -8 Power Attack] = +11 = 27
Damage: [roll2]x4 = 140

AC: 31 [+2 absolute steel, +1 haste]

2016-01-14, 05:55 PM
Jessica finish her casting making her shadow get some semblance of life (or unlife, others might argue) and leap for an unholy assault on the war troll, drainning his life force as it does so.

Her shadow flies through the battlefield, bypassing those between her and her target, her clawed shadow hands aimming for the heart.

Attack [roll0] Incorporeal touch attack.
Strenght damage [roll1]

Jessica then begin casting another spell, making the battlefield burn once more as she throws yet another fireball.

Reflexes DC 14.
Burning Dispel Magic spell for it.

Fire Damage [roll2]
Aimming at Trolls #1,2,4,5,6

2016-01-14, 07:14 PM
Vasher grimaces as the deranged trolls push through his wall of blades. Almost shaking his head, he readies himself for the oncoming charge that would ensue, he's seen stalwart veterans break at such things.

But not Vasher.

He nodded in approval as none of his teammates broke, and began to quickly summon the divine might of his convictions as fireballs and spells were slung at the trolls in kind. Finishing the incantation, he pointed near Evelyn, but to the side, in the midst of the two larger trolls, and a column of a Smoking fiery divine energy erupted in the spot, charring skin and smiting any who stood there. Then, not seeing any reason to hold back, he moved towards Evelyn, the haste dweomer making his strides easier. Once there, he began summoning the mighty power that was his resolve, manifesting in the battle prowess that Evelyn displayed on a regular basis, allowing him to do so for a short time. As he did, two of the gemstones on his belt faded.

Cast Flame Strike centered on W23, which hits Troll3, Mt Troll, War troll, and the troll directly below W23.
[roll0] Ref save for half DC 21 (23 Fire damage/23 Divine damage or 11/11 if saved)

He then moves to Q20 and uses his belt of battle to activate an extra standard action (2 charges), which will be Divine Power, casting defensively.

Current HP: 87/75
Current AC: 28
Vasher (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=661159)

2016-01-15, 03:56 AM
Seeing that the spell flinging has begun, Ras'kan, satisfied to having been able to stop some of the trolls, step out of the shadows, takes his Scorpion chain and, considering the fireballed trolls his best targets, he runs towards the most far one, jumping on him when possible, and striking with all his might

Power charge-leap attack (that sounds like an anime rip-off) on Troll8. The jump ends in L14.
Attack Roll [19-8(PA)+1(skrimisher)+1(Haste)+2(charge)]: [roll0]
Damage rolls: [roll1] Fire Damage[roll2]

Drow Poison on hit: Fortitude DC 16 or [roll3] Con Damage.

Actual AC is 20

2016-01-15, 10:11 PM

"Impressive flames, Priest!" Malne shouts with a smile as the battlefield is scorched by divine fire. Malne snaps her fingers and sparks dance about, then the land around the trolls erupts into a mighty conflagration. Sheets of roaring fire encircle the trollish leader and it's brethren, roasting them alive.

Cast Wall of Fire as a 30ft radius Ring of Fire. The circle is centered on 20R and the fire radiates inward.

Trolls that the ring of fire lands on: War Troll, Troll 24W, Mountain Troll, Troll 7, Troll 4. Take damage as if walking through it: [roll0] fire damage.

Trolls outside the ring: Troll 8, Troll 5, Troll 6, Troll 27V, Troll 29T, Troll 32T: No Damage.

Trolls inside the ring within 20ft of the edge: Troll 3, Troll 2: [roll1] fire damage.


PC's in the area.
Vasher, in the ring but further than 20ft from the edge. No damage.
Evelyn, in the ring but further than 20ft from the edge. No damage.
Ras'Kan, the ring of fire forms on him. Takes [roll2] fire damage, negated by Resist Fire 30.

Group Buff Spells
Haste (+1 Attack, AC, Reflex, +30ft speed, 1 extra attack on full attack): 11 rounds left
Mass Fire Shield (half damage from Cold, attackers take 1d6+12 fire damage): 10 rounds left
Mass Resist Energy (Fire 30): 120 minutes left
Wall of Fire: Concentration + 12 rounds

2016-01-17, 07:39 AM
The ground around the road to Consett is riven with fire and carnage! A fireball erupts around the northern most trolls, one of them horrifically burned and wounded already falls, its trollish flesh blackened and scorched beyond its own powers to repair. In the centre Vasher calls down the wrath of the sun gods on the rolls injuring the massive one and the armoured one and immolating another to black motes of dust. The wall of fire that rises consumes another, the two seared halves falling in the smouldering grass.

Into the maelstrom Evelyn, Vasher and Ras'Kan all leap and charge. Vasher glowing with holy power. Evelyn in the heart of the circle of flames walks up to the troll and with but a single blow chops it cleanly in half, the nearby wall of fire melting the edges means it won't rise again Trying to intercept the northern trolls the drow leaps amidst them, scorpion chain lashing one for a horrific injury. In the midst of this the shadow flits in flying through the War troll's sword to land a debilitating blow.

Atop the walls Jan and the militia of the village look aghast the walls of fire, clouds of spinning blades and multiple blasts of fire and holy flames that have killed 4 trolls in but moments. Now however the trolls have reached the walls!

To the north two of them, one still bearing the scars of the scorpion chain tear at the drow seeking to rend him in twain! The third leaps around them and reaches the base of the wall. Cruel eyes glaring hungrily at the women as it sinks is claws into the wood preparing to climb up and get them!

Trolls 5+8
Claw [roll0] dam [roll1], claw [roll2] dam [roll3], Bite [roll4] dam [roll5]
If both claws hit then rend [roll6]

Claw [roll7] dam [roll8], claw [roll9] dam [roll10], Bite [roll11] dam [roll12]
If both claws hit then rend [roll13]

To the south another trio of trolls leap forward, one smashing through the ramshackle shack that the drow had been hiding behind. All 3 skirt around the edge of the buring circle of fire. Militia start shouting as they see the three of the beasts closing on both the gate and the confused looking Morgan who sits astride his horse watching the carnage play out.

In the circle of flames battle is joined in earnest as the Wartroll and two other trolls move into the heart of the flames to join the mountain troll and battle Evelyn and Vasher in the massive circle of fire, as it moves the shadow can try to slap at it. The trolls moves to surround the hunters, claws slapping and scraping at armour as the massive mountain troll advances towards Evelyn bringing its massive club down upon her. The war troll trailing fire sweeps in, blade glittering evilly as it chops at the priest, its stance offering up an easy avenue to hit it!

Troll 4 Vs Evelyn claw [roll14] dam [roll15]
Troll 8 vs Vasher claw [roll16] dam [roll17]

Mountain troll [roll18] dam [roll19]
-- If hits then TRIP [roll20] vs Evelyn [roll21] + ???

Wartrolls vs Vasher
attack [roll22] damage [roll23]

Melee attacks against the wartroll get +4 to hit and +4 damage

map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jkxSNTOrkgTgworsvSI-KuvFQJye14on6p8dMqO7IvY/pubhtml)
I think you have all editing rights now so can move yourselves on the map if you have time

2016-01-17, 10:53 AM
As the war troll ignore Jessica's shadow, she clearly looks pissed for being ignored, clawing woth her evil claws at it as it pass through.

Touch attack [roll0]
Str dmg [roll1]

(I'm not sure the str dmg get the +4 bonus)

She then charge at the troll, making him regret turning its back to her.

Charging the war troll and setting her dodge aggainst it (AC 14).

Touch Attack [roll2]
Str dmg [roll3]

Jeasica waits a little before acting.
Got get some food, will post later :smallbiggrin:

2016-01-17, 05:42 PM
Jessica stops and have her glasses shine one last time before sending yet another Fireball at the trolls, her laat one for tonight.

Aiming at Troll 5, 6 and 8, also hitting Morgan and Raskan. She burned Dragon Breath for that.

Refl DC 14 for half damage.

2016-01-17, 06:38 PM

"Those glasses are an useful trinket." Malne says to Jessica with a nod, then glances down with disgust at the trolls beneath the wall. "I just prefer the old faithfuls." She says, pointing her wand towards the field and letting go with two blasts of flame.

Start of Turn: Wall of Fire damage.
Mountain Troll is standing the Ring, takes [roll0] fire damage.
Troll 4 is within 10ft, takes [roll1] fire damage.

Move 5ft to the right, then 5ft south. This 10ft of movement triggers her Ring of Entropic Deflection, granting her 50% miss chance for the turn.

She'll then use her wand of fireballs once, targeting the trolls 5, 6, & 8 (and Morgan and Ras'kan), only if they are not already dead. If they are dead, then this blast will target Trolls 9, 10, & 11.
Fireball, Ref DC 14 [roll2]

The second fireball with be used via Metamagic Spell Triger & Quicken Spell, burning 5 charges off the wand for the second blast. This fireball will target trolls 4, 8, War, & Mountain (and Evelyn and Vasher).
Quickened Fireball, Ref DC 14 [roll3]

She has stopped concentrating on the Wall of Fire, so it will last for only 11 more rounds.

Group Buff Spells
Haste (+1 Attack, AC, Reflex, +30ft speed, 1 extra attack on full attack): 10 rounds left
Mass Fire Shield (half damage from Cold, attackers take 1d6+12 fire damage): 9 rounds left
Mass Resist Energy (Fire 30): 120 minutes left
Wall of Fire: 11 rounds

2016-01-18, 04:46 AM
Evelyn dodges closer to the massive Mountain Troll, hemming it in against the flames with a colossal strike! With a back flick of her blade she clangs the War Troll's armour, creating a distraction. "Shadow, again!" She cries, willing it to sap yet more of the War Troll's strength.

Tumble 10ft to Mountain Troll cannot fail.

Elder Mountain Hammer vs Mountain Troll
Damage [roll1]

White Raven Tactics as a swift to let the shadow go again.


2016-01-18, 06:09 AM
The shadow enjoy the distraction created by Evellyn's fiasco to strike the war troll once more.

touch [roll0]
Str dmg [roll1]

2016-01-20, 07:02 PM
Vasher watches as his companions wash the monsters in flame in like fashion, he notices Evelyn moves forward, and eager to keep her alive he does likewise, activating his magical shoes, making him disappear and reappear next to her, and the Gigantic Troll.

He grips the shaft of his spear with 2 hands and unleashes a salvo of expert attacks at the monster, hoping to at least delay it from the village, while his erstwhile companions deal with them.

Anklet of translocation to move next to Evelyn (10 ft) Directly East

Full attack on the Mountain Troll

[roll1] (1 point is fire damage)

[roll2] (FUMBLE)
[roll3] (1 point is fire damage)

[roll5] (1 point is fire damage)

[roll7] (1 point is fire damage)

2016-01-21, 01:51 PM
Still pained by the claw of the troll, Ras'kan, in a brief moment, percieves a fireball coming in his direction and with a dexterous jump dodge part of the explosion, while the remaining is absorbed by his shield.
While jumping, the drow notice that one of the trolls is climbing the walls to attack his caster "friends".
"I'm already tired of this aimless bombing, bit I feel they would stay better alive." He thinks; then, he sprint toward the troll, ignoring the ones charred by the explosion, and attacks him again.

Charging power attack vs troll [roll0] dmg [roll1] fire dmg [roll2]

If necessary, tumble against AoO [roll3]

2016-01-23, 11:32 AM
The battle rages on outside the walls of Consett. The shadow strikes at the armoured and angry war troll draining its strength leaving it slower and more vulnerable to the others even as the troll's blows back at the insubstantial creature leave it as a faint wisp of darkness that fades away.

More fire blasts from the walls as Jessica drops fire amidst the trolls followed seconds later by more fire streaking from Malne's wand. More fire crackles within the circle of fire washing over Vasher and Evelyn who ignore the flames due to Malne's own wards and the War Troll whose innate meaness wards off the flames. The blasts of fire melt the troll by the walls to a molten slag along with a second troll caught in the flames. A third troll drops to the ground as the heat from the circle of fire overcomes its natural healing. In the circle Vasher and Evelyn engage the hulking mountain troll, only Vasher managing to land a glancing blow. Near the walls north of the roaring circle of flames Ras'kan lashes down with the chain, the flaming chain neatly slashing the neck of the troll that had touched him leaving it dead on the ground.

The remaining trolls from the south leap forward two of them pouncing upon Morgan, the knight puts a brave defence but its sadly in vain as claw punches through the helm's visor and come out gory as it rips the front of Morgan's face off and the knight topples from the horse dead! The horse goes down a second later trollish teeth sinking into its neck as the horrified hunters on the militia on the wall can do nothing but watch! The third troll reaches the base of the scorched wall and looks hungrily up at the wizards.

Within the circle Evelyn and Vasher continue to fight as the trolls hack, slash and pound at them. Evelyn assailed by the remaining troll and the shadow sapped war trolls whilst Vasher faces the mighty mountain troll.

Troll on Evelyn
claw [roll0] dam [roll1] claw [roll2] [roll3] bite [roll4] [roll5]
-- if both claws hit then rend [roll6]

Wartroll on Evelyn - In Robilar's gambit
attack [roll7] damage [roll8] Fort DC22 or DAZED
--- If 32 confirms then +13 damage!
attack [roll9] damage [roll10] Fort DC22 or DAZED

Mountain troll on Vasher
[roll11] dam [roll12]
-- If hits then TRIP [roll13] vs Vasher [roll14]

[roll15] dam [roll16]
-- If hits then TRIP [roll17] vs Vasher [roll18]

* if Vasher prone then add +4 to second attack

map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jkxSNTOrkgTgworsvSI-KuvFQJye14on6p8dMqO7IvY/edit#gid=0)

2016-01-23, 12:27 PM
Vasher gets pummeled with an immediate followup, knocking him to the ground, he manages to see Evelyn be daze, but avoid the second attack, so he utters the simple prayer of healing upon himself, lest he is slain here and cannot help anyone.

He gets tripped, so the second attack hits.
He casts imbued healing close wounds as an immediate action on himself.
[roll0] +12 temp hit points.

2016-01-23, 12:52 PM

Evelyn recognises the stance the war troll is using with a sinking feeling. Her best way to get past its armour is to strike it multiple times, but even if she would come out a long way ahead on strikes that's a very risky proposition right now. She steps slightly to one side as she hacks at its knees.

Attack [roll0] (-6 PA)

Attack [roll2] (-6 PA)

Attack [roll4] (-1 PA)

Attack [roll6]

Swift to recover expended.

5-ft step South

2016-01-23, 01:08 PM
Seeing the knight overrun, and noticing that Vasher is fallen on his back, Ras'kan starts to become more and more attracted by the blood spilled, both by friends and foes... the smell of charred flesh fill his nostrils and, turning toward the flaming wall dividing him from Vasher and Evelyn, the drow starts to feel his heart pumping faster; he takes for a brief moment a position similar to that of a scorpion ready to sting and throws himself into the fire, spinning his chain and pointing at the horrible war troll, only to attack his weaker companion when he reach them.

Entering Whirling Frenzy (5 rounds duration)
runs into R20 and attacks Troll12 (no charge)
Power Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Fire Damage [roll2]

Actual AC is 24

2016-01-23, 02:18 PM
Seeing her shadow being turned to wisps of smoke, Jessica looks at the war troll and point her index finger at him as it feels weaker.

"I trust you the job to deal with these trolls at our feet, Malne".

ranged touch attack [roll0]
Str penal [roll1] (cant reduce him to zero with it)

Even though she says she trusts Malne to finish them off, she keep her eyes keen on them, wondering how best to react should they reach them.

2016-01-23, 02:48 PM

Malne holds back a curse as Morgan is unhorsed and eaten alive. The tip of her wand glows bright red as she holds it up and points towards the field. The wand vibrates in her hand as her anger fuels her Art and four glowing beads erupt from it, streaking out to wreck havoc among the trolls.

Start of her turn, Ring of Fire damage.
Mountain Troll takes [roll0] fire damage.
War Troll takes [roll1] fire damage.

Fireball and a Quickened Fireball at Trolls 9, 10, & 11.
DC 14 Ref, [roll2]
DC 14 Ref, [roll3]

White Raven Tactics:
Fireball and a Quickened Fireball at Trolls 12, War, and Mountain.
DC 14 Ref, [roll4]
DC 14 Ref, [roll5]

She then moves to 14E, activating her Ring of Entropic Deflection (50% Miss Chance).

Group Buff Spells
Haste (+1 Attack, AC, Reflex, +30ft speed, 1 extra attack on full attack): 9 rounds left
Mass Fire Shield (half damage from Cold, attackers take 1d6+12 fire damage): 8 rounds left
Mass Resist Energy (Fire 30): 120 minutes left
Wall of Fire: 10 rounds

2016-01-23, 10:22 PM
Seeing Evelyn move into position, Vasher weighed his decision, he could enhance himself further, but he would only remain a target. They needed to remove one of these monsters from the living.

He moved with an instant, appearing in the same place, but standing up thanks to his magical shoes and attacks the monster again.

Last use of anklet of translocation

Full attack

roll=Damage]1d6+16 (1 point is fire damage)

roll=Damage]1d6+16 (1 point is fire damage)

roll=Damage]1d6+16 (1 point is fire damage)

roll=Damage]1d6+16 (1 point is fire damage)

2016-01-23, 10:23 PM
Attack 1
[roll0] (1 point is fire damage)

Attack 2
[roll1] (1 point is fire damage)

Attack 3
[roll2] (1 point is fire damage)

Attack 4
[roll3] (1 point is fire damage)

2016-01-27, 02:02 AM
As the battle rages the massive mountain troll swings his club twice, the first blow smashing Vasher to the ground, the second just breaking ribs! The war troll also slicing into Evelyn with its long blade.

The trolls at the wall scrabble on the wood before Malne appears atop the wall, her wand glows red hot in her hand as drains almost a quarter of its power, 4 fireballs erupting in a mushroom cloud of flames. Two of the trolls survive to the 4th before the flames consume them, 3 more gangly blackened skeletons joining the others at the base of the wall.

Jessica points a finger of blackness at the war troll but the beam fades and withers from its spell resistance. In the ring of fire Raa'Kan slices brutally at the last "lesser" troll leaving a burning wound before Evelyn and Vasher both hack at the mountain troll and as blades bite deep trailing blood it eventually falls.

The last troll and War troll too stupid or ignorant of the rest fallen fight on, blades and claws lashing at Raa'Kan and Evelyn.

Claws dam [roll1] [roll2] dam [roll3] bite [roll]1d20+ dam [roll4]
--- rend [roll5]

WarTroll on Evelyn in Robikars stance
[roll6] dam [roll7] DC22 or dazed
[roll8] dam [roll9] DC22 or dazed

2016-01-27, 04:08 AM
"Vasher, I'm going to need some healing!" Evelyn calls to their medic. ""This is really going to hurt," she mutters under her breath as she begins probing the war Carroll's defences with some carefully analysed strokes.

Firstly, delay until after Vasher.

Fighting defensively, AC31

Robilar's Gambit stance. This ought to be fun!

Touch Attack [roll0]
No damage.

Touch Attack [roll1]
No damage.

Touch Attack [roll2]
No damage.

Touch Attack [roll3]
No damage.

I decline to take any AoOs generated by the war troll attacking me for AoOs generated by my attacks. Robilars vs Robilars! Fun! Let's see if I can pull this combo off...

Then Vasher gets another turn by White Raven Tactics.

2016-01-27, 04:36 AM
The drow move his feets for a brief moment, and a shadowy wind whirls around him... he immediately becomes invisible, then, using his cover and his ability to strike from darkness, he concentrates on slicing at the two remaining trolls with all his might and speed.

Swift action to activate Cloak of Deception: Greater Invisibility for his turn, thus negating dex to AC and obtaining the extra damage. (Move Silently check if needed: [roll0]
Full Attack with Haste (1 Extra Attack) and Whirling Frenzy (1 Extra Attack, all attacks -2 to hit, negated by invisibility bonus)

EDIT: I'll add a +4 on the attacks for Robilar's gambit (not sure if it's active or not)

Attacks on War Troll:
Attack Roll [roll1] (+4 if Robilar)
dmg: [roll2]+ fire [roll3] + skirmish [roll4] Total: 36

Attack Roll [roll5] (+4 if Robilar)
dmg: [roll6]+ fire [roll7] + skirmish [roll8] Total: 37

Attack Roll [roll9] (+4 if Robilar)
dmg: [roll10]+ fire [roll11] + skirmish [roll12] Total: 37

Attack Roll [roll13] (+4 if Robilar)
dmg: [roll14]+ fire [roll15] + skirmish [roll16] Total: 39

Attack on Regular Troll

Attack Roll [roll17]
dmg: [roll18]+ fire [roll19] + skirmish [roll20] Total: 44

P.S. If troll12 falls, Ras'kan take the 5ft step and moves to R21, in flanking position. Else, he stays in R20

2016-01-27, 11:45 AM
Vasher nods as Evelyn calls out his name, he knew something like this was coming, and he had waited for the perfect moment, Evelyns battlefield expertise making it easier.

He stood still, shifting into a comfortable stance that he has used a thousand times before, and cast one of his most effective prayers, hoping that it would do the trick.

White light sprang from his fingers and enveloped himself and Evelyn, bolstering them, healing them, but also aiding them, emboldening their moves and actions with their thoughts.

After the white light faded, Vasher turned to regard the War Troll and let out a quick prayer, almost a muttering to himself, an aid to penetrate the things natural resilience he had seen from one of Jessica's spells. Then, he summoned the very light of the moon, and cast it against the monster, sapping its very strength.

Before Evelyn

Will cast spontaneous (using Find the path) Imbued Mass Cure Moderate Wounds with the Aid Kicker.
Gives me and Evelyn a maximized Aid as the spell for 1 hour, or until the temp HP's are gone, on top of the spell.
[roll0] +12 Temp HP's
+1 morale bonus to hit and fear affects, and 18 Temp HP's
Total of 30 Temp HP's and 36 healed.

White Raven action
Cast Assay spell resistance on the war troll
Cast Moonbolt on Wartroll (autohits)
[roll2] Fort DC 20 for half

2016-01-27, 11:51 AM
Casting defensively

For Mass Cure

For Moon Bolt

2016-01-27, 12:39 PM
Jessica close her hand and stomp the wall, clearly annoyed by the creature spell resistance. How dare a troll make a fool of her!

Mentally checking for ways to make a fool of the troll, she realizes she is out of long range spells and with a sigh she grips her staff and look at Malne.

"I'm going to step into the battlefield myself. Wanna a ride?", she offer her hand and Dimension Door into the battlefield, with or without Malne.

teleporting so to O16. Burning Antimagic Field for the Dimension Door

2016-01-27, 09:01 PM

"Wretched creatures." Malne says as she watches the trolls before her burn. "No, I prefer the safety of the walls." She says to Jessica. She glances at her wand, almost hot to the touch, and instead takes a sprinkling of dust from a pouch at her side. "Good job everyone, kill it quickly." She says as she flings the dust at the trolls.

Cast Glitterdust at 23R. Both Troll 12 and the War Troll need to make DC 18 Will saves or be blinded.

2016-01-29, 02:03 AM
The drow goes Savage - invisibly- flaming scorpion chain lashing left and right as he lashes at the massive war troll tearing great bleeding chunks from its hide before with s contemptuous flick of the chain he tears thebhead from the smaller troll.

Jessica appears in your midst with a faint pop of displacing air as a cloud of glittering dust coats the wartroll. Vasher calls upon his power wounds sealing shut and magics invigorating himself and Evelyn before a silver blast of power further weakened the beast!

Evelyn begins to trade blows with the monster! Swords clashing even as she does not land a solid blow just light taps.

[roll0] dam [roll1] DC 21 or dazed
[roll2] dam [roll3] DC 21 or dazed
[roll4] dam [roll5] DC 21 or dazed

The troll, bloodied horribly looks at you, ragged hair blowing in the updraught from the flames. It hisses a curse "I am an army, we will burn your civilisation to the ground until nothing but gravel remains...." as it swings at Vasher and Evelyn knowing it will soon die

Vasher [roll6] dam [roll7] DC 21 or dazed
--- extra 12 damage if 31 confirms
Evelyn [roll8] dam [roll9] DC 21 or dazed

2016-01-29, 02:21 AM
Seeing Vasher getting attacked by the massive troll, Jessica shout an old powerful word. "Time!"

The world.then enter in slowmotion, as she look around for a way to stop the incoming attack.

It take a split second to know what to do, even if it seemed way more in Jessica's consciousness.

She slam her staff into the ground with what seems to be super speed for the others, teleporting Vasher at the last second before.he get crushed by the troll's attack.

casying Celerity plus Dimension Step so to move Vasher 30ft away from the troll as it was about to connect

The world then begin to spin faster and faster and Jessica's hold her head, as her nose begins to bleed and her head seems will explode by the effort of playing with Time.


2016-01-29, 03:42 AM
Evelyn begins to trade blows with the monster! Swords clashing even as she does not land a solid blow just light taps.

The troll, bloodied horribly looks at you, ragged hair blowing in the updraught from the flames. It hisses a curse "I am an army, we will burn your civilisation to the ground until nothing but gravel remains...." as it swings at Vasher and Evelyn knowing it will soon die

"Aye, perhaps you will," Evelyn concedes as she lines up her finishing blows. "But that will not be this day!"

Her blade flashes out with unimaginable speed, the troll's formidable defences worthless before her overwhelmingly analytical attack! The trolls only hope is to strike back and stun her before she can finish!

Swift: Tactics of the wolf stance.

Full Attack1: [roll0] +19, +16, -5PA =38
Damage [roll1] =75

Save against Daze: [roll2]

Robilar's AoO1: [roll3] +19, +16, -5PA =53
Damage [roll4]=74
Critical hit! 146

Save against Daze: [roll5]

Robilar's AoO2: [roll6] +19, +16, -5PA =40
Damage [roll7] =73

Save against Daze: [roll8]

Robilar's AoO3: [roll9] +19, +16, -5PA =52
Damage [roll10] =73
Critical hit! 144 total

Full Attack2: [roll11] +19, +16, -5PA =48
Damage [roll12] =71

Full Attack3: [roll13] +19, +16 =37
Damage [roll14] =64

Full Attack4: [roll15] +19, +16 =32
Damage [roll16] =63

Edit, I forgot the Troll's Robilar's, so +4 to hit and damage has been added for each of those. No additional power attack however.:smallredface:

Evelyn deals 221 damage over the first two hits.

She failed the second save, so she probably only gets two, assuming the troll hits her. The Troll gets AoOs, assuming it doesn't die first. (AoOs from Robilars resolve after their trigger, so it doesn't get its second AoO if Evelyn's second attack kills it).

Hypothetical damage dealt assuming the troll misses its second AoO and it survives to the end: 636

And Evelyn still has an AoO in hand.:smallamused:

2016-01-29, 04:31 AM
Slicing left the wartroll hacks at Evelyn before swing at Vasher's head, time blinks and in a flash the cleric is not there but standing some 30ft away still paused in mid parry. Near by Jessica sways on her feet, a drop of blood falling from her nose as she saves the cleric's life but is unseen by the others.

The massive wartroll and Evelyn square off and begin to trade blows, blood spraying but with the stormguard rhythm build to a brutal crescendo each of Evelyn's blow's hits with the force of a Great Wyrm's claw! The troll lands one massive blow stabbing Evelyn in the chest as impaled she strikes back twice more, the second an epic blow that hacks the troll into 2 quivering chunks!

As the flames of the Wall of Fire die down the crowds on the walls begin to cheer as Jan de'Deneith leads a motley collection of villagers outside with burning pitch and flasks of acid to pour atop the bodies of the trolls. Though many, crisped by the massed fiery assault of Malne are already burned beyond their regenerative powers. The town begin to cheer, many shaking their heads and pointing at the heroes - Jan himself looking aghast at the devastation of burning grass, blade churned mud and the massive ring of fire that scorched down to the rocky earth. He looks at you all - "How did you do that? I would never have thought that 6 hunters could stand against so many of the beasts and survive! I had thought we would be fighting for our lives amidst the streets this day!"

2016-01-29, 05:02 AM
Slicing left the wartroll hacks at Evelyn before swing at Vasher's head, time blinks and in a flash the cleric is not there but standing some 30ft away still paused in mid parry. Near by Jessica sways on her feet, a drop of blood falling from her nose as she saves the cleric's life but is unseen by the others.

The massive wartroll and Evelyn square off and begin to trade blows, blood spraying but with the stormguard rhythm build to a brutal crescendo each of Evelyn's blow's hits with the force of a Great Wyrm's claw! The troll lands one massive blow stabbing Evelyn in the chest as impaled she strikes back twice more, the second an epic blow that hacks the troll into 2 quivering chunks!

As the flames of the Wall of Fire die down the crowds on the walls begin to cheer as Jan de'Deneith leads a motley collection of villagers outside with burning pitch and flasks of acid to pour atop the bodies of the trolls. Though many, crisped by the massed fiery assault of Malne are already burned beyond their regenerative powers. The town begin to cheer, many shaking their heads and pointing at the heroes - Jan himself looking aghast at the devastation of burning grass, blade churned mud and the massive ring of fire that scorched down to the rocky earth. He looks at you all - "How did you do that? I would never have thought that 6 hunters could stand against so many of the beasts and survive! I had thought we would be fighting for our lives amidst the streets this day!"

Robilar's AoOs trigger after the event that triggered them. So Evelyn strikes the troll first, it impales her, and she cleaves it in two!

Evelyn sinks to her knees in the charred circle as the rush of combat leaves her, her own blade tumbling from her hands as they find instead the troll's giant sword that's run through her midriff just below her breastplate, left in situ with no troll to draw it back out. She'd roll onto her side, but that feels like a really bad idea with a sword right through her. Instead she mechanically draws it out a couple of inches at a time. The pain is immense! Though her gasps of agony are muted, tears cloud her eyes. Only when the gigantic weapon finally thunks onto the blackened ground and she has a hand firmly pressed against both sides of the wound does she seem to regain some situational awareness, looking around for her team.

"Vasher? Vasher I could use some help... Wait, where's Morgan? Oh no..."

2016-01-29, 05:32 AM
The Drow, after the battle is over, looks around, searching for something.
Moving slowly, raises his hand, and the boomerang he threw what now seems a lot of time ago, flies and returns in his grip.

Hearing the words of Jan he answers, almost muttering to himself instead of speaking out loud "five, actually..." He says, while looking sadly at Morgan dead body. Then, turns toward Evelyn, "And we could have become four... You are almost as brave as incautious!" He says, approaching the impaled, but still alive, fighter

2016-01-29, 11:00 AM
Jessica is srill dazed when the fight is over.

She slowly begins to get up, her head still aching.
"We did it guys! We are awesome!", she then looks to Morgan and his dead horse, " Sadly not without some losses, but we did it".

She lools at her feet and robe, dirty with the charred mud and wonder if it was really necessary for her to get down the wall.

She walks toward Evellyn, trying to avoid the blood and gore to mess her cloak, "You did great! Just as I expected you would. I was so confident you would finish ot off that didnt even thought in saving you when he attacked you and Vasher", she says smiling like a fool before turning to Vasher, " Ah! I got a nosebleed, can you help me with it? I dont want to ruin further my cloths".

2016-01-31, 05:43 AM
"Only 'almost'?" Evelyn jests with Ras'kan, although the chuckle causes her to take a sharp intake of agonised breath. Her expression turns serious again. "What happened? Mere trolls shouldn't have seriously threatened Morgan!"

She scowls at Jessica's insensitive comment and hollow praise, giving Vasher an exasperated look behind Jessica's back. She knows the combat medic well enough to trust that he'll triage in the proper order.

"This is what the guild is for," she tells Jan. "Despite our loss, one hunter for fourteen beasts is not a bad exchange. Bury him in a place of honour."

2016-02-01, 05:32 AM
Ras'kan smiles briefly at Evelyn's joke, turning serious at the mention of Morgan demise.
"It was... strange, he seemed eager to fight then, in a second, he turned apathetic, as his very soul was stripped away from him..."

2016-02-01, 03:15 PM
Vasher was in the midst of the battle, barely a few yards behind Evelyn, ready to heal her in a moments notice, and then bring the wrath upon the remaining foes, but, with a blink of his eye, he was somewhere else.

Not a different place, still among the battlefield, but...translocated!

One of the mages must have seen the vicious swing headed toward him, his spear was still held aloft in a parry, he turns and watches as Evelyn finished the troll, while being skewered, he rushed over and hears Jessica complain about a nosebleed. A nosebleed? How in the nine...heh, he had heard of magic that caused some casters to be in pain, causing headaches and...nosebleeds, perhaps Jessica had been his savior? Thanks would be done later, he had a sword to remove from someones chest.

He moved over to Evelyn with a hurry and inspected her, and once he was happy with what he saw, removing some clothing that was in the way, checked her pulse and laid her down sideways, he looked at her square in the face and said "This is going to hurt" and pulled with a mighty tug on the weapon, drawing it out of her, in the same action he placed both hands, dropping the blade to the floor, to her chest where the wound was and muttered an urgent prayer, one of his strongest incantations, and glowing energy pulsed through her, healing and removing any existence of trauma, lacerations, or broken flesh and bone. He smiled at her and released his hands, letting go of her, and making sure she was covered appropriately.

He turned over to Jessica and gave her a wan smile, "now lets deal with your wound." he stood, and pressed a single palm on her shoulder and intoned a smaller prayer, letting energy fill her as well, removing her headache, and stopping the bloodflow.

He takes 10 on his heal check for both (field healer ability):
Evelyn 31
Jessica 31

Then spontaneously casts Heal on Evelyn for 140 (using Heroes Feast) and Cure minor wounds (using Detect magic) on Jessica

2016-02-01, 04:30 PM
"Thank you!", she says aloud as she receive some medical aid, "This would tottaly ruin my robe and I've ran out of Presdigitation to clear it from the mud. You saved the day! I'm glad I've chosen you to be on Team Awesome...", she stop for a moment, "We can think of a better name later".

She look at the long walk back to the wall and wsh for another Teleport. Just one more, but she sighs as her mind and body refuse to let her go there in a flash, so she walk alongside the other hunters.

"You all did great. Maybe we should go to someplace to rest and get some wine and maybe some poker!"

2016-02-01, 08:28 PM

While the others attended their injuries upon the field Malne descended the stairs and watched as the villagers rent their frustration and anger on the bodies of the trolls. "Dedication, and sacrifice." She says to Jan, and points to the body of Morgan. "All of you who are grateful to live this night, never forget the man who died to make it so. Morgan Lugh." She says loudly. "Bring him inside, and have your priests cleanse his body."

She glares at Jessica. "Your comrade lies dead, his red blood still soaking the ground and you speak of scratches and games?" She says in a low voice meant only for her. "We have other business to attend to this evening besides cards." She says, then turns back to face the crowd. "Who among you will stand the vigil for Morgan Lugh this night, that his soul may safely reach it's rest?"

2016-02-01, 10:13 PM
"You think I ldont care of his death? He was a soldier. He died doing what he was best at: fighting monsters. In fact, he was more than just a soldier. He was a champion and a hero. He knew the dangers in his line of work and was ready to die if that meant that innocent lives wouldnt be ripped tonight. It's a death I can bear", Jessica answer to Malneand the others, "And even though you may think it's rude or unkind, I prefer to grief drinking and playing and enjoying life for this night so I have happy memories of his passing".

Jessica then leave the others and walk to the nearest tavern, Night Wing joining her as she enter the town.

2016-02-04, 04:23 AM
Ras'kan smiles briefly at Evelyn's joke, turning serious at the mention of Morgan demise.
"It was... strange, he seemed eager to fight then, in a second, he turned apathetic, as his very soul was stripped away from him..."

Evelyn does her best to keep up conversation despite the blood seeping between her fingers. She can see Vasher coming over, and the certainty that he'll be able to heal her helps her to remain calm.

"I've... Ah! ...heard of such things happening. Some... people hide the strain they're under so completely that you never know... never- never know there's anything wrong until they break without warning. It's... like a brittleness of the mind. It is a sad thing for it to happen to a friend. I for one promise I would seek aid before reaching such a state."

He moved over to Evelyn with a hurry and inspected her, and once he was happy with what he saw, removing some clothing that was in the way, checked her pulse and laid her down sideways, he looked at her square in the face and said "This is going to hurt" and pulled with a mighty tug on the weapon, drawing it out of her, in the same action he placed both hands, dropping the blade to the floor, to her chest where the wound was and muttered an urgent prayer, one of his strongest incantations, and glowing energy pulsed through her, healing and removing any existence of trauma, lacerations, or broken flesh and bone. He smiled at her and released his hands, letting go of her, and making sure she was covered appropriately.

Evelyn looks right back with an apprehensive look that seems to say 'no ****'. She takes a couple of deep breaths and then holds her breath as the blade is withdrawn, letting out a low mean through gritted teeth. Fortunately the pain does not last long, and is in fact completely extinguished! She makes a quick inspection of the wound sites, poking her fingers through the ragged slashes where her chain and garments had to be cut away to expose the puncture just below her breastplate, and finds not even a mark.

"Thank you Vasher, as always your treatments are flawless."

She picks up her sword and sheathes it as she gets to her feet.


While the others attended their injuries upon the field Malne descended the stairs and watched as the villagers rent their frustration and anger on the bodies of the trolls. "Dedication, and sacrifice." She says to Jan, and points to the body of Morgan. "All of you who are grateful to live this night, never forget the man who died to make it so. Morgan Lugh." She says loudly. "Bring him inside, and have your priests cleanse his body."

"Who among you will stand the vigil for Morgan Lugh this night, that his soul may safely reach it's rest?"
Evelyn nods in approval of Malne's words.

"You think I ldont care of his death? He was a soldier. He died doing what he was best at: fighting monsters. In fact, he was more than just a soldier. He was a champion and a hero. He knew the dangers in his line of work and was ready to die if that meant that innocent lives wouldnt be ripped tonight. It's a death I can bear", Jessica answer to Malne and the others, "And even though you may think it's rude or unkind, I prefer to grief drinking and playing and enjoying life for this night so I have happy memories of his passing".

Jessica then leave the others and walk to the nearest tavern, Night Wing joining her as she enter the town.

Evelyn didn't catch what Malne has said to trigger that, but she could guess. She lays a hand on the other woman's shoulder. "Peace, Malne. She's only just joined, she doesn't know how much we hurt right now. I know she's proved annoying, vainglorious and insensitive, but also both courageous and potent. I think she may even have saved Vasher's life this day. I would not have strife between team members lest more of us join Morgan. We will just need to... put up with her until the beasts knock her rough corners off. Either them or me, anyway. Besides, I think he would probably approve of us having a drink in his honour."

Evelyn helps to see that the death rights are in order, before heading off to join Jessica at the tavern. Just as she's leaving, she turns back to Malne. "I, uh, don't suppose I could trouble you for a mending spell tomorrow morning? My attire came off a little worse for wear today," she explains, once again poking a hand through the slash that's exposed her navel.

At the inn she pulls up a stool at the bar next to Jessica and orders a large measure of liquor. "I don't want to talk, not yet," she warns the noblewoman. "Maybe later I'll tell some tales of Morgan." Maybe if they can keep silence going long enough they can have an evening of bonding without offending each other. "For now I just want to drink and reflect."

"To Morgan, may he rise again in glory!" she toasts quietly.

2016-02-04, 05:28 AM
"Thanks for understanding. And sure, let's drink quietly", she tell Evellyn as they begin to drink in Morgan's honor.

"Does being silwnt include.me too, Ms. Evellyn?", Night Wing speaks up before Jessica glare at it and it remains quiet for the night.

She sighs. Tonight was a very, very tiresome day. She massages her temples and begin think all the spells she spent today and all the dead of tonight: the poor farmers killed by the Gulvoorg and Morgan, the first ones for the Cull.

She ask for a glass of wine and raise it silently, before drinking it all and ordering some more. If she lose one ally per day she wont last a week in the Cull, so she better be ready to protect them all if she want to win that bet...

2016-02-07, 02:19 AM
As night fall truly the hunters and the village gather in the Temple go the Sovereign Host. The speaker stands sadly, 15 wrapped shrouds laid out in front of him, each with blessings of the seven- although for Morgan the blessings of Dol Dorn are larger. Many has responded to Malne's call and a dozen blessings and prayer wreaths from the village were draped on Morgan's shrouded body.

The service is short but we'll performed as the hunters bear Morgan to the flames, weeping relatives bearing the fallen villagers. The pub is very full in the evening as the House Ghallandra matron brings out strong liquor to take away the pain. Sensing the mood amongst Evelyn and Jessica she leaves the bottle and some bread and leaves you all alone.

On the table is the war trolls's blade. 8 ft long and razor sharp. The alloy is a strange one with a greenish tinge that Malne and Jessica suspect is green steel from one of he war torn planes. The blade edge ragged and twisted to tear flesh.

It's a green steel +1 large greatsword

Eventually the villagers retire and the hunters. Though sleep is short. A noise in the pre dawn light as a servant batters on the door. "Look outside,lookup!" she shouts.

Dragons, Wyvrens and chimera fill the sky as a great flock of them flying very high as to leave the msssive beasts looking like birds north fill the sky, their size and colours as diverse as their number. In all your years of the cull you've never seen such a sight...

2016-02-07, 04:26 AM

Evelyn sleeps in shallow fits anyway, so she is easily awakened to the shouts of the villagers. She clenches her fists in impotence as her hated enemies bypass her. Even if they weren't flying so high, taking on that number of beasts would amount to suicide. She fears a great many people are about to have a bad day.

2016-02-07, 11:29 AM
Jessica goes to sleep half drunk and is Night Wing's job to wake her up, by pecking her hand and calling out her name.

"Leave me alone, I wanna sleep", she says tossing her pillow at her familiar.

" My lady! Dragons and wyverns! Wake up!"

At first she doesnt believe it, but when she finnaly get up and open the window she open her mouth at the sight of the dragon flight.

"What...", she begins to speak before stopping.

"This is going to be bad...", she says and get herself dressed. She look at her spellbook and begins to get ready for the day.

" Tell the others to leave me alone for a hour. I'll meet them once I'm done preparing my spells".

2016-02-07, 02:05 PM

Before retiring the evening, Malne thanked Jan and the priests for the service, then attended to her arcane rituals to repay her debt to the guild. In the morning she's groggy and has her wand of fireballs in her hand when she wakes to the shouts of Dragons!

"I...I've never seen such a flight." She says as she stands outside with the others looking up at the sky. "I wonder where they are going...and what caused them to flee." Tearing her stare from the sky she looks for Jan. "Where there any other signs of the Culling during the night, any attacks elsewhere?" She asks him.

At night before rest she sends back 1st and 2nd level spells to repay her debt if needed, and in the morning she prepares a spell slot of each level (1-6) and leaves it Open, to be possibly filled later with a called spell from the spellpool.

2016-02-11, 11:00 AM
Vasher joined the vigil, but only momentarily, he had seen what had happened to Morgan before, and it hurt his soul to do so. Silently shaking his head, he joined the group in the bar for a drink, taking one and mulling over the days events.

He retired early, praying before bedtime to regain his divine prayers he had used during the battle.

Vasher rushes outside, half awake as the call is spread, he looks to the sky, hand on spear, ready to do battle, and stands in awe, mouth agape.

Never had he seen anything so amazing in his life.

Something was going on, were they fleeing something from the south? or was it something northward?

He rushed to find the others. Once he did:

"Have there been any other warnings?" he asked, obviously flustered by the sight.

Spells prepared and recovered

2016-02-11, 03:49 PM
Vasher's question is soon answered a flustered looking woman with the sigils of House Sivis runs into the inn room. "Are you the hunters? It's begun! This must be one if the worst culls we have witnessed. All over the southern reaches villages have been attacked by dragons or wyvrens. Dozens more villages are being assailee as we speak and the main body of that hellish flock is heading towards Vizimia!".

She pauses having a drink. " Its not just that, The islands are besiged from monsters from the deep and in Kaer Morden hunters have vanished in the tunnels as dark things stir. We've never seen a cull start with such activity".

2016-02-11, 05:27 PM
Once Jessica is done reading and studying her spellbook, she goes downstairs and join the others.

"That fligjt of dragons may even raze Vizimia if left unchecked. We cant be in all places at once, but I can take us to pretty much anyplace with my magic".

She ask for a coffee and sit down.
"Where should we head for?", she asks the others looking for suggestions, "Do we have any word from other hunters?"

2016-02-12, 12:45 PM
Evelyn bangs her fist against the door frame. These are dire tidings indeed. "Vizimia it is. That is where the day is darkest, that is where we should go."

2016-02-13, 07:12 PM
"I agree with Vizimia, but let's see what the others have to say", Jessica says and wait for the other hunters input.

2016-02-14, 07:19 AM
Evelyn concedes the point with a tilt of her head, waiting for the other hunters' input.

2016-02-14, 08:17 AM

"You all wish to see a host of dragons up close...?" Malne asks with a sly smile. "I do as well. Jessica, if you wish to conserve your energy I can take us there."

Teleport is one of her known spells so she can cast it a lot, if Jessica wants to save hers for emergencies.

2016-02-14, 11:26 AM
"Sure! If you can take us there I would appreciate it".

2016-02-15, 11:16 AM
Vasher listens to the news with grim determination, nodding as the others suggest Vizimia.

He holds his spear tightly along with his shield, "I am ready to go when you are"

2016-02-17, 05:19 PM
The world spins in a flickering whorl before you allland back in the square in Vizimia. This time the square is less busy, people scurry around carrying valuables as they run and dash into cover.

A few people cheer and shout, pointing at the newcomers, and clearly powerful newcomers as they arrive by magic. In the distance you can see the winged shapes several miles away and closing. Dozens of pilars of smoke from under the flight path. A young hunter, pale and scared looking shouts at you from within the fortified Guild House "What are you doing? Seek cover!".

2016-02-17, 05:28 PM
"Where is the guild master?" Evelyn asks the man urgently, although with no-one more senior obviously taking charge she has a sinking feeling it may be her. With the dragons just minutes away she wracks her memory for the town's defensive procedures.

Knowledge(local): [roll0]

2016-02-18, 07:47 AM
"Please keep calm and look for shelter", Jessica tells the young hunter, " This is way out of tour league".

Jessica then cast two spells over herself: one to ward her and the other to allow her to fly at top speed.

Superior Resistance (which also affects Night Wing) and Overland Flight

She then fly a hundred feet up and take a look at the dragons in the distance and try to estimafe when they'll reach Vizimia and wonder if there will be time for some planning.

Jessica will try to estimate the arrival of the dragons and see if she will have time to cast the 10 minute long Commune spell to help her plan things

She then fly back to the ground, her dark cloak looking more like bat wings.

"We nees to get ready. What you got guys?", she ask the party while thinking how good or desastrous this inconing battle can be.

2016-02-18, 10:58 AM
Vasher looks to the young hunter and then spins around, seeing the flight of winged beasts looming ever closer to the city.

This was not good.

Turning to Evelyn and Jessica "We need to be able to fly, without that, we're going to have a hell of a time doing anything." He watches Jessica do just that and fly off for a moment and then come back "Well, I can summon a handful of flying beasts to engage them when they are closer, but they won't last long, they wont be as powerful, and I can only keep them here for a minute or so. Other than that, you've seen what I can do, although, I did prepare more flamestrikes today."

2016-02-18, 02:29 PM
"Sadly, I've not mastery yet the spell to grant the ability to fly. Maybe Malne can help with that or we try and see if there are any scrolls of Fly before they reach the city", she then think a little and adds, " or we force them to get down to fight us. That's our best bet".

2016-02-20, 06:06 PM

"I may be able to grant such a boon, but it is not certain. If I can it must be done soon before their arrival. In the meantime..." She says and looks around the empty streets with a frown. "There is little that can be done to ward these houses...or the people that hide inside them. The best I can do is to offer you similar protection as before. Jessica, were you able to discern the colors of the wyrms that approach?" She asks before guarding herself with simple wards.

Based on what Jessica reports, Malne will cast an appropriate version of Mass Resist Energy. When the dragons are 1 minute out she will attempt to call Mass Fly from the Spellpool.

Malne fills her Divine Companion with 8 spell levels; 4 1st level spell slots and 2 2nd level spell slots.

2016-02-21, 02:58 AM
Malne looks into the sky watching the flapping shapes coming closer, sadly dragons of every hue can be seen amongst the chimera, wyvrens and Manticore. All around you warning bugles sound and you can see the town walls lined with nervous looking soldiers clutching spears, crossbows and bows...

Dotted around the walls and on the street you can see hunters as well, a random collection of them from all manner of background. All look grim faced as they ready for the carnage amidst the rapidly deserting streets!

Jessica quickly realises she has maybe 2-3 mins before the first beasts reach the walls. The young hunter in the door looks at her sadly before answering. "The guild master teleported to the capital Ma'am. He said he had to preserve the guild hierarchy."

Even as he speaks some guild wizards on the walls begin to launch spheres of fire high into the sky, and guards begin to fire crossbows alongside the crack of massive ballista firing from the towers! Griffon and Manticore begin to fall but the stronger beasts continue forwards!

at what range will you guys start doing something. My assumption is you'll fight in the square then start looking for crisis points?

2016-02-21, 04:08 PM
"Qu'vath guy'cha v'aka'jay!" Evelyn curses at the guild master's cowardice. If they get through this she'll be having stern words.

"We'll make our main stand here in the square. We'll redeploy to assist wherever we're needed. Malne, Jessica - we'll need speed and as much elemental protection as you can give us. It's not practical for us to fight them in the air, but if we can protect the siege defences and the guild wizards then they'll have to come to us."

She takes out her bow and draws a bead on some of the weaker creatures in the enemy vanguard. She opens fire as soon as they get within practical range.

Evelyn will open fire at a positive attack modifiers. e.g. +1 at 990ft, +5/+0 at 770ft, and +11/+6/+1 at 440ft.

2016-02-21, 05:11 PM
Jessica agree with Evellyn.
"Let's force them to come down here and fight us".

She conjures her Greater Mage Armor and cast another defensive ward and wait for them to come in range for her to see which monsters are flying.

Greater Mage Armor and Protection from Evil on self

" I can offer you with some combat enhancement, Eve. Maybe the elven archer's sharpshooting? Or maybe something else...?"

Jessica is willing to give Evwllyn a Fighter Bonus feat. My first thought was Far Shot, but she can grant her whatever fighter feat she choose and that she meet the requisites

2016-02-24, 07:28 AM
Ras'kan got a little carried out by the events: one moment before he was standing under the starry sky, meditating on the teaching of his ancestors, and immediately after a storm of draconic creatures obscured the dawn.

He would have liked to reach Kaer Morden first, after all, the dwarves were the only people he knew as friends in those strange lands, but both Evelyn and Vasher spoke wisely: the present peril on Vizimia could not be ignored.

And now they are, standing in the city they left only one night ago, waiting for a gigantic attack from some of the more feared monsters in the world.
He takes his tribal mask then approaches Evelyn, while the others are preparing themselves for the battle, "You want to shoot at the dragons while they are still in the sky? You are way crazier than I heard of you... But you'll need help" He says, while taking out his helmet and handing it to her "Take this helm, it has been blessed by the spirit of a dwarven hunter that could reach his enemies before they could even sense him, and it helped me get the first strike in many battles in the jungles."

2016-02-24, 09:37 AM
Evelyn takes the helm from Ras'kan with reverence. "Thank you, this will be most useful."

To the mage she replies: "Thank you, but I can't think of anything right now. Perhaps Ras'kan or Vasher might benefit more? What I could really use now is a haste or similar, but perhaps that is best saved until general melee breaks out."

Evelyn opens fire at the following modifiers:
0-165ft +17/12/7
165-330 ft +15/10/5
330-495 ft +13/8/3
496-660 ft +11/+6/+1
660-825 ft +9/+4
825-990 ft +7/+2
990-1155 ft +5/+0
1155-1320 ft +3
1320-1485 ft +1

2016-02-24, 02:06 PM
Too good to have my help, huh?

"Sure, sister. Hey Raskan! Please hold my hand", Jessica says offering her spell to the drow warrior, " This spell shall grant you martial prowess for the battle to come".

Granting him the assassin's stance via Heroics

2016-02-24, 06:01 PM

"Why should we simply stand here and fight? Why not let us go and at least protect some of the siege weapons?" Malne says as she weaves Sigils in the air that ward her comrades. "I'm afraid I won't be helping you all fly, I've thought of another dweomer that may save this place from being razed."

She takes a step back and let's her gaze wander up to the oncoming dragons. She whispers pleading words of power to some presence not there as she tries to commune.

She casts Mass Resist Energy (Cold) on the group.

She then tries to pull REFUSAL from the Spellpool (Spell Compendium, pg 171). [roll0]

At her Caster Level that would cover 24 10ft cubes of space. She'd be looking to ward as many defenses as she can with it.

2016-03-20, 07:10 AM
Arrows Lance out striking several of the beasts as other more protective spells play along the party as they stand in the courtyard near the reinforced doors to the Guild house. More junior hunters crouched inside with bows and other ranged weapons watching in surprise at the bravery of the party.

A pair of massive chimaera land are the first beasts to land in the square, both landing 120ft or so away on the far side of the square. The two creatures demolishing a nearby house as they land, both are massive, far larger than the ones you've seen previously. One with shimmering scales, the other with vile looking poison dripping from its 3 heads and strange bony plates covering its body.

A pair of advanced chimera land on the far side of the square. Both are huge rather than large.
Both are more unusual than you'd expect.

Start 120ft away on far side of now empty square.

2016-03-20, 10:55 AM

As the wyrms make their final approach Malne lays out her final protective ward. "It won't last long, make good use of it." She says and releases the spell.

Casting Mass Resist Energy (Cold) and Mass Fire Shield (Chill Shield; takes 1/2 damage from Fire, Shield deals Cold damage).

2016-03-21, 03:18 AM

"Anything more that prevents them biting my and Ras'kan's heads off would be welcome," Evelyn says, appreciative of the shields. "They're at a range where it would be unwise to approach them. Better to make them come to us."

She opens fire again with her bow at the nearest of the two beasts.

How many arrows were expended on the previous rounds?

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2016-03-22, 07:33 AM
The drow nods in accord with Evelyn's words, then he puts one of his special drow poisons in the capsule retainer of his weapon.