View Full Version : Pathfinder Conversion question: XP loss.

2015-12-27, 04:33 PM
It has been pointed out to me that XP loss essentially doesn't exist in pathfinder (and I've been unable to find it) though it does in 3.5. So I have to ask, is there a reasonable rule of thumb when converting xp loss to something more consistent with pathfinder?

2015-12-27, 04:39 PM
It has been pointed out to me that XP loss essentially doesn't exist in pathfinder (and I've been unable to find it) though it does in 3.5. So I have to ask, is there a reasonable rule of thumb when converting xp loss to something more consistent with pathfinder?

Most spells that had an XP component now have a GP component, 5 gp per XP. Dreamscarred Press used temporary negative levels for psionic powers that had an XP component, instead, when they did Psionics.

The Death Penalty negative level became... just a long-term negative level, fixable by Restoration.

2015-12-27, 05:09 PM
Most spells that had an XP component now have a GP component, 5 gp per XP. Dreamscarred Press used temporary negative levels for psionic powers that had an XP component, instead, when they did Psionics.

The Death Penalty negative level became... just a long-term negative level, fixable by Restoration.

So.. nothing reasonably debilitating. Just things that can be solved with money, or more spells.. I can work with that, but is there anything that could be used as a suitable punishment that can't be undone by those (relatively easily)?

2015-12-27, 05:22 PM
So.. nothing reasonably debilitating. Just things that can be solved with money, or more spells.. I can work with that, but is there anything that could be used as a suitable punishment that can't be undone by those (relatively easily)?

If you're the DM in question, then you can add something, however, the removal of such things appears to have been a deliberate design decision by Paizo, so you're unlikely to find anything suitable published.

2015-12-27, 06:28 PM
you could just introduce a "super permanent negative level" that requires greater restoration instead? If high level magic is relatively uncommon in your world, sourcing someone who can cast that spell would be a quest within itself.

2015-12-27, 07:13 PM
The reason for which I ask is I had created a version of the taint system, and I implemented XP loss for removing more than a certain amount of taint in a given day. Given that pathfinder did away with xp loss, it was suggested (and I agree with it) that there should be a non-xp loss solution. The idea of a harder to cure form of negative levels is one that interests me, and I may go with it.

The question though, does apply to an extent of converting any system utilizing xp loss to something more consistent with pathfinder.

2015-12-27, 09:19 PM
You could always use ability burn as a punishment instead. That would effectively put a hard cap on the amount of taint they can remove in a given day, and even getting close to that cap could endanger your players in other ways by lowering their stats.