View Full Version : Let's... The Asobimashow: Morph plays Pony Island and other things

Morph Bark
2015-12-28, 10:03 AM
http://i.imgur.com/6ftHq1a.png (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAsobimashow)

Hello all! Earlier this year (well, late November) I started a Let's Play channel together with Luna, a classmate of mine. We're both game design students at an international school in the Netherlands, and we felt we needed to play more games to get better ideas for our own. We're slowly getting better at doing the show, so please check it out and tell us what you think!

We've recently finished a series on the SoulCalibur games, in celebration of the series' 20th anniversary.

We've also been doing a playthrough of Undertale, after we kept hearing from friends that we really should play it. So far, it's definitely been interesting!

Games we've been playing through so far include:

Donkey Kong Country (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMqp4kC0llxUEa3oacsJF-sW) (SNES)
OutRun (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1OzLd0q5SI&index=1&list=PLRNrMohlYsMoKoBz0M7sETsOaTM5xkQXx) (MegaDrive/Genesis)
Atelier Totori (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMpeT774xuar98gmYPfhm6rq) (PS3)
Uncharted (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMqjMhEPnw99Tc4msUzXgee8) (PS3) [FINISHED]
Sonic CD (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMrWKIV-z6OPt2tQUGfyjjw4) (PSN) [FINISHED]
The Revenge of Shinobi (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMpDR2XqO79h839Hk_BPYinH) (MegaDrive/Genesis) [FINISHED?]
Soul Blade/SoulCalibur I-V (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMqEMFCnWL5iIOq3VqGFfpeK) (PS, Dreamcast, GameCube, PS2, Xbox 360, PS3)
Undertale (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMoDKAvrpwBb8lGS1rixTqZm) (PC) [FINISHED]
Soul Blazer (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMpbkG0OGoLvnIbeW39kU_2S) (SNES)
Comix Zone (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w0HckLlEk4) (MegaDrive/Genesis)
Ys I (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMp6DnN1xdpeOVIM1_J1GNc6) (PC)
Super Castlevania IV (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRNrMohlYsMowNrUvw54tM_9cnDdGSQgM) (SNES)
Pony Island (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUH01mIXiOE&list=PLRNrMohlYsMpVPUBOFCqL3bDT0ElOE77X) (PC)

The channel can be found at TheAsobimashow (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAsobimashow) on YouTube. Please check out some of our videos and tell us your thoughts on them!

2015-12-29, 07:03 PM
Hm, ain't terrible all in all.

However, that intro is about twice as loud as the rest of the video, which is rather unpleasant. Especially when watching playlists. <_<

Morph Bark
2015-12-30, 08:02 AM
Thanks for the notes! I'll talk to Luna about the loudness of the intro, as she does the editing. What parts did you think were terrible?

2015-12-30, 03:23 PM
I said "not terrible" all in all. :smallwink:

(But I do find myself getting annoyed at your verbal sidetracking and staying on a screen for minutes on end to jabber off about something unrelated. And then speeding through dialogues. Atelier specifically comes to mind there for both of those. Might be a personal preference thing.)

Morph Bark
2015-12-30, 04:00 PM
Ahh! Sorry, the way you phrased it I thought you meant it was mostly, but not all terrible. Glad to hear it's not!

Yeah, Luna sometimes has to tell me to keep going, and it was a bit problematic for Totori. I'll be sure to keep better note of our gameplay pacing. Thanks for the notice. :smallsmile:

Morph Bark
2016-01-07, 06:27 PM
We had our first recording of the year, so we're starting off with some more Undertale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni0H0tlIHM4&ab_channel=TheAsobimashow)and Uncharted (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWMEoiN8Kz4&ab_channel=TheAsobimashow)!

Turns out we're about halfway into Uncharted, so there's no going back now with Nathan "Indiana Rambo" Drake. They're at least incorporating the platforming into the shooting parts of the game better this time 'round.

Undertale's also starting to get harder, and we're encountering some clever puzzles now. Battles are a serious challenge if you don't do your trainin'. We're also encountering more characters that were previously only mentioned in passing, so it's getting pretty interesting!

Morph Bark
2016-02-04, 11:30 AM
Update time!

We're going pretty steady at this point, continuing with two videos a day. Most recently, we've finished Undertale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wO23AKeHDM), and are planning on following it up with an in-depth review in the near future! We're now following it up with the first 2016 title we're playing: Pony Island (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUH01mIXiOE)! I'm really excited to play it, even though I didn't think much of it before we started. Much like Undertale, almost anything said about it could be a spoiler, but since it's so recent, we're completely blind.

We've also charted the Uncharted (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCI6uFnEj_o), and started Soul Blazer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8lzHIlHv2M), Ys I (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zZcvF2Na3o) and Super Castlevania IV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1guBISKSthE)!

We're having a blast with all of them, and to top it off I've started to learn how to edit videos to get a bit off the workload of that off Luna's shoulders.

Morph Bark
2016-02-27, 07:52 PM
So this week, we got a special package in the mail. A while ago, Luna won an ebay auction from the Game Grumps, of which the proceeds would go to Child's Play (http://childsplaycharity.org/). We decided to do something different and make an unboxing video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB8mAbqsx4w). After that, we played a few of the games, namely Smart Ball (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUYX4qnRD9k) and Road Runner's Death Valley Rally (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGEiLe6tvJU).

Smart Ball (developed by Game Freak, like dang, some of their pre-Pokemon work right here) is a bit of a sad case, as it was more expansive in Japan. The story and several town sections were cut from the American version of the game. This is probably why we collect letters to spell JERRY in the game, as that's the name of the eponymous Smart Ball--a prince that got turned into a jelly blob.

Morph Bark
2016-03-05, 04:54 PM
We need to get better at criticism of existing media, so what better way than to start by criticizing in a way that everyone can see it and criticize our criticizing? That's what happens with our video, Undertale: A Fair Critique (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5fFA-tuwzM).

Undertale's the first game that we completed on the show, and it had a lot of great little things about it, and a bunch of things that were frustrating. We tried to be fair about the whole thing and set up the video with a rather casual tone. We hope you enjoy this video as much as we did making it, despite (or because of!) its length.

2016-03-07, 11:12 AM
Hm, you're not the greatest public speakers, but I did find this video informative nontheless once you got warmed up. :smallsmile:

(Didn't watch your Undertale LP to the end, admitedly, nor the Atelier one. One video is fine, ten videos and I wanna strangle you and tell you to stop forking around. >_>
I wonder if it's a matter of commentary/play style that doesn't sit well with me over longer amounts of time. )