View Full Version : The Empire’s Grasp [IC]

2015-12-28, 05:29 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?456923-The-Empire-s-Grasp&p=20227843)

You've managed to shadow the thugs who grabbed your organic back to the Kessel Run, one of the more upscale bars on this fetid hive of a planet. Upscale, in this case, mean that the bouncers strongly discourage patrons trying to murder each other and the dancers are wearing what technically might be considered clothing. Getta, the Hutt who owns the dive, prefers it that way. Don't sh*t where you eat, you believe the expression is.

The thugs, a Wookie with a scarred eye and a Gamorrean, dragged your little squishy out back. You doubt the bouncers on the door are going to let you though just because you asked nicely, so you're blending in with the crowd.

Dim lights and that caccophonic wailing that Hutts seems to think is music surround you. On of the bartenders at the center bar casts you a questioning look as the dancers cavort on the central platform above.

A Nautolan and a Miralian painfully return to conciousness. There's cold, unfamiliar metal beneath you and a wretchedly familiar pounding in your head. Not what you expected to wake up to, but then you hardly expected one drink to put you under either.

As you groan your way back to conciousness, something you're not alone in going by the matching sounds of self pity you hear nearby, there's a rumbling interjection othe warbling growl you recognise as shyriiwook. That wakes you up, no one wants to be lying around in an irritated wookie's way.

Fortunately the wookie in question seems in just as bad shape as you do, slumped in the corner and nursing a headache. You suspect he was asking you to keep the noise down.

The small cell you find yourself inmis bare metal, riveted together. A bench runs along each wall, on which all three of the cell's current occupants rest, save for the wall containing the reinforced door.

As you collect your wits the shutter on the door rattles open, allowing a gamorrean to peer in. "They're waking up boss" he oinks, looking away.

There's a rumbling keel of more shyriiwook from outside.

"So keep your guns trained on them whilst I throw the runt in" answers another wookie. Female and annoyed, by the sound of her voice.

You hear people moving outside before the gamorrean appears at the peephole again. "Don't try anything stupid" he threatens, "or we'll gun you all down". Moments later the door jerks open and you have just enough time to make out three gamorreans with blaster rifles levelled at you before a wookie with a scarred eye bodily hurls a struggling zabrak child into the cell with you and bolts the door shut.

You recognise the wookie from a pit fight. You won, as you recall.

2015-12-28, 05:54 PM
Toppling face first into the ground, Kass gets to her knees then her feet. "Whats the big idea? Not my fault you lot are sore losers! I won that ship in that illegal sabacc game fair and square!"

When they clearly aren't paying attention to her. "Ahh sithspit, ths is only temporary anyway! can't keep me in here!"

2015-12-28, 06:43 PM
Carmine brushes red bangs from his forehead. "Can I get a Corellian Red?" he asks with a big smile. Forget the clean glass. Carmine wasn't gonna drink it. He thanks the bartender after credits are exchanged, then wanders out on the dance floor. The lights and the music fade into the background as Carmine focuses exclusively on the people. Some of them were pleasing on the eyes, but he was a droid on a mission. Bouncers on the door need to not be there. Carmine needed an organic distraction. He scans the packed club for some individuals he can use to kickstart a conflict.

Okay. Looking for sleazy guys looking to score, pretty ladies with jealous, musclebound boyfriends, or anyone who looks ready to start something at a moment's notice.

[roll0] + [roll1]

2015-12-28, 06:50 PM
Kass looks around at everyone. "Alright, how many people here are in here cause they pissed off a hutt?" She looks around raising her hand.

"Everyone? cool. "

2015-12-28, 07:01 PM
There you go, one desperate looking mark nursing a raw cheek. Chemical analysis pegs him as having the odor of dried sweat, grease and stale air that marks him as a pilot. Lot of those here, since the spaceport is practically next door.

You spy a suitable lady in one of the corner booths. A lithe redhead in a lowcut top - also human - and a well muscled man groomed for a date. He heads for the bar to order drinks.

2015-12-28, 07:30 PM
The wookie holds up a single paw. Flaps his claws for a moment in a crude pantomime of speech. Shakes his head. Holds a single finger to his lips.

2015-12-28, 07:34 PM
Carmine's eyes twinkle in the club lights, and he stalks his way over to the pilot from the woman's direction. "Hey!" Carmine shouts over the music. "My friend thinks you're cute!" When the woman looks away, he points her out to the pilot. "She's a bit shy, but she'll go crazy for a dashing rogue." He hands his drink to the pilot. "Here, for luck!" Carmine claps the man on the shoulder. Who knows? Maybe she'd be really into him, and they'd hit it off. A droid could dream.

Okay, pretty sure this is Cunning + Deception again. Spending a Destiny point to be cool.

[roll0], [roll1]

2015-12-28, 08:18 PM
Quin rolls into a semi sitting position taking in the cell as he does so. Lesse. Wookie, nautolian, some zabrak kid (ah hell who was he to talk?). Not terribly promising regardless. "Probably. Then again, some people drug you and throw you in a cell as their way of saying 'hi'. So I'm not really sure just yet." Still aside from a nasty headache, Quin noted that he appeared to be uninjured. That, at least, was not a terrible sign.

2015-12-28, 08:46 PM
Sighing the wookie points to the newest source of unwelcome noises. Does his best to mime a less then surgical limb removal. Silence. Why was this so hard for everyone?

2015-12-30, 03:50 PM
Kass glances around and sidles up to the left of the cell and whispers to the guard. "overheard your 'buddy' over there.... seemed angry that he was tasked with having to babysit you. said it was sad that you needed a second guard to help out with this job." She leans in closer to the barrier slipping her electric lock pick from the hidden sleeve so it was ready to go at a moments notice. "Said it was sad you needed help guarding a kid..."

She let the words mingle into his head and prepared to make the breakout happen.

3 cunning 1 deciet thats 2d8 and 1d12
