View Full Version : Pathfinder What alignment is this character (Character #5)

2015-12-28, 08:18 PM
This time around, I am thinking of making a cleric who worships the concepts of entropy, change, self-entertainment, decay, and death. If asked by a fellow PC to sum up their beliefs, they would say:

"I believe all things are destined to wind down and decay, so why not enjoy the ride? The most entertaining things create the most unrest, so why not speed along the unraveling by starting a riot or two, or by brealing conventions to see what happens? I speak the truth when I say there is no greater pleasure that revealing these social structures called cities and governments and oaths are nothing more than veils which hide the underlying chaos of the cosmos. I implore you to join me in merrymaking as we sow the seeds of destruction together and enjoy these last days with food and drink fit for the gods! Let us go on grand quest and encourage slaves to overthrow and mutilate their masters even as we implore them to join our party as guests at the dinner at the end of days! We shall live our lives to the fullest and kill those who say otherwise. Are you with me, friend?"

Also, are there any inner sea gods that would fit this character?

2015-12-28, 09:35 PM
I think this sits at philosophical chaotic neutral. This character understands the raw unbridled lunacy of the universe and embraces it, come what may. He knows that he should not put his faith in anything, including good and evil, and so becomes an enlightened wanderer of reality's waves.

In terms of Golarion faiths, the church of the Maelstrom seems to fit perfectly what you are describing. The Maelstrom is the plane of chaos that is worshipped by the Proteans and other CN individuals as the paragon of life's mutability and the enlightenment that comes from it.

2015-12-28, 09:48 PM
Seems Chaotic Evil to me. Reveling in the destruction at the end of days and killing anyone who disagrees? I've got the perfect octopus-dragon monster religion for you...

2015-12-28, 09:57 PM
Its a cn/ce borderline. EVen if you are cn, the best god to emulate such is rovagug, who is very ce. The cn gods arenothing like that. Gozreh and Nethys both have a destructive aspect, and are true N. If you toned down the "kill those who say otherwise" and sew less seeds of destruction, and more change and chaos, then you could move into solid cn

2015-12-28, 10:01 PM
In my book, your character's chaotic evil, more of the "I'll do whatever I want when I damn well want to." Rather than out of any sort of general malice. More emphasis on chaos than evil.

2015-12-28, 10:11 PM
Its a cn/ce borderline. EVen if you are cn, the best god to emulate such is rovagug, who is very ce. The cn gods arenothing like that. Gozreh and Nethys both have a destructive aspect, and are true N. If you toned down the "kill those who say otherwise" and sew less seeds of destruction, and more change and chaos, then you could move into solid cn

"The beauty about chaos, anarchy, and decay is that you never know what will spring up in its wake!"

2015-12-28, 10:21 PM

oh you mean traditional alignments? CN with CE tendencies.

2015-12-28, 10:52 PM
So basically the Joker?

CN at best - CE is likely depending on how much hurt your character is willing to cause to innocents (intentionally or not, directly or not) in the course of "ripping the veil away."

As for Golarion deities, Calistria's focus on hedonism fits well, but Rovagug actually feels closer as he is all about the whole "this world is a sham, screw you got mine" viewpoint.

2015-12-28, 10:58 PM
I would say the character is certainly chaotic. I would argue that this character is specifically chaotic evil. The enjoyment of the destruction of civilization, the encouragement of mutilation of others, and the glee in killing those that oppose kind of throw it in this direction.

2015-12-29, 01:11 AM
Agree with the general consensus of CN/CE (sounds like a perfect Doomguard to me). However, no one seems to have mentioned Cayden Cailean as a potential deity yet. Seems like the god of booze and freedom would be a neat, albeit slightly imperfect fit.

2015-12-29, 10:11 AM
I was wondering if Groetus would fit at all?

2015-12-29, 10:16 AM
Chaotic (which should come as no surprise) Neutral or Evil depending on how much pain and suffering he's ready to dish out, and how much he cares about it.

2015-12-29, 12:57 PM
Agree with the general consensus of CN/CE (sounds like a perfect Doomguard to me). However, no one seems to have mentioned Cayden Cailean as a potential deity yet. Seems like the god of booze and freedom would be a neat, albeit slightly imperfect fit.

This guy seems a bit too cruel (or at the very least amoral) for a CG deity like Cayden. If a Caydenite started a riot, it would be a righteous uprising against evil oppressers, not chaos for chaos' sake. And while he isn't especially beholden to the trappings of governments and civilization, he wouldn't advocate tearing one down that's actually helping or protecting its citizens.

"Though often seen as a god of righteous rebellion, he doesn’t believe in vengeance or coups for their own sake, and is not a god of destructive chaos or madcap frivolity—his followers must take responsibility for the consequences of their actions."

I was wondering if Groetus would fit at all?

He could but I'd say Rovagug is closer. Groetus sounds too passive:

"His followers are usually insane, desperate, depressed, or those who enjoy the suffering of others but don’t directly seek gratification by inflicting pain. Most are prone to mad ravings, and those who aren’t tend to be skulkers and hangers-on, content to lurk near battlefields or in the rear of adventuring parties, watching the conflict unfold and only taking action at the end of a fight to dispatch the wounded."

2015-12-29, 03:59 PM
Why not just worship a lord of hell or some other malicious force instead of going for a deity? Directly fits the active participation in the destruction of civilization and others.

2015-12-30, 02:16 AM
"Yeah, I don't care if you're upset my totally awesome assualt on the city harboring the big bad might have taken out a few innocents. I had fun, and that's all that matters."

2015-12-30, 02:52 AM
"Yeah, I don't care if you're upset my totally awesome assualt on the city harboring the big bad might have taken out a few innocents. I had fun, and that's all that matters."

"I don't care... about a few innocents. I had fun, that's all that matters."

Definitely CE