View Full Version : I want to try being a 3.5 DM. What are good modules to run?

2015-12-29, 10:18 AM
I'm wanting to try my hand at being on the other side of the DM screen. I already have a group together, and they've promised to not go overboard on me (since they're much more experienced being players than I am being DM). Current starting level is 3, though that's open to adjustment (only upwards though). What are some good modules for me to run in this campaign? I'm wanting to minimize the amount of hairpulling I have to deal with, just to see if I like being DM or not. Any other suggestions or tips would also be nice!

2015-12-29, 10:25 AM
It is a level 1 adventure, but The Sunless Citadel is pretty darn good, is a great first adventure, and could be modified slightly to start at 3rd level.

I've been running it, and the subsequent related adventures, and written a campaign journal. Have a look at it HERE (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=14113.0).

If you just add 2 Warrior levels to each Goblin and Kobold warrior, that would put it about right for keeping the challenge similarly appropriate for a third level party. Maybe get a little more exotic on advancing the named foes (Yasdrull, Durrn, Basag), but a handful of Sorcerer or Warrior levels would work well, and be pretty easy to apply.

Fouredged Sword
2015-12-29, 01:24 PM
Shamelessly plugging my own one-shot. It's silly and can be played ether with a standard party of adventurers or by the stated party of 4 wizards. Or just read through it. It provideds a good example of both a module and the game that was played using it.

The module

Here is the first playthough IC

2015-12-29, 02:08 PM
Not a good first module but one my group quite enjoyed(I used it as a Halloween all nighter with respawning PCs) is the Tomb of Horrors(3.5 version not AD&D version). Might be a good 2nd module.

2015-12-29, 02:19 PM
Go for red hand of doom. there is an excelent handbook for DMs in this forum. It starts at lvl 5 for a 4 player party nad it goes all the way to 10/12. Has dragons, goblin armies, undeands and a lich.

I had the chance to DM for 2 diferent groups and I would do it for a third time.

Btw if you can get your hands in weapons of legacy, the crimson ruin fits perfectly in the adventure.

2015-12-29, 02:58 PM
I can second Red Hand of Doom. Great adventure, though I'm not sure its the best thing for a first time DM. It would probably work okay, though.

On that note, there is a Use this book tonight (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ub/20060224a) article on the WotC site that has a 4th-level mini pre-adventure for RHoD. It's bare bones, but it is an idea starter if you want a little more lead-in than where the module starts.

Also, The Forge of Fury is okay, and is intended for 3rd level parties. You can read about my party's exploits through it at the link I posted previously.

2015-12-29, 03:52 PM
Not a good first module but one my group quite enjoyed(I used it as a Halloween all nighter with respawning PCs) is the Tomb of Horrors(3.5 version not AD&D version). Might be a good 2nd module.
Jesus Christ do not run Tomb of Horrors as a new DM. Or ever, preferably. Forget the lethality-- it's awful and slow and grindy. Puzzles tend to make players stop in their tracks for far longer than you expected at the best of time. Throw in a module full of famously lethal traps that have everyone afraid to so much as touch the floor and watch your group spend entire sessions on a single room. We made it about three sessions and four rooms into that game before everyone quit in frustration.

2015-12-29, 04:07 PM
I've had good success with Where Madness Dwells (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/28495/Where-Madness-Dwells?it=1). It has a nice mix of combat, exploration, interaction, and problem-solving. I usually run it at level 6 or 7. Make sure you give it a good read beforehand, especially for the boss fight, which has some unique reality-warping mechanics that you'll need to remember.