View Full Version : Multigrab questions

2015-12-30, 02:20 AM
Improved Multigrab
Prerequisite: Str 17, improved grab, Multigrab
Benefit: When grappling an opponent with only the part of your body that made the attack, you take only no penalty on grapple checks to maintain the hold.
Normal: Without this feat, you take a -20 penalty (or -10 penalty on the third attack with Multigrab) on grapple checks to maintain a hold with only the part of your body that was used to make the attack

1) I assume that this would allow you to grapple more than one enemy (as implied by the name). Is that indeed what this allows, by RAW? Nowhere, aside from this feat and Multigrab (such that I've found), are there rules for holding on with only a natural attack. Nor any explanation as to why you would want to (presumably, to get more grapples, but that's not explicit, far as I can tell).

2) Are you no longer allowed to make attacks with the natural weapon that is holding on (except on the target you are holding, obviously).

3) By definition, you've got a functionally infinite number unarmed attacks. I would probably rule it as one grapple taking up one limb, but how would you do it if someone headbuts someone and then starts grappling (improved grab specifically calls out unarmed attack as being applicable, and they are natural weapons)? Also, my ruling kinda hurts the poor little snake-centaur things, since they only have 1 tail, compared to 2 legs of a human.

4) Would something like "Your reach is reduced by the smallest width of each creature you have grappled with that limb," be reasonable, if slightly convoluted? (This assumes you say that you can't attack with the natural weapon that is holding on, in question 2. If you said you could, then your input on this is likely to be redundant.)

For example, humans are 5 by 5, so grappling one reduces your reach with that natural weapon by 5 feet (down to 0 feet, for most characters), while horses are 10 by 5, so grappling them, you'd lose 5 feet as well. Meanwhile true Large creatures are 10 by 10, so grappling them reduces reach with that weapon by 10 feet.

2015-12-30, 02:57 AM
1) I assume that this would allow you to grapple more than one enemy (as implied by the name). Is that indeed what this allows, by RAW? Nowhere, aside from this feat and Multigrab (such that I've found), are there rules for holding on with only a natural attack. Nor any explanation as to why you would want to (presumably, to get more grapples, but that's not explicit, far as I can tell).

2) Are you no longer allowed to make attacks with the natural weapon that is holding on (except on the target you are holding, obviously).

3) By definition, you've got a functionally infinite number unarmed attacks. I would probably rule it as one grapple taking up one limb, but how would you do it if someone headbuts someone and then starts grappling (improved grab specifically calls out unarmed attack as being applicable, and they are natural weapons)? Also, my ruling kinda hurts the poor little snake-centaur things, since they only have 1 tail, compared to 2 legs of a human.

4) Would something like "Your reach is reduced by the smallest width of each creature you have grappled with that limb," be reasonable, if slightly convoluted? (This assumes you say that you can't attack with the natural weapon that is holding on, in question 2. If you said you could, then your input on this is likely to be redundant.)

For example, humans are 5 by 5, so grappling one reduces your reach with that natural weapon by 5 feet (down to 0 feet, for most characters), while horses are 10 by 5, so grappling them, you'd lose 5 feet as well. Meanwhile true Large creatures are 10 by 10, so grappling them reduces reach with that weapon by 10 feet.

1. No. You could already do that (grappling rules allow you to grapple 4 people of your own size category). What the feat does is eliminate the penalty that Multigrab reduces. That penalty is the one for holding someone using just the natural attack, which is found under the Improved Grab special ability (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_improvedgrab&alpha=) (default penalty is -20, multigrab -10, improved multigrab -0). You would want to hold them in just a natural attack because it makes you not count as grappled, so you don't lose your DEX to AC, still threaten an area, and move normally (instead of needing a standard action to make a check to move).

2.Nope, you can still use is perfectly fine against others while you have someone in it's grip.

3.Errrr.......huh? You only have one unarmed strike. Regardless, the grappling rules already have explicit limits on how many people you can grapple near the end of it: 4 people of your size category, smaller people count for half, larger count for double. This is regardless of whether you grapple them normally or use Improved Grab.

4.I'm.....not sure why this is remotely necessary to implement. Body position within your space and reach is incredibly abstract, and this just sounds like a pain in the butt for no real benefit. Also, you're wrong about horses, they're normal Large creatures, so they're a 10x10x10 cube like everything else (however, having a Long body, they only have 5 feet reach, instead of 10).

2015-12-30, 03:36 AM
1. No. You could already do that (grappling rules allow you to grapple 4 people of your own size category). What the feat does is eliminate the penalty that Multigrab reduces. That penalty is the one for holding someone using just the natural attack, which is found under the Improved Grab special ability (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_improvedgrab&alpha=) (default penalty is -20, multigrab -10, improved multigrab -0). You would want to hold them in just a natural attack because it makes you not count as grappled, so you don't lose your DEX to AC, still threaten an area, and move normally (instead of needing a standard action to make a check to move).

2.Nope, you can still use is perfectly fine against others while you have someone in it's grip.

3.Errrr.......huh? You only have one unarmed strike. Regardless, the grappling rules already have explicit limits on how many people you can grapple near the end of it: 4 people of your size category, smaller people count for half, larger count for double. This is regardless of whether you grapple them normally or use Improved Grab.

4.I'm.....not sure why this is remotely necessary to implement. Body position within your space and reach is incredibly abstract, and this just sounds like a pain in the butt for no real benefit. Also, you're wrong about horses, they're normal Large creatures, so they're a 10x10x10 cube like everything else (however, having a Long body, they only have 5 feet reach, instead of 10).

Thanks for responding.

1) Thanks for the info.

2) That's what I assumed, on RAW, but it did seem kinda odd.

3) Your unarmed strike can be used with multiple parts of your body. Again, thanks for the info. I don't remember the grapple rules having that detail. EDIT: Just checked it, it says 4 people can grapple, not can be grappled.

4) As I said, the answer here is redundant. This was a compromise between it not being usable at all, and it being completely normal. Reach is similarly abstracted. In fact, most things are abstracted in this game. I could have sworn I've seen horses have in the DMG as having a 2 by 1 square token. Oh well.