View Full Version : Player Help [dnd 3.5] Help character ideas!

2015-12-30, 03:57 AM
Heej Guys,

Pretty new here, but always comeing here for the handbooks so here it goes. Last night i played dnd with my friends and my swordsage/warmage died because of a ambush that epicly failed with his burning hands.... So know i have to write a new character but i have no idea what.

The stats that i rolled are 12 12 12 14 15 16. I can put them anywhere. But know i dont know what i want to be. Some info about the campaign. It's a military based campaign we are still grunts at low lvl (lvl 3) we are mostly fighting in close quarters and tactical combat where manovering is key. The party consist of a crusader, cleric, warlock (lizard race), warblade/psychic warrior. If asked about races it's played around Cormyr in the forgotten realms ( we are in that army so). What i ussualy play is sometingh that just i funky. I already played a frenzied berzeker once, binder multiple times and totemist, and charisma based caster.

So anybody has any ideas for something fun to build?

Cheers karazkanak

2015-12-30, 08:32 AM
If tactical combat is a major thing, I would suggest Marshall, from the Miniatures Handbook. Tactical combat is what the entire class is built around, and it should work well with all the other characters. Maybe Dragon Shaman (PHBII), though they don't have a lot of the abilities Marshall does that really makes tactical combat their b*tch

2015-12-30, 09:07 AM
If tactical combat is a major thing, I would suggest Marshall, from the Miniatures Handbook. Tactical combat is what the entire class is built around, and it should work well with all the other characters. Maybe Dragon Shaman (PHBII), though they don't have a lot of the abilities Marshall does that really makes tactical combat their b*tch

Both Marshall and Dragon Shaman are considered to be woefully underpowered 'round these parts.

Here's a thread for character ideas:

1001 Fun and Optimized(Or just nonsuckish) character ideas! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?444245-1001-Fun-and-Optimized(Or-just-nonsuckish)-character-ideas!) (So far it only goes up to 44.)

Looks like your party already has Tank and Healer covered, so I'd probably look at Skillmonkey stuff: Rogue, Factotum, Swordsage. Maybe Swift Hunter or a Bard Gish of some sort.

2015-12-30, 09:31 AM
Look into duskblade - arcane casting based on INT, full base attack, can cast in armor, and gets arguably its best ability starting at level 3 (arcane channeling). Mostly direct combat spells, which fits with your military-style game, though it has some nice utility, control, and debuffs as well.

2015-12-30, 10:06 AM
I second Duskblade. It can be a really fun class.

Although Marshal is "underpowered," you wouldn't do more than a one or three level dip. Motivate Dexterity as your minor aura is a great ability, so just one level is good. Three levels nets you more auras if you like them.

2015-12-30, 10:15 AM
Here's a thread for character ideas:

1001 Fun and Optimized(Or just nonsuckish) character ideas! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?444245-1001-Fun-and-Optimized(Or-just-nonsuckish)-character-ideas!) (So far it only goes up to 44.)

Looks like your party already has Tank and Healer covered, so I'd probably look at Skillmonkey stuff: Rogue, Factotum, Swordsage. Maybe Swift Hunter or a Bard Gish of some sort.

I second the skill monkey aspect. Leaves you with a unique role. And nothing like a diverse skill set for synergy to maximize each members impact.

2015-12-30, 10:21 AM
Thanks for the ideas, i will look into the skill monkey. Havent played that yet anywhere so maby a good idea. Thanks for the input. Wil also look at the page you guys send me

John Longarrow
2015-12-30, 01:06 PM
For fun with a group like that, whisper gnome Ranger -1 Rogue -1 Sword Sage -1.
You'll have a boat load of skill points and you can put them into hide/move silent/spot/survival.

No one will see you unless you want them to. As a whisper gnome you've got speed 30 and dark vision.

With your stats I'd build as
Str 12 - 2 = 10
Dex 15 + 2 = 17
Con 12 + 2 = 14
Int 16
Wis 14
Cha 12 - 2 = 10

Feats would be Weapon Finesse at 1st, Shadow Hand at 2nd. For 4th level you can either take your 2nd level in Ranger or sword sage. Each has its own benefit. I'd suggest going TWF on the ranger side. At 4th push your dex to 18. Right now you should be using a short sword for 1d4 + 3 that you are +5 to hit with. At fourth you get +2 to hit (1 each bab and dex) and your damage goes up by one.

For RP, you can be the cocky little veteran who's seen it all and lived to tell about it. Your core role in the party is to survive and report back. Kicking the enemies teeth in is an added bonus.

In your party your the guy who's 60' ahead, sneaking along, trying to spot the enemy first. Set up some way of signalling your party that they can keep an eye out for. Always be the guy working out your next set of moves, be the eyes and ears.

At higher levels you should be a really effective flanker. For now, you've got something better than invisibility; a massive hide check.

Your racials give you +4 hide/move silent and +2 spot/listen. At 3rd level these should all be maxed, giving you a +17 hide, +13 move silent, +10 spot/listen. With that going for you most monsters WON'T find you and you'll find them first.

2016-01-20, 03:57 AM
So eventualy i build a character, it became a incarnate/psion because that was my first idea for the campaign.

And gues what is died again it lived for three whole weeks jeeh, so know i am going to build the skill monkey i realy like the ninja abiltie of going invisible but it isnt that great because wel ninja and my new stats roll isnt that great, i can choose for 12 16 13 11 11 14 (in any order) or 8 13 12 15 13 15 in any order.

So which skillmonkey is the best

2016-01-20, 07:28 AM
Your party, unless more characters have died recently, also lacks an arcanist.

A Beguiler is both a skill monkey and an arcane caster. Just don't expect them to do combat.

2016-01-20, 07:52 AM
Your party, unless more characters have died recently, also lacks an arcanist.

A Beguiler is both a skill monkey and an arcane caster. Just don't expect them to do combat.

This is just what I was going to suggest.

Alternately, if your military campaign is the sort where you have ready access to battlefields with relatively fresh casualties, a Dread Necromancer could be useful; Undead can be used as trap-springers while also drawing fire away from the PCs. Handle with care depending on what the Cleric's attitude is toward the reuse of corpses.

2016-01-20, 09:53 AM
So eventualy i build a character, it became a incarnate/psion because that was my first idea for the campaign.

And gues what is died again it lived for three whole weeks jeeh, so know i am going to build the skill monkey i realy like the ninja abiltie of going invisible but it isnt that great because wel ninja and my new stats roll isnt that great, i can choose for 12 16 13 11 11 14 (in any order) or 8 13 12 15 13 15 in any order.

So which skillmonkey is the best

If you want a ninja, full Swordsage would be the way to go, maybe with a Monk dip for Shadow Sun Ninja, which is a really nice class, especially if you have a way to force things to go dark.

2016-01-22, 06:52 AM

Thanks for reply's. Jup in the same session another one died. So he is also building stil realy depended on what he wants. The only races that are possible are the human or elf variants but not all. Going to look at bequiler and again ad maby full swordsage. Unfortanely the campaign is in comryr so undead caster are frowned upon. so with my binder rogue build shot out of the window i have no idea. So i have said i am not continouing for a while just to strict character building.

2016-01-22, 07:21 PM

Thanks for reply's. Jup in the same session another one died. So he is also building stil realy depended on what he wants. The only races that are possible are the human or elf variants but not all. Going to look at bequiler and again ad maby full swordsage. Unfortanely the campaign is in comryr so undead caster are frowned upon. so with my binder rogue build shot out of the window i have no idea. So i have said i am not continouing for a while just to strict character building.

Binders aren't even distantly related to undead, there's simply no relation to them at all. Binders are people experienced in establishing temporary contracts with the vestiges of long lost creatures, most of which were turned into vestiges for being a threat to the very existence of the universe in their previous forms. However, gods couldn't care less for vestiges in their current form, being but a shadow of their former selves, able to manifest among the living only through fragile contracts that only last for short periods.