View Full Version : DM Help [PF] Planning Dark Sun, need interesting haunts

2015-12-30, 04:47 AM
So I am busy planning a Dark Sun game for April '16 and my idea is to sprinkle some haunts (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/gameMasteryGuide/haunts.html) over Athas. For those who don't know this little rules element from the GameMastery Guide, it's bascially a combination of creature mechanics (undead) with trap mechanics to get something that can replicate every haunted house cliché ever, and then some. Very cool if you want a challenge or barrier that can't be destroyed by the depletion of hit points. Does anyone have ideas for desert-themed haunts that go beyond people having died of thirst?

I'd also love to use haunts as a delivery method to grant the PCs some insights into Athas' history, like a ghost telling them something or they must dig up the remains of someone to give them a proper burial and find a piece of information in the process or something like that. However, I am unsure what pieces of information would be "right"... my players have never played Dark Sun so I can use pretty much whatever I want and canon be damned, but what might be interesting enough to not be forgotten about 1 hour later?

Any ideas?

2015-12-30, 04:51 AM
The ruins of Giustenal is haunted by a conglomeration of the spirits of the dead called the Caller in the Dark. Though normally this is a standard enemy, it could be redone as a haunt.

2015-12-30, 08:14 AM
Interesting... didn't think of using Giustenal with haunts, but that would actually be a good fit. However, going from what I've read that's pretty much mid-level stuff and not something I'd want to throw at a beginning party. But I'll keep this idea in mind ;)

2015-12-30, 09:06 PM
Well, the old favourites of Dark Sun are things like soul-devouring cacti, location-bound insane elementals and defiled souls.

Remember that there a loads of insane elementals on Athas as well as the last few screaming nature spirits, so stuff to do with them would be fitting.

2015-12-30, 10:00 PM
I'm not sure that people dying of thirst has the emotional backstory usually seen in a haunted house tale. You usually want spurned lovers, treachery, greed, or incomplete life goals. Perhaps instead of just "we ran out of water" you could have a water source that was poisoned to spite another, and the haunt continues to poison the oasis on anniversary nights until it's dealt with. Maybe you could desert-up the ghost pirate ship with a ghost bandit gang that attacks merchant caravans and takes the goods out of the living world into the lair of their remembered past.