View Full Version : Mechwarrior Online

2015-12-31, 01:03 AM
Does anyone else play this title? I tried back in open beta but was disswayed at how much of a grind it was to earn C-Bills. Came back just before the Steam launch and racking up a million for every hour or so of play which is making the gameplay feel a lot more worthwhile.

Maybe we can get a group from GITP set up so we don't drop soley with randoms in the PUGs.

2015-12-31, 06:36 PM
Been off and on since the open Beta. Still one of my all-time favorite games but I burned out after a couple of years. Nice to see a Steam launch, it should bring some new blood in.

I will say every month or two I log on and play a round and each time things are slightly more refined. It's come a long long way and most of the changes are for the better. I've spent about the price of a new game on it, for mechbays only, and I have logged enough hours to where every cent was well spent.

Anyone on here play a lot of CW matches? I left right before it was implemented and have been too intimidated to drop in on any as a PUG.