View Full Version : Psionics Lite: Thoughts and idea's?

2015-12-31, 07:17 AM
I've been mulling over the idea of doing a d20 modern, agents of psi (but different) campaign. The thing is, I don't really want to use the psionics rules as they are. What I want to do instead is have the players be able to manifest any power they want (from a relatively small list of thematically linked powers) as many times as they want provided they can pass some sort of skill check. Basically I want a less terrible version of the truenaming mechanics to be applied to psionics.

I figured I'd run this idea by you guys before I tried working out all the specifics. As of yet the
only things I know for sure(ish) is that
a) The most efficient way to generate the DC's for manifesting powers would be to somehow derive them from PP costs.
b) I don't intend on using metapsionic feats
c) I will be using some powers from XPH and CPsi, though not most of them, especially not the ones have a more fantastical flavour to them.
d) I don't want manifesting ability to be linked to any specific class.

Fouredged Sword
2015-12-31, 11:05 AM
Well, lets make it a skill check. Possibly multiple skills, such as telepathy and telekinesis.

I would also involve some sort of limiting factor. I want to base it on multiple stats to be good at it. I like the idea of a good spread of different stat based skills (meaning you need good int to get the skill points and generally other stats for bonuses)

I'm thinking 5-6 skills, meaning you need int for the points.

So skills, what are the most iconic psionic powers

Telekinesis (Int) - Move objects with your mind
Telepathy (Wis) - Read thoughts
Pyromancy (Con) - Light things on fire
Domination (Cha) - Charming and Taking control of people
Deception (Cha) - Illusion and mental trickery

Now, these are skills, what classes get them as class skills? None of them. Instead you have a feat - Natural Talent - Prereq, character level 1 - Pick a psionic skill. That skill is now a class skill for you. You may not take this feat multiple times.

If a character wants to represent a higher level of training in a skill rather than natural talent, point them to the skill focus feat. +3 is a big deal.

As for skill DC's. Well, you are going to have a lot of characters will cross class ranks, so we don't want to set it too high. We don't want it to be easy though. I like DC 15+PP used. This means a naturally talented level 1 PC with a +2 skill modifier can take 10 and activate a level 1 power.

There is another restriction needed. Let's say that you cannot attempt a power that has a level than your attribute associated with the respective skill+1 (minimum 1). Characters will cap out at level 5 powers.

Now, to prevent people from spamming powers. We need a mechanic to add a cost into using such abilities.

I like the idea of backlash rather than a fixed pool of uses. Let's go ahead and give every character a free grace pool to use powers from. Let's give it a nice number like 2+HD. They reset their pool by resting for 8 hours. Their pool is not a hard cap though, it just starts incurring cost after they exceed it. Each time they attempt to manifest a power after they exceed their cap imposes a -1 penalty to the associated stat of that skill until the character can rest for 8 hours.

Overexertion taxes the mind and body
Telekenisis taxes the intellect
Telepathy lowers your mental barriers
Pyromancy burns the body
Domination and Deception erode the self.

Let there be a feat for those who really want to use powers a lot.

Backlash resilience
Prereq - 1 skill point in a psionic skill
You can push further and harder with psionics than most. After you exceed your psionic pool you only count every odd use of your powers when determining penalties. (-1 for 1st and 2nd use, -2 for 3rd and 4th use, ect.)

More thoughts

Extra feat
Psionic General Training
Prereqs - None
You can use all psionic skills untrained and gain a +1 to all psionic skill checks.

The Physical Path
Prereqs - 2 skill ranks in both Pyrokenisis and Telekenisis
+2 to pyrokenisis and Telekenisis skill checks

The Master Path
Prereqs - 2 skill ranks in both Domination and Deception
+2 to Domination and Deception skill checks

The Open Path
Prereqs - 2 Skill ranks in Telepathy
+2 to telepathy and sense motive skill checks.

This is set up with level 1-6 play in mind. I like to think of Modern in the same way I think of E6 in 3.5. Someone who really wants to stack on the ability to use psionics is looking at 9 ranks + 3 skill focus + 4 stat + 1 training +2 path. That's +19 to the skill check. They will be able to throw around 2nd level powers in combat with no check and throw around 5th level powers with no check.

They also burned just about every feat they have to get there. That means no guns, no armor, nothing that takes feats.

2016-01-01, 02:55 AM
This is really good, I like a lot of the idea's you've developed. Some of it doesn't quite match up with what I want, but for the most part it's exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for.

2016-01-01, 06:19 PM
Have you looked as Spheres of Power? From my limited understanding of the material you might be able to create the kind of low-psonics casting system you want out of it.

John Longarrow
2016-01-01, 07:07 PM
Two aspects that often get overlooked;
1) Maintaining powers. If you can manifest at will and each power has a duration, what keeps you from bringing up ALL abilities at once?
I'd suggest concentration check where the DC = the combined DC of all powers you've got up already to keep them up. First ability = easy. Bring up a second, concentration check = first powers DC THEN see if you can bring up the second. Means that unless you have a MONSTER concentration you won't have a lot of protracted abilities up at once.
2) Dropping one ability to bring up another. Should be a free action.

Classic example; Darth Vader fighting. Stops swinging his light saber to use telekinesis. Reason, he uses psionic (force) to augment his melee. Drops his combat augment to bring up telekinesis then drops telekinesis when he goes back to fighting.

At high levels you'll have a few characters running two or more powers at once. They'll also have sunk a lot of skill points and a feat into upping their concentration, so it should balance out.