View Full Version : [3.5] Adventures in Uma - A Light in the Darkness

2015-12-31, 09:07 AM
These are troubled times for the land of Uma. Monsters have been swarming up out of the wilderness and encroaching on settlements with increasing frequency. Rumors of a dark power orchestrating these seemingly disparate groups together towards a singular purpose persists. To make matters worse, a dragon, not seen in these parts in a thousand years has been spotted flying through the sky at night. Some claim that this is the end of days.

You and your partner find yourselves walking in through the gates of the village of Blacstone, the last settlement in Uma's western region to hold out against the monster attacks. Should it fall, the monsters will have a clear shot to the heart of kingdom. In these desperate times, heroes are needed.

The two of you met almost by accident one fateful day. Upset by the wealth and privilege with which she grew up when there were so many suffering, Mira fled from that life to western Uma where troubles were brewing. She found herself in Briarshore, a small hamlet in the forest of Ardryl, aiding the defenders there. However, when goblins overran the place, she fled with the rest of the survivors in a wagon to Blacstone, the last free village in the west.

Blue, the physically weakest of his litter of Diopsid, had always been different from his kin. Perhaps that is why, when the rest of his burrow decided to flee the troubles by burrowing underground, Blue elected to instead head to the surface and learn what kinds of sights there were to see above ground. Constantly fueled by an insatiable curiosity, he found himself driven to explore in these troubled times.

Thus it was almost fate when Blue stumbled across a wagon in the woods that was beset by brigands who were preying upon the troubled times for their own selfish gain at the expense of others. Having helped Mira and the others in the wagon drive them off, the diopsid outcast found himself more accepted by strangers as unlike him as could be imagined while his own kind had shunned him. Perhaps that is why the wagon's apprentice wizard bequeathed his spellbook to the curious insect when he succumbed to his wounds on the journey to Blacstone.

Still, at long last, Mira, Blue, and the six other injured survivors of the massacre at Briarshore find themselves outside the gates of Blacstone, the last village to hold out against these troubles in the west. The twelve-foot pallisade walls which surround the town speak of the refuge and safety to be found within. A pair of guardsmen man the gates, which remain open for now to accommodate the refugees which have come streaming into town.

Though neither of them know it yet, a legend was about to be born here. Were they ready for what Fate had in store?

The Bandicoot
2016-01-02, 03:46 PM
Blue spent most of his time tending to the most injured of the group (tell me how many heal checks I need to make) like a doting mother "No no no, use the crutch when you walk your ankle is twisted........yes I know it's a branch pretend it's a crutch use it as a crutch........Now now, what did I say about keeping those bandages moist? That feathermoss and mustard root on them bandages don't do any good unless you keep it damp."

When they arrived at the city Blue was taking a short break and reading his spellbook. As he looked up at the walls the first thought he had was muttered aloud "I bet they have a big library..."

2016-01-02, 07:18 PM
since there are six injured, that'd be six heal checks.

Marian, the older woman in the party of refugees whose ankle was broken in the escape says, "Don't know about that. Before all the troubles, Blacstone wasn't known for its scholarship."

The Bandicoot
2016-01-02, 09:59 PM

Blue shakes his head and sighs. "Ah well." He turns and looks behind him before shouting "Monty! Remy! Get up here!"

Monty, the raven, immediately ceased the game of chase he was having with Remy and flew over. Remy, who thought the game was still afoot, chased after and playfully batted at Monty, receiving a bop on the nose from the raven in response "This is why he loves me more." Monty cawed seriously, adding a muttered "Mangy dog."

BBDuc 2E
2016-01-04, 10:55 AM
Mira was trudging along, her feet swollen in her well-made, but untested boots. The first night she'd walked all day, she'd taken them off when they stopped to rest at night-fall. That'd been a mistake, to be sure. She hadn't been able to fit her feet in the boots the next morning.

Still, that was a few months ago, and she was used to life on the road by now - at least enough that she could keep an eye out for a good story, and the creature covered in blue chitin practically screamed 'story in the making'. Besides, he was interesting, she hadn't seen someone like him at court, or anywhere, for that matter.

She pounced on the opportunity to introduce herself and help him when he was tending the wounded. "Hey there! I'm Mira." She smiled at the Diopsid. "Can I help you with this? I've picked up a thing or two about bandages."

She set about straightening bandages and finding crutches as they travelled.

Taking 10 on the 6 heal checks to aid Blue. DC to do that is 10, and she has a +0 modifier, so she gives him +2 to all his stuff.

She followed him into town. "So, who are you anyway? I've never met anyone quite like you, and I've met a lot of people."

The Bandicoot
2016-01-05, 07:46 AM
"Yes, thank you" Blue responded to Mira's help bandageing. "As well as I try these....." he wiggled all four of his arms "are not as dexterous as most topsider's"

"I am..." Blue switched into the rapid-fire light show that was his name in Diopsid "but you can call me Blue, it is the......least offensive name I have been called lately. As to why you've never seen anyone like me....most of my people dug deeper when the Troubles began." He looked around and clacked his mandible "Up here is a frightening enough place what with the wild winds, massive amounts of water that comes down in waves from the sky, and the sky! Not a ceiling in sight out here! Almost makes me wish for home."

BBDuc 2E
2016-01-07, 03:25 PM
Mira laughs, small pearls of joy, at Blue's description of rain.

"I love the sky - it's so beautiful at sunset! I think it'd be a shame to live your whole life without feeling it on your face. But then there's probably something good about living down under the ground. You say you miss the cielings? It must be snug, always having walls around you. Safe."

2016-01-11, 09:16 AM
As the two of you enter through the gates, the taller and thinner of the two guardsmen greet y'all. "Welcome! I'm always glad to see wounded come in here. Means some of you survived. I take it it you managed to capture one of the monsters?"

The Bandicoot
2016-01-11, 06:44 PM
Blue tilted his head at the guard and clacked his mandibles together, absentmindedly petting Remy. He was almost hurt at the accusation but he had been called far worse before. "Me? Monster?" he asked "No, I'm......whats the phrase.......one of the good guys? I'm a.....druid.....mage.......something. A magic user."

2016-01-11, 10:12 PM
The guard gives you a strange look. "Um... You sure about that?"

The Bandicoot
2016-01-11, 11:11 PM
"Sure about what? That I'm not a monster or that I'm a magic user." Without waiting for an answer he bends down to pick up a rock, casting Light on it. "Yep, still a magic user. The earlier confusion was more in line with what to call myself, someone who practices both druidic and arcane magic."

2016-01-11, 11:19 PM
He looks at you flatly. "And can anyone humanoid in this party vouch for you?"