View Full Version : Multiplatform Crossover Brainstorms!!!

2015-12-31, 06:53 PM
Just brain storm a bunch of video game ideas. . .

So. . . I've always thought a Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy Crossover would be an incredible awesome idea.
Maybe even a Diablo + Alien/Predator idea.

Dragon Quest bosses would be great Summons from a Caller/Summoner character. What are your ideas? Discuss here why your idea is totally awesome!

2016-01-04, 09:01 PM
XCOM and Mass Effect.

Potentially covering the first contact war with the Turians or holding out on the Reaper invasion in Earth. You have a squad of elite soldiers to command against a technologically or numerically superior foe. Your job in the First Contact War would be to hold out for a certain period of time while waiting for the truce, doing enough to slow the Turians but not enough to have them to locate and orbitally bombard your facility because you've sent too many missions too fast.

Against the Reapers, your job would be fast precise strikes against the Reapers with a time limit before reinforcements/death by Reaper Cannon.

Basically, XCOM combat in the Mass Effect universe. Me likey.