View Full Version : Classified adventures until such time that the information can be disclosed!

2016-01-01, 12:32 AM
"Sorry we had to leave so abruptly!" A familiar voice hollers, attempting to be heard through the whistling of the wind.

The sky and sea are distinguishable only because of the horizon, the clouds above, and the passing islands below. The cold air blasts at your face, though the ride is one you otherwise know quite comfortably well, having enjoyed several times during your training.

"I still can't believe I got up at 10:20! If it wasn't for Leiloni, we'd be super late!" you hear drift back to you from the pair sitting on the middle neck of the massive aerial beast. "I think we can still get seats to watch the show. But no time to sit around once we touch down, alright? How you two holdin' up back there?"

Coloring the Master/Student Relationship a little bit.

Capt. Infinity
2016-01-01, 01:37 AM
"Woooooohooooo!" Was the only response David heard from Zane, who's hands were raised into the air in excitement. He had flown on his mentor's Hydreigon more than a few times over the course of his training, but he had never truly gotten used to how exhilarating the experience was. Growing up in a quiet village in the mountains, Zane had never really experienced much in the way of excitement, the strongest wind he'd ever come to experience before his training with the Rangers was a stiff but pleasant breeze that flew up from the lower ends of the mountain. This leisurely life left the young Ranger ever thankful for the high energy life he lived now, and he always did his best to appreciate the more adventurous things in life.

Hiro was decidedly more subdued. Any normal person would pass the young Riolu off as simply stoically enduring the whipping winds racing across it as the massive, three-headed dragon raced across the sky. But Zane could tell from the light twitching of the young Pokemon's ears, and the gentle smirk at the edges of his face, that the mild-mannered Fighting type was also having the time of his life, simply enjoying the ride for all its worth.

The Junior Ranger shouted forward, fighting the wind for supremacy of noise in an attempt to get the attention of his teacher. "Not even time for popcorn and drinks? What's the hurry anyways? The fight never gets good until they're at least halfway down their belts. There's never any energy until the stakes get raised!" He shouts jovially at his mentor and boss, content to enjoy the show when they get there, despite his own confusion. "Hey, Uncle David! Why the heck are we watching this battle anyways? Not that I'm complaining, but aren't we supposed to be integrating me with the Dexers as quickly as possible?" He shouts over the rush of air, genuinely curious.

2016-01-01, 02:29 AM
"Oh, you don't know? The 4 kings are gonna square off, each goin' 1 on 1 with 1 fighter each! Not only that, but Kingsley -you remember him- he's gonna be joining in! Apparently he got himself a rival, and they're gonna duke it out as well! Pretty sure they're going Mega... The small fry in the tournament I don't give a Raticate about, but we definitely gotta see -those- matches!" the man yells back.

Throwing all caution to the wind, he turns off of his safe seat and sits completely lose, Indian style, on the Brutal Pokemon's neck, remaining sitting only due to the pressure the other companion is placing on his shoulder. "Yo, you know Kingsley's girlfriend? She's the one meeting them, and will be taking 'em back to the mainland! We got time to watch this match, then me and the champ need to have some words about stuffs before we get you situated. Thought you might enjoy watching a few more pros go nuts before we dump you off on your own! You seem jumpy!" he grins.

Capt. Infinity
2016-01-01, 02:40 AM
"You mispronounced 'excited'!" Zane yells back, smiling with anticipation. "Can you blame me? I know it's all a mission for the greater good and all that, but come on man, I'm going on an adventure! Do you know the kind of stuff Dex holders get up to? I've heard the stories man! And if these guys end up HALF as cool as the stuff I've heard, I'll be more than happy!" He pauses for a moment, smirking at his teacher. "So, one final hoorah before I get steeped in mediocrity eh? That's fair, though I can't help but feel like you're just tiding me over while you get some bureaucracy done. If it is, thanks man! One-on-one battles with the Kings themselves, now there's something to kick off a journey! I hope you got us some good seats!" He cheers over the din as Leiloni races across the sky.

2016-01-06, 04:45 AM
"Trust me, if your adventures were anything like mine, you're in for a wild ride. You better get good on your journey; I'll be waiting for you to take over for me in a few decades. And no, I'm just as eager to see these battles myself. You can watch some of the other tournament fights after while he and I chat, but watching the E-4 and a pair of champ material go at it is well worth the price of missing a few more minutes of sleep! We'll basically be right in front of the battle-field, with camera access to ensure we can keep watching despite any of the chaos!" he answers Zane, his voice starting to strain from the volume required.

After a few more minutes of fast flying, the long awaited destination finally looms into view. "There it is! Opal Island of the Battle Frontier! Just barely on time! Screw a proper landing; we're going right to the stadium itself! Come on, Leiloni!" he calls, padding the Hydreigon on the back. There is one brief shift in the calmness of her path before the dragon adjusts its flight course, her large shadow a black blur over the ground as the group descends over the incredibly impressive city.