View Full Version : Half elf variant option: human lvl 1 feat

2016-01-01, 11:47 AM
I have a player who wants to play a half elf but he wants him to be more human than elf and get the lvl 1 feat that the human gets instead of the variant options from scag. Should I allow it?

2016-01-01, 11:50 AM
I have a player who wants to play a half elf but he wants him to be more human than elf and get the lvl 1 feat that the human gets instead of the variant options from scag. Should I allow it?

nope. if he wants to be more human than elf, have him mechanically play a human and fluff it as he has elven blood, but not enough to make him not human.

2016-01-01, 11:59 AM
Definitely agree with Sharkforce. Otherwise he's just clearly superior to a human with an extra +2 charisma and darkvision and immune to magical sleep, adv vs. charm, etc. A feat is worth more than two skills.

I'm a fan of fluffing things as Sharkforce suggests. I did it with a wood elf who was rebuilt into a half-elf. My notion was that he was still born a wood elf and still passes as a wood elf but is mechanically a half-elf because he traded some of his fey essence for warlock power and underwent a transformation. Just say his human side was more dominant in some ways but let him look however he wants.

2016-01-01, 12:49 PM
In exchange for the skill versatility trait? No.
I mean two skills are obviously weaker than a feat since one of the weakest feats gives 3 skills. He has to give up something more. Perhaps darkvision, fey ancestry or even both of them and keep a skill.
If one of my players would ask for something like this, i'd tell him to pick all the human variant traits in place of the half elf's but roleplay him as a half elf. A definately balanced option.

2016-01-01, 01:38 PM
Do not let him do this. Huge power boost.

2016-01-01, 01:40 PM
Nope. But here's how I see it: the SCAG variants are obviously the more elven Half-Elves. The standard PHB Half-Elf is the more human option, they represent the flexibility of the human race - our ability to adapt to anywhere (2 skills, and +1 to 2 stats of choice). So that's what I'd tell your player.

2016-01-01, 02:53 PM
I guess I'd let them go variant human with +2 to dexterity instead of +1 to two stats. That's about it.

Cerberus v6.66
2016-01-01, 03:08 PM
I guess I'd let them go variant human with +2 to dexterity instead of +1 to two stats. That's about it.

Not a great option if they're doing point buy or array. That let's the player get an 18 at level 1, which is something a lot of thinge seem balanced to prevent.

Flavor fluff is the thing. If your player cares about the flavor, they'll be fine with that and have fun creating a character with just a hint of elven features. If they're really looking for a mechanical boost justified by a flavor argument, they won't be happy, but they also shouldn't get what they want unless the rest of the game is equally advantaged and balanced to compensate.

2016-01-01, 03:20 PM
Not a great option if they're doing point buy or array. That let's the player get an 18 at level 1, which is something a lot of thinge seem balanced to prevent.

Right, they'd be a little overpowered at level 1, but it probably wouldn't matter in the long run, plus it's easy enough to adjust for. If you're worried about them being slightly overpowered, then don't do it, but this is probably one of the least overpowered mechanical options.

2016-01-01, 04:58 PM
There are already races that get +2 in one stat and the highest you can get with array or point buy with that is 17. Letting them be a human with +2 in Dex instead of +1 to two things is probably fine.

2016-01-01, 05:15 PM
There are already races that get +2 in one stat and the highest you can get with array or point buy with that is 17. Letting them be a human with +2 in Dex instead of +1 to two things is probably fine.

None of those races let you take a feat though. Athlete, Resilient, Moderately Armored, or Weapon Master can give +1 Dex, for a total of 18 at level 1.

Edit: First post, sneak attack!

2016-01-01, 05:18 PM
There are already races that get +2 in one stat and the highest you can get with array or point buy with that is 17. Letting them be a human with +2 in Dex instead of +1 to two things is probably fine.

The 18 comes from doing that, and also taking a feat that adds 1 to dexterity. YMMV on how big of an issue that is, as such feats are Athlete, Lightly Armored, Moderately Armored, Resilient (Dexterity), and Weapon Master.

Edit: Clearly should have taken the Alert feat as I've been ninja'd.

2016-01-01, 05:28 PM
Like all those above: no. Much more powerful.

2016-01-01, 08:41 PM
The 18 comes from doing that, and also taking a feat that adds 1 to dexterity.

Oh, right. Derp.

2016-01-01, 10:11 PM
I actually don't think the 18 makes the character overpowered. An 18 + feature from a feat makes it stronger depending on the fear but not +omg overpowered+.

Bless gives you a +1 to +4 to your ability scores when you need it to make you more accurate (more damage) or more resistant (less damage).

Yeah it isn't every fight but it isn't like the times bless is around it makes the game unbalanced. Besides the game allows for people to roll and get an 18.

I'm rather tempted to have everyone start with 3 20's and 3 14's (no racial ASI or ASIs at all) to show high level competency and allow class choice to show the difference between the PCs.

2016-01-02, 01:39 AM
nope. if he wants to be more human than elf, have him mechanically play a human and fluff it as he has elven blood, but not enough to make him not human.
This. The player is definitely trying to pull one over on you. Keep an eye on him!

2016-01-02, 03:18 AM
I have a player who wants to play a half elf but he wants him to be more human than elf and get the lvl 1 feat that the human gets instead of the variant options from scag. Should I allow it?

So two skills for a feat, and you can get three skills (or other stuff) with the feat. Don't allow it except if you buff others too!
If he wants to be more human, you can remove an elven thing or the skills and add a typical human thing a human doesn't get.

2016-01-02, 05:19 AM
I have a player who wants to play a half elf but he wants him to be more human than elf and get the lvl 1 feat that the human gets instead of the variant options from scag. Should I allow it?

Not a hance in hell. OP. Hes playing you.

If he wants to be more human than elf, he can play a human with pointy ears. Let him swap out the human bonus skill for darkvision.

2016-01-02, 07:17 AM
Plain old humans are now 3.5 half elves, see how they like it.

A regular human's +1 to each stat can be a boon to guys making crazy multiclass builds like paladin/rogue, paladin/rangers, etc. who have to meet requirements. I mean it is +6, you could start the game with 5 /14s and 1 /11

But kudos for him trying

Lonely Tylenol
2016-01-03, 06:15 AM
OP, if you can gain a feat in exchange for two skill proficiencies, you can gain the Skilled feat, which gives you three skill proficiencies. That's a flat "+1 skill proficiency" for free as one of the options granted, and it's not even one of the better options.

If that doesn't give you an idea of how much of a flat power boost a feat would be here, nothing will.

Shining Wrath
2016-01-03, 08:47 AM
He wants to take two of the strongest races, crunch-wise, and pick up one of the nicest features from one and add it to the other?

If you agree to this, and I like agreeable DMs in principle, there needs to be some sort of penalty.

EDIT: Herewith my homebrew "1/4 Elf".
Start with half elf. Add the variant human free feat.
SUBTRACT: Darkvision, Skill Versatility, and Fey Ancestry. The character no longer knows Elven.
REDUCE: +2 to Charisma to +1.

2016-01-03, 11:26 AM
I strongly agree with folks who've said you're getting played. Just don't do it. Players have to make choices. All choices represent opportunity costs. Make the player choose. Do I want a feat or do I want other racial benefits? I would be infuriated if I simply made that choice myself only to come to the table and find that another player talked you into a loophole.