View Full Version : RHoD Oops

2016-01-02, 12:20 AM
Greetings Playground!!

So I've been running a Red Hand of Doom campaign for the pass 2-3 months for my group which fluctuates from 6-8 players a week. I have read SaintHeart's wonderful masterpiece of a handbook and took a lot of it into consideration during my preplanning stage. So far while running it as a E6 campaign I've not had to change much of anything from the book other then flavor text which is just much less paperwork for me at the moment.

Having just finished most of the Rhest part of the book I was called out on Wyrmlord Saarvith's attack routine and gear. Being that I haven't changed much of anything and been playing straight outta the book I was embarrassed by what transpired. :smallredface:

Saarvith was riding Regiarix and firing down on the group with Rapid Shot as no one had taken care to acknowledge his presence and Regiarix has Hover as a listed feat. The problem came as follows...

GM (Me): Saarvith fires from his longbow...(rolls 19)...threat crit and follow up for confirmation. 2d6 plus bonus blah blah blah...
PC: He rolled a what? Nat 19 and crit with his Longbow? I can't wait to get a hold of that weapon!!

Needless to say my group let it slide as I was using the stat block straight from the book and never thought to double check it. Also rolling only x2 damage instead of x3 helped my cause. In either case I was wondering if there are any other errata or misprint oversights in the rest of the chapters that I may have missed as some of you have either run the module once or more.

Any info or questions will be appreciated.

2016-01-02, 12:24 AM
Improved Critical doubles the range of crit strikes.

2016-01-02, 12:33 AM
While that is certainly true, Saarvith does not have the feat or even magical gear to emulate it. He is a Goblin Ranger 7 with a +1 longbow, standard ranged Ranger feats as well as Mounted Archer, Mounted Combat, and Point Blank Shot.

I've been happy that I didn't need to redo or reexamine all the Wyrmlords for errors so far, but this made my group give me the raised eyebrow of questionable intent. :smallbiggrin:

2016-01-02, 12:41 AM
While that is certainly true, Saarvith does not have the feat or even magical gear to emulate it. He is a Goblin Ranger 7 with a +1 longbow, standard ranged Ranger feats as well as Mounted Archer, Mounted Combat, and Point Blank Shot.

I've been happy that I didn't need to redo or reexamine all the Wyrmlords for errors so far, but this made my group give me the raised eyebrow of questionable intent. :smallbiggrin:

Just say he did. Unless they are looking at the campaign, they won't know either way. And it really goes against the whole idea of playing a campaign if you read it before you play.

2016-01-02, 12:48 AM
Quick easy fix for me to change one of his feats. Is there any other Wyrmlord mistakes is more what I'm worried about.

I know published modules have some errors at points, but not all are as easy to fix. I guess I may have to spend less time making maps for them to game on and review the Wyrmlord stat blocks. :smalleek:

2016-01-02, 12:52 AM
Quick easy fix for me to change one of his feats. Is there any other Wyrmlord mistakes is more what I'm worried about.

I know published modules have some errors at points, but not all are as easy to fix. I guess I may have to spend less time making maps for them to game on and review the Wyrmlord stat blocks. :smalleek:

Don't worry about it dude. That's one time in the months that you've been playing. If something ends up conflicting after a couple more months, then just say it's something about the character. As long as you aren't TPKing them, then there's really nothing to worry about.

2016-01-02, 09:00 AM
Agreed, not something you should worry about much. Unless you want to go over every single statblock for everything ever with a fine toothed comb and second guess where all the bonuses are coming from and then you'll just be blaming yourself instead of the books. I once went over the Dire Wolf trying to pick it apart for animal companion purposes and I'm pretty sure even that didn't add up right. Seems pretty obvious whoever was typing just did 19-20 like for every longsword x50, and it's far less disastrous then giving him elfbane arrows to stack with his favored elf enemy and murderize any poor sod who brought an elven wizard.

2016-01-04, 07:33 PM
The Red Dragon's Will save modifier is wrong. It's listed as something like +10 and should be +12, or something like that.