View Full Version : Explorer's Haven (Currently residence of Daeghun)

2007-06-12, 11:16 PM
This is a rented house from the Town Hills Apartments, currently belonging to Daeghun.

(There will be a map as soon as Kyrian and I are on at the same time)

2007-06-12, 11:17 PM
Daeghun walks in, and heads up to bed, where he enjoys about 12 hours of sleeping.

(Deadtime, but not for twelve hours.)

2007-06-17, 01:03 PM
Daeghun arrives with several barrels from Trog's. He sets them down inside and waits to see if Ser needs any help.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 01:05 PM
Got it!

Ser comes up, and telekinetically drops all the barrels around where Daeghun dropped his.

2007-06-17, 01:07 PM
Thanks again. I've been trying to stock up. Always nice to be able to have a drink in your own home. Got some of the other popular ones incase I have guests. You got a home?

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 01:08 PM
Yea, big palace directly next to the IG base.

2007-06-17, 01:09 PM
That place! I wondered who lived there. You been in the Town long? Heard about any old crypts, ruins, or anything like that?

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 01:11 PM
No, got in a few months ago, spent the last 71 years dungeon crawling and cave exploring. You have no idea how weak I was until level 15.

2007-06-17, 01:14 PM
Cut it down to about 21 years and you've got me. Started when I was 10. These whips have served me well for a long time.
As he says this, he fingers the handle to the whip he used to hold the barrels together, and pulls out one with a dagger attached to the end.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 01:16 PM
Heh, thats the problem with us, we live eternally, but are very weak at levels 1-15. This shocks lots of people. Iv been adventuring for 71 years, and im only 72 years old. Shocks everybody, doesnt bother me too much.

2007-06-17, 01:20 PM
Well, you're older then me, and I encourage people to start young. It's easier to remain unoticed when your a kid. Lots of people can't see a kid doing anything important.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 01:21 PM
There is only 2 stages of life as an Arcane Incarnation, Existence, and Destruction, or what mortals call, "Adulthood" and "death".

2007-06-17, 01:24 PM
Wow, you guys miss out on a lot if you don't have a childhood.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 01:26 PM
Not really, you can masquerate as a 1-year old, or a 10000-year old, you'll always look the same no matter what your age.

2007-06-17, 01:28 PM
Yeah, but it's not really how you look and act, it's the simple matter of being that age. There's just a mindset that no magic could possibly recreate.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 01:32 PM
I know what you mean. while magic can control a mind, theres some parts of the mind even the most powerful magics cant touch. A 100-year-old AI is as smart and wise as a 100 year old man, just as a 2YO AI is as naive as a 2YO human.

2007-06-17, 01:34 PM
Right, and then there's learning from trial and error. It seems like that would be harder in a two stage life.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 01:35 PM
Thats the beauty of immortality! You have literally all the time in the world to learn what is right and wrong!

2007-06-17, 01:37 PM
Yes, but then you have to watch as your non-imortal friends die. Eventually, you'd become so antiscoial from seeing your friends die, that you'd wish you were dead.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 03:10 PM
Elves have heightened life spans, and I have never seen an elf's mind snap over the death of a friend/companion/etc, but you do bring up a good point
((sorry for long wait, internet probs :smallyuk: ))

2007-06-17, 03:31 PM
They may live for a long time, but not forever. I knew an elf that died of old age. It was quite a sight. He had adventured with me, despite the fact that he knew he wouldn't last much longer. Elven gods make it quite a show when a brave elf like him dies of old age, because it shows that he was quick, strong, smart, hardy, wise, and personable to make it through several hundered years of adventuring. Those elves are revered almost as much as the elven gods are.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 03:35 PM
Elves may live a very long time, but age catches up to them. Us? As long as arcanea exists, we exist. I can live a hundred elven lifespans and still be at least as powerful as i was before. Demons, age has no touch on them, but they can be killed, kind of like an Arcane Incarnation.

2007-06-17, 03:35 PM
Yes, but demons are infamous for making very few real friends.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 03:37 PM
But theres a difference. We are not demons.

2007-06-17, 03:40 PM
That's my point as to why it wouldn't drive demons insane. You, on the other hand, seem like someone that could have several friends of other races.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 03:43 PM

2007-06-17, 03:45 PM
Which means that you would need to watch them die, because most races aren't immortal.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 03:49 PM
I have seen people die, both in my hands, and along side me. Tyrants and Heroes rise and fall, revolution and tradition come and go. The universe needs its watchers.

2007-06-17, 03:51 PM
Daeghun feels the house vibrating from the noise outside.
I think we'd better check out what's going on!
He leaves, pulling out his whip-dagger.

Emperor Ing
2007-06-17, 03:53 PM
Ser holds his head


Flies away.

2007-07-10, 11:33 PM
Daeghun walks in with a little girl.

2007-07-10, 11:36 PM
Sorry follows Deaghun in.

2007-07-10, 11:37 PM
Lillith follows shortly after.

2007-07-10, 11:38 PM
What would you like to drink? I've got a good stock from Trog's.
Daeghun pours himself a glass of Haley's Liqour.

2007-07-10, 11:39 PM
Barry follows Lillith.
You never answered my question

2007-07-10, 11:40 PM
"No thanks"

((going to bed in 10 min))

2007-07-10, 11:41 PM
(In that case, let's stop now. I should have been in bed almost 2 hours ago.)

2007-07-10, 11:42 PM
Lillith accepts a glass and sips at it. She then turns to look at Barry. "What was your question, I'm afraid I didn't hear."

2007-07-10, 11:42 PM
Sorry then explodes into an endless torrent of deadtime, untill possibly Thursday.

2007-07-10, 11:43 PM
Three green shards enter, then vanish as suddenly as they originally appeared.

2007-07-10, 11:45 PM
I asked how you managed being in the same body as someone else. Is worse then those godsdamn mirrors.
Why are you so rude?
Good Question

2007-07-10, 11:52 PM
Lillith is a little suprised that the green shards vanished, knowing that they had somethign to do with her lost friend. She hopes that it means Draken had saved him, yet again.

"First, you need to learn to compromise with and understand the other person. Second, I was not being rude, I honestly did not hear your question. And third, I'm about to deadtime, so Goodnight." And so she does.

2007-07-10, 11:54 PM
I was talking to HIM.
Barry points at his own head.
You weren't being rude.

2007-07-10, 11:55 PM
Lillith receives a telephatic message.

The shards are gathered, his souls is nearly assembled, return to the Castle if you want to be here when he returns.

(But Pwenet is going on deadtime, so she can come later, i think...)

2007-07-10, 11:55 PM
((And so am I, She'll come see later I suppose. Bye everyone))

Lillith undeadtimes, looks around, seeing that nobody's here, she walks out.

2007-07-11, 02:31 PM
Daeghun senses something is very wrong at the station and bolts.

2007-07-11, 08:51 PM
Sorry comes out of deadtime and leaves the building.