View Full Version : Pathfinder 3.5/PF 20th Level Archer Paladin

2016-01-05, 12:28 AM
Hello all, long time no see. :D

I'm looking for a little help. I'm getting ready to play in an epic level campaign where I've offered to play the Paladin since the party needed a healer and...well...there's a Fighter/Tank and 3 Wizards. My starting gold is the same as in the base gold for a 20th level character, but I can get most of my items crafted for half cost because two of the wizards went the crafter route. All 3.5 and PF resources are available, some with clearance if they are potentially too powerful.

Race is Azata-Blooded Aasimar

Stats are as follows: Str 16, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18

For favored class bonus I am taking the skill points, bringing me to a total of 80 Potential Skill Ranks, but outside of 20 in Diplomacy and 20 in Sense Motive and 20 in Perception, I'm not sure what to do with the other 20.

Feats: Currently I am considering Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Many Shot, Clustered Shots, Deadly Aim, and Improved Precise Shot. That would leave four blank feats so far. One of those is possibly Battle Blessing from Compete Champion that makes my spell casting either a swift or standard action.

Base Gold is 880,000 GP.

I currently do not have any items purchased, but do know that I want an Elven Craft Composite Longbow with maxed out enhancements on it.

Gear and the last few feats are what I need help with the most. Headband and Belt will likely be aimed towards +6 to Stats, I do know that much.

In advance, thank you for your help with this.

2016-01-05, 12:41 AM
Check if Variant Multiclassing (VMC Oracle) is an option for your game. That´ll eat up some of your feat but give you a very good healer tool.
If not, you should swallow the bitter pill and dip some 3 or 5 levels into Oracle for Lifelink, along with the Feyborn feat to up your healing.

2016-01-05, 12:48 AM
Check if Variant Multiclassing (VMC Oracle) is an option for your game. That´ll eat up some of your feat but give you a very good healer tool.
If not, you should swallow the bitter pill and dip some 3 or 5 levels into Oracle for Lifelink, along with the Feyborn feat to up your healing.

The capstone already maxes my Burst and Lay on Hands, so I'm not crazy worried about that. The Paladin 20 is already pretty set and I'm not really looking to complicate the class build too much, I actually already suggested Oracle before I set on Paladin and it was suggested for this by the DM.

Do you have a link to the Feyborn feat? I did a search but it didn't really turn anything up.

2016-01-05, 12:53 AM
For the skill points, I usually spread the last skill/level around a bit. You'll probably want some know (religion) so you're not a total ignoramus about even your own god, enough fly skill to hit a DC 15 every time at the least, and maybe some spellcraft and other knowledges to seem like you haven't slept thru the previous 19 levels.

Some necessary items: at least one efficient quiver, a silver nocking point, a goz mask or a set of true sight goggles, a crystal of return, anklets of translocation, a belt of battle. Your bow needs to be both adaptive and impervious. You need a method of flight and preferably a means of breathing underwater, and a ring of freedom of movement should be assumed.

Edit: I think he meant Fey Foundling (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Fey%20Foundling).

2016-01-05, 12:58 AM
Would have thought Deadly Aim would have been a staple for the PF Archer.

Considered the Divine Hunter archetype?

Finally; if you're taking the Paladin mainly so someone there can heal, and expect the request for healing to come up in combat, I'd echo the Oradin suggestion.

2016-01-05, 01:00 AM
The capstone already maxes my Burst and Lay on Hands, so I'm not crazy worried about that. The Paladin 20 is already pretty set and I'm not really looking to complicate the class build too much, I actually already suggested Oracle before I set on Paladin and it was suggested for this by the DM.

Do you have a link to the Feyborn feat? I did a search but it didn't really turn anything up.

Oops, a typo. Fey Foundling, found on ISWG p.286.
Essentially, it gives you +2 additional healing on every die rolled when you are the target.

The basic thought behind Lifelinking/VMC Oracle is a bit about your economy of actions. The Paladin shares the damage with his team mates but can heal himself with LoH as a swift action, so continuing to full attack with a bow w/o stoping to heal.

Feat-wise, you´re missing Deadly Aim, a basic for every ranged build out there.

Archetypes to consider would be Divine Hunter and/or Chosen One.

2016-01-05, 01:11 AM
Would have thought Deadly Aim would have been a staple for the PF Archer.

Considered the Divine Hunter archetype?

Finally; if you're taking the Paladin mainly so someone there can heal, and expect the request for healing to come up in combat, I'd echo the Oradin suggestion.

Duh...Deadly Aim...I'm a dunce sometimes...That is on the list...now... :D

2016-01-05, 01:34 AM
Items and Spells should be pretty straight-forward.

You´ll want a Belt of Physical Perfection +6, a Headband of Alluring Charisma +6 and some Bracers of Falcons Aim. A Crystal of Healing Hands, an Ornament of Healing Light, Insignia of Valor, Ghostvision Gloves, along with the usual Amulett of Natural Armor, Ring of Protection. You have the money, so also go for an Otherworldly Kimono, O-Yoroi of Imperial Rule and a Visage of the Bound.
For the Visage, invest in a binding scrolls and bind some good healing SLA angel to you.
Your choice of main weapon should hinge on your Divine Bond. I´d actually go for a named weapon, Arrow Splitter, and bond with that.
You should pack some staffs and maybe even UMD. Holy Staff and Staff of Healing should be a must-have here.

2016-01-05, 01:57 AM
Race is Azata-Blooded Aasimar

For favored class bonus I am taking the skill points, bringing me to a total of 80 Potential Skill Ranks, but outside of 20 in Diplomacy and 20 in Sense Motive and 20 in Perception, I'm not sure what to do with the other 20.

Okay, well for starters, if you aren't sure what to do with the skill points, are you sure about Aasimar? Div and Rakshasa Spawn Tiefling give a bonus to Dex and Cha. Sure, you'll lose some int or wis, but you gain the racial favored class option of +20 Lay on Hands when healing yourself.

I second Fey Foundling.

As for your bow: Elven Craft Composite Longbow (or shortbow). Force (MIC, iirc), splitting, holy would probably be some of the better options.

DO NOT take Clustered Shots, unless you don't think you can put together a proper arsenal of arrows to get around DR. As for feats, Law Devotion is GREAT if your DM lets you use your Channeling to fuel Devotion feats. Trickery Devotion is one of the most awesome feats for an archer when combined with Hank's Energy Bow, but I don't think you qualify. Shape Soulmeld (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?321557-The-World-in-One-Feat-A-Shape-Soulmeld-Handbook)is really good, and I like the Blink Shirt and Fellmist Robe options.

Spells, Litany of Righteousness should be a staple, and it's already a swift.

2016-01-05, 03:44 AM
A build could look approx. like this:

Race: Human (Rakshasa-spawn are cool, but in this case, the feat and skill point win out)
Class: Paladin 20 - VMC Oracle (Divine Hunter)
Deity: Sarenrae
Curse: Legalistic
Mystery: Life
Revelations: Channel (B), Combat Healer, Lifelink, Lifesense.
Feats: Deadly Aim, Fey Foundling, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot (B), Rapid Shot, Selective Channeling (H), Unsanctioned Knowledge.
Equipment: Amulet of the Spirits (Life), Arrow Splitter, Belt of Physical Perfection +6, Boots of Striding and Springing, Bottled Scream (x10), Bracers of Falcon´s Aim, Candle of Invocation (x4), Cube of Force, Dark Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone, Dawnfire, Dawnflower Lantern (x2), Efficient Quiver, Eastern Star Ioun Stone, Glorious Flame Ring, Ghostvision Gloves, Elixir of Thundering Voice (x10), Handy Haversack, Headband of Alluring Charisma +6, Helm of the Valkyrie, Holy Staff, Incense of Meditation (x10), Insignia of Valor, Merciful Baldric, Ornament of Healing Light, Otherworldly Kimono, Pearl of Power 3rd (x4), Pearl of Power 4th (x4), Pearly White Ioun Stone, Ring of Protection +5, Large flying metal shield +2, Soothsayer´s Vestment (Channel), Greater Strand of Prayer Beads, Staff of Healing, Staff of Life, Visage of the Bound, Western Star Ioun Stone.
GP: 30K leftover to spent on wands and one-use items
Skills: Please invest in UMD for staffs and scrolls. Put the human bonus to good use!

Spells should be easy, too:
4th: Greater Angelic Aspect, Archon´s Trumpet, Chains of Light, Litany of Vengeance, Sunbeam (Faith)
3rd: Archon´s Aura, Deadly Juggernaut, Litany of Sight, Greater Stunning Barrier.

Spells, Unsanctioned Knowledge:
You´ll want to plunder "exclusive" spells here, meaning either Inquisitor or Ranger spell list. Gravity Bow or Wrath? Your choice. Should be followed up by investing in an appropriate wand...

Visage of the Bound: This is a tricky but key item. Summon something and use its SLAs.

Weapon: Arrow Splitter is a +5 bow. That means it beats any kind of DR below DR/epic or mythic. It is also the target of your Divine Bond, so adding stuff like Holy is always possible as a swift action.
Disclaimer: I would not recommend a weapon above +5 (or named equivalent) for any class that can enhance its own weapons.

Weakness: AC. Period. Very weak point :(

Bindings: The equipment cost includes various binding spells (Cleric Planar Ally scrolls) and allies paid for one week (7 days) each.
Lesser: Yhohm (x4)
Greater: Sunlord Thalachos (x1), Elder Fire Elemental (x2)