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Darth Ultron
2016-01-05, 09:32 PM
The darkness swirls around you...darkness mixed with light. Bright light, all around. Not the darkness of the plane of shadow. And suddenly you find yourself.....someplace else.

"I Kabhsenuf Tantawi command you to come into the light!"

2016-01-05, 11:09 PM
The darkness swirls around you...darkness mixed with light. Bright light, all around. Not the darkness of the plane of shadow. And suddenly you find yourself.....someplace else.

"I Kabhsenuf Tantawi command you to come into the light!"

"I don't do well with light..."

I open my eyes slightly and look around to mark my surroundings.

Darth Ultron
2016-01-06, 09:15 PM
The room around you is large and made of red stone. Six, huge wide glass less windows are spread out along the walls letting lots of bright sunlight in the room. The room has a single, closed wooden door.

You are in the exact middle of the room, on a small, raised stone platform about a foot high. The platform itself is surrounded by a circular moat, two feet wide and you can't tell how deep of dark red liquid that is moving about quickly in the circle. On the outside edge of the moat runes have been carved all the way around the center of the room.

There are a total of five hobgoblins in the room, all dressed quite the same: chain mail, large hammers, boots and cloaks. Four stand one at each side of the room(north, south, east and west), the fifth stands next to a bald tattooed human male in red robes holding a staff of wood and an open book. Two very hairy goblins in plain clothing and no visible weapons stand on the other side of the human.

Kabhsenuf Tantawi "Yes! I, Kabhsenuf Tantawi, have done it! I told master Zolongeri I could do it! He is far too old and cautious. I opened a portal to the Dark, and brought forth a native. It is trapped in the circle, helpless to do my bidding.

You there! Creature from the Dark! Do you understand common?"

2016-01-06, 09:47 PM
The room around you is large and made of red stone. Six, huge wide glass less windows are spread out along the walls letting lots of bright sunlight in the room. The room has a single, closed wooden door.

You are in the exact middle of the room, on a small, raised stone platform about a foot high. The platform itself is surrounded by a circular moat, two feet wide and you can't tell how deep of dark red liquid that is moving about quickly in the circle. On the outside edge of the moat runes have been carved all the way around the center of the room.

There are a total of five hobgoblins in the room, all dressed quite the same: chain mail, large hammers, boots and cloaks. Four stand one at each side of the room(north, south, east and west), the fifth stands next to a bald tattooed human male in red robes holding a staff of wood and an open book. Two very hairy goblins in plain clothing and no visible weapons stand on the other side of the human.

Kabhsenuf Tantawi "Yes! I, Kabhsenuf Tantawi, have done it! I told master Zolongeri I could do it! He is far too old and cautious. I opened a portal to the Dark, and brought forth a native. It is trapped in the circle, helpless to do my bidding.

You there! Creature from the Dark! Do you understand common?"

"Yes. Might I trouble you to move this discussion someplace... darker? You've brought forth a native of the Dark into someplace with a lot of bright light. This is slightly less fun than the last time I interacted with another plane, and that encounter ended with me having this weird muttering in my ears I could never get rid of."

I have both hands over my eyes for emphasis.

Darth Ultron
2016-01-08, 11:57 PM
Kabhsenuf Tantawi "This is a world of Light, you would do well to adjust. I'm lore right in thought that the sunlight will not harm you, yes? Your form will not burn away in the Light? And not do you any harm. I know many of you Dark creatures can not handle the light, and do hope i have not summoned so weak a creature.""

2016-01-09, 12:52 AM
Kabhsenuf Tantawi "This is a world of Light, you would do well to adjust. I'm lore right in thought that the sunlight will not harm you, yes? Your form will not burn away in the Light? And not do you any harm. I know many of you Dark creatures can not handle the light, and do hope i have not summoned so weak a creature.""

"It'll take me a while, but yeah. Yeah, I'll eventually be able to open my eyes without regretting it." Hissra starts slowly trying to acclimate his eyes to the sunlight since it has become fairly clear the guy in the robes isn't going to do it for him.

"So, am I right in thinking this is the standard 'Call an outsider and negotiate for his services' type deal? Probably involving deniable services since you summoned someone from the Plane of Shadow?"

OOC: My character doesn't have any Knowledge skills outside of Arcana, and I think that's limited to magical theory rather than facts about wizards. So I don't think he'd necessarily make the connection that this guy's probably not used to negotiating for his henchmen's services.

Darth Ultron
2016-01-09, 01:54 AM
Kabhsenuf Tantawi "Ah, no. This is the you will do as your commanded to do type summoning. I brought you forth into the Light of the Prime and out of the Dark. You will simply obey.

Though, yes, I have need of your shadow nature. My foe is a caster of illusions and shadow magic, and I want it too look as if one of his creatures went wild and killed my target. It is a beautiful plan, really."

Knowledge Arcana is used when a character is merely trying to recall some fact that applies to a magical effect, place, object or creature. Arcana (ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols, constructs, dragons, magical beasts).

2016-01-09, 02:13 AM
Kabhsenuf Tantawi "Ah, no. This is the you will do as your commanded to do type summoning. I brought you forth into the Light of the Prime and out of the Dark. You will simply obey.

Though, yes, I have need of your shadow nature. My foe is a caster of illusions and shadow magic, and I want it too look as if one of his creatures went wild and killed my target. It is a beautiful plan, really."

Knowledge Arcana is used when a character is merely trying to recall some fact that applies to a magical effect, place, object or creature. Arcana (ancient mysteries, magic traditions, arcane symbols, constructs, dragons, magical beasts).

"Uh, well that's..." Hissra's eyes have by this point adjusted well enough to see the five armored warhammer-slaves. "... yeah, I can work with that. Does this require me to act openly, master?"

Darth Ultron
2016-01-09, 09:51 PM
Kabhsenuf Tantawi "Act openly? Ah, well, you may act as you wish as long as you get the job done.

Your target is Aelronde Maricomorian. Kill her any way you want, just be sure to leave the body to be found."

He nods to one of the goblins and that goblin pulls out a scroll and unrolls it. On the scroll is a well drawn picture of a young human woman with a bald head covered in tattoos.

Kabhsenuf Tantawi "Foppo, here can fill you in on the details or anything else you might want to know"

A small, ugly black skinned winged humanoid fades into view and nods.

2016-01-09, 10:13 PM
Kabhsenuf Tantawi "Act openly? Ah, well, you may act as you wish as long as you get the job done.

Your target is Aelronde Maricomorian. Kill her any way you want, just be sure to leave the body to be found."

He nods to one of the goblins and that goblin pulls out a scroll and unrolls it. On the scroll is a well drawn picture of a young human woman with a bald head covered in tattoos.

Kabhsenuf Tantawi "Foppo, here can fill you in on the details or anything else you might want to know"

A small, ugly black skinned winged humanoid fades into view and nods.

Hissra shrugs. "Well, if I don't have to act openly that actually makes things easier. I'm not very good at it."

He turns to Foppo. "So, what are her defenses? What is she doing to prevent... basically me?"

Darth Ultron
2016-01-09, 11:07 PM
Foppo "Well, she does not know anyone is coming at her. So she is not expecting an attack, other then normal everyday ones.

She spends most of her time on Haxxium Urniani's estate, and that is full of guards and protections. She is most exposed in the garden, and most protected in the tower."

2016-01-10, 12:40 AM
Foppo "Well, she does not know anyone is coming at her. So she is not expecting an attack, other then normal everyday ones.

She spends most of her time on Haxxium Urniani's estate, and that is full of guards and protections. She is most exposed in the garden, and most protected in the tower."

"Promising, I guess. How much shade is there in the garden? Could I maybe move from tree to tree using my shadow abilities to avoid detection? Or failing that does she make a habit of walking through the garden at night, when my shadow abilities are at their most applicable? For that matter how do I get far enough into the estate that the distinction between tower and garden matters?"

"For that matter, are there any middle grounds between the tower's relative safety and the garden's relative danger that might have advantages (for me) that neither of the extremes possesses?"

"... and when you say she spends 'most of her time on Haxxium Urniani's estate'... where else might I find her, if between the two of us we can't think of any way to hit her there?"

Darth Ultron
2016-01-10, 09:50 AM
Kabhsenuf Tantawi "I leave you to your task. The circle will fade within the hour. Do not fail me."

Kabhsenuf Tantawi, three of the hobgoblins and one of the goblins all leave the room by the door. One of the hairy goblins stays by the door, holding the picture scroll. Two hobgoblins remain in the room, the ones to the north and south.

Foppo "The garden has plenty of shade...trees and bushes all around. Some are eater plants though. It is not safe to go off the paths. She does go out a night, from time to time, to starlook.

I don't know how you'd get in. What can you do?

The estate is walled, with guards along the walls. The tower is right about in the middle. The gardens start behind the tower, and go all the way stopping at the guard barracks by the wall. There is a barn on the side of the garden here, and slave quarters on the same place on the other side.

She does travel into town from time to time, to shop. "

2016-01-10, 03:48 PM
Kabhsenuf Tantawi "I leave you to your task. The circle will fade within the hour. Do not fail me."

Kabhsenuf Tantawi, three of the hobgoblins and one of the goblins all leave the room by the door. One of the hairy goblins stays by the door, holding the picture scroll. Two hobgoblins remain in the room, the ones to the north and south.

Foppo "The garden has plenty of shade...trees and bushes all around. Some are eater plants though. It is not safe to go off the paths. She does go out a night, from time to time, to starlook.

I don't know how you'd get in. What can you do?

The estate is walled, with guards along the walls. The tower is right about in the middle. The gardens start behind the tower, and go all the way stopping at the guard barracks by the wall. There is a barn on the side of the garden here, and slave quarters on the same place on the other side.

She does travel into town from time to time, to shop. "

Okay, so the Circle is probably keeping me bound where I am until it fades, but [roll0] to make sure. (I'm not sure if it'd be Spellcraft or Knowledge: Arcana, but they're both a total of 12.)

"Well, one of the more useful ones is that I can blend into shadow." (OOC: My character can use Hide even when being directly observed in any area where there's at least a little shadow; at night he can probably do that anywhere.) "Beyond that I have Invisibility prepared once and two scrolls. I have Minor Image and Silent Image, and a Wand of Create Trap. Oh, and an immobilization spell for if she has a preferred route through the garden. That might help."

Darth Ultron
2016-01-10, 11:54 PM
Foppo nods. "Haxxium Urniani is of the cricle of illusion. So not everything we see will be real, anything could be an illusion. And shadowy magic too."

The circle looks like a typical abjuration effect. You can't tell exactly what spell, as you did not see it cast. Most do not last longer then a couple hours, depending on the power of the caster.

It only takes a couple more more minutes for the runes on the floor to stop glowing.

2016-01-11, 12:23 AM
Foppo nods. "Haxxium Urniani is of the cricle of illusion. So not everything we see will be real, anything could be an illusion. And shadowy magic too."

The circle looks like a typical abjuration effect. You can't tell exactly what spell, as you did not see it cast. Most do not last longer then a couple hours, depending on the power of the caster.

It only takes a couple more more minutes for the runes on the floor to stop glowing.

"Detecting Illusions is not my strong suit. I prefer to be on the 'Creating' end. Does our master have anything for that one?"

Darth Ultron
2016-01-13, 12:29 AM
Foppo "No, nothing like that. We just got what you got. And the goblin and the hobgoblins." says with a shrug.

2016-01-13, 01:44 AM
Foppo "No, nothing like that. We just got what you got. And the goblin and the hobgoblins." says with a shrug.

"I'm going to assume if that was any help, the Master would have tried that. I should probably have asked if there was a timetable. Obviously I want to get this done soon and win the favor of the Master and his walking warhammers, but I have a salient ability that burns an entire day, can only be used once a week, and might be able to get me some idea what her defenses are like if they haven't got their divination blocks up to par. Or I could use it to try and learn if Miss Target shops on a set schedule. Or do you have solid information there?"

"Edit: Even if you do, if there's some useful fact I could use this to determine it'd be nice to know that I have the option. Or that I don't, if it's important she be dead today or something."

Darth Ultron
2016-01-16, 09:36 PM
Foppo "No table times. We have free time. But not too long. But we can take time. No hurry.

She shops at random, but at least once a week. She has not gone yet this week. I fly over every day. If she goes to shop, she always leaves in the morning. It high noon now, and she did not leave today.

I doubt she has many or any protections from divinations. The tower has scry blocks, of course. "

2016-01-16, 10:25 PM
Foppo "No table times. We have free time. But not too long. But we can take time. No hurry.

She shops at random, but at least once a week. She has not gone yet this week. I fly over every day. If she goes to shop, she always leaves in the morning. It high noon now, and she did not leave today.

I doubt she has many or any protections from divinations. The tower has scry blocks, of course. "

"... This sounds promising. What sorts of law enforcement exist in this area, to prevent public assassination attempts? And is she obliging enough to take the same route every day? Preferably through a dark alley? For that matter, how many guards does she usually take?"

Darth Ultron
2016-01-21, 09:36 PM
Foppo "None. No one cares about each other....mostly. And if you do care, you protect yourself.

She always takes the same route....but then there is only one road from her home to town. She normally travels with a dozen or so. Always five guards, but then two to five slaves and two to five ladies to shop with. Always on foot."

2016-01-22, 02:00 AM
Foppo "None. No one cares about each other....mostly. And if you do care, you protect yourself.

She always takes the same route....but then there is only one road from her home to town. She normally travels with a dozen or so. Always five guards, but then two to five slaves and two to five ladies to shop with. Always on foot."

"Are there any bridges she has to walk over that span heights that would be fatal if the bridge collapsed while she was under it? And if so, do you know whether or not she has some method of surviving that? If that's not practical, my next question would be if she has to walk through any dark alleys I can summon fire elementals in and subsequently drop a bunch of fireballs into."

"And about the slaves and the ladies... do any of them know how to fight? Are the ladies casters themselves? And are the slaves trained as wizard fodder? That could make the job harder."

Darth Ultron
2016-01-23, 02:50 PM
Foppo "The most direct route to town has her cross over two stone bridges over rivers. But they are not too high, maybe ten feets. I very much doubt she can survive a fall, that magic is not common around here as the land is mostly flat.

She is not the type to go down dark allies. She stays out in the normal, common places. She shops in the market and stores, her salves carry everything, the other ladies laugh and giggle. The guards just stand around.

The slaves and ladies are no fighters, mostly. But it is always possible one of the ladies might be a divine caster, for things like making water or checking for magic. "

2016-01-23, 05:55 PM
Foppo "The most direct route to town has her cross over two stone bridges over rivers. But they are not too high, maybe ten feets. I very much doubt she can survive a fall, that magic is not common around here as the land is mostly flat.

She is not the type to go down dark allies. She stays out in the normal, common places. She shops in the market and stores, her salves carry everything, the other ladies laugh and giggle. The guards just stand around.

The slaves and ladies are no fighters, mostly. But it is always possible one of the ladies might be a divine caster, for things like making water or checking for magic. "

"So, ambush in a dark alley and inconveniently collapsing bridge are both out. Maybe ambush in a dark forest? Is there significant tree cover near either of the two bridges?"

"It's too bad dropping her off a high ledge isn't an option. Another question about her magical abilities: does she make frequent use of resistance spells? If she doesn't, is it typical for divine casters who serve wizards around here to do so?"

Darth Ultron
2016-01-23, 09:58 PM
Foppo "No dark forests around here. We have fields and grasslands. Tress and all plants really are quite clear cut from the roads.

Where you looking for a dark place? I'd guess the most dark and shadowy place she will be is the market in town. All the buildings and tents and flags and kites make for lots of shadows in some spots. And inside a shop or two. Telbesa's Aroma Shop is quite dark a so is Ertrlemos's candle shop.

She is sure to have something that resists poison and fire. As she lives with an illusionist, it's a safe bet she has at least a couple illusion potions. Invisibility would seem to be useful and obvious. "

2016-01-23, 11:12 PM
Foppo "No dark forests around here. We have fields and grasslands. Tress and all plants really are quite clear cut from the roads.

Where you looking for a dark place? I'd guess the most dark and shadowy place she will be is the market in town. All the buildings and tents and flags and kites make for lots of shadows in some spots. And inside a shop or two. Telbesa's Aroma Shop is quite dark a so is Ertrlemos's candle shop.

She is sure to have something that resists poison and fire. As she lives with an illusionist, it's a safe bet she has at least a couple illusion potions. Invisibility would seem to be useful and obvious. "

"Aroma shop? Plenty of fumes, as that's rather the point. Would the perfumes inside be flammable? And preferably explosive?"

"Thanks for the warning that she can turn invisible. I can handle that knowing that I need to."

Darth Ultron
2016-01-25, 11:48 PM
Foppo "I'm no magic expert. He is an illusionist, so she will likely have an illusion item and at least a couple potions. You know, that he made just for her. Invisibility is obvious, as it is a very common illusion. I'm not sure what other illusions you can put in a potion.

I doubt the aroma shop has many dangerous fumes. That would be bad for business. Unless, you know, you make the shop have the dangerous fumes. "

2016-01-26, 03:15 AM
Foppo "I'm no magic expert. He is an illusionist, so she will likely have an illusion item and at least a couple potions. You know, that he made just for her. Invisibility is obvious, as it is a very common illusion. I'm not sure what other illusions you can put in a potion.

I doubt the aroma shop has many dangerous fumes. That would be bad for business. Unless, you know, you make the shop have the dangerous fumes. "

[roll0] to tell him what other illusions you can put in a potion. (I don't know if it's Arcana or Spellcraft, but those are both at 12, so moot.)

"I suppose flammable perfumes wouldn't sell to wizards too well." Hissra lightly bops himself on the forehead. "What about the shop itself? How flammable is that? If I let off a fireball in the building, will the roof collapse or the building fill with vision obscuring, lung filling smoke? I'd love to see the resist fire potion that will help with that."

Darth Ultron
2016-01-30, 03:51 PM
Foppo "the bottom of the shop is stone, but the second story, roof, doors, windows and such will all burn"

All most any spell can be made into a potion, but not all spells. Most illusions don't fit into potions

2016-01-30, 04:19 PM
Foppo "the bottom of the shop is stone, but the second story, roof, doors, windows and such will all burn"

All most any spell can be made into a potion, but not all spells. Most illusions don't fit into potions

"That sounds good. How many of said doors lead directly outside?"

Darth Ultron
2016-01-30, 06:28 PM
Foppo "well both the front door and the back door lead directly outside. "

2016-01-30, 06:51 PM
Foppo "well both the front door and the back door lead directly outside. "

"Two doors. I can probably keep two doors watched. How big are the windows? Can she climb out through those if she realizes I'm about to drop a story on her?"

Darth Ultron
2016-01-30, 10:09 PM
Foppo "The windows are normal sized. So sure she could open one and climb out. It might be good to fill the shop with darkness or fog or such."

2016-01-30, 10:15 PM
Foppo "The windows are normal sized. So sure she could open one and climb out. It might be good to fill the shop with darkness or fog or such."

"Like by setting the thing on fire?"

Darth Ultron
2016-01-31, 01:29 PM
Foppo "Well, sure fire works too, i guess. Even if it is a tad mundane."

2016-01-31, 03:55 PM
Foppo "Well, sure fire works too, i guess. Even if it is a tad mundane."

"Good. Now let's see. Plan as I'm currently envisioning it:"

Use my wand of Create Trap to put a few defenses on the back door to make it harder for her to come out that way
Send a few summoned fire elementals in through the back door looking for her. Have them scream "slaver" to draw her attention. Conjure an illusory wall of fire to disincentivize escape through that door further, with the added benefit of making the traps harder to see; if she sees through my illusion she'll probably assume the door is clear and try to go through, but the traps will still be a factor and will be harder to see through the disbelieved illusion. It won't last long, so what's next needs to happen fast.
Move fairly quickly, though not as quickly as I can to the other side of the shop; as a being largely made of shadow I can do so quickly and with a decent chance of not being seen.The Dark Template comes with Hide In Plain Sight and +10 to movement. I also used the fact that I have those as racial features to justify taking the region feat Swift and Silent, which lets me move at full speed while stealthing.
What happens next depends on what's going on when I get to the front entrance. If she's outside the shop and running, I've probably failed. But I don't think that's how it's going to go. I'm not going to be able to spare more magic than is required to summon a couple of weakling creatures that most wizards wouldn't stoop to fleeing from. Now, if she hasn't disposed of them by the time I get to the door, I use my wand to conjure a few traps to seal this door too. Then, I send a fireball at the roof directly above the target's head. Or, if my distractions are dismissed, I skip the traps and just shoot the fireball.
If the fireball collapses the roof, skip to next step. Otherwise, put another one into the ceiling above her head.
Pretend to flee the scene, and then double back to make sure nobody recovers her from the rubble (alive, anyway) and she doesn't get out on her own.

"Now, there's a good bit that can go wrong here, and as I've stated it's not impossible that she might escape. My plan for that is to follow her back to her patron's place and get a look at the fortifications for a second attempt on her life (maybe though probably not immediately after we arrive,) as well as making sure she doesn't flee to some other bolthole to throw off pursuit. If you're reporting my plans to our master, do be sure to report that there is a Plan B. I'd like it if he knew he had a reason not to go all 'You Have Failed Me For The Only Time' and use me as an example for the next creature he Calls from another Plane."

"And it's a good thing I don't have to do this today, as I do not have the right spells memorized."

Edit: "Oh, relevant question that only just now came to mind: does she have any access to teleportation?"

Darth Ultron
2016-02-01, 12:08 AM
Foppo "She does not have teleporting

And maybe skip the moving across the store? Just leave her trapped between the elementals and you?"

2016-02-01, 12:18 AM
Foppo "She does not have teleporting

And maybe skip the moving across the store? Just leave her trapped between the elementals and you?"

"Can I do that without going into the store? I am planning on collapsing its roof."

"Oh, uh, how big is the store? I can do eighty feet in the time it'll take my illusory wall of fire to fade. Is that enough to get me around the store?"

Darth Ultron
2016-02-03, 12:35 AM
Foppo"It's not that big. Like 30 steps front to back. 20 for the store front, and 10 the back room."

2016-02-03, 01:46 AM
Foppo"It's not that big. Like 30 steps front to back. 20 for the store front, and 10 the back room."

"... it sounds like 80 feet is enough to get me through the store. I guess I will have to go through it... or else just cast the trap spell at the front of the shop, circle around the back, and then do most of the original plan before firing the fireball into the roof from the back of the shop. In which case there's not much need for the wall of fire."

Darth Ultron
2016-02-03, 08:25 PM
Foppo shrugs, "It's your plan. It's not a my plan. My plan would have more of me ripping flesh with my claws and drinking blood. But that is just me." as he smiles.

2016-02-03, 08:37 PM
Foppo shrugs, "It's your plan. It's not a my plan. My plan would have more of me ripping flesh with my claws and drinking blood. But that is just me." as he smiles.

"Blood isn't to my taste, and I don't have claws. Although actually... if I don't do the wall of fire illusion, and just go with the rest of the original plan, I think I have enough time to set the traps, summon some fire elementals, and book it to the entrance and try to set off a fireball before she leaves. Uh, one major assumption I've been making is that the back of the shop is a bit out of the way and I won't be interrupted there. Was that a good assumption?"

Darth Ultron
2016-02-06, 08:42 AM
Foppo "The back door leads to an alley. Might be some people there, but not like anyone to stop you. Her shop's back door is most likely locked. But your a wizard, so you can open a locked door with magic, right?"

2016-02-06, 01:53 PM
Foppo "The back door leads to an alley. Might be some people there, but not like anyone to stop you. Her shop's back door is most likely locked. But your a wizard, so you can open a locked door with magic, right?"

"I can open it the hard way, too, if it's not a very good lock. Given enough time I can probably even pick an okay lock without magic."

Darth Ultron
2016-02-06, 08:41 PM
Foppo "So you ready? Guess we just hope she goes shopping soon. Then you act. You can hang around here, or anywhere. I'll head out tomorrow at sunrise and see if she goes out."

2016-02-07, 04:32 AM
Foppo "So you ready? Guess we just hope she goes shopping soon. Then you act. You can hang around here, or anywhere. I'll head out tomorrow at sunrise and see if she goes out."

"Where else but here? What does the master serve his... I suppose I'm a slave, aren't I? Do important slaves get decent food?"

Darth Ultron
2016-02-07, 01:49 PM
Foppo "You are what you are. Do you need to eat? What kinda food do you want? There is plenty of food in the kitchen. Or we could go hunt if you'd like.

The goblin walks over with a smile on it's face and holds up a bag of figs "Food"

2016-02-07, 02:07 PM
Foppo "You are what you are. Do you need to eat? What kinda food do you want? There is plenty of food in the kitchen. Or we could go hunt if you'd like.

The goblin walks over with a smile on it's face and holds up a bag of figs "Food"

He tries one, finishes it, and takes three more. "It's good. What else do you have? It's probably not the best move to make a meal out of one kind of food."

Darth Ultron
2016-02-07, 09:48 PM
The goblin pulls out another pouch and holds it up. Inside you can see small dried and salted strips of meat.

Foppo just looks around aimlessly

2016-02-08, 02:49 AM
The goblin pulls out another pouch and holds it up. Inside you can see small dried and salted strips of meat.

Foppo just looks around aimlessly

"This'll do for food, thanks. What sorts of beverages do we have here? Ideally non-alcoholic, since I'm given to understand drunk wizards aren't very fun to have around."

He is addressing this to the goblin.

Darth Ultron
2016-02-08, 11:52 PM
The goblin nods and leaves by the side door. A couple minutes later he comes back with three flasks. "Juice. Apple juice, tomato juice and bug juice."

2016-02-08, 11:55 PM
The goblin nods and leaves by the side door. A couple minutes later he comes back with three flasks. "Juice. Apple juice, tomato juice and bug juice."

Hissra takes the apple juice. "Do I drink it straight from the flask, or are there glasses here?"

Darth Ultron
2016-02-10, 03:15 AM
Goblin "A glasses? Like for seeing? You can't see the flask? You have weak eyes? Humm, maybe I can find some glasses.

I'm Nuxd Boneeater, if you need to call me something other then goblin."

Foppo laughs, "Goblin humor at it's best"

2016-02-10, 03:30 AM
Goblin "A glasses? Like for seeing? You can't see the flask? You have weak eyes? Humm, maybe I can find some glasses.

I'm Nuxd Boneeater, if you need to call me something other then goblin."

Foppo laughs, "Goblin humor at it's best"

"Ha ha ha." The apple juice in the flask vanishes.

How much was in the flask that Hissra emptied?

Darth Ultron
2016-02-12, 12:00 AM
Nuxd Boneeater "Good Juice"

From somewhere below, a loud ''boom'' echos.

The flask holds a litter of liquid

2016-02-12, 12:28 AM
Nuxd Boneeater "Good Juice"

From somewhere below, a loud ''boom'' echos.

The flask holds a litter of liquid

Hissra hands the empty flask back to Nuxd. "Maybe drinking all that in one go wasn't wise."


"... I'm going to guess that that wasn't a good sign?"

Darth Ultron
2016-02-13, 03:18 PM
Foppo "Well, it could be nothing...."

Nuxd Boneeater "Great Gobbly Wobbily! We are all gonna die!"

The door slams open and a red scaled reptilian like humanoid in black metal armor with a large sword enters the room. With a wide swing he beheads the surprised half orc by the door, and continues the swing to behead the second orc. Then he looks over to the group of three and shows a fang filled mouth and moves forward.

For Round 1


2016-02-13, 05:37 PM
Was that the intruder's initiative, or mine?

Darth Ultron
2016-02-14, 02:30 PM
That was for the intruder.

If you need a roll: [roll0]

2016-02-14, 03:32 PM
Since I apparently go first, I cast Sticky Floor (http://dnd.arkalseif.info/spells/races-of-the-dragon--83/sticky-floor--3081/) as a standard action. The intruder is stuck in his square unless he passes a DC 15 Reflex save. If he gets stuck (and he probably will, since I doubt he has a good Reflex save) he can make a standard action to get out but needs to make a DC 15 Strength Check.

Can I move backwards on the same turn in which I do that?

Darth Ultron
2016-02-14, 10:29 PM

The humanoid struggles on the sticky floor, the sharp edges of it's armor and boots cutting through the sticky floor....almost....but it does get caught....

You can take a standard action and a move action in a round, so you can make a standard attack like cast a spell, and then move your normal movement rate. As long as your not in melee, of course.

2016-02-14, 10:43 PM

The humanoid struggles on the sticky floor, the sharp edges of it's armor and boots cutting through the sticky floor....almost....but it does get caught....

You can take a standard action and a move action in a round, so you can make a standard attack like cast a spell, and then move your normal movement rate. As long as your not in melee, of course.

Then I'll move so that I'm fifty feet away from him. If I can't do that I'll move as far away as I can.

As talking is a free action: "Okay, now do you care to explain why you just murdered my... comrades? (Yeah, I suppose they were my comrades.) Anyway, why did you murder my comrades?"

Darth Ultron
2016-02-18, 08:08 PM
If you don't take any other actions, you can do a double move in a single round, moving your normal movement rate (twice).

Humanoid "They have no value. They server them who hold me prisoner. The wizards here! They will all die! Die!"

It attempts to free itself from the sticky floor


It stays stuck to the floor.....

2016-02-19, 12:09 AM
If you don't take any other actions, you can do a double move in a single round, moving your normal movement rate (twice).

Humanoid "They have no value. They server them who hold me prisoner. The wizards here! They will all die! Die!"

It attempts to free itself from the sticky floor


It stays stuck to the floor.....

"Well, since I'm a wizard who serves a wizard, I'm without value and will die. **** you very much for clearing that up."

I cast Empowered Magic Missile. I think that comes out to [roll0] damage. (Unless he has some sort of protection.)

Since that has a decent range I think I'll move back forty feet, or as far as I can if a full 40 would require me to walk through a wall. (Dark Humans have 40 move.)

Edit: Oh, and another free action: "Fair warning: I'd recommend staying well back from him. I might have to drop a fireball on him. You don't want to be too close to him if I do."

Darth Ultron
2016-02-20, 03:46 PM
Round 3

Another 30 feet of movement puts you at the wall of the room. Right between to of the large open glassless windows that are letting in the bright sunlight form outside.

Your magic missiles fly over and strike the humanoid, plunging deep into his scales and causing damage. "Arrgghhh!"

The humanoid attempts to pull itself free...


...and fails

2016-02-20, 04:00 PM
I think that adds up to 80 feet? That should give me a full round of safety even assuming he breaks free next check. (Which does not seem to be a safe assumption.)

Since I think it's my turn, I begin casting Summon Monster I to bring in a small Fiendish Monstrous Spider. That's a full round action.

Edit: Oh, not that this is relevant yet, but are the windows low enough that I can step through them if I need to flee the area?

Darth Ultron
2016-02-20, 08:30 PM
Huamnoid tries to free itself


The windows are about three feet off the ground. So you can't exactly ''step through'' a window, but you can sure climb out of one.

2016-02-20, 09:04 PM
He seems to have wasted another turn. My Small Fiendish Monster Spider arrives, and I have it move forward sixty feet. I then cast Magic Missile for[roll0] damage and move directly in front of one of the windows.

Edit: Oh, and I think I'll have the spider create a five foot sheet of web directly behind it. Edit2: No, better idea, I think I'll have it web the square to the right of the square directly behind it since I'm in front of the window to the right and therefore that square would be directly in front of me. If you need the reference material for that one, it's here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/monstrousSpider.htm).

Darth Ultron
2016-02-21, 09:58 PM
Humanoid tries to free itself


Three half orcs in chain mail with axes and shields enter the room by the doorway and stop, standing alert and ready, but not taking any obvious actions.

Nuxd Boneeater moves to the other side of the room.

Foppo flies out a window

2016-02-21, 11:30 PM
As a free action, I address the half-orcs. "Are your orders to recapture him, or kill him? I'm willing to help with either, but I can do the latter more effectively."

Darth Ultron
2016-02-23, 12:02 AM
Half Orc "um we get no orders. Boss is dead. Um, we not know what we do now."

Nuxd "kill it!"

2016-02-23, 02:21 AM
Half Orc "um we get no orders. Boss is dead. Um, we not know what we do now."

Nuxd "kill it!"

My spider moves forward the last twenty feet, meaning he and the scaly thing are now within melee of each other. I assume that means an attack of opportunity from the humanoid?

"Boss? What boss?... you don't meant that Kabsenuf guy, do you?"

Edit: I should probably have mentioned earlier that Sticky Floor covers a four-square area. So there's three squares of superfluous Sticky that someone might get caught in. Where are the humanoid and the new arrivals relative to the door?

Edit2: Also note that I have a move action and a standard action I haven't used, and I think my spider has a standard assuming he doesn't die immediately on entering the humanoid's threatened area. My turn isn't over yet.

Darth Ultron
2016-02-24, 07:30 PM
The humanoid is right in front of the doorway.
The new half orcs are still outside the room, in the hallway behind the humanoid. The best placement for the Sticky Floor would have been the square right in front of the door, the squares to the left and right, and one to the front. A lot like a ''T'' shape. Unless you wanted some other shape.

Half-orc "Nos, our boos was Blanto, he dead now. No new boss. Kabhsenuf Tantawi is our lord and master."

The spider acts on your turn in initiative. It won't suffer a AoO if it attacks, unless you just wanted it do aimlessly move toward the humanoid as a distraction?




2016-02-25, 12:16 AM
The humanoid is right in front of the doorway.
The new half orcs are still outside the room, in the hallway behind the humanoid. The best placement for the Sticky Floor would have been the square right in front of the door, the squares to the left and right, and one to the front. A lot like a ''T'' shape. Unless you wanted some other shape.

Half-orc "Nos, our boos was Blanto, he dead now. No new boss. Kabhsenuf Tantawi is our lord and master."

The spider acts on your turn in initiative. It won't suffer a AoO if it attacks, unless you just wanted it do aimlessly move toward the humanoid as a distraction?




All of that sounds good to me. It would mean that the spider would have to be in one of the squares next to the square directly in front of the creature, rather than being directly in front of the creature, but it has the move for that.

"Oh, good. For Kabhsenuf Tantawi to die would make my situation... complicated."

"Hm. No orders."

I turn to the humanoid. "You know, we could kill you where you stand. Or we could let you live until someone with the authority to decide what to do with you gets here. Part of me wants to go with the first option. On the other hand I don't know why you were sealed up instead of killed but presume there was an actual reason. On the other other hand you'd have to stop struggling before I went with the option where I stop trying to kill you. I'm not in armor, so I'd have to assume that I'd be in a little bit of danger if you got free. Trust me, you don't want me to assume that."

Do I need to roll for Intimidate for this?

Darth Ultron
2016-02-25, 04:00 PM
If you want to intimidate the humanoid, you'd need to roll, of course.

Humanoid growls and does not say anything else.

2016-02-25, 04:34 PM
If you want to intimidate the humanoid, you'd need to roll, of course.

Humanoid growls and does not say anything else.

[roll0] for Intimidate. This should be amusing.

Darth Ultron
2016-02-27, 10:09 AM

The humanoid growls and looks around.....and is not intimidated

2016-02-27, 10:15 AM
I think my turn is over. Is it safe to assume he makes another strength check to try and break free? Or attacks my spider? Or both?

Darth Ultron
2016-02-28, 11:08 AM
The humanoid will try and break free..


he growls and stays stuck.

2016-02-28, 02:55 PM
I shrug, and motion for the spider to bite him. [roll0] for attack, and assuming it hits [roll1] for damage.

Darth Ultron
2016-02-28, 03:56 PM
The spider does hit, and the humanoid lets out a hiss.


2016-02-28, 04:17 PM
The spider does hit, and the humanoid lets out a hiss.


And there's the other shoe.

I only have one fireball, so I think I'll end my turn.

Darth Ultron
2016-02-29, 04:47 PM
The humanoid attacks the spider, swinging it's great sword.

[roll0] [roll1]

2016-02-29, 05:22 PM
The humanoid attacks the spider, swinging it's great sword.

[roll0] [roll1]

Well, that puts paid to my spider. Is that the humanoid's whole turn?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-01, 06:54 PM
The humanoid has no actions left....but it does look way across the room in your direction.......

2016-03-01, 07:15 PM
The humanoid has no actions left....but it does look way across the room in your direction.......

"Well, even if I still wanted to spare you, it is now quite impossible."

Is there anyplace I can put a 20 ft radius spread that will hit the humanoid, but will not hit any of my allies? If so, then of course I drop a fireball on that place.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-03, 04:29 PM
Both you and the goblin are out of range of the fireball. Foppo flies out a window, putting him out of range.

That just leaves the four half orc guards crowded in the doorway and the hallway outside, and they are in range....if they count as ''allies'' .

2016-03-03, 04:34 PM
Both you and the goblin are out of range of the fireball. Foppo flies out a window, putting him out of range.

That just leaves the four half orc guards crowded in the doorway and the hallway outside, and they are in range....if they count as ''allies'' .

Only if I hit right on the humanoid, right? There's got to be a spot that the humanoid is within 20 feet of that I, Nuxd, and the half-orcs aren't right? It still does full damage even if he's right on the edge of it, and if he's only barely in range the half-orcs won't be. And I'm far enough away that there's no way a fireball that would hit him would hit me. Whether there's even a problem picking a spot depends mostly on where Nuxd is.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-03, 05:18 PM
Nuxd Boneeater moved to the other side of the room long ago...

Yes, you could set of the fireball in front of the humanoid so the half orcs were not in the blast.

2016-03-03, 05:22 PM
Well, let's see where that takes me.

[roll0] damage, reduced by half if he makes a reflex save. (Or no damage on a successful save, in the event that he has Evasion.) And I don't even know what properties he might have that influence fire damage.

And if this isn't enough to kill him I'm going to need to get creative. I'm now out of direct attacks, and I only had the one summoning.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-05, 03:53 PM
The humanoid dodges clumsily, attempting to just roll under the flames....


2016-03-05, 03:57 PM
My 3rd level spells are DC 17. Barring resistance, immunity, or Improved Evasion (that last one does not strike me as likely) he takes full damage.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-05, 04:01 PM
The humanoid does indeed take full damage and, with the already big wounds i it's chest from the magic missiles.... the fires engulf him completely as he falls to the floor and burns in a pile of flesh and bones....quite dead.

Nuxd Boneeater "Thank the Dark Caves! Good work."

2016-03-05, 04:05 PM
The humanoid does indeed take full damage and, with the already big wounds i it's chest from the magic missiles.... the fires engulf him completely as he falls to the floor and burns in a pile of flesh and bones....quite dead.

Nuxd Boneeater "Thank the Dark Caves! Good work."


Hissra breathes a deep sigh of relief.

"Well, what do we do now? Wait for more wizards to show up, or something? ... Actually, what's the usual plan for something like this? Are more wizards going to show up? Or a bunch more half-orc swordsmen? ...This building isn't about to blow up or get teleported to another plane, is it?"

Darth Ultron
2016-03-05, 04:28 PM
Nuxd Boneeater It no big deal. Monster escape all the time. Summoning is hard. Lots of wizards fail at it. Lots of monsters escape. That why this tower way out here any way."

The half orcs enter the room and put away their weapons.

2016-03-05, 05:49 PM
Nuxd Boneeater It no big deal. Monster escape all the time. Summoning is hard. Lots of wizards fail at it. Lots of monsters escape. That why this tower way out here any way."

The half orcs enter the room and put away their weapons.

"A wizard guard might make it an even smaller deal. So, what, do we go report this? If for no other reason than so Foppo knows the plan we had is still on?"

Darth Ultron
2016-03-05, 10:28 PM
Foopo flies back in through the window "I saw the blast, everything good?"

Nuxd "no need to report, the Wizards know everything...they always watching."

2016-03-05, 11:47 PM
Foopo flies back in through the window "I saw the blast, everything good?"

Nuxd "no need to report, the Wizards know everything...they always watching."

" ... Cheery. Note to self: learn how to block divinations before I start going out to meet women."

"Yeah, Foppo. I'm alive, Nuxd is alive... some of the half-orcs made it. I didn't manage to take our attacker alive, so I hope there wasn't an actual reason it was sealed. Though the fact that there aren't any more powerful wizards dressing me down is apparently a good sign in that direction."

OOC: Is there a skill I can roll to know what that was?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-06, 03:19 PM
As it was summoned from another plane, knowledge the planes might work

Foppo "nah, things escape all the time. It's not a big fire.

I say you just put yourself up. And come tomorrow morning I'll fly over to see if she leaves."

Nuxd nods.

2016-03-06, 06:20 PM
As it was summoned from another plane, knowledge the planes might work

Foppo "nah, things escape all the time. It's not a big fire.

I say you just put yourself up. And come tomorrow morning I'll fly over to see if she leaves."

Nuxd nods.

OOC: I don't have that one trained. You'd think I would, since I'm an outsider, but I had to spend points on other things.

"Okay. I suppose I'm going to find someplace to put my stuff. Ideally near a bed and away from..." he points to the door the summoned thing came out of "that door."

Darth Ultron
2016-03-08, 06:36 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "There are barracks outside where the half orcs are posted. And we goblins have some home caves. You want to go there?"

Foopo "No one lives in this tower. It's just for summoning."

Could be your character just did not care about ''other'' places.

2016-03-08, 06:55 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "There are barracks outside where the half orcs are posted. And we goblins have some home caves. You want to go there?"

Foopo "No one lives in this tower. It's just for summoning."

Could be your character just did not care about ''other'' places.

OOC: Makes sense.

"I'll take a look at each, but the barracks sound better so far."

Darth Ultron
2016-03-08, 07:17 PM
Nuxd Boneeater leads you out the doorway and over to a set of stone stairs that spiral downward. He moves on past a couple landings, past a couple dozen half orc guards, goblins and gnolls. And to the ground floor, that is mostly a large empty hall full of hay, and out a door.

To the sunny country side. Much of the surrounding dirt and clay has a reddish color too it, and most of the plants are yellowish and browns. There are plenty more half orcs outside, in small groups, doing combat related practices. Goblins moves about with things like buckets of water and bread.

A couple dozen feet from the tower, Nuxd points to the barracks: some crude wooden shacks all built together. They are mostly empty other then a couple female orcs that are sitting around.

The caves are in a hillside just beyond the barracks, made in the red clay. A lot of the caves are small, just five or six feet high and going back only five or ten feet. They are not connected to each other. Though there are a couple big caves that interconnect, full of female goblins.

2016-03-08, 07:51 PM
Nuxd Boneeater leads you out the doorway and over to a set of stone stairs that spiral downward. He moves on past a couple landings, past a couple dozen half orc guards, goblins and gnolls. And to the ground floor, that is mostly a large empty hall full of hay, and out a door.

To the sunny country side. Much of the surrounding dirt and clay has a reddish color too it, and most of the plants are yellowish and browns. There are plenty more half orcs outside, in small groups, doing combat related practices. Goblins moves about with things like buckets of water and bread.

A couple dozen feet from the tower, Nuxd points to the barracks: some crude wooden shacks all built together. They are mostly empty other then a couple female orcs that are sitting around.

The caves are in a hillside just beyond the barracks, made in the red clay. A lot of the caves are small, just five or six feet high and going back only five or ten feet. They are not connected to each other. Though there are a couple big caves that interconnect, full of female goblins.

Since the barracks seem to be closer, I go in to take a closer look. How is the furniture, and how is the lighting? Are the barracks dry and somewhat spacious? How much privacy would I have if I slept here? You know, apart from the Red Wizard voyeurs who I can't do anything about at the moment.

Edit: Oh, are the female orcs in the barracks full-blooded, or are they half-orcs? I think I remember you referring to the half-orc guards in the tower as "orcs" once, so I just wanted to clarify.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-09, 11:59 PM
The barracks have mostly crude, well used furniture. They are not very well lit at all. They only have small windows. They are dry, but not very spacious. A single room is private, but there are only a couple of them.

There is a mix of orcs and half orcs, though the half orcs outnumber the orcs three to one.

2016-03-10, 12:30 AM
The barracks have mostly crude, well used furniture. They are not very well lit at all. They only have small windows. They are dry, but not very spacious. A single room is private, but there are only a couple of them.

There is a mix of orcs and half orcs, though the half orcs outnumber the orcs three to one.

Can I tell at a glance whether there are any empty singles?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-10, 07:53 PM
Five of the single rooms at the far end of the line of buildings look empty. They are dark and a bit sunk into the mud there, and as each door is open, you don't see any personal type items in any of them.

2016-03-11, 12:20 AM
Five of the single rooms at the far end of the line of buildings look empty. They are dark and a bit sunk into the mud there, and as each door is open, you don't see any personal type items in any of them.

Are they sunken/muddied enough that it looks like that's why there's nobody in there?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-12, 03:04 PM
The rooms on the end don't look all that much cleaner then the rest of the building, though they might be a bit more muddy.

Nuxd Boneeater "Maybe you'd like a cave better? Nice and dry with no mud?"

2016-03-12, 03:18 PM
The rooms on the end don't look all that much cleaner then the rest of the building, though they might be a bit more muddy.

Nuxd Boneeater "Maybe you'd like a cave better? Nice and dry with no mud?"

"Maybe I would."

Hissra permits Nuxd to lead him to the caves.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-13, 07:00 PM
The caves are in the hills just behind the building. There are dozens of them, and most are only about five feet or so high. Though there are a good dozen that are 6-7 feet high, and look to be empty. Each cave has the same type of simple furniture as the barracks. They are quite dry.

Nuxd Boneeater "Them over there are empty"

Foopo "If you will be fine here, I'll go cloud climb and see you back here tomorrow morning. "

2016-03-13, 07:41 PM
The caves are in the hills just behind the building. There are dozens of them, and most are only about five feet or so high. Though there are a good dozen that are 6-7 feet high, and look to be empty. Each cave has the same type of simple furniture as the barracks. They are quite dry.

Nuxd Boneeater "Them over there are empty"

Foopo "If you will be fine here, I'll go cloud climb and see you back here tomorrow morning. "

"Yeah. Sounds good. What time should I be ready with all my spells prepared? If I have time I think I should check out the market. Actually, maybe I should bring you along so that you can point out possible ambush points? Or would she start to see me as a threat if I was seen in your company?"

I have other things to do now, but is there enough dust on the bed to be worth casting Prestidigitation on it?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-14, 04:02 PM
Foopo "If she goes into town, she will leave mid morning. So you should be ready by then.

Well, we could go into town and see the market, if you want too.

And she is not there, so she can't see us....and she does not know who we are anyway. We are both new."

2016-03-14, 04:53 PM
Foopo "If she goes into town, she will leave mid morning. So you should be ready by then.

Well, we could go into town and see the market, if you want too.

And she is not there, so she can't see us....and she does not know who we are anyway. We are both new."

"Ah. That helps. Though if we have that advantage now, maybe we shouldn't been seen together. I'm probably going to be known after this, and for you to be a known associate of mine might mean that those who wish to retaliate against me for my target's death target you. Whether or not they have any chance of killing you, it'd be easier for you if you didn't have to deal with that." Hissra stops and thinks for a second. "How good are you at concealing yourself?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-15, 06:12 PM
Foopo "I'm really good and sneaking around and hiding, but I can't do anything like turn invisible. Mephits like me are a common enough sight. Lots of spellcasters summon and use us for things like delivering messages. So I do get the advantage of blending in too."

2016-03-15, 06:46 PM
Foopo "I'm really good and sneaking around and hiding, but I can't do anything like turn invisible. Mephits like me are a common enough sight. Lots of spellcasters summon and use us for things like delivering messages. So I do get the advantage of blending in too."

"Could someone who gets a good enough look at your face pick you out of a crowd afterwards?"

Darth Ultron
2016-03-16, 10:09 PM
Foopo "I guess so. Though the same would be true of you too. Our best friend is surprise. No one knows us or even knows we are coming."

2016-03-16, 10:25 PM
Foopo "I guess so. Though the same would be true of you too. Our best friend is surprise. No one knows us or even knows we are coming."

"They will after... or maybe they won't. What sort of countermeasures do the people here typically employ against illusions? And if somebody does see through my illusion, how likely are my true features to become common knowledge? I'm not going to do it this time; it's like you said: I'm not known, so there'd be no point. But if I had an illusion up during the assassination attempt, would that stop my true features from becoming associated with that assassination attempt?"

OOC: Before I forget yet again, how much XP did I get off that humanoid summon I offed? Or was it too weak to give me any?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-17, 10:19 PM
Foopo "I don't think many protect against illusions. People worry more about real stuff like fire and mind control. Knowledge does not spread too fast, people like secrets...but secrets can spread fast too. An illusion would fool most people sure."

Well. ''weak'' as in it's only 500 xp.

2016-03-17, 10:35 PM
Foopo "I don't think many protect against illusions. People worry more about real stuff like fire and mind control. Knowledge does not spread too fast, people like secrets...but secrets can spread fast too. An illusion would fool most people sure."

Well. ''weak'' as in it's only 500 xp.

"So, I'd gain a temporary advantage by disguising myself with an illusion. Maybe though probably not a permanent one. That's something. Anyway, shall we go scouting?"

Well, XP adds up.

Edit: "... on second thought, how likely are we to get attacked? I don't have any attack spells left."

Darth Ultron
2016-03-19, 12:20 PM
Foopo "I guess there is always a chance of getting attacked. The world is not a safe place. "


2016-03-19, 03:03 PM
Foopo "I guess there is always a chance of getting attacked. The world is not a safe place. "


" ... ugh. I am not ready for that right now. You'll have to lead me to the perfume shop in the morning."

Darth Ultron
2016-03-19, 03:34 PM
Foopo "Ok. I will see you tomorrow." He flies up and away into the sky.

If you don't want to do anything else, we can skip to the next morning...

2016-03-19, 04:59 PM
Foopo "Ok. I will see you tomorrow." He flies up and away into the sky.

If you don't want to do anything else, we can skip to the next morning...

I turn to Nuxd. "So, how are these caves distributed? Does everyone just grab one? And for that matter how are they shared? Does the fact that I'm in this cave mean I can look forward to having it to myself? Or will I wake up with four or five other goblins and maybe a bugbear and a couple of amorous half-orcs in here?"

When we do skip to morning my next post after will be somewhat delayed. Playing a wizard means planning out your next day before it starts.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-19, 05:24 PM
Nuxd Boneeater"Small caves are just for one person. Maybe. Most follow the way, but not all. Home caves should be safe. And your not one of us, so might be different. Should be safe enough though."

2016-03-19, 05:26 PM
Nuxd Boneeater"Small caves are just for one person. Maybe. Most follow the way, but not all. Home caves should be safe. And your not one of us, so might be different. Should be safe enough though."

"That's... comforting."

How long does my character have awake if he wants to get nine hours of sleep in before he starts -preparing his spells, if he wants to be ready to go mid-morning?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-19, 10:32 PM
It's about 2pm. So if you wanted to wake up at say 9am you don't need to go to sleep until midnight. Or just adjust one hour, so 11pm for 8am.

Nuxd Boneeater "If you have some coins or anything of value, we could hire a kobold trapsmith to trap the cave entrance."

2016-03-19, 10:51 PM
It's about 2pm. So if you wanted to wake up at say 9am you don't need to go to sleep until midnight. Or just adjust one hour, so 11pm for 8am.

Nuxd Boneeater "If you have some coins or anything of value, we could hire a kobold trapsmith to trap the cave entrance."

" ... There's a thought. What can they do for under four-hundred pieces of gold? While we're at it, are there kobolds who know how to line a cave wall with lead without poisoning the inhabitants?"

"And will it be a problem that I'm adding improvements to this cave? Particularly dangerous improvements?"

Darth Ultron
2016-03-20, 01:26 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "400 gold coins is plenty. Tripwires, pit traps, swinging blades, and darts will all cost under that. And to put lead in the cave? Humm, guess that could be done if we could find like lots of buckets of lead somewhere and they glue it to the cave walls or something. It's a odd decoration choice, but if you like it it can be done. And traps are only problems for fools that set them off. I'll go find a trapsmith..."

Nuxd wanders off and comes back about a half hour latter with a kobold.

Nuxd Boneeater "Xsoden Foultrap, here is a trapsmith."

Xsoden Foultrap "You wants dart trap or swinging rock, both are 400 gold. Ya want to line the whole cave with lead, that will be like 10,000 gold and it will take a week or so. And that does not count a lead curtain or cover for the mouth."

2016-03-20, 04:09 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "400 gold coins is plenty. Tripwires, pit traps, swinging blades, and darts will all cost under that. And to put lead in the cave? Humm, guess that could be done if we could find like lots of buckets of lead somewhere and they glue it to the cave walls or something. It's a odd decoration choice, but if you like it it can be done. And traps are only problems for fools that set them off. I'll go find a trapsmith..."

Nuxd wanders off and comes back about a half hour latter with a kobold.

Nuxd Boneeater "Xsoden Foultrap, here is a trapsmith."

Xsoden Foultrap "You wants dart trap or swinging rock, both are 400 gold. Ya want to line the whole cave with lead, that will be like 10,000 gold and it will take a week or so. And that does not count a lead curtain or cover for the mouth."

"I assume that figure also doesn't count the cost of taking some kind of measure to make sure the lead doesn't leach into the rest of the cave and pollute me somehow, or measures to prevent little goblin or orc children from eating it... although my plans for this cave are hardly child-safe anyway." Hissra sighs. "If you don't mind me asking, how do mages who don't know the proper abjurations block voyeurs around here?"

"As for the traps, what are the pros and cons of each?"

Darth Ultron
2016-03-20, 10:01 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Mostly people just ignore it."

Xsoden Foultrap "Well each trap has it's own tale. For just 400 gold the traps will only delay and won't stop anyone. But they can make plenty of noise to wake you up. or alert you."

2016-03-21, 01:00 AM
Nuxd Boneeater "Mostly people just ignore it."

"Well, for the moment, I suppose I'm most people."

Xsoden Foultrap "Well each trap has it's own tale. For just 400 gold the traps will only delay and won't stop anyone. But they can make plenty of noise to wake you up. or alert you."

"Okay then. 400 gold for... oh... let's go with the swinging rocks. I assume those are less cost to maintain than the darts?"

Darth Ultron
2016-03-22, 08:41 PM
Xsoden Foultrap nods "Rocks are much cheaper then darts. I'll get started. Half now, half when trap is done?" he says holding out his hand.

Nuxd Boneeater "You want me to get a couple half orc thugs to come with us in case we need them?"

2016-03-22, 09:09 PM
Xsoden Foultrap nods "Rocks are much cheaper then darts. I'll get started. Half now, half when trap is done?" he says holding out his hand.

"I can do that." I offer him a handshake.

Nuxd Boneeater "You want me to get a couple half orc thugs to come with us in case we need them?"

"Do you mean for the scouting trip? Because they'd only slow me down or get in the way during the assassination as I planned it."

Darth Ultron
2016-03-23, 04:07 PM
Xsoden Foultrap looks oddly at your hand for several seconds, then somewhat clumsily shakes your hand. And waits for more then a handshake.

Nuxd Boneeater "That is what I thoughts too."

2016-03-23, 06:39 PM
Xsoden Foultrap looks oddly at your hand for several seconds, then somewhat clumsily shakes your hand. And waits for more then a handshake.

Nuxd Boneeater "That is what I thoughts too."

I give Xsoden a weird look.

"Then maybe we should scare up a few thugs and go check out the..." I glance at Xsoden again. "Place. Maybe tell them I'm looking for gifts if I... it's not important yet."

Darth Ultron
2016-03-23, 09:55 PM
Xsoden Foultrap "you pay half now? Now now?" he keeps his hand held out and waits.

Nuxd Boneeater just looks confused.

2016-03-23, 10:28 PM
Xsoden Foultrap "you pay half now? Now now?" he keeps his hand held out and waits.

Nuxd Boneeater just looks confused.

Hissra bops himself on the head. "Right. Could have sworn I'd already done that. Sorry."

He hands over 200 gp.

I'd already deducted the money from my money total on my character sheet, and had assumed I'd done something similar in character. That's why I was confused.

"Uh, are you still going to be here when I get back from my trip to the market? It'd would save you the trouble of tracking me down for the rest of your money, and you could explain maintaining and resetting the trap."

Darth Ultron
2016-03-24, 06:21 PM
Xsoden Foultrap "Me make trap now. Take times. Me only live couple caves down. Me be here, need to show you were the by pass is...or you set off your own trap."

2016-03-24, 09:03 PM
Xsoden Foultrap "Me make trap now. Take times. Me only live couple caves down. Me be here, need to show you were the by pass is...or you set off your own trap."

"I'm half tempted to find the bypass myself. 'I triggered this trap the first five times I walked by it' would be a funny story to tell the grandkids." Hissra chuckles, then turns to Nuxd. "Anyway, shall we?"

Darth Ultron
2016-03-25, 11:50 AM
Xsoden Foultrap nods and gets to work.

Nuxd Boneeater heads out down a small dirt path that leads to a wide dirt road. The country side is quite wild and overgrown. The road is mostly straight, but does cross a lot of other roads in a fairly complex pattern. The roads look well traveled and well maintained, but there is no sign of anyone around. There are no signs or other marking that are obvious, but Nuxd seems to know where he is going.

After a bit of a walk he heads off the road and follows a path down to a river. The river is full of black water, full of floating junk and quite foul.The path runs along side the river in a ravine and eventually through a metal grate in a hill. The path runs right into a cave. Four goblins in chain mail stand guarding the cave. Nuxd does not even slow down as he hands a small brown bag to the goblin with the red feathers in his helm and enters the cave.

2016-03-25, 02:46 PM
Xsoden Foultrap nods and gets to work.

Nuxd Boneeater heads out down a small dirt path that leads to a wide dirt road. The country side is quite wild and overgrown. The road is mostly straight, but does cross a lot of other roads in a fairly complex pattern. The roads look well traveled and well maintained, but there is no sign of anyone around. There are no signs or other marking that are obvious, but Nuxd seems to know where he is going.

After a bit of a walk he heads off the road and follows a path down to a river. The river is full of black water, full of floating junk and quite foul.The path runs along side the river in a ravine and eventually through a metal grate in a hill. The path runs right into a cave. Four goblins in chain mail stand guarding the cave. Nuxd does not even slow down as he hands a small brown bag to the goblin with the red feathers in his helm and enters the cave.

[roll0] on a Spot check.

Edit: ... well, now. That might be a bad thing.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-25, 10:29 PM
You spot......nothing.

Nuxd Boneeater heads into the darkness of the cave. The cave is narrow and has plenty of twists and turns. Every couple of minutes another goblin, kobold or a heavily cloaked humanoid passes by going one direction or another.

After a couple of minutes it opens into a large empty cave with a stone staircase leading upwards. Nuxd heads right up the stairs, and they come out at street level in the paved alleyway of a town.

2016-03-25, 11:05 PM
You spot......nothing.

Nuxd Boneeater heads into the darkness of the cave. The cave is narrow and has plenty of twists and turns. Every couple of minutes another goblin, kobold or a heavily cloaked humanoid passes by going one direction or another.

After a couple of minutes it opens into a large empty cave with a stone staircase leading upwards. Nuxd heads right up the stairs, and they come out at street level in the paved alleyway of a town.

I look around for anything that resembles a perfume store.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-26, 09:26 PM
The town is full of people on the streets, a mix of humans, half orcs and goblins mostly. Though there are other races mixed in too.

There are plenty of shops down the trade street selling all sorts of goods.

Nuxd Boneeater stops and points to a shop, "That's it"

2016-03-28, 06:20 PM
The town is full of people on the streets, a mix of humans, half orcs and goblins mostly. Though there are other races mixed in too.

There are plenty of shops down the trade street selling all sorts of goods.

Nuxd Boneeater stops and points to a shop, "That's it"

"Thanks." Hissra walks in, making note of the architecture as he does. Are there any visible support beams in the main shop area?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-29, 05:52 PM
The shop, like a lot of the town, is made of a red stone with a wooden frame built around that. The shop has a large glass-less front window with wooden shutters. Each side of the ship as six small circular glassless windows, though they are only about a foot around, each with a single shutter.

The main shop is a neat set of shelves and tables full of items like bottles, clay jars, wooden casks and such full of all sorts of liquids, powders and such. The back of the main room is a counter, where an older human female in brown robes sits.

There are four large wooden support beams running floor to ceiling in the main shop, attached to the frame of the wood and thatch roof.

2016-03-29, 10:39 PM
The shop, like a lot of the town, is made of a red stone with a wooden frame built around that. The shop has a large glass-less front window with wooden shutters. Each side of the ship as six small circular glassless windows, though they are only about a foot around, each with a single shutter.

The main shop is a neat set of shelves and tables full of items like bottles, clay jars, wooden casks and such full of all sorts of liquids, powders and such. The back of the main room is a counter, where an older human female in brown robes sits.

There are four large wooden support beams running floor to ceiling in the main shop, attached to the frame of the wood and thatch roof.

One more question: does the stuff above the shop's ground floor (such as the second floor, for example) look heavy enough that it would wreck someone's day if I drop it on them?

Either way, I spare no more time looking at the architecture than is strictly necessary to gather all of that information. Upon gathering all of it, I file it away for later and begin looking at the various cosmetics. Do they appear to be in any way magical, or is this all just various mundane cosmetic products?

Darth Ultron
2016-03-30, 09:58 PM
The second level is mostly wood, and whatever is on the second floor(most likely furniture). So it will surely cause at least some damage.

None of the substances ''look'' magical. About half the containers do have small magical effects on them that make them glow, shine, or even have a small animated programed illusion. Lots of bottles have small illusionary flowers that open and close, for example.

2016-03-31, 08:38 AM
The second level is mostly wood, and whatever is on the second floor(most likely furniture). So it will surely cause at least some damage.

None of the substances ''look'' magical. About half the containers do have small magical effects on them that make them glow, shine, or even have a small animated programed illusion. Lots of bottles have small illusionary flowers that open and close, for example.

I keep browsing, looking at the various products and prices, trying to look like I have a reason for being here without drawing too much attention to myself.

Darth Ultron
2016-03-31, 06:42 PM
The woman behind the desk keeps an eye on you, but not overly so.

Nuxd Boneeater waits over by the door.

2016-03-31, 07:07 PM
The woman behind the desk keeps an eye on you, but not overly so.

Nuxd Boneeater waits over by the door.

After about two minutes browsing, I look over my coin purse, sigh mournfully, and head out the door. I gesture for Nuxd to follow as I head back the same direction I came, and then duck into an alley to go around behind the shop.

Are the windows here about the same as they were on the other side of the shop?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-02, 12:09 PM
Nuxd Boneeater follows

There are no windows on the back wall of the shop. Just a single closed wooden door, though the door does have a foot square closed shutter. The sides of the shop have the small circular glassless windows, though they are only about a foot around, each with a single shutter.

2016-04-02, 02:26 PM
Nuxd Boneeater follows

There are no windows on the back wall of the shop. Just a single closed wooden door, though the door does have a foot square closed shutter. The sides of the shop have the small circular glassless windows, though they are only about a foot around, each with a single shutter.

I check to see if the back door is locked.

If it is I quickly move to the nearest side window and try to ascertain if anyone's watching it from the other side.

Darth Ultron
2016-04-02, 02:57 PM
The backdoor is indeed locked.

Form the first back small circular window you can see well enough inside of the shop. There are two customers, one talking to the woman behind the counter. No one is looking out the window.

Nuxd Boneeater follows and watches.

2016-04-02, 05:21 PM
The backdoor is indeed locked.

Form the first back small circular window you can see well enough inside of the shop. There are two customers, one talking to the woman behind the counter. No one is looking out the window.

Nuxd Boneeater follows and watches.

I meant that I'm checking to see whether anyone's looking towards the back door. Is anyone doing that?

Although really I suppose it doesn't matter much, since either way my next move would be to go around behind the store again and take 10 to open the locked door. Does a 14 on Open Lock unlock it? (Note that if I do manage to click the lock open, my next move will be to slide the door completely closed again. I'm not going in, especially if the door's being watched. I'm just testing the lock.)

Edit: Wait, on second thought, would I remember whether or not the back door was visible from the store?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-03, 09:57 PM
There is a couple people in the alley, but no one is watching the back door of the shop.

From inside the shop you did see a closed back door, but it obviously leads to a back room. You can't see into the back room through the closed door.

2016-04-03, 10:36 PM
There is a couple people in the alley, but no one is watching the back door of the shop.

From inside the shop you did see a closed back door, but it obviously leads to a back room. You can't see into the back room through the closed door.

In that case I dart back into the alley and try to open the door. First I take 10 on an Open Lock check (total result is a 14) and then if that fails I take 20 (will result in a 24.) Is taking 10 (or failing that taking 20) enough to get through the door?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-04, 07:05 PM
The door remains locked......though a loud bell starts to ring inside the back of the shop.

Thick black smoke starts to shoot out of the door and form a small 5 foot cloud around the door.

Nuxd Boneeater "You set off a trap!"

2016-04-04, 07:55 PM
The door remains locked......though a loud bell starts to ring inside the back of the shop.

Thick black smoke starts to shoot out of the door and form a small 5 foot cloud around the door.

Nuxd Boneeater "You set off a trap!"

"Something tells me this isn't a good place to be seen at the moment."

Is it possible to cast Invisibility on Nuxd and make a Hide check in the same round?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-05, 07:16 PM
Nuxd Boneeater nods.

Casting a spell is a standard action. Hiding is generally ''not an action''. So yes.

2016-04-05, 07:49 PM
Nuxd Boneeater nods.

Casting a spell is a standard action. Hiding is generally ''not an action''. So yes.

Okay. Thanks.

And since talking is a free action:

"I'm going to cast Invisibility on you. It breaks if you interact with anything in any way. After I cast it, just run. Do nothing else until you're well clear, and ideally at the mouth of the tunnels. Don't worry about me. I'll catch up. I intend not to be seen, and can outrun a normal human even if I am seen. If I need to, I can use a magical item. So I need this out less than you do. Are we clear?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-06, 09:44 PM
Nuxd Boneeater nods.

The bell rings on...

The black smoke coming out of the door darkens and starts to take on a form.....

2016-04-06, 10:02 PM
Nuxd Boneeater nods.

The bell rings on...

The black smoke coming out of the door darkens and starts to take on a form.....

Oh, that's not good.

I cast Invisibility on Nuxd, and then make a Hide check. [roll0].

Oh, and is there a skill check I could make to know what that trap is?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-07, 10:48 PM
The black cloud froms into a medium sized, gray furred wolf with glowing red eyes of some sort. The wolf stands right in front of the door and growls, looking around. The bell inside the shop continues to ring.


Spellcraft, of course.

2016-04-07, 11:20 PM
The black cloud froms into a medium sized, gray furred wolf with glowing red eyes of some sort. The wolf stands right in front of the door and growls, looking around. The bell inside the shop continues to ring.


Spellcraft, of course.

Well, that's an easy one, I hope. [roll0]

Darth Ultron
2016-04-10, 03:52 PM
The ringing bell is most likely an Alarm spell. It's a common and cheap spell and magic item.

The other trap most likely was a summoning spell effect. Monster Summoning Two would get a fiendish wolf, much like the creature by the door.

The wolf looks around, but does not react to anything. It stays in front of the door, alert and watching.

2016-04-10, 06:59 PM
The ringing bell is most likely an Alarm spell. It's a common and cheap spell and magic item.

The other trap most likely was a summoning spell effect. Monster Summoning Two would get a fiendish wolf, much like the creature by the door.

The wolf looks around, but does not react to anything. It stays in front of the door, alert and watching.

So, I think now would be a good time to leave. Shall I make a Move Silently check?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-10, 10:51 PM
if you want to move quietly, the Move Silently is the right skill...

Nuxd Boneeater stays invisible.....

2016-04-10, 11:01 PM
if you want to move quietly, the Move Silently is the right skill...

Nuxd Boneeater stays invisible.....

With the instructions I gave Nuxd I thought he'd be well out of there. But then again I'm not sure those instructions were the right way to handle a wolf anyway.

Anyway, [roll0] for Move Silently.

Darth Ultron
2016-04-10, 11:25 PM
Well, you don't ''see'' Nuxd Boneeater around....

The wolf listens....


And hears nothing....

2016-04-10, 11:35 PM
Well, you don't ''see'' Nuxd Boneeater around....

The wolf listens....


And hears nothing....

In that case, I'll have to trust that he has the sense to follow my orders and is gone.

I follow where I hope he went.

Darth Ultron
2016-04-12, 12:45 AM
A couple minutes later, you meet up with Nuxd Boneeater over at the tunnel entrance...

Nuxd Boneeater "Here I am!"

2016-04-12, 02:18 AM
A couple minutes later, you meet up with Nuxd Boneeater over at the tunnel entrance...

Nuxd Boneeater "Here I am!"

Is he visible?

Either way, I say "Right. I think we've got all we're getting. We've learned enough to justify coming here. Shall we?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-12, 10:58 PM
Nuxd Boneeater is visible. He nods. Nuxd walks past the goblins, giving a small wave, but not passing them a bag. Then leads you through the tunnels, and eventually back out to the river. Then along the path and back out to the main road. Then down the main road, all the way back to the estate.

2016-04-13, 02:16 AM
Nuxd Boneeater is visible. He nods. Nuxd walks past the goblins, giving a small wave, but not passing them a bag. Then leads you through the tunnels, and eventually back out to the river. Then along the path and back out to the main road. Then down the main road, all the way back to the estate.

"Thank you for the escort. It did make things easier. Is there any security that will make it difficult for me to find my own way back tomorrow, or whenever?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-13, 06:54 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Sea cureaty? No, we are far from the sea. You can use the main gate tomorrow. Unless you want me to lead you through the tunnels again. I'm here to help after all, whatever you need."

2016-04-16, 01:26 AM
Nuxd Boneeater "Sea cureaty? No, we are far from the sea. You can use the main gate tomorrow. Unless you want me to lead you through the tunnels again. I'm here to help after all, whatever you need."

"I think I'd like to use the tunnels again, thanks. I'll stop right before we exit to cast an illusion on myself, and then we go on to do the job. Assuming it's tomorrow, of course."

"I'd recommend you stay well back while the actual job is going on, though. Just in case anything goes wrong."

Darth Ultron
2016-04-16, 05:38 PM
Nuxd "no problem I'm a stay in the back kind of noid".

Unless you want to do anything else we can skip to the morning of the next day.

2016-04-16, 05:47 PM
Nuxd "no problem I'm a stay in the back kind of noid".

Unless you want to do anything else we can skip to the morning of the next day.

Wasn't I supposed to hand Foultrap the rest of his payment and get a rundown of how the traps work?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-17, 10:20 PM
Oh yea...

Xsoden Foultrap is ready when you get back to the cave....to show you seeming nothing, as the cave looks just as it did before.

"The trap is here, seven steps in. If you look right here you will see the trip cord. You can by pass it by just stepping over the cord. But touch the cord, and that rock in the wall swings out. You like?"

2016-04-17, 10:55 PM
Oh yea...

Xsoden Foultrap is ready when you get back to the cave....to show you seeming nothing, as the cave looks just as it did before.

"The trap is here, seven steps in. If you look right here you will see the trip cord. You can by pass it by just stepping over the cord. But touch the cord, and that rock in the wall swings out. You like?"

"I won't know that until someone either gets caught in it or slips past it. If someone does get caught, how do I reset it?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-19, 09:09 PM
Xsoden Foultrap "You just push the rock back into it's nook there, hide it and restring the cord. It's a little bit of work, but it's easy enough."

Nuxd Boneeater waits

2016-04-19, 11:15 PM
Xsoden Foultrap "You just push the rock back into it's nook there, hide it and restring the cord. It's a little bit of work, but it's easy enough."

Nuxd Boneeater waits

"Thanks." Hissra hands over the other half of Xsoden's price. "I hope I never find out whether it works. Losing sleep is only slightly preferable to losing my stuff. But if I have to choose, I'll definitely lose the sleep. It's been a pleasure doing business with you, Xsoden."

Darth Ultron
2016-04-19, 11:43 PM
Xsoden Foultrap takes the rest of the payment and nods "All good"

Time jump?

2016-04-20, 12:14 AM
Xsoden Foultrap takes the rest of the payment and nods "All good"

Time jump?

We could move forward a bit.

Was this a time jump to me waking up in the morning and preparing spells, or a time jump to my trap going off and me waking up cursing?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-20, 06:02 PM
Morning comes...and you can prepare spells...

The trap is still set when you awake...seems that no one bothered you overnight

Nuxd Boneeater shows up with some meats and eggs for breakfast.

2016-04-21, 03:05 AM
Morning comes...and you can prepare spells...

The trap is still set when you awake...seems that no one bothered you overnight

Nuxd Boneeater shows up with some meats and eggs for breakfast.

"Thanks, Nuxd. I'm going to need this. Have you eaten? Or are you eating with me?"

Did Hissra just wake up, or is this after he gets a decent chance to prepare his spells?

Darth Ultron
2016-04-21, 11:43 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "I can eat too" He eats an egg.

After spell preparation....

2016-04-22, 06:25 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "I can eat too" He eats an egg.

After spell preparation....

"Well, I've shared meals with far worse company." I sit down with Nuxd. "Do you think it will be today? If not, I could try to figure out a way past that trap that caught us out last time. I've got a list of spells I think would work for the plan as it stands prepared, though. Just in case."

Darth Ultron
2016-04-23, 03:07 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Yep. I'm not that sneaky, but I'm not a brute or anything. I only know a little about traps and stuff. Though I'm sure we could ask Xsoden Foultrap, for a price."

2016-04-23, 05:38 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Yep. I'm not that sneaky, but I'm not a brute or anything. I only know a little about traps and stuff. Though I'm sure we could ask Xsoden Foultrap, for a price."

"I've already paid him most of my money. If I can't figure out the trap myself, or find someone who can and doesn't demand pay, I'll need to plan to work around the area that's trapped. Does Master Tantawi have any retainers who might know what we're up against? Or actually, you said you know a little. How much can you guess about what we saw yesterday?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-23, 07:44 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Oh, well the alarm and summon monster are really common traps. I know them no problem. And if we go through the back door, she is almost sure to have a trap to get us, like a web or a magical hold. And some other monster that can fight inside the back room too. Maybe a summons, or a living statue. And if she is smart, and I'd guess she is, she will have some payed protection nearby too."

2016-04-23, 09:31 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Oh, well the alarm and summon monster are really common traps. I know them no problem. And if we go through the back door, she is almost sure to have a trap to get us, like a web or a magical hold. And some other monster that can fight inside the back room too. Maybe a summons, or a living statue. And if she is smart, and I'd guess she is, she will have some payed protection nearby too."

"It sounds like it'd be far less effort to just cast Sticky Floor in front of the backdoor so the target can't get out that way, and then see if I can't collapse the roof on her."

Darth Ultron
2016-04-23, 10:30 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Sounds good to me"

Foppo flies over (over the trap too) "Good news! She is heading into town!"

2016-04-23, 10:43 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Sounds good to me"

Foppo flies over (over the trap too) "Good news! She is heading into town!"

"Well, looks like we wouldn't have had time to case the shop further anyway. How long do we have until she gets there? And which is a faster route, the tunnels or the roads? It feels like it should be the tunnels, but as you both know I'm new here, so I felt I should ask."

Darth Ultron
2016-04-23, 10:53 PM
Foppo "She has her whole group with her. They move slow. They will need almost three hours to get to town."

Nuxd Boneeater "We only need a little over an hour to take the tunnel to town....faster if we speed up. Going by the surface we'd need over two hours, but we can speed up a little there too"

2016-04-24, 12:23 AM
Foppo "She has her whole group with her. They move slow. They will need almost three hours to get to town."

Nuxd Boneeater "We only need a little over an hour to take the tunnel to town....faster if we speed up. Going by the surface we'd need over two hours, but we can speed up a little there too"

"Hm. I didn't expect we had that much spare time. Let's take the tunnel, since there's no point in wearing ourselves out with a two hour walk. (Or flight, as applicable.) Let's not hurry, though, as there's no sense in wearing ourselves out that way either. We apparently have time. Uh, question: are there loitering laws here? And are they enforced?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-24, 12:00 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Laws? No one really cares about stuff like standing around. there is laws about bothering a store or trade, but if you no do that, no one cares. Though like other people might care. You like sit in a doorway the people their could kick you out...or just kills you. But they not be calling the law."

2016-04-24, 04:54 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Laws? No one really cares about stuff like standing around. there is laws about bothering a store or trade, but if you no do that, no one cares. Though like other people might care. You like sit in a doorway the people their could kick you out...or just kills you. But they not be calling the law."

"Then we find someplace to wait nearby the store. Nuxd and I are probably going to have to wait on the ground near the shop, while you, Foppo, sit on a roof or something nearby (you know, wherever you can see best without sacrificing your ability to quickly get back to us if and when you see something we should know of) and wait for the target to get close. As soon as you tell me she's close, I cast Disguise Self, because I'd just as soon not have my face attached to this. Given what I was Called here to do it seems inevitable that I'll get a reputation as dangerous if I stay long enough, but given that she has another caster who likes her at least enough to tolerate her in his house I'd as soon not have this attributed to me. Anyway it's about at this point that Nuxd makes for the tunnels, since this is going to be dangerous and he can't escape bad situations as handily as Foppo and I can."

"Then I sneak around behind the shop and cast the same trap spell I used on that... whatever it was in the tower yesterday... on the ground right in front of the backdoor of the perfume shop. Just in case she tries to flee in that direction. (Which I doubt she'll do, but if she does I'd hate to explain to master Tantawi that I hadn't even tried to stop her doing that.) Then when she goes into the shop I run around the front, and throw a Fireball at one of the support beams. (Ideally the one closest to her.) I'm hoping that will either kill her outright, or collapse the shop on her, or both. (Given that that seems to be a little bit illegal I should probably really hope nobody sees through my illusion.)"

"If she doesn't die and the building doesn't collapse, she probably either stands and fights (in which case I throw another fireball and hope that the damage from two does what one couldn't and either collapses the building or kills her) or flees out the back (in which case she probably gets caught in the trap spell, and then she can't escape but I need to worry about her actually putting up a fight.)"

"If she does seem to die, then I flee. Then I sneak back after a bit to make sure I actually finished the job the first time."

Darth Ultron
2016-04-24, 06:03 PM
"You don't need to worry about me. I have the best escape. I'm a goblin, I can hide really easy like with other goblins. No one notices us much. And there are lots of goblins in town."

You take the path and tunnel to town. It is easy enough to wait across the street from the shop by a pile of empty wooden barrels.

Foppo flies up to the top of a nearby building and sits down to watch.

2016-04-25, 12:32 AM
"You don't need to worry about me. I have the best escape. I'm a goblin, I can hide really easy like with other goblins. No one notices us much. And there are lots of goblins in town."

You take the path and tunnel to town. It is easy enough to wait across the street from the shop by a pile of empty wooden barrels.

Foppo flies up to the top of a nearby building and sits down to watch.

"So, we've got a while. What's day to day life like? I can't imagine everything you and Foppo have to do is..." Hissra looks around at the crowd going about their business "this kind of work. And if the master keeps me around I can't imagine I'm going to be doing this every single day."

Darth Ultron
2016-04-25, 06:34 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Day to day life? Um, well, I mostly do as I'm told. Lots of things. Or are you asking me what I do for fun? Well..I collect snail shells, for one. And frog races are fun. "

Foppo "I'm always spying on someone"

2016-04-25, 07:42 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Day to day life? Um, well, I mostly do as I'm told. Lots of things. Or are you asking me what I do for fun? Well..I collect snail shells, for one. And frog races are fun. "

"I was asking about the work. I mean, it can't all be plotting and sneaking and cloak-and-Fireball-wand and all that. But now that we're into frog races, tell me about those."

Foppo "I'm always spying on someone"

"Is there always someone to spy on?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-27, 06:46 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Well, sure it's all be plotting and sneaking and cloak-and-Fireball-wand and all that. Um, whatever would life be? And frog races...well, you line up some frogs and have them hop in a line to a finish spot. And you bet on a winning frog. It's a fun sport."

Foppo "Of course. "

2016-04-27, 07:47 PM
Nuxd Boneeater "Well, sure it's all be plotting and sneaking and cloak-and-Fireball-wand and all that. Um, whatever would life be? And frog races...well, you line up some frogs and have them hop in a line to a finish spot. And you bet on a winning frog. It's a fun sport."

Foppo "Of course. "

"He doesn't have you scouting locations for new roads or assessing his lands' infrastructure or anything?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-27, 07:52 PM
Foppo"Oh no, never stuff like that. I only spy on people. I've spied on lots and lots of people, never a Red Wizard though. Too risky. But everyone else is a target. "

2016-04-28, 12:05 AM
Foppo"Oh no, never stuff like that. I only spy on people. I've spied on lots and lots of people, never a Red Wizard though. Too risky. But everyone else is a target. "

"Aren't we... uh, waiting for one right now?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-29, 03:47 PM
Foppo "Do you mean are we waiting for a target? Well, I guess you can say we are doing that, sure. She should be along any time now..."

2016-04-29, 03:55 PM
Foppo "Do you mean are we waiting for a target? Well, I guess you can say we are doing that, sure. She should be along any time now..."

"We are at that."

Hissra looks around to see if they are being watched. Should I make a Spot check, or is someone being ridiculously obvious about it?

"Is the target a Red Wizard, though? Or is that a specific designation for people who are dangerous even by the standards of Thayvian wizards or something?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-29, 04:41 PM
The town is full of people going about their daily lives. No one looks your way at all.

Foppo "Oh, no, Red Wizards are an elite group of wizards that rule the whole country of Thay. They are all humans, and even more so only one race of humans. Every single one of them is ruler, but really they each do as they wish. They are all dangerous, some more then others. "

2016-04-29, 05:51 PM
The town is full of people going about their daily lives. No one looks your way at all.

Foppo "Oh, no, Red Wizards are an elite group of wizards that rule the whole country of Thay. They are all humans, and even more so only one race of humans. Every single one of them is ruler, but really they each do as they wish. They are all dangerous, some more then others. "

"All wizards are dangerous. But the Red Wizards do sound like they're more so than any I've encountered, and they certainly sound like they're quite a distance above me. But that's not what we're dealing with here, right? Whatshername isn't at that level?"

Darth Ultron
2016-04-29, 08:52 PM
Foppo "Well Red Wizards are people too. It's not like they are all archmages. Most are powerful in one way or another, but depends what you think power is too. They do watch out for each other in lots of twisted ways though.

Haxxium Urniani is of the circle of illusion. Though the power of illusion is weird, you know. He can make lots of false images of things and mess with minds...but it's hard to say how powerful that is"

2016-04-29, 09:55 PM
Foppo "Well Red Wizards are people too. It's not like they are all archmages. Most are powerful in one way or another, but depends what you think power is too. They do watch out for each other in lots of twisted ways though.

Haxxium Urniani is of the circle of illusion. Though the power of illusion is weird, you know. He can make lots of false images of things and mess with minds...but it's hard to say how powerful that is"

"Speaking as an illusionist myself, I'd have to say it depends on the situation. If you know to doubt everything you see, it weakens him a bit, and the right Divination magic makes things really difficult for an illusionist. Still, the fact is that a non-caster (or a caster who doesn't know the right counterspells) going up against him would be at a huge disadvantage, especially if they don't know the terrain and the caster knows (and has the authority and resources to reshape) said terrain. A pit trap covered with an illusion can be the sort of thing you only need to score with once, and is only one of the things he could do with his powers to make things interesting for an intruder."

"And illusionists are better equipped against some kinds of divination than anyone else. An abjurer or someone with the money for lead sheeting can blind a scrying probe, but a sufficiently powerful illusionist can fool one. A useless scrying probe is still better than one that deceives you. Though again: if you know to doubt what you're seeing that does become less useful."

I forgot to roll to see if I sense scrying probes. It's a DC 20 Intelligence check, so I'm probably going to fail, though that only means I still don't know if there are probes. Are you going to roll secretly, or should I just go ahead and roll.

Darth Ultron
2016-04-30, 10:33 AM
Foppo "Yea, all that magic stuff is a bit beyond me. I stick to the basics. I'm going to go check on her progress." Foppo flies up and away.

Nuxd Boneeater "Illusions are scary to me. Not knowing what is real or not. And even when you know it's not real...it like still is."

2016-05-01, 02:01 AM
Nuxd Boneeater "Illusions are scary to me. Not knowing what is real or not. And even when you know it's not real...it like still is."

Hissra chuckles self-consciously. "Yeah, illusions can be scary when you're on the wrong end. That's why we're doing things this way."

Darth Ultron
2016-05-01, 01:56 PM
Foppo glides back down "Good news. She is in town, finally. Her group will be coming down the street from the south in about a minute. "

Nuxd Boneeater looks down the crowded street to the south.

2016-05-01, 06:32 PM
Foppo glides back down "Good news. She is in town, finally. Her group will be coming down the street from the south in about a minute. "

Nuxd Boneeater looks down the crowded street to the south.

"Thanks. Let me know when she's about to enter the shop. Ideally quietly so we don't lose the element of surprise. I'll be in the alley behind the shop."

Darth Ultron
2016-05-01, 07:04 PM
Nuxd Boneeater stays over in the first alley, half behind a water barrel.

It is another ten minutes when Foppo flies over and gives a wave and points at the shop.

The alley behind the shop is empty of anyone esle.

2016-05-01, 07:41 PM
Nuxd Boneeater stays over in the first alley, half behind a water barrel.

It is another ten minutes when Foppo flies over and gives a wave and points at the shop.

The alley behind the shop is empty of anyone esle.

Hissra nods and cast Disguise Self.

Despite the fact that my character is a near-human outsider, his actual face as I've been picturing him this whole time could pass for native Faerun human (though judging by Safiya in Neverwinter Nights 2 I'm darker skinned than the Thayvians.) If I can I'd like to make my character's coloration obviously not something that would occur in a completely human character: coal black with black sclera and golden irises.

Whether or not that stuff above is accurate/possible he seems to gain twenty pounds and lose about six inches of height, and gains a full head of black air. He also slightly alters his cheekbones and eye sockets in case anyone looks at facial bone structure to try to identify him later.

Immediately after casting Disguise Self he casts Sticky Floor immediately in front of the door out of the back of the shop and See Invisibility on himself and heads out of the alleyway to look into the windows at the side of the shop. Is she there, and is she next to a support beam?

Darth Ultron
2016-05-01, 08:11 PM
Disguise self can do that.

Aelronde Maricomorian is in the shop, along with three other women, chatting over a small table of perfumes. Telbesa happily shows off her items. The group is about two feet from a support pillar.

2016-05-01, 08:56 PM
Disguise self can do that.

Aelronde Maricomorian is in the shop, along with three other women, chatting over a small table of perfumes. Telbesa happily shows off her items. The group is about two feet from a support pillar.

Cool. Thanks.

Where are the guards Foppo indicated she would bring with her? Are they inside the shop? Or am I not able to see them from the windows at the side of the shop?

Darth Ultron
2016-05-02, 05:10 PM
There are no guards with the women in the shop that you can see. The most obvious spot for them to be is back out on the street, but you can't see from behind the store. You could move back up the alley to look in the street.

2016-05-02, 06:45 PM
There are no guards with the women in the shop that you can see. The most obvious spot for them to be is back out on the street, but you can't see from behind the store. You could move back up the alley to look in the street.

Oh, great. I probably have men with swords in my way. That's always fun. A smile starts to break out on Hissra's face. But wait...

Lets see: the previous posts on the side windows said they're glassless with a single shutter. Can my finger fit through or around the shutter? And since that would necessitate me being rather closer to the fireball than should be anyone's Plan A, does the wall look like it would contain the blast as long as I moved my hand away from the window as soon as the fireball left my finger?

Darth Ultron
2016-05-02, 07:57 PM
The small side windows are big enough to fit your whole hand and arm through. The building is red stone, and will most likely contain a fireball blast, though the roof, doors and window shutters are all wood and most likely won't.

2016-05-02, 08:01 PM
The small side windows are big enough to fit your whole hand and arm through. The building is red stone, and will most likely contain a fireball blast, though the roof, doors and window shutters are all wood and most likely won't.

What would be most likely to happen if I hit a support beam near my character? Would the wooden structure near me implode or explode? Or do I need Knowledge: Architecture and Engineering for that question? Because I don't have that one trained.

Darth Ultron
2016-05-02, 08:14 PM
You'd remember learning the basics about the spell...

DC-10, you'd make it. A fireball spell creates very little pressure. It's not an explosion, it's a lot more just a burst of fire. It burns/melts things it touches, it does not explode them. The support beam, as it's wood, would burn up quickly...in seconds. A wood beam would have like 5 hit points...and average fireball will do more damage then that. A door between 10-20 hit points, the little window shutters 5-10.

2016-05-02, 10:56 PM
You'd remember learning the basics about the spell...

DC-10, you'd make it. A fireball spell creates very little pressure. It's not an explosion, it's a lot more just a burst of fire. It burns/melts things it touches, it does not explode them. The support beam, as it's wood, would burn up quickly...in seconds. A wood beam would have like 5 hit points...and average fireball will do more damage then that. A door between 10-20 hit points, the little window shutters 5-10.

Just to be sure I understand properly, that's a DC-10 to hit the support beam?

Darth Ultron
2016-05-04, 07:47 PM
I meant a knowledge check of DC-10.

Fireball creates a little 'bead'' of fire that flies over to a spot and explodes into a fireball. But you don't really ''aim'' anything. Hitting a person or an object with the bead has no effect, other then that is ground zero.

2016-05-04, 09:24 PM
I meant a knowledge check of DC-10.

Fireball creates a little 'bead'' of fire that flies over to a spot and explodes into a fireball. But you don't really ''aim'' anything. Hitting a person or an object with the bead has no effect, other then that is ground zero.

Oh. Okay. Anyway, I suppose I cast the Fireball at the crowd and then quickly pull my hand back behind the wall so that I'm spared the worst of the heat.

I also spare a quick look down the alleyway to see whether the guards come when they hear me chanting.

Darth Ultron
2016-05-05, 11:02 PM
The walls will block the fireball effect. As long as your not at the window the fire won't effect you.

The alley way is clear, and quiet. Your chanting sounds loud in the quiet. Back on the main street, it is as nosy as a typical street.

2016-05-06, 02:48 PM
The walls will block the fireball effect. As long as your not at the window the fire won't effect you.

The alley way is clear, and quiet. Your chanting sounds loud in the quiet. Back on the main street, it is as nosy as a typical street.

Well, I don't think Hissra's watching to see whether the people inside react, and since throwing a fireball is a standard action they probably can't react in any relevant way quickly enough to do anything. So unless there's something else I should have thought of and didn't going on I think I throw the fireball and quickly pull my hand back to avoid the heat.

Damage to the support beam is [roll0], which if I rolled terribly would still deplete the five hit points you said that beam would have. Should I roll for damage to the target, or does the effect of the support beam giving way kill her anyway?

Darth Ultron
2016-05-06, 08:33 PM
The fireball explodes!

The doors and window shutters are burned off the stone frame.

With a loud thump the whole roof of the shop collapses and catches fire.

The body guards rush over to the edge of the fire...and a crowd gathers to watch the burning pile.

There is no sign of any life inside the shop

2016-05-06, 10:21 PM
The fireball explodes!

The doors and window shutters are burned off the stone frame.

With a loud thump the whole roof of the shop collapses and catches fire.

The body guards rush over to the edge of the fire...and a crowd gathers to watch the burning pile.

There is no sign of any life inside the shop

According to Kabhsenuf Tantawi's briefing, the plot was to make it look like one of her master's minions killed her, and he likes shadow creatures. Hence why a being from the Plane of Shadow, specifically Hissra, was summoned.

Which brings me to why Hissra disguised his face, build, and height, but took care to use a disguise that looks like something made of darkness despite that being the right direction for anyone who cares to investigate this to go.

So next he walks so that he's fifty feet away from the entrance to the alleyway that the crowd in the street would use. Then he bursts into maniacal villain laughter. "Fuahahahahaha! Dohohohohoho! Gurushushushushu! Muahahahahaha! The revenge of the Plane of Shadow is complete!"

Hissra looks towards the alley, ready to bolt at speeds faster than normal humans can run as soon as someone sees his false face.

Darth Ultron
2016-05-06, 10:58 PM
About half of the people on the street pay attention to your words, the rest don't even notice. The bodyguards join with the fire fighters and help dump water on the fire,

2016-05-06, 11:24 PM
About half of the people on the street pay attention to your words, the rest don't even notice. The bodyguards join with the fire fighters and help dump water on the fire,

Surprising, but welcome. I flee faster than a normal human could, since if anyone's paying attention I want them to be able to relate that I fled at an unnatural pace without visibly or audibly casting. I then dismiss the disguise when I'm far enough away to not look too suspicious (making sure to check for anyone visibly observing me,) and double back towards the shop to see what progress the bodyguards and firemen have made.

Darth Ultron
2016-05-07, 03:54 PM
As far as you can tell, you get away ''clean'' enough. No one obviously makes a note of spotting or seeing you.

The fire is put out in only a couple minutes as the town has plenty of water available for such things. A couple town guards come over to the spot, but don't seem to do much but watch.

The wooden roof is also moved quickly, and four female bodies are brought out. Two are badly burned, two are just bloody messes. Telbesa is found alive, but badly wounded.

2016-05-07, 06:18 PM
As far as you can tell, you get away ''clean'' enough. No one obviously makes a note of spotting or seeing you.

The fire is put out in only a couple minutes as the town has plenty of water available for such things. A couple town guards come over to the spot, but don't seem to do much but watch.

The wooden roof is also moved quickly, and four female bodies are brought out. Two are badly burned, two are just bloody messes. Telbesa is found alive, but badly wounded.

I take a quick look at the two bodies whose faces still exist hoping that I can recognize one as the target. She's almost certainly dead, but the more sure I am I did the job, the better. (This is probably not relevant, but over only a couple minutes See Invisibility would still be up; at my caster level it lasts most of an hour.)

I'm not getting close to the front of the crowd in order to not draw attention to myself and make it less likely Telbesa will see me. (I'm not sure she can see at the moment, but the surer I am the better.)

Edit: If enough of the crowd is helping that not doing so would be remarkable, forget the second paragraph. If there's few enough unhelpful rubberneckers that they stand out I grab a bucket and help while trying to keep something between myself and Telbesa at all times until and unless it becomes obvious she's blind. If on the other hand most of the crowd isn't doing anything to help, I'm not either.

Darth Ultron
2016-05-07, 06:30 PM
The vast majority of people are not doing anything more then watching, only a couple are helping out.

Even staying back in the crowd, it's easy to see the bodyguards take one of the female bodies and wrap it up in white cloth. They ignore the other three female bodies.

Once wrapped, the bodyguards give the wrapped body over to a group of either servants or slaves and escort them as they carry it away down the street.

2016-05-07, 07:29 PM
The vast majority of people are not doing anything more then watching, only a couple are helping out.

Even staying back in the crowd, it's easy to see the bodyguards take one of the female bodies and wrap it up in white cloth. They ignore the other three female bodies.

Once wrapped, the bodyguards give the wrapped body over to a group of either servants or slaves and escort them as they carry it away down the street.

Well, unless someone in the guards came up with a really good plan to deceive any would-be assassins I think I'm done here. Part of me thinks it'd be nice if I thought of a way to keep her dead, but I wasn't ordered to and I can't think how to do so safely.

I head over to the alleyway I last saw Nuxd in hoping he's still there. If he is, I say "Well, it looks like I'll need to find another perfume shop. Shall we go?"

Either way, I take a closer look at the guards. Are they talking amongst themselves? Either way, are they showing any emotional reaction to this, or are they just casually watching?

Edit: I meant the town guards when I typed those questions, but I also want to ask them about the target's personal guard.

Darth Ultron
2016-05-08, 12:57 PM
The bodyguards look mostly just to be doing their jobs. They are not talking much other then single words. The town guards look like they can careless about anything and are not talking.

The crowd is sure talking. Many are sure it was a ''magical explosion'' and some even say ''fireball''. A few say it was some time of ''alchemist explosion'', but not many.

2016-05-08, 05:01 PM
The bodyguards look mostly just to be doing their jobs. They are not talking much other then single words. The town guards look like they can careless about anything and are not talking.

The crowd is sure talking. Many are sure it was a ''magical explosion'' and some even say ''fireball''. A few say it was some time of ''alchemist explosion'', but not many.

I pause in my efforts to reunite with my comrades and turn to someone else in the crowd. "Was there shouting right after the place collapsed? Something about shadow and revenge?"

Darth Ultron
2016-05-08, 08:27 PM
Random person on the street "Yea, some shadow assassin said something about that. Then they ran off''

A couple other people nearby nod at what was said.

2016-05-08, 08:38 PM
Random person on the street "Yea, some shadow assassin said something about that. Then they ran off''

A couple other people nearby nod at what was said.

"Well, that's... weird, but I suppose things happen." I chuckle a bit. "Hope I don't one day do something to get that... shadow revenge whatever."

I look around for Nuxd and Foppo. (Or did I find Nuxd already by going back to the scene?)

Darth Ultron
2016-05-11, 12:36 AM
Nuxd Boneeater is still in the same spot, half behind the rain barrel at the start of the alley. Foppo flies up and around and lands down in the alley as well and waits.

2016-05-11, 01:31 AM
Nuxd Boneeater is still in the same spot, half behind the rain barrel at the start of the alley. Foppo flies up and around and lands down in the alley as well and waits.

"Well, alright, I suppose I should be going now that I'm not going to be able to buy anything." I bid goodbye to anyone who's paying attention and motion for Nuxd and Foppo to come along.

Darth Ultron
2016-05-11, 03:48 PM
The person or two on the street nearby wave goodbye.

Nuxd Boneeater and Foppo follow along behind you, leaving the crowd behind.

2016-05-11, 04:10 PM
The person or two on the street nearby wave goodbye.

Nuxd Boneeater and Foppo follow along behind you, leaving the crowd behind.

As soon as we're in the tunnels, I look around. If I don't see anyone who seems to be paying attention, I quietly ask "Did we just get away with that?"

Darth Ultron
2016-05-11, 04:20 PM
The tunnels are empty of other travelers at the moment.

Nuxd Boneeater "We sure did! I'm happy!"

Foppo "We did fine. At least what we were told to do, anyway. That is all that counts."

2016-05-12, 01:24 AM
The tunnels are empty of other travelers at the moment.

Nuxd Boneeater "We sure did! I'm happy!"

Foppo "We did fine. At least what we were told to do, anyway. That is all that counts."

I keep walking as I talk.

"Awesome. I just hope that semi-false trail leads where I meant it to. Instead of, I dunno... to me. Well, anyway... what's the procedure now? I assume telling our master we did it is redundant. Are we expected to report in for commentary and our next assignment? Or just wait until he calls us in?"