View Full Version : [PF] A Good Follower of Groetus?

2016-01-06, 02:02 AM
Recently, I've been re-reading material related to the default Golarion god pantheon, and I've been surprised to learn that Groetus (http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Groetus) is not actually an evil god.
I haven't had a chance to actually involve this god in any of my campaigns, but the more I read about him, the more hilarious I find the idea of a good cleric of Groetus.

Groetus worship has no church at all, basically all the believers are madmen and doom prophets, and there's no real proof that the god himself actually cares about any of his followers (but he provides spells anyways). He's very lovecraftian in that regard...

So. How would you play a Chaotic Good cleric of Groetus? I'm looking for just about any fun ideas and quirks anyone can come up with :smallbiggrin:

2016-01-06, 03:17 AM
I can see a CG cleric of Groetus being very adamant on proper respect for the dead, etc. as well as having a general mindset that can be summed up as 'the end is inevitable, and comes for all of us. Why not try to make the lives of others a bit better, in the time we have before it?'.

2016-01-06, 05:11 AM
Maybe a person who tries to prepare others for the Inevitable Ends (death and the apocalypse), so that they might accept it rather than despair?