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2016-01-06, 01:27 PM
The country of Ardonia seems like a fine place to live for most travelers, who often come down the river to trade. The sun shines, the children play, and everyone seems almost unnaturally cheery and beautiful. However, those that live there know to keep away from the forest, which cups the country like a witch's caress. Every dark, twisting branch reminds those nearby that what little life within is similarly twisted and dark - werewolves, aberrations, other monsters usually reserved for stories of horror. However, the influence of the forests are not limited to within. The entire country often finds children born suffering, marred to be monstrous, corrupted by dark magic or influenced by shadowy whispers. The different, the less-than-beautiful, and the frightening are cast out, sent to live by the edges of the forest to try to carve a living out of the infertile ground.

Your group has come to help these settlements of outcasts, with what could be called a noble goal in mind - ending the prejudice, and perhaps finding more suitable land to settle. Some have traveled from far away, and have joined after discovering the horrible underbelly of Ardonia, while others were born here and hope to use their curses as gifts. With help from some of the longest-lived storytellers, and a few auguries, you have found that there is potential for fertile lands and ancient treasures within the forests, perhaps even unknown seas and lost tunnels that could lead far, far from this cursed ground. Gathering the strongest, you have prepared to set off, in search of whatever you can to help your cause.

Now, you gather in front of the forest path that the stories have described. For some, this is the first time you have met, only hearing of the other heroes by description. For others, you've known each other for years, commiserating in the outcast colonies. And others... Others weren't described at all, but she must have been told to come here, right?

With the hopes and dreams of the outcasts behind you, enter.

Introductions! When everyone's done, just mention something about wanting to go into the forest.

2016-01-06, 03:44 PM
Horace rose before dawn to make last second preparations for the journey. His arms and armor were well polished, gleaming in the candlelight as he gathered his belongings. The bakers were in the process of kneading the morning's loaves as the halfling woke the inn keeper to pay his rent. As usual, he left a generous tip. As he saddled up his mount, the horses were beginning to stir, awakening from a relaxing evening. When Horace left the inn behind, the first cracks of dawn peeked over the surrounding lands, sending brilliant red rays to swim across Horace's mithral armor. He looked positively resplendent as he made his way down the main street atop his ram, bedecked in full plate mail with lance proudly in hand. Sitting straight with puffed chest, people threw cursory glances at the awkward sight, most in town having gotten their fill of the optimistic halfling's shenanigans already. He ceremoniously guides his mount to the forest path, as yet deserted, and turns about to face the dismal town.

"Fear not, fair Ardonia! Your champions shall return from this foul place, which shall be the better for having known us! Hurrah for the forest outriders!" He hoists his lance high, expecting a cheer. A few children having just woken up giggle at him. Horace raises his visor to better look around. "Roxanne, were we not supposed to meet our compatriots at this spot?" "Beeeeh." If anyone were watching carefully, they would have, for the first time in their lives, seen a sheep roll its eyes.

2016-01-06, 04:16 PM
Tareen walked through the town, on her way to the path into the forest. She was already prepped for travel, mithral breastplate on, a pack on her back with the handle of a greatsword clearly visible over her right shoulder and a bow peeking over the opposite and a quiver of arrows dangling from her right hip. She had been brought here by rumors of a "call to arms to end the curse of Ardonia." It had seemed like a fools errand to her. The curse was a fact of life, not something that could be removed, yet she had still risen early that morning to meet with others who felt the need to answer the summons. Turning the corner to the path, she stopped, seeing who had already arrived and nearly laughed aloud. The halfling with his fluffy goat. He was saying something to the few children of the settlement who had already gathered.

"Quiet down, little man. It is still early and some still slumber." Walking up to the halfling, she waved off the children. "Go home to your chores little ones, you shouldn't be wandering about this early in the morning." Silently, she watched them scamper off for a moment before turning to Horace. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you are here. You aren't from these cursed lands, so what are you doing here, helping them?" Her emerald eyes peer closely at the much smaller man, suspicious of him, even though she herself was clearly not born in Ardonia.

2016-01-06, 04:30 PM
Horace beams a smile over at Tareen, practically bouncing with excitement. "It is never too early to heed the call of duty, fair lady! Any good knight should go to extraordinary lengths to help a noble cause. We will liberate this blessed city from the clutches of its evil surroundings!" He never bothers to question whether Tareen is coming; it is a solid assumption for Horace to make that anyone capable is equally willing.

2016-01-06, 04:58 PM
Tareen shakes her head, this one did not understand. "This is not a place of knights. We are the people no one wants around. Ardonia casts those less then perfect here." She waves her hand towards the settlement. "This is the opposite of a blessed city, these are the cursed and the forgotten." 'Should have sent him packing when I found him the first time.' Feeling her own curse begin to take effect, Tareen turns away from the halfling, crouching next to the goat-thing with a metal rustle of her armor and reaching a bare hand out to it carefully. "This is your steed? Hardly the most intimidating of mounts."
Handle Animal on Roxanne, just trying to test it's temperament, maybe convince it that she isn't a threat. [roll0]

Prince Zahn
2016-01-06, 05:27 PM
Holding her hands together close to her chest; a young, mousy elf maiden is startled as the crowd of children passed right through her like she was never there to begin with. She would have let another sigh, but she pilfered a ball from one of the meaner children present earlier today, he didn't seem to mind at hindsight. Even though she likes the ball, she is at a loss of what to do with it, since she has nobody to play with.

She was always a light sleeper, and she overheard a close friend whom she stalked, speaking near her alleyway, talking about liberating the curse that plagues Ardonia. She could not be more correct about the cursed and forgotten, she thought. She could not help but wonder as they spoke more .

She comes closer to them, parting her grime-stained hair and smelling rather unpleasant. . . It was just her luck that the innkeeper threw out last night's leftovers all over her bedroll and woke her up. (Even as she screamed he was embarrassed and apologized for not seeing her there. Same tired excuse as everybody else..)

The girl listens to the others, thinking of what to say, as she begins to speak
" . . . "
Or perhaps not.

2016-01-06, 08:13 PM
Cadeyrn Eskine got up at an early hour, stretching himself to get rid of the lingering desire to sleep in.

"Today is the day! The call to adventure waits for no one! I must gather my things quickly that I won't be left behind!" Cadeyrn exclaimed from within his tent.

"Hahahahaha! I can't believe I just said that. Walking talking cliche indeed."

Cadeyrn then proceeded to get ready for the day.

Upon arriving near the edge of the forest, Cadeyrn saw some others that looked like they might be there to help with the freeing of the oppressed.

"Hopefully I'm not the last one here.Three people isn't much to work with...though if some of these natives would just gather some courage, we would be better off. Like that elf girl...oh wait, I guess she's joined the group...she must have some courage after all. Whatever. I should go introduce myself." Cadeyrn promptly walked over to the other two...three people and extended his hand in greetings.

"Hello! I am Cadeyrn Erskine. Would you two happen to be here to help free these people from the oppression?"

2016-01-06, 08:54 PM
Tareen looked from the halfing's strange fluffy goat to the new arrival...s? Who was that elven girl? She felt familiar, but Tareen was sure she didn't remember anyone like that, maybe she was in a group of people she had led here and she just never noticed her. Turning to the only new arrival, she scowled "By the Sun-wastes, a spell-thrower." Tareen muttered an old oath from her tribe under her breath, a reference to an old legend of a place where there is nothing but sand and heat where nothing lived. "What do you want? The call was for warriors, not worms." Rising from her crouch, she was satisfied to find she was at least slightly taller then him. "You can go back to your books, we don't need one of your kind." Tareen's dislike of the man's presence easily visible. Her curse beginning to progress, black tiger stripes forming on her skin and her eyes changing from a deep green to yellow with slitted pupils.

2016-01-06, 10:09 PM
Adessa Allessa - The Whispering Witch

She followed the visions of suffering. Those which lingered the longest, those which struck the greatest... It was strange that such misfortune had drawn her to a region like this. It was tribute perhaps to the truth which the common-folk willfully ignored. The truth to which they turned a blind eye. It did not take long to come to realization of the truth - those unfit, those cursed. They did not reside within these small villages of gilded smiles. She stalked their streets, haunted their dreams - whispering bitter and foul words of malice to steal their smiles and blight their future's. Now they were like her - unfit, tainted. The guise they wore, the masque they danced was such a fragile thing - one shattered by a simple word, one tarnished with a simple thought. She had found the place she should have been - she was sure. The Gilded Peoples, as she had come to refer to them as, were a living farce. Their joy, founded by the sacrifice of those they discarded, inspired nothing short of disgust. Disgust at how swiftly they turned upon another - casting out those she tainted. Disgust at their atrophied humanity. Those cursed were not people anymore, they were only a threat to the construct which was the facade of a peace born of a ceaseless purge. Had she been as she was only a handful of years ago - she would have stopped at close to nothing to see that construct destroyed... but she had not come for that, and she was a different person now. A different creature. She'd been drawn for other reasons.

She trudged on through the verdant fields, like a displaced wraith. Clad in a long and torn patchwork layers of ebon leather and canvas fabrics like a cloak. The long wispy death-veil which obscured her face was decorated with raven feathers, seeming to hint at the relationship between the murder of crows which circled over head in the sky - seeming to blight the very air with their number and shrill cries. She dragged large fine bladed shovel behind her, carving up the soil with each passing step. In the distance a small settlement before a massively large forest came into view. The vision grew stronger. It was here. She cast her hand wide, dismissing the cloud of corvids above until only one large blackbird remained to land perched upon her shoulder. The cursed and un-cursed had gathered for The Discarded. It did not matter to her be they blessed, or condemned, if they allied themselves with those wronged by these people. Her black ears protruded out from her obscuring shroud, as did her ebon tail, contrasting with her haunting appearance strangely. She was no ally to The Gilded, better was it to be feared - to inspire despair in those undeserving of their fortune. The spirits spoke to her, compelled her to this place. It was her duty now to watch of the damned, the righteous and displaced - to observe and protect the shuddering piety man's belief in what remained of his sundered perceptions of justice. It now weighed upon the shoulders of so very few - standing upon the precipice of fated union. Redemption could be found for these cast-out souls, wrongs amended. It was now her duty to watch over these strange souls... she placed the shovel with the confines of her layered garb and wandered down into the settlement.

Long had it been since she truly had been surrounded by civilization, not lurking within the shadow - but walking brazenly through the streets. Scaring those within sight away with her presence. Windows slammed shut. Doors were bolted. She cast a dismissive hand in the direction of the armed guards who fumbled, tripped, and crashed into one another as they attempted to advance. The dark umbral mist danced upon her pitch fingernails as she ripped from them their memories of her passing, crushing them within a clenched fist. A gathering of children ran in her direction absent-mindedly, the burning terrible inclinations of her cursed body made her twist, contort, fighting to maintain control. So much... soft flesh. She hissed violently at the little ones sending them to scatter. The dark hunger slowly began to dissipate as the unlikely congregation came into sight. She lingered some forty feet away from the group in silence only broken by the keening cry of the raven upon her shoulder. There was little to say to those before her - but there was little doubt they were the ones which she had been drawn to observe. A truth manifested, as she could not sense their fates.

She didn't need to be Adessa, not for some band of wayward souls. The Witch would do.

2016-01-06, 10:15 PM
Ragnor was ready for his appointment at the forest. He decided to do a few stretching exercises before donning his armor and going out. As always, he tried his best to move along the crowd attracting as little attention as possible. He learnt a few months ago how people in the community reacted to someone like him and he didn't want the conflict to escalate.

He just hoped that whoever was sent for this mission wouldn't be so judgmental. When he arrived at the destination, a smile appeared on his face when he saw Horace at the place. He liked his energy and power on the battlefield even if he found him a bit eccentric. He was glad to see at least one familiar face. He walked to reunite with the rest of the troop but remained quiet as he got closer. "Good day to you all." then he speaks directly to Horace. "Its good to see you once again. I am glad to be joined by such a brave warrior on this journey."

2016-01-06, 11:54 PM
Roxanne appears to be busily munching away at some grass, but does not shy from Tareen's touch. In fact, the sheep appears to enjoy a scratch on the head, albeit with a derisive snort at the "hardly the most intimidating" comment. Horace is about to reply himself, when others begin filtering in. "Caderyn Erskine, you are most welcome here! I am Horace the-" Horace thinks hard for a second, trying to come up with a valid descriptor to be known by. "Well, I haven't gotten that far yet, but I'm sure something will come up. Just Horace for now, then. And this is Roxanne!" "Beh." The halfling clearly does not share Tareen's trepidation, welcoming any and all who wish to join the journey. "Ah, Ragnor, how go the studies? And you, with the shovel, I don't believe we've met! Horace Belkington, knight-in-training, at your service," he says, offering a hand in greeting.

2016-01-07, 12:00 AM

"Is that so? My great-grandfather Edwin Kirkwood used to say that the spellslingers were among the most valuable adventurers, capable of trivializing armies with a word."
Elsbeth's parents used to joke that she could sleep through a dragon attacking a the house in a thunderstorm, but her ears would pick up when ever anyone was thinking about talking about something that concerned her. In this case, she had made her way to the cursed village to find more like minded individuals on curses to compare notes with. Besides, as long as she was stuck adventuring, she might as well do some good. But hearing the tiger-striped woman's words brought doubts to mind.

Elsbeth somehow managed to say this with a cheery smile on her face. I wonder what category I would fall into. I fight with my magic, while my sword keeps watch." She patted Curio as she spoke and felt him rumble under her touch. Curio didn't really talk, but he had a certain... awareness about him. If it wasn't alive, it had some sort of lifelike property.

2016-01-07, 11:21 AM
Tareen opened her mouth to address the other new arrivals, two spell throwers? They would all meet their end in a storm of magic before this hunt was over. However, before she could speak, she saw another approaching, someone much different. Black cowled with a raven, an ill omen in any context, perched upon her shoulder. Glancing up at the sky, the tribeswoman noted the crows forming a dark cloud high above the roofs of the settlement, filling the already grey sky with black carrion birds. This was not one to be trifled with.

Silently, she stared at the ghost-like figure as it came to a stop some forty feet away. The stripes visible along her neck and face became sharper, her eyes shifting from a pale yellow to a deep, almost polished, amber. Frankly, she was unsure what this creature was. Black tipped ears poked out from the cowl and she spotted a same-colored tail swishing behind the cloaked form, but those were the only hints. 'I can clear the distance in a few seconds, but not without leaving myself open for a counter-attack.'

Forcing out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding in, Tareen addressed the newcomer. "What is your purpose here? Do you also wish to join this ragged group?"

2016-01-07, 07:55 PM
Adessa Allessa - The Whispering Witch

The gathering was indeed a strange one. Misbegotten hopefuls rallied by the fates - un-tethered. Unchainted. There was no threads tied to these souls - no fates to pull. No fates tied. No future to see. It did not take long to gather the weight of their potential. It was not often such an anomaly could be born. Not within this world. A world dictated by the hands of some transcendental law. Each of them seemed to hold some manner of unique hold upon their own fates. The venture had already been well worth the effort.

She was not fond of humans and their like in most cases. Though there existed a reserved fondness for animals in her heart. The large sheep the strange halfling rode seemed hearty enough. Fluffy and soft. She wanted to pet it. The volume of the little man seemed to betray his size - he was somewhat boisterous. The studied and no doubt magically empowered few seemed more reserved - tolerable. The tigerstriped one - some kind of martial fighter by her powerful stature seemed to have noticed her presence. A direct contrast to the others, left blissfully unaware. The changing of colors of the woman's skin was unexpected, though being unable - she displayed no manner of acknowledgement, though her face under the massive obscuring veil betrayed the notion. A wide-eyed visage stained with awe. Pretty. Hearing the warriors address, her raven bobbed on her shoulder releasing a shrill cry as if in response. She answered with silence, slowly ushering herself to the side, changing her position. Stepping aside, putting her back to one of the buildings to her back an unearthly sight greeted woman in kind. The long shadow of the enshrouded figure reared up hauntingly reflecting no motions of its master. It cast a long darkness upon the side of the building, with a figure which was unalike to the one who cast it. A sickly thin long clawed hooded-horror - featureless and terrible. The umbral figure spread its arms wide of its own violation, nodding in affirmation of the stripped woman's words - as if it understood, as if it replied with no movement from the veiled figure...

Dat Umbral Unmasking ftw :smallamused: lol

2016-01-07, 08:48 PM
Introduced and prepared, you quickly work out a marching order of sorts and set down the faded, overgrown path. It slowly grows fainter as you march, until you have to slow down to check the floor every so often just to make sure you're on the right track. Just as you start questioning the viability of continuing this way, Elsbeth seems to notice something.

The girl next to you taps your arm, and you follow her gaze to a figure some sixty feet away, heavily obscured by trees. It appears to be a man in heavy plate armor made of some kind of dark metal, and from what you can tell of what you can see, he's slowly turning in a circle. He'll face the party soon - perhaps five seconds. From his stance and what you can tell of his expression, he looks like he's searching for something, and is ready for a fight.


2016-01-07, 09:23 PM
'That shadow... that shadow just moved.' Tareen took a deep breath, her fingertips at this point were visibly sharpend to claws, their constant opening and closing betraying how the shadow had rattled her. 'That is new.' Releasing the breath, she nodded at the cloaked figure stiffly before looking back at the other "heros." "Well, I doubt any more will come, so let's get moving." Tareen turned toward the forest path and started walking. 'Welcome to the cursed lands, where no one is what they seem, and the trees hold nothing but death.' It was an old lesson Tareen had taught herself when she first arrived. This was not the jungle, where everything was alive. These trees hid carrion birds and darker things, and everyone has lost something.

Passed the will save, but that doesn't mean she wasn't shaken.

In the forest
Tareen walked with her bow held loosely in her left hand, an arrow sitting in place, notched and held in place with her thumb and index finger. With her emotions now back in check, the feline stripes and claws have long since receded. Her eyes scan for any signs of movement passively at the front. 'A halfing in boots too big for him, a spellthrower, a spellthrower with a sword, and the ghost.' The tribal woman was still trying to wrap her head around what she had seen, referring to it as "the ghost" until she came up with a new name for it. What was the black cloaked figure doing following them? Glancing back, she started at the presence of a sixth figure, a small elven girl was walking near the center of the party. Where did she come from? She looked back towards the front of the group- still the silent figure stayed a good distance back from the rest of the group, while she was a fair distance ahead of them herself. The distance let her feel a bit more comfortable about the ghost's presence, knowing that if they did pull something, she was likely not to be caught in it and have an opportunity to test whether arrows affected whatever it was. If not, then her greatsword had not failed her yet, and her claws were even sharper.

2016-01-07, 10:19 PM
Horace seems not to take note of the im/oppressive shadow radiating from the strangely black-cloaked figure with the shovel. He's much too excited for adventure to consider that anything negative is afoot. "Right then, noble allies! I think it's time we learned just what dwells on the other side of this forest." He steers Roxanne toward the trees; she shakes her head in protest but continues at his urging. He let's Tareen take the lead, having noted her superior skills at navigating the terrain upon his arrival in town. He whistles a merry tune as they continue onward, oblivious to the general feeling of looming danger that the forest appears to bring forth in others.

2016-01-08, 12:22 AM
Ragnor had learnt to keep view of his teammates at all times to not be caught unprepared. If he saw any of them pull out their weapons at any second, he would quickly do the same. It had become an important measure for survival ever since he became an adventurer. Sometimes, the rest could detect something he couldn't and such skill couldn't be taken lightly. Ragnor wondered if the rest were as silent as he was or if they could be talking about something.

2016-01-08, 12:29 AM
Elsbeth had been all set to enjoy the march (tiger-woman's opinions aside) and then the quiet girl ( did she ever introduce herself? Elsbeth couldn't remember) pointed out the man. Since apparently the girl was unwilling to speak up, Elsbeth did. "Wait, who's that over there?" she asked quietly, while still trying to be loud enough so they would understand her.

2016-01-08, 01:11 AM
As Elsbeth tries to draw attention to the figure, people find they can just barely make out something like dark metal through the trees, but the angle's not right to get a good idea of what's going on. However, at that point, all is (perhaps unfortunately) clarified as the person calls out in a deep, slightly raspy voice. "Halt! Who are you?"

He's pointing at you two, and his expression could be called a glare.


2016-01-08, 02:53 AM
Adessa Allessa - The Whispering Witch

The surprised reaction was not unfamiliar, thought perhaps unexpected in a land plagued by foul curses of every kind. It was perhaps the least cursed thing about her. Still, without any further delay the group begun its slow procession into the dark thicket. Perhaps when all this had been dealt with she'd offer the tiger woman some manner of apology. But for now, this would due. Better to keep them at a distance until she better understood them.

The walk was quiet and uneventful, The kind of venture she preferred. Though she still carried a small twisted rotting stick of wood in one hand. The fates were ever changing, even for herself. It was best to keep a firm grasp upon one's own threads if possible. The wand sat in her hand beneath her overflowing garb.

The forest had grown dark and foreboding. It did little to hamper her enhanced vision, yet seemed unnatural just the same. The call from the arcane swordfighter caught her attention. There was something, or someone about? So far behind, the figure was not easily discernible. Quietly, like a drifting phantasm she inched her way up, to stand within 60ft of the magus. She lifted her hand to the veil, bowing her head and muffling her whispered speech, before speaking out in cryptic phrase - recounting some time long past. There was great power within the tales and myth of old, destines forged and concluded still held much sway upon the world even after their passing if they were great in passing. The words quietly peeled from her dry lips as if it was some dark service, spoken with a cold and commanding tone, as the darkness turned and dampened about her raised hand;

'Second Chapter... Prelude'
"...Thusly did he rise. Rise into the morning sky."
"With pained heart, did his sight reach all those... below his light."
"He looked down upon his subjects, and those who'd spoken out against him"
"They were failing, corrupted and bloated; long with out place, now wasting power on grace"
"From the highest sky, did his mind cry; 'This world is mine - this world is mine' "
"...and they called him The Son of the Morning."

The darkness took shape, manifesting into a bleak blackbird. Weightless and insubstantial as if made of nothing but wandering thought. It carried a bead of silver light locked within its mouth, she outstretched her hand and released the shadowy bird into the air. It glided through the darkness to land on Elsbeth's shoulder, filling her with a nameless pounding might. The dark misty energy, neither arcane, nor blessed by the divine, took hold. Her mind sharpened and a powered flowed into her weapon - the magical vibrations of loosely familiar traces of an essence similar to that of a spell of transmutation were tangible. A strange renewal, as if magic was some tangible essence that could be broken-shattered-and cast astray manifested - as if she could discard the threads of magic as she saw fit.

Standard Action: Begins a Weapon Song (Perform: Oratory) - Grants Elsbeth the Keen Enchantment on her weapon while in effect. Additionally, Elsbeth gains a single use of Eater of Magic while under the effect of Weapon Song.

Eater of Magic (Su)
Benefit: Once per rage, when a barbarian fails a saving throw against a spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability, she can reroll the saving throw against the effect (this is not an action). If she succeeds at the second saving throw, she is not affected by the spell, supernatural ability, or spell-like ability and gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the effect’s caster level (in the case of spell or spell-like abilities) or the CR of the effect’s creator (in the case of supernatural abilities). These temporary hit points last until damage is applied to them or 1 minute, whichever occurs first.

Do something cool! lol :smalltongue:

2016-01-08, 03:15 AM
Curiously, halfway through the Witch's chant, the figure audibly sighs, then speaks in a more normal tone, though he sounds as if he was trying to be insulting as possible without his words actually being rude. "Oh, you're from the other camp. Alright then, go do your rounds somewhere else, I'm patrolling here. Haven't seen anything interesting, though I did kill a rather fat rat. Quite entertaining, hanging it up by the tail and making it squeal."

2016-01-08, 09:56 AM
[OOC: On phone, sorry if a bit lackluster]

Tareen turned towards the source of the voice, moving slightly up against a tree so she could try and get a look at him. When the ghost began singing, she glared at it. The figure's voice was decidedly feminine and had a strange quality to it. Was she one of those players that could make magic with music? When the strange man began speaking again, she looked back to him, a low growl emenated from her lips. Her curse began to show itself once more, the stripes appearing on the back of her neck and becoming more defined. There were others? She spoke in a low tone, trying to avoid the man hearing her. "Let's try to find this camp, find who they are. They are too close to the town to be safe."

2016-01-08, 10:27 AM
Horace wheels his mount around to face the challenger that called them out. He, unlike Tareen or some of the others, seems positively tickled to have found a potential new friend in the middle of this dismal forest. He raises his lance in a non-threatening wave of greeting. "Hail and well met, stranger! Lovely day for a jaunt in the forest, is it not? Dangling rats sounds like great fun, though maybe not so much for the rats. You know, I once saw a rat that was even bigger than Roxy here, would have taken at least three of me to give it a good dangle! Probably not a problem for a big strapping lad, such as yourself, though, am I correct in saying? From where hailst thou, good friend?" he asks with a smile to flourish the words.

Roxanne munches on some grass disinterestedly. While awaiting a response, Horace takes a moment to try to judge the aura of the other character from afar.

Using Detect Evil ability if the watchman is within 60ft of them.

2016-01-08, 12:10 PM
The man laughs uproariously, and from what you can make of him, he's doubled over with laughter. "That's a great paladin impression you got there, mate! They should send more bards like you over."

I'll say you're in round two. The whole forest is faintly evil, but this guy stands out as moderately so. He's just about sixty feet away.

2016-01-08, 12:17 PM
"You here that, friends?" Horace quietly says to his neighbors. "I'm making a great impression! I'm not sure this fellow can be trusted, though, so be wary." He then calls to the man, "No bards are we, but outriders seeking safe havens beyond this forest. Do you know the area well, sir?"

2016-01-08, 12:27 PM
The man bursts into a second round of laughter. "Ha! 'No bards are we'... Well, if you're saying you lost your way to your own damn camp, all I can say is it's to the northwest, and at least ten miles off. If you're looking for mine, I'll have to kill you." He says that past bit in a nudge-nudge-wink-wink-I'm-actually-required-to-kill-you sort of way. You think. It's hard to tell, honestly.

2016-01-08, 04:47 PM
Cadeyrn has followed everyone else's lead up until now. He thanked Elsbeth and Horace for the more friendly greeting and ignored Taureen's rude questions and suggestions.

"Perhaps we should go on to this camp the man is talking about...we seem to be done here...right?"
Cadeyrn says softly to the person in front of him.

2016-01-08, 05:01 PM
Elsbeth stayed quiet for the moment, watching the others reactions. She didn't like the way the man had looked at her, but he wasn't attacking at the moment. As the group talked, Elsbeth tilted her head casually and squinted at the man. While she wanted to make it look like a simple gesture, what she actually did was a bit more sinister. In attempting to learn about her curses, Elsbeth had learned a few of her own. Including one that made the subject just a little slower, a little more fumble-fingered, a little more unlucky. Now let's see how well you hide your thoughts.

In case it isn't clear, Elsbeth is attempting to use the Evil Eye Hex to cause a -2 penalty to the man's skill checks for the next 8 rounds. Will save DC to beat to reduce to one round is 18

Prince Zahn
2016-01-08, 06:06 PM
Her eyes widened; The mystery man is very bad news as far as the mysterious lady can tell, she knew that smirk, that fake laughter, this man had malevolence written all over his face. She tapped Cadeyrn on her shoulder as she sought the words.
. . . D—d—don't. . . the girl shook her head violently, sniffling, praying inside that just this one time someone would listen to her.

2016-01-08, 06:30 PM
Cadeyrn turned towards the elf lady when she tapped his shoulder...what was her name?

"Sorry, didn't catch that. You said something about moving on?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the curse doesn't prevent our characters from noticing her if she deliberately catches our attention, right? I would assume shouting and touching would bypass the occlusion of the curse, though obviously our characters wouldn't remember much if any of the interaction afterwards.

Prince Zahn
2016-01-08, 06:59 PM
people can see her, and notice her. If she screamed, people might notice briefly and go back about their business. the problem is that they don't remember any identifying qualities about her afterwards, and her presence is usually so meager that people hardly care or aren't even of aware she's in the room.
The maiden does not lift her head. But she seems distraught. "–D-don't go... "

2016-01-08, 07:28 PM
"Don't go?" Cadeyrn thinks. "Don't go where? Meh, probably not all that important."

Cadeyrn took a quick look around to see if there was anything else of import in the area. The others seemed to be taking care of the talking.

taking 10 on perception for a 22

2016-01-08, 09:03 PM
'That thick-headed halfling!' Tareen placed her bow back in it's place on her back and draws her greatsword, placing it on her shoulder with her wrist resting on the handle. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the clearing, standing only a few feet back from Horace. "Can't we let the man go? The trip will take another fair bit of the day and he clearly has this place under watch." Taking her huge blade, she sunk the point into the ground in front of her. Her curse was visible, some dark stripes visible on her face and neck and her hands tipped with nails that looked just a bit too sharp to be natural.

2016-01-08, 09:36 PM
Horace nods sagely at the advice of Tareen and Cadeyrn. "Yes, I'm afraid my friends here are correct and we must be on our way. Don't you be causing any trouble for other innocent travelers now, or you'll have to answer to Horace Belkington! Good day, sir!" His cautionary words have a similar tone to the other man's, part laughing, part threat.

As the company starts to move out of ear-shot man on patrol, Horace addresses Tareen, who leads the group. "I think it best we take a northwesterly direction. I know that fellow seems perfectly likable to associate with from afar, but believe it or not, there is something decidedly evil about him. Visiting this 'other camp' may be more elucidative, wouldn't you all agree? Say, Tareen, you're looking a little... stripey. Everything okay?"

2016-01-08, 11:54 PM
[roll0], [roll1]

The man laughs once again, this time, the cruel edge of his laugh seeping just a bit further into his words. However, he does nothing more as the group continues to their apparent next destination.

It doesn't take long before you see what must be the camp the man was speaking of. Or, more accurately, hear - The air begins to fill with hundreds of tunes, ranging from soft, haunting melodies, to crashing percussion and cacophonous brass, alternating, shifting, and weaving together into something that is somehow harmonic and dissonant, beautiful and disturbing at the same time. You can't judge exactly how far it is, but it's certainly less than half a mile.

However, before you can proceed, a man, dressed in mottled green and brown, steps out from behind a tree some thirty feet ahead and waves towards you. Few likely would have spotted him without his movement, but he seems to be motioning the party towards him. He seems to be whispering urgently at you, but the music runs over his words. A moment later, he puts a finger to his mouth, as if shushing you, then waves you forward again.

Curiously, the music flows into you, causing your spine to shiver in reaction to a sensation you had long forgotten. It's incredibly soft, but you can feel vibrations through your body, some like gentle caresses, others like cold water splashing across your skin. And, as if in the far distance, just barely audible, you too can hear.

However, despite the distraction, you manage to read the strange man's lips. He's telling you to be silent.

2016-01-09, 08:58 AM
[OOC: I'm going to do a time-split for while the party is walking so Tareen can talk to Horace. This is probably my only post for the day, I'm going to be busy.]

Through the Forest
Tareen shoots the paladin a harsh glare. "I told you, the people in the towns are the cursed and forgotten." Once the stranger was out of sight, the barbarian sheathes her greatsword and returns to her previous spot at the head of the group.

Who's that Pokemon Jester?
Tareen draws her bow as the first sounds of this "other camp" begin to reach their ears. When they spot another stranger, she notches an arrow and pulls the string back to her ear, taking aim at the newcomer. "Who are you and what do you want?" She addresses the man in a sharp tone, clearly not wanting to take any chances.

2016-01-09, 12:39 PM
Ragnor had remained silent during the whole conversation. He kept his hand on the handle of his weapon during the whole conversation after he saw the reactions of some of his companions. He feels a lot more calm as they left the man behind and he goes back to checking the surroundings as they walk to the camp.

Once again, he grabs the handle of his greataxe when he sees the new man appear. Ragnor can't believe he is capable of hearing the music even. His first though after receiving the warning from the man is that the music isn't likely to come from a natural source and decides to analyze it taking advantage of the fact that his magic gift didn't require him to produce sound.

Casting Detect Magic to study the area for traces of magic for 3 rounds if magic is detected in the first round.
Roll for the third round: Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0]

2016-01-09, 01:04 PM
Horace seems to enjoy the some of the tunes floating through the air, though it is all a bit cacophonic all mixed together as such. The new stranger is more of a surprise than the last in his outlandish garb. Seeing as Tareen has mentioned the man's name already, it seems reasonable to let her follow through with conversation this time. A proper knight shares the glory, he'd once read. As such, it will give him an opportunity to judge the new fellow's character.

Detect evil on the new person whilst others converse.

2016-01-09, 04:41 PM
The man winces at Tareen's question then slowly takes out a bow with one hand, bowstring away from him, while the other hand still urgently making a shushing motion. He slowly drops the bow gently on the leaves, then approaches with soft, almost silent steps, hands up. Once less than ten feet away, he whispers softly, "If you can hear them, they may hear you, and find you." He draws a finger across his throat to accompany this statement, before continuing in a more genial, but still incredibly soft tone.

"I am Tareen Woodsoul, enforcer for Shada's Purifiers. I was scouting this cult of Ezo the Destroyer, but it seems you are here for a similar purpose?"


He seems quite genuine - the type of genuine you get from people who are morally against lying at all, not just telling the truth. In fact, you notice he glances at Horace with something like approval.

He seems quite genuine - the type of genuine you get from people who are morally against lying at all, not just telling the truth. In fact, you notice he glances at Horace with something like approval. You don't think he's a paladin himself, but perhaps he works with them?

3 rounds in: Very faint Enchantment and Evocation all around, a weak Universal aura around his bow.

Still just faint evil of the forest.

2016-01-09, 07:48 PM
'He has the same name as me? I guess it is a chance of fate that I eventually meet someone with the same name as me...' Tareen carefully tracks the man with her bow. He certainly doesn't seem like a threat, but people can be very good liers. "Someone care to explain what in the hells that means?" She did lower her voice some, but probably less then he would have liked. She wasn't familiar with any of the names he had said, but cults were generally a bad thing, right? What did she get herself into?

2016-01-09, 08:02 PM
Horace guides Roxanne toward the newcomer; he seems far less concerning than that less fellow they had met, and not an ounce of evil about him. He draws the group in close enough to hear a low voice, recognizing the need for quiet when the enemy could be anywhere. "I've heard of this Ezo; some sort of lesser deity worshiped by the dark, cruel, and forlorn. As I recall, an avatar that can lay waste to entire cities with naught but a noise can be summoned from another realm. This is a threat that requires immediate attention! Who knows what evil misconduct these heathens are preparing? We should charge and eradicate the threat post haste!" The halfling seems to be bristling with righteous anger, whilst Roxanne appears to have eaten a burr. "Meeh," she says, letting the offensive pod drool out of her mouth.

2016-01-09, 08:03 PM
The other Tareen looks confused and not a bit afraid, but responds in a whispered voice, "Then you don't know of their apocalyptic quest? How did you find this camp if you did not?" He then shakes his head as if to clear it, and begins to speak before Horace explains for him. "Ah, the good paladin does. Then, you understand if I must insist we either whisper very quietly, or move along." He moves back towards his bow, still making no aggressive movement, but faster and without his hands raised, as if afraid. "There is very little chance we can take them on now. There are dozens. If we regroup with the Purifiers, perhaps."

2016-01-09, 08:35 PM
Elsbeth's eyes widened in surprise and fear at the paladin's words. That sounded like a nasty threat. Something she certainly had never dealt with. Could she really be of help against something like that, especially with her own curses hampering her at times?

Curio vibrated slightly in annoyance. Yes, you're going to be going, too. And all the others. Not just me. Elsbeth sighed. Was't like she could turn down the quest, even if Curio would let her. Too much was at stake.

So she listened to the exchange between the men. Once there was a pause, she asked So who exactly are the Purifiers? I don't believe I've heard of you before.

2016-01-09, 08:54 PM
He sighs, slowing his retreat. "I'm not surprised, if you haven't heard of the Endbringers. We were founded only recently - err, for us elves that is. A few hundred years ago. In any case, the druids in clerics in the area banded together to attempt to drive out the cultists. However, they began growing in power, systematically closing in and corrupting the lands. We are all that is left, as the rest of our people have long since fled."

Expand useful Knowledges to History, Local, Arcana, Religion, The Planes.

2016-01-09, 10:30 PM
Cadeyrn took a moment to think about what the man said. He then activated detect magic and took a careful look around.

knowledge arcana [roll0]
Knowledge planes: [roll1]
Taking 10 on perception: 22

2016-01-10, 08:13 PM
[OOC: I guess we are pretty quiet on Sundays...]

Tareen, having since lowered her bow and let the arrow now just sit on her relaxed bowstring, although still ready to be drawn at a moment's notice, has been fairly silent through the explanations. Her first loyalty was still to the settlements and their people, so talk of such powerful forces at play less then a day's ride to her new home was very worrying. 'Gods and a group older then the trees, what is going on?' However, for all this talk of "avatars" and trying to stop them, the barbarian's mind goes back to their original quest, either ending the curse, or finding a new place for them to settle, and if their was a place for the elf's fellows to go, he might know of a new place to call home. "They ran? Where to?"

2016-01-10, 08:32 PM
The other Tareen waves vaguely. "Only Shada knows the exact location, as if she was captured, we would be doomed anyway. The rest... we lose people often enough that it is not a risk we wish to take. However, if you are seeking refuge, I can say it is far to the west, past where this forest ends and a new one begins." He then proceeds to his bow, grabbing it and starting to stride off. "If you would like to follow me, you are welcome to. I am returning to the Purifiers with the information I have gathered."

2016-01-10, 09:09 PM
Ragnor feels he can trust the other Tareen since he seemed to be pretty honest about the whole situation. He decided to follow him to meet the Purifiers. Maybe, then he could understand what does the mission involve and learn more about the danger lurking. He hoped the rest would follow.

2016-01-11, 02:49 AM
"His suggestion is a good idea. If these cultists really do have the power of this false god at their disposal then this situation is far more severe than that of simple curses. I, for one, have no interest in being crushed by their sonic magic. The fact that I have no wall spells in my repertoire doesn't help either. Quick question, though. What's the likelyhood of them discovering someone that is invisible? I could cast an invisibility spell on our Taureen who undoubtedly has some skill in being quiet and observing well..."

2016-01-11, 03:11 AM
"...your Tareen?"

The other Tareen curses quietly and sighs. "Oh well. Unless he's quieter than a corpse, I doubt it will work. Perhaps with a silence spell as well, though even then, unless he manages to leave the entire area undisturbed, it's quite possible a displaced branch could flick a pebble out of the silent radius, and alert them... it'd take quite the operation, and given my discoveries, I hope the Purifiers can work something of that sort out."

Prince Zahn
2016-01-11, 07:13 AM
The girl stood in silence directly in the middle of everyone's conversation, it certainly wasn't the first time she might as well have been invisible. She did, however, make her presence, at least briefly. "T–t–they notice everything?" it was not until she spoke that anybody realized there was a frightened lady in front of them.
Even me? she thought to herself.

2016-01-11, 09:03 AM
"What? Who said that? No matter. Take us to these Purifiers, and we shall band together to strike down this unwarranted evil!" Horace appears ready for action, one way or another.

2016-01-11, 03:43 PM
Cadeyrn raised his right eyebrow quite high.

"I get that they have powers over sound, but I don't understand how they can hear someone over all of that racket. Are you sure you aren't overestimating their abilities?"

2016-01-11, 06:48 PM
The other Tareen scowls. "When we lost two men to what we thought was making noise near this camp, we started testing. Even a Ghost Sound to replicate breathing was responded to from distances of over a thousand feet away. Now, if you would like to go try it, you are welcome to, but I really must be going." He stalks off, still remaining quiet but perhaps making slightly harder steps.

Welp :smalltongue:

Right now it seems most people want to follow, but I'll wait for responses from the rest.

2016-01-12, 06:39 AM
The tribeswoman of the party did in fact think about testing it, going so far as to pick up a stick she could throw in the general direction of the noise, but decided to err on the side of caution and put it back down rather then tempt fate. She trailed the so-called "Purifier" while motioning the group to follow.

2016-01-13, 02:47 AM
The group proceeds into the forest with the other Tareen, quietly following his footsteps. He soon slows so that the rest of the group can move more quietly, then speeds up again after perhaps a mile of walking. For the next hour or so, your progress alternates in this manner, as he finds the fastest and safest paths for the group, until finally, you can see a clearing ahead.

"Alright. Stay here, and we'll have our paladins scan you, though I'm sure you'll be fine. Don't worry - cursed won't be considered evil, though if you have any particularly powerful cursed items, you may want to tell them when they arrive." He dashes into the camp, which you can now see has perhaps a dozen tents made of some sort of animal hide, arranged in two neat circles around a campfire in the center. A few people can be seen idly tending to the fire or milling about, and Tareen runs to one of them in what looks like wooden armor, and a short conversation takes place. Soon, what you presume is an elf paladin soon comes jogging over, smiling widely.

"Well! Good day, sirs and madams, it is always nice to see people who have similar goals, or at least not outright against us. I do apologize for this necessary precaution, but it will only take a moment..." A bluish glow emanates from his eyes, and half a minute later, he smiles, claps Horace on the shoulder, and waves the group in. "Well! Welcome to the Purifiers humble camp!"

He points out a few of the more important structures - The largest tent containing Shada's quarters as well as storage for many important resources and a meeting table, a tent with gently glowing runes lining the edges for magic items, a small corner of berry bushes, which he explains is for sustenance via magic.

If you would have liked to interrupt at some point, just say so and it will be responded to, and the course of events possibly changed.

Anyway, go ahead and explore (including places I didn't single out), ask questions (of people or me)... or don't, I guess, it's up to you! If not much is happening, things will react anyway, but I'd like to give people a chance to do stuff.

2016-01-13, 01:16 PM
"If its possible, I would like to read any books or ancient texts you have about either the evil god or the history about this resistance. Could you point me to a place where I could learn more." Ragnor asks.

Prince Zahn
2016-01-13, 03:51 PM
"Alright. Stay here, and we'll have our paladins scan you, though I'm sure you'll be fine. Don't worry - cursed won't be considered evil, though if you have any particularly powerful cursed items, you may want to tell them when they arrive." He dashes into the camp, which you can now see has perhaps a dozen tents made of some sort of animal hide, arranged in two neat circles around a campfire in the center. A few people can be seen idly tending to the fire or milling about, and Tareen runs to one of them in what looks like wooden armor, and a short conversation takes place. Soon, what you presume is an elf paladin soon comes jogging over, smiling widely.

"Well! Good day, sirs and madams, it is always nice to see people who have similar goals, or at least not outright against us. I do apologize for this necessary precaution, but it will only take a moment...""W-well, a-ac-actually... I-I—" the girl tried to be honest with the paladins, though little words could come out, she turned away from discomfort when the lights began to shine azure. She stayed somewhat optimistic, for who knows? Perhaps a paladin's "scan" could find something others do not.

have this organization a druid, a Wiseman, a seer, a wizard/witch, or other such figure of wisdom? Jaeyn Doe might wish to find one.

2016-01-13, 04:10 PM
At Ragnor's question, the paladin strokes his chin, then shakes his head. "We have no such written record. Your best bet would be Shada, being the oldest and best-learned - there is not much she does not remember."

I think that works :smalltongue:

Prince Zahn
2016-01-13, 04:15 PM
"A-and where can I...em, Find her? "

2016-01-13, 04:21 PM
The paladin looks somewhat surprised at your presence, but soon recovers. "Oh! Sorry, didn't see you there. Just go to the big tent, in the center circle."

Prince Zahn
2016-01-13, 04:32 PM
The mysterious girl nods in some disdain. Even a paladin's blessed vision sees right through her. She heads off quietly to find the village elder.
gonna call it a night and give other people a chance to n act.

2016-01-13, 05:44 PM
Ragnor himself goes to speak with the elder. He preferred written information but any kind of information was better than none. "Thank you very much. I will go speak with her then."

2016-01-13, 07:13 PM
Horace takes in the surroundings with a smile and nod, and pleasantly claps the shoulder of the fellow who had scanned them. These seem like good people with a good cause; well worth aiding. "Tell me of your encampment and theirs. While I am better trained in single combat than warfare, I learned something of tactics as a squire. How well are you provisioned here for troops? Weapons? What intelligence do we have on the threat to face? From how many of these wretched cultists must we deliver these woods?" He still has not dismounted from Roxanne, feeling more comfortable in the saddle than out.

2016-01-13, 07:28 PM
"Oh! Well, it'd be better to ask Tareen about those questions, as he probably has the most up-to-date information. But I suppose I could give you a general idea about our camp..."

"Those left here are the strongest or the needed, essentially, so we have many relatively young druids, eleven to be exact, plus two more experienced druids, two paladins - plus me! Uh, anyway, two clerics, and three rangers. The trainees are mostly here to feed the camp - They cast Goodberry twice daily to sustain us, and build up our stores. Two paladins, rangers, clerics and experienced druids take eight of the younger druids to search, hunt, and purify each day, and the rest of us watch the camp and take care of things here."

"But yes, Tareen or Shada would know more about the Corruptor camps."

2016-01-14, 07:54 PM
Cadeyrn perked up. "I don't suppose any of the clerics are capable of asking for a miracle from their god, right? Nevermind, I'll ask them myself."

Cadeyrn walked over to one of the priestly looking people and started talking.

"Hello, my name is Cadeyrn Erskine. I was just wondering, do any of you know of any priests capable of requesting for a miracle from their god?"

diplomacy roll to gather information: [roll0]

2016-01-14, 09:16 PM
"Well then, let me go chat with Tareen; your Tareen of course, not our Tareen. We'll see if we can come up with some plan of attack! By the way, what's your name, friend?" he asks of the other paladin. Greetings out of the way, the halfling approaches the ranger and asks similar questions regarding stratagems for taking down the corrupted camp.

Also rolling a Diplomacy to get some information. [roll0] +1 more if other Tareen is friendly.

2016-01-14, 09:20 PM
Ragnor and... er, who was it? That girl. Ragnor and the girl go to Shada's tent, seeking information.

Shada, who appears to be a well-worn but still quite graceful elven woman dressed in furs and green cloth, warmly greets Ragnor with something in elvish as the two walk in. Apparently having overheard his queries, she immediately begins the explanation of the history of the Corruptors in a soft voice, while pouring some sort of tea into two cups.

"The Corruptors - a name I use, and the Purifiers here adopted - follow the Endbringers in a quest for, well, bringing the end. Unlike the Corruptors, the Endbringers have been a threat for a long time, since long before I was born, and have periodically been called upon to sow chaos and destruction. There are three we contend with - Ako, the Immortal Beast, Ezo, the Unbound Destroyer, and Ino, the Unseen Presence. Ino, as his name implies, has not shown himself, though we think he is the one truly behind this corruption, while followers of Ako slowly intensify the curses of the land, and followers of Ezo spread the desecration. Did you have any more specific questions?"

Meanwhile, Caedryn goes over to the closest thing to a priest you can find - a young elven man, some forty feet away, sitting in silence.

You noticed him pour water from something like a gold-foiled flask into the soil by the berry farm, then proceed to his current crosslegged position. However, upon your approach, he looks up and smiles at you. "Hello, traveler! I heard your question, and unfortunately, I am but a trainee druid. The clerics should be back later today, however. Would you like a Goodberry?"

And, with most of the group still conversing with the paladin, the other Tareen jogs over to the group just as Horace starts to move over to him.

"What do they want, Toni?"

"Oh! Erm, they wanted to know what we know about the Corruptors."

Tareen then looks suspiciously at the group, and shakes his head. "I need to write my full report and give it to Shada before I tell anything to you. However, I can tell you that there are about twenty five Corruptors in that camp, mostly mages but with perhaps a dozen being some manner of martial combatant." He then begins to swiftly stride back towards his tent.

2016-01-15, 05:40 AM
Cadeyrn shrugs his shoulders. "Uh, sure, why not?"

would Michael need special knowledge to know what the goodberry spell does? If so here's his knowledge arcana check: [roll0]

2016-01-15, 11:27 AM
"Hmm, well, it's not much to go off of, but it is a start. Judging by the looks of this camp, with our forces combined, we'll be about evenly matched for numbers. I think it best we all had a chat with this Shada, learn more about what we have to work with." The halfling joins those chatting with the leader.

2016-01-15, 04:01 PM
Elsbeth nodded. Mages, martial combatants, and here she was. A little of both. It sounded made for her. And who knew, maybe this was a big enough mission that Great-Grandfather would consider her committed enough, and she could go on her merry way. She nodded enthusiastically to in response to the halfling and without hesitation entered the tent.

2016-01-15, 04:22 PM
"So, what do you know about the power of the Endbringers? We could use all the knowledge available of what your group has found out about what they are capable of. Also, any information on their followers would be greatly appreciated." Ragnor replies hoping to get some more information about the group they were up against.

2016-01-16, 03:22 AM
Elsbeth and Horace walk together into Shada's tent as she asks "...Did you have any more specific questions?" Upon noticing the newcomers, she smiles and pulls over two more cups for tea, and briefly inserts reiterations of her previous explanation as she answers Ragnor. "We know few specifics, but we do know the general elemental attributes and ideas about their abilities. Ako is a hulking beast of acid - physically powerful, immensely durable if not truly immortal, and poisonous to those nearby. Ezo is a chaotic maw of sonic energy, blasting everything nearby and paralyzing those further out with fear. And Ino... we don't know too much about him. Historically, he has manipulated people with divination and enchantment, and we think he is fire-aligned. Their respective followers attempt to emulate this - Ako's followers being stout fighters and vicious barbarians, as well as some skilled with poison or acid, Ezo's followers consisting of bards and mages focusing on evocation, and Ino's followers presumably skulk in shadows and manipulate. Again, we have not found any, but..."

As Shada pauses, she reaches to take a sip of her tea, but fumbles and spills it. She begins mumbling apologetically when she finally notices Jane, and her pupils dilate with fear and she shouts some manner of invocation and a huge mass of thorned vegetation sprouts about Jane, but no-one else.

Immediately, the party hears people responding to the shout from outside, but Shada shouts "Halt!", and the stomping and yelling ceases immediately. She bows her head apologetically and says, "You have heard my explanation of Ino, so you must understand my concern." She waves at the thorn-imprisoned figure, and shakes her head. "This girl slipped through my many enhanced senses. I must make sure she has not concealed her morality from us. Toni!" One pair of footsteps begins to tread again.

Those now in Shada's Tent who did not see the previous Shada's Tent spoiler can look.

Anyway, if you'd like to fight - Ragnor and Elsbeth are up, then enemies, then everyone else. If you don't fight, we'll proceed as if not in combat, for now. In the mean time, people can feel free to speak and make noncombat actions without worrying about combat.

I'll also take this chance to remind people that you don't actually remember "Jane" - You vaguely remember her following you, but you don't recall her introducing herself, and can't even visualize her face now that it's obscured by thorns.

You don't quite remember what the spell is until he goes through the motions and offers it to you to eat. Then, you recognize Goodberry as the name of the spell, and its effects trickle into your mind over the next few seconds. However, as you eat it, savoring the quite incredible taste for a single berry, a shout rings out from Shada's tent. In half a second, the druid near you is on his feat and running towards the tent, but a second shout of "Halt!" stops him. He looks quite concerned, but says, "I do not think her command refers to you. You may join your companions, if you would like - there is a good chance this concerns your whole group."

After perhaps a minute at most conversing idly with the paladin (Toni, was it?), you hear a shout ring out from Shada's tent. In half a second, Toni is running towards the tent, but a second shout of "Halt!" stops him. He looks quite concerned, and is about to say something to the group when a call of "Toni!" from within the tent causes him to give you a pained, apologetic look and dash towards Shada.



Prince Zahn
2016-01-16, 07:25 AM
playing along. Things got interesting :smalltongue:"EEEP!"
The mysterious maiden shrieked in terror as the wise woman noticed her, wrapping her in conjured brambles.
"Y-y-y-you don't understand!" she cried in panic. "I-I-I wanted to—I just want to—I need to t-talk to you!"

2016-01-16, 08:30 AM
Blah! Screw midterms, taking so much time.

Tareen had mainly stayed near the edge of the camp, keeping watch for anything suspicious. Being around so many spell throwers made her skin itch, so she'd let the other members of their rag-tag group do the talking while she waited for them to return so they could make a plan on how to deal with these cultists.

For now, she was happy to sit on a relatively large stone and watched. They claimed to have good intentions, but words were wind, and their's was a light breeze at best. "Gods of sound, they must be very annoying."

2016-01-16, 12:06 PM
"I'm sorry, young one. If you are as you say, this will do you no harm, and I will do my best to help you." Shada looks regretful and scared at first, but tries a comforting smile at the end.

2016-01-16, 01:41 PM
Ragnor first reaction is to get ready for engaging the enemy. He makes few movements with his hands to cast a spell. He then draws his weapon while facing the entrance to the tent.

Ragnor casts divine favor. (+2 luck bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls)

Then he draws his greataxe as a move action.

2016-01-17, 10:06 PM
The paladin, "Toni", runs into the tent, weapon not drawn but looking quite ready to fight. "Shada, what is going on?"

Shada looks warily at Ragnor. "The girl in the thorns - I have reason to believe she is associated with Ino, and concealed her alignment. I need you to check. Gently." Toni nods shakily, and raises a hand into the air, causing a beam of light to manifest in the air and crash into Jane... with no obvious effect. He then takes a wood-clad gauntlet and gently flicks Jane, again, with no effect. Toni and Shada breathe sighs of relief, and the thorns immediately disappear.

Shada puts her hands up placatingly, then moves to repour tea. "Apologies. I had to check. Now, young one, why are you so undetectable? Or, rather, write it, if you can, and I can almost guarantee I can remember it."

2016-01-18, 02:16 AM
Cadeyrn quickly moved to where his allies were, looking around to see what the commotion was. Once there, he asked the closest person to him "What happened? Is everything all right?"

Prince Zahn
2016-01-18, 03:23 AM
The girl turned pale at the experience. She nods nervously, but remembers an important detail - a lot of what she wishes to say of will likely be forgotten anyway.
"Okay. B-but I need him o-or you to watch me, —if that's o-okay.
The girl begins to write down her situation.
My name is *********
********, I wander a lot, but am local, wanted in several places as the faceless thief Jaeyn Doe, I am not in this situation because I want to be.

These people, Horace, Tareen, Ragnor, Elsbeth and Cadeyrn are dear friends of mine. They just... Forgot about me, one day, like everybody else. But I would never let anything bad happen to them, if I can stop it.

It was a few years ago, I was walking through the forest of Ardonia, because a local vestival was coming up, and an Alchemist asked me to get the reagents to make me a lov a potion I really wanted at the time. As I was collecting those reagents, I saw a massive, scary black snake with wings of flaming pink and crimson. It spotted me and surrounded me, it called itself Nwacowattle, or something similar, I think it mentioned that name you said, "Ino" , it was very mad at me, called me an interloper, it ridiculed me as I began to cry, and it said I was nothing, and that nobody cares about me, and they never will. And next thing I knew, he was gone.

I feel that this serpent cursed me that day; when I returned to the village, everything was different, more unforgiving, uncaring. Nobody knew who I am, and what I look like, not even Mother and Father. To all of my friends I am no one, people keep forgetting about me, no matter what I do, no matter where I go, and no matter what I take.

I am scared, wisewoman, I am at wits end on how to break this curse laid upon me. I long for somebody, anybody, to speak to me, to worry about me, to know who my name, or to think of me when I'm away.

Please, help me, wisewoman, I am rather desperate! If you need to speak to me, send a message for one of my friends, and I will be there, you probably will not notice me, but I will see and hear you.

******** *******. Tears escape her eyes as she recalls difficult memories, but she writes upon the entire parchment and gives it to anyone watching her.

2016-01-18, 10:16 AM
Horace is shocked at the sight of the thorn-enveloped person that had escaped his senses so easily not seconds before. "What manner of devilry is this? Some trick of our enemies, spying on the camp?" He looks around to see if any more sneaks might have infiltrated the surroundings.

Prince Zahn
2016-01-18, 10:26 AM
"What manner of devilry is this? Some trick of our enemies, spying on the camp?"

The girl let's out a subtle squeak as she raises empty palms in an oblivious manner.
"I'm sorry, Horace."

2016-01-18, 01:21 PM
Ragnor keeps his position of guarding the tent´s entrance from the inside deciding that protecting Shada was first priority even if he wanted to engage in combat. He didn't pay any attention to the situation happening behind his back.

2016-01-18, 03:00 PM
Elsbeth jumped at seeing... that girl suddenly attacked out of the blue. "Hey, what was that for?!" she yelled, drawing her sword. Upon the explanation, test, and subsequent release of the girl, Elsbeth reluctantly re-sheathed. She grumbled, "So, will there be any more surprise examinations here?"

2016-01-18, 05:14 PM
Shada keeps her eye on the paper Jane writes upon, though you catch her drifting off several times. However, she does respond to the others' queries while she watches. "Unless any of you has any similarly... unfortunate similarities to the Endbringers, I think we will have no further problems. Thank you for your help."

Once the writing is done, she mutters something in Druidic, and her eyes briefly glow an iridescent blue-green before fading back to their original warm brown. She smiles at Jane, looking into her eyes. "I see you now, _______. While this enhanced memory will only last a few minutes, I will spend the time to write myself notes to research further into making this spell longer, to trust you, and to perhaps eventually find a more permanent solution. If you would like, I can converse with you while I do so. I imagine it has been a long time."

She leans back and turns to grab a piece of vellum, writing on it with a large quill with a spotted feather, scribbling words in some sort of purple ink, speaking with Jane at the same time.

Soon, Jane has faded back into the background, and the group is left somewhat confused, sure there was some danger involving an intruder, but Shada assures that they were taken care of. Toni - the paladin who came in, for some reason? - seems to have went back outside, apparently to invite the rest of the group in and give the rest of the camp an all-clear.

Shada insists on answering any of the group's remaining questions. In fact, she explains unasked that the goodberries used to make the tea are magically healing and nourishing, and urges the group to drink, all while pouring four more cups of tea, setting three on the table and one aside, where no-one sits.

2016-01-18, 08:05 PM
"Many thanks for the gracious hospitality, Shada. But I must know, what is our plan of attack? These Endbringers are a menace that must be quelled, and in short order from the sounds of it." The halfling has at this point left his mount just outside the tent, and appears happy to sip on goodberry tea.

2016-01-19, 12:03 AM
"Lets cut out the chase. Could we receive our first assignment? Where can we get our first mission?" Ragnor replies feeling moody about not facing any opponent yet. He yearned for the chance to battle anxiously.

2016-01-19, 12:10 AM
Shada nods, and reaches back to take a map from behind her. She places it upon the table, and points towards the south-west portion of the map. "We don't have the power to take on either camp head-on at the moment, though the training we provide our younger druids is an attempt to fix that. However, a more immediate fix would likely involve interaction with one of the two groups to the south - the Ironfoot dwarves, or the Skullcrusher orcs. Both are less powerful than us, but have significant populations of combat-trained people."

"The Skullcrushers are further from our enemies, and their warriors are not particularly well-trained, but they are likely easier to deal with, as they seem to be suffering more. We have tried to convince them to accept our help, but they are stubborn and proud. You might have better luck, as they seem to particularly be disdainful of elves."

"The Ironfoot dwarves are actually fairly well off, with many powerful clerics and paladins. They don't need our help and are primarily there to mine silver from a particularly rich vein nearby, so it will take quite a gift to convince them, we think. We've been brewing a particularly strong Goodberry wine in hopes that it will sway them, but aging is a... long-term process."

"In any case, with your help, we could probably take on one of the Corruptor camps immediately, but not without heavy losses. The retaliation from the other camp would likely end us completely. Our main goals right now are reconnaissance and diplomacy, both of which I believe you could help us with. Alternatively..."

"These areas have been noted as... problematic. The undead in this area seem to be multiplying, somehow, and periodic encounters with them are dangerous, if rarely deadly. Finding out more there would be helpful, ending the threat even moreso. Meanwhile, a relatively young green dragon has marked a large area as her territory. She has kept it free of lesser evils and we think she could be helpful if diplomacy was successful - or her treasure helpful if chased off, though we prefer to find evidence of the archetypal chromatic cruelty before doing so. Lastly, we've noticed that a nearby area emits a more intense aura of evil than most. No harm has come to those who scout within the area, but... it's worrying. We don't know what to do about that one, but any ideas are welcome."

"If I had to choose one for you... I would say start with the Skullcrushers. Getting them on board would at least give us some coverage in the area, and perhaps let us move on to he Ironfoots soon after. But I do not presume to order you - Anything you do to help us will be compensated, I assure you. And we are just as willing to help you in your endeavors rather than guiding you in ours."

Shada leans back, taking a long sip from her tea.


















Up is north. One square is about 5 miles.
S = Shada's Camp
I = Followers of Ino
A = Followers of Ako
O = Orcish camp
D = Dwarven Camp
| = River
U = Area filled with (more) Undead
E = Evil area
! = Green Dragon Territory

2016-01-19, 09:15 AM
Horace's face appears blank for a few moments as he takes in what Shada has said. A quest? Quest. Quest?! QUEST!!!! Luckiest of all days, ont a night has passed since he started this blessed venture, and already he had a quest to perform! Like a proper knight! The halfling snaps to and stands, raising his lance in salute. "Lady Shada, I swear to you by lance and sword, in the name of Sir Galbert the Great and all knights who have come before, we shall see this quest fulfilled! I would just as soon ride into the enemy's camp now in glorious battle, but I defer to your wisdom and guidance in our task. If these Skullcrushers are a valuable ally, you can count on us to bring them to our side." Outside, Roxanne appears to be rolling her eyes, as if to say, Here we go again...

2016-01-20, 12:56 AM
Outside, Toni appears to be quite bemused by Roxanne's eye-rolling, muttering something that could be "...she should meet...", and then some manner of name. Inside, Shada is equally bemused and smiles wryly at Horace. "I don't know about that, sir knight, but yes, you could call it a quest. So, were there any other queries?"

2016-01-20, 06:53 AM
Cadeyrn nodded. "Not specifically a query, but I agree that gaining allies in this endeavor could be crucial to our victory. After we finish with the orcs, though, I think we should deal with the undead. If we nip that in the bud we won't have to worry about it becoming a threat to rival the one we already have to deal with."

2016-01-20, 03:01 PM
Ragnor find all the possibilities exciting. He didn't mind at all which one to go to. He preferred the ones that seem more promising for combat. He didn't mind engaging in friendly combat if they managed to convince the orc tribe. He was also a bit curious about their lives. He had never meet another orc blooded individual, even less a whole tribe. "So, where do we go first?" He replies excited.

2016-01-20, 04:21 PM
Shada goes back to the map, pointing to one side. "This side is due north, so you would go... That direction to reach the orcs. They have markings in trees all around the territory, gouges with axes and the like." She points and waves vaguely. "Perhaps I should lend you a compass?" She pulls a bowl from behind her, where a needle is suspended, and hands it to Ragnor.

2016-01-21, 12:37 AM
Ragnor holds the compass with eagerness. "Thank you very much. I´ll take good care of it." He replies in a surprisingly shy tone. It sounded like a good first mission. He got even more excited after hearing where he could find others. He wondered if they would look different from his half-orc self just like the human do. "Is everybody ready to go?"

2016-01-21, 01:20 PM
Horace is already out the door, mounting Roxanne, who bleats quietly in protest as he mounts her back. "Ready? Keep up, Ragnor! We must make haste to the Skullcrushers. Time is of the essence!"

2016-01-21, 03:10 PM
Elsbeth frowned slightly, as she realized their first mission would be a negotiation. Diplomacy was not one of her strong points. Still, she was here, so she came along.

2016-01-21, 08:30 PM
The group carefully commits the map and the path they intend to take to memory, then set off. Before long, perhaps less than an hour later, you reach the river, and hear a curious stomping sound. Looking down the river, a dwarf in full, spiked plate, carrying two equally spiked shields, seems to be stomping towards you, trampling the vegetation on the river bank.











































R = River
D = Dwarf

Feel free to put yourself anywhere in columns F, G or H, rows 1-6.

2016-01-21, 09:10 PM
The barbarian had been pacing when the group finally returned. After getting the general idea of which direction they were headed, she lead the way. She hadn't been very happy with the idea of allying themselves with orcs. Even during her time with her tribe, they had encountered them and they always brought trouble.

Tareen smirked as she saw the stomping dwarf, she had always gotten along fairly well with the shorter race. They often shared an interest in a good fight and a good drink, however one should still be careful in the forests, especially in these strange times, so she gestured for the group to stop. "Greetings, dwarf! What brings you this direction?" There was something strange with this one though, why was he trying to look like a hedgehog? Looked somewhat silly to her.

Tareen's at F6, signaling group behind her to stop, ready to move over to Horace to grab at Roxanne's reins if he wants to advance and make friends. She isn't having a repeat of the watchman.

2016-01-22, 02:26 AM
The dwarf continues stomping towards you, grunting something unintelligible. He doesn't look friendly, exactly - more disgruntled and distracted than anything else.

You think he's disgruntled at you, the way he's walking aggressively towards you, among other (perhaps less obvious) cues.









































R = River
D = Dwarf
T = Tareen

2016-01-22, 10:25 AM
Horace is about to happily ride up to the dwarf to greet the fellow when suddenly Tareen grabs Roxanne's reins, halting the two. Strange, but then Tareen calls out in a diplomatic way, so maybe there are other plans. "Lovely day for a jaunt in the forest, don't you think?" Horace says while waving his lance at the oncoming dwarf. He concentrates in a way similar to how Toni had examined them previously.

Horace rides to spot G6 next to Tareen, and then uses Detect Evil.

2016-01-22, 11:03 AM
Ragnor noticed the river and wondered if they would have to cross it and how they could. His thoughts were stopped as the attention of the rest went to the dwarf. He grinned at this sight of a possible combat especially by its looks. He grabbed his greataxe from his back and prepared himself just in case.

I am fine at G5.
Move action to get my weapon ready.

2016-01-22, 11:49 AM
The dwarf still says nothing but grunt noncomittaly as he continues to trundle towards the group.

Presence of Evil: Yes, but it's no stronger than the ambient forest evil.










































R = River
D = Dwarf
T = Tareen
R = Ragnor
H = Horace
? = Jane Doe?
E = Elsbeth

2016-01-22, 01:51 PM
Elsbeth, standing near the back, purses her lips, and drops her hand to Curio. A part of her wonders if Curio could sense danger as well right now.

2016-01-22, 04:58 PM
"Blasted forest," Horace mutters as the dwarf draws closer. Horace crouches his lance in preparation for an enemy charge. Roxanne snorts uneasily, sensing the tension of the others. "We have business with the Ironfoot dwarves. I ask you to stand down and answer our queries."

Readying lance for an attack in case the dwarf charges.

2016-01-22, 09:03 PM
Falcon/Caedryn and Mornings/Adessa, you can put yourself wherever after this round - he probably wouldn't be charging you :smalltongue:

Almost as if on cue, just before Horace raises his lance, the dwarf suddenly begins roaring in rage and charges. The lance comes up and strikes low as the dwarf practically leaps at Horace, smashing him with a spiked shield. Fortunately, Roxanne's bulk pushes back, and while Horace's face is a little bloodied, he is not unseated, and the group is given opportunity to counterattack as the dwarf regains his footing.




12 damage to Horace. Horace also hit the dwarf for 14 damage - He seems completely unconcerned by the wound, but that might just be the anger overriding the pain.

The dwarf's head has a distinctly evil glow about it, separate from the forest.

Everyone can go!

2016-01-22, 09:26 PM
Roxanne lets out a loud, "BLEEEEEH!" and rears up, falling on the dwarf with butting head and kicking hooves. Once she is on all fours again, Horace directs his mount to backward so he can strike out, jabbing at the porcupinical dwarf twice with lance. "To arms, mates, to arms!"

Roxanne makes a full attack, then a 5 foot step to 5H. Horace then full attacks with lance. I'll post in OOC for any crits.

Ride check formality: [roll0]





2016-01-22, 10:57 PM
"Why are you- What the-?" Overall, Tareen is very confused as to what just happened. Instead of questioning it anymore however, she reacts. Drawing her huge blade, Tareen shifts her positioning so that she could soon move to a flanking. Bringing her blade down, she tries to bisect the screaming ball of spikes, not wanting unleash her curse's full potential on such a seemingly minor threat. However, her curse does still progress, definite lines forming on her face and her teeth show too-long canines.
Move action to draw +1 Greatsword, (going to eat an AoO for that) 5 foot step to F7, attack dwarf standard action.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll]2d6+6[roll]
EDIT: Holy crap those are bad rolls...

2016-01-23, 12:20 AM
Even though a part of her had been expecting the attack, seeing the Dwarf so outnumbered yet still willing ot charg surprised her. Elsbeth pulled her sword, stepped forwards, when the dwarf was in reach, she charged Curio with lightning, before striking her opponent.

Made a mistake with positioning last turn but Imma roll with it. Elsbeth is on H6, and there she shall stay. Moe Action to draw Curio then a Full round Action to Cast Shocking Grasp and Full Attack

Attack 1:[roll0]
Weapon Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2:[roll2]
Weapon Damage: [roll3]

Shocking Grasp Damage:[roll4]
If first attack misses, add +3 to the second attack. Assuming the dwarf's armor contains enough metal to count for Shocking Grasp's Boost.

2016-01-23, 12:37 AM
Due to his current position, Ragnor decides to help his team by offering some protection from their opponent. He holds his weapon with one hand to use the other to cast. He makes a few movements with his hands and casts. He replies to tell the others "Let me give you all assistance in this moment. I hope you all will accept this small assistance."

Casting Protection from Evil, Communal on Horace, Elsbeth and Tareen.

2016-01-23, 01:02 AM
Despite the dwarf's extreme armor, due to his imbalance he seems to be taking quite the beating. He does take the opportunity to strike back at Tareen, smashing him into the river, though the tribesman's prodigious strength keeps him standing.


Roxanne hits once, and all PC attacks hit. He's battered and bloodied, but still very much alive and kicking.

Tareen takes 12 damage and is knocked into the river - It's not too fast moving, but you'll need a DC 10 swim check to make it onto shore. You still have your weapon, so as long as you make the check you should be able to immediately move up and attack.

Since it would make sense to buff before provoking an AoO, I'll say Tareen got Pro-Evil.











































R = River
D = Dwarf
T = Tareen
R = Ragnor
H = Horace
? = Jane Doe?
E = Elsbeth

2016-01-23, 06:09 PM
Cadeyrn moved around so he wouldn't be close to the dwarf. He then called out "I think you just made your last mistake mister dwarf. Haste!"

Cadeyrn uses a move action to place himself behind everyone else. He then casts haste on all seven (presuming the other players return) people in the party. It will last seven rounds.

Prince Zahn
2016-01-24, 12:20 AM
An arrow flies, towards the dwarfs most abruptly from the shadows of daylight. Who might have struck it is any body's guess.
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] modifiers will be PM'd

Stealth check behind the group as I move behind it. [roll3]. Advance around the bend to G8.

2016-01-24, 02:13 AM
The unknown archer strikes true as the group suddenly speeds up significantly. However, the heavily wounded spiked dwarf's counterattack is vicious, knocking Elsbeth away as he drives a spiked elbow into her midsection, crushing forward before spinning and catching Ragnor with a shield slam to the face, sending him stumbling back as well.






Elsbeth takes 19 damage, Ragnor takes 15. Both are knocked back 5 feet.

Everyone's up again.

2016-01-24, 07:49 AM
Seeing that his spell wasn't helping enough, Cadeyrn quickly pointed behind the dwarf and called out "Glitterdust!"

Cadeyrn casts glitterdust at the dwarf, aiming so as not to hit any of his companions in the aoe. If that isn't possible...he does what he can to avoid Elsbeth. Save dc is 18 with my feat since glitterdust is a conjuration spell.

Prince Zahn
2016-01-24, 08:59 AM
Two more arrows fire at the dwarf from behind, with aim to harm the dwarf only to his submission
two attacks with bow and arrow. I'd assume he is denied his DEX to AC.
Damage [roll1]+[roll2] Nonlethal damage.

Damage [roll4]+[roll5] nonlethal damage.

Stealth [roll6] as ? Moves to DIRECTLY BEHIND HIM.

2016-01-24, 11:53 AM
Horace strikes like lightening with his lance in a ferocious display of speed.

Ride check: [roll0]

Attacks: (With haste and using power attack)


2016-01-24, 04:52 PM
The blinded dwarf stands no chance against the flurry of precise, lightning-fast attacks, and slumps onto his knees in deep unconsciousness. His face relaxes into a much less grotesque visage as his rage dissipates, and as he falls from his knees to the ground, his helmet rolls off his head and forward.

First encounter soundly defeated! Everyone gets 1100 exp, and since I forgot to dole out exp for the noncombat/semi combat encounters before, let's make that 1700.

Feel free to loot (or not loot), I'll enumerate that if you choose to disarm the dwarf.

2016-01-25, 08:25 PM
Tareen hits the water with a yell and a splash and she slips between the river's waters, hidden from sight. 'Oh he's going to pay for that...' Righting herself underwater, she kicked off and almost shot right out of the water, sword raised to slash the dwarf that had so suddenly knocked her into the river, only to find him unconscious on the ground, helmet rolling to a halt beside his head.

Snarling, drenched and her curse revealed in all it's animal-like glory, she could only slam her sword into the ground next to the dwarf's head in a vain attempt to channel her anger. Leaving the sword impaled in the ground, she kickes the dwarf in the back of his inert head with her wet boot, clearly not putting any actual force behind it. "Of course you knocked him out before I could get another shot at him." the wet tribeswoman growled, "What are we going to do with him?"

2016-01-25, 09:36 PM
Horace, inwardly glad that they did not have to slay the dwarf, who could simply be under some sort of mind control, triumphantly retrieves a handkerchief from his wrist and wipes down his lance. "I think we ought tie the poor fellow up and take him with. But first, allow me to see to your wounds." The halfling approaches those wounded with glowing hands that appear to soothe the pain and lessen the wounds caused by the prickly dwarf.

Provided no one turns away Horace's advance, heal the following damage:
Tareen: [roll0]
Elsbeth: [roll1]
Ragnor: [roll2]
Finally, myself: [roll3]

Prince Zahn
2016-01-26, 12:30 AM
Somewhat proud of that last shot in particular, the first thing that she thought to do was strip him of dangerous possessions, while seeking for anything nice for the others to keep.
Jaeyn Doe rummages through the dwarf's stuff, confiscating his weapons, examining his things the while the others are healing. What do I find?

2016-01-26, 01:55 AM
Somewhat proud of that last shot in particular, the first thing that she thought to do was strip him of dangerous possessions, while seeking for anything nice for the others to keep.
Jaeyn Doe rummages through the dwarf's stuff, confiscating his weapons, examining his things the while the others are healing. What do I find?

A girl begins taking the dwarf's weapons - you presume she was the source of the arrows, though you can't be sure. In any case, his armor and spiked shields are quite well made - perhaps even enchanted. His helmet, however, is quite curious - It seems heavy, and the spiked forehead seems to suggest that it is intended for use as a weapon.

As you pick up the helmet, it seems to grow heavier, and you get overwhelmed with some sort of primal emotion, causing you to double over like you were punched in the gut. You get yourself under control without too much problem, and manage to not drop the helmet, but it feels uncomfortably (but not painfully) hot in your grasp.

Will save: [roll0]


Prince Zahn
2016-01-26, 03:10 AM
does ______ intuit that there's something very wrong with that helmet?

2016-01-26, 03:52 AM

Jaeyn gets a hunch that it's cursed, but won't hurt her as long as she doesn't put it on her head. Also, she finds one of her arrows unbroken.

(OoC: I don't think I saw anything indicating special/durable arrows, so I just assumed you were talking about the 50% retrieval of missed arrows)

2016-01-26, 06:54 AM
"I would like to give this dwarf another chance at life," Cadeyrn said.

He then pulled out his wand. "Does anyone object if I heal him just a little bit? It might be enough to get him back on his feet but he might try to talk this time. Also, I can heal anyone that was hurt. Elsbeth, you were hit, right?"

Prince Zahn
2016-01-26, 07:30 AM
Actually, I meant exactly that. I. This combat, I Used 4 arrows, gained 1 back, then?
The girl feels a very primal urge of power, anger, bloodlust. . . as she holds the helmet, but it was a passing thought as she realized, that this is the precise feeling the dwarf felt when he stormed towards us. That is just what they needed, one more curse to deal with. She let go of the helmet, thinking of a way to tell the guys about the helmet in a way they might listen. She then remembered her conversation with shada, and took out a piece of parchment.

She sketched the Forget-Me-Not on the back of the parchment, using the helm to hold it. She writes in the scroll, rolls out up, and placed it in the eye socket of the helm.
As you turn to give the dwarf a second chance, you note that some arrows are broken inside of him, and one has been removed, but the arrows have not shed any blood. It makes one wonder how long they were stuck You also note that his axe and shield are missing, and his helm lay 15 feet of him with a scroll lodged in its eye socket.
on the back of the parchment is a simplistic but pretty illustration of five petal flower, though nobody seems to be around to have sketched or placed the note. If reads as follows:

"The helm is evil, it has to be
It filled the dwarf's heart with fury.
Do not don it, or you too shall see. "

2016-01-26, 10:37 AM
"I agree about healing him to find out what happened. If he is being controlled by an evil entity, a casting of one of my spells may help. If we are interrogating him, I might have another spell that might help." Ragnor tells Cadeyrn wanting to assist.

2016-01-26, 05:55 PM
Elsbeth had happily accepted the offer of healing, and was waiting her turn when she saw the parchment. "The helm is evil? May I see it?"

2016-01-26, 07:31 PM
Seeing that his proposal was accepted, Cadeyrn began using his wand to heal those that had been hurt.

Cadeyrn uses his wand on Elsbeth, then on Taureen followed by Horace and finishing with the dwarf.

Use magic device checks:


And presuming I don't get a 1 on any of those rolls here's the healing for each of those characters:


2016-01-26, 09:40 PM
Elsbeth can easily take a look at the helmet, since it still lies on the ground and the scroll she read was inside of it. It does seem to emanate a feeling of unease and agitation, but there's nothing else new she can really figure out just by looking at it.

Meanwhile, the dwarf isn't quite roused by the healing magic - his breathing becomes less strained, coming at slower, more relaxed intervals, but he's still deeply unconscious.

Just to make it a bit easier, I'll say you probably need another 4 charges of CLW. That is assuming the 1d6 was erroneous and not a modifier on the normal 1d8 of CLW? On that note, unless you'd like to reroll, I'm cool with just adding 1 to each of those healing numbers, since that's the average result of 1d6 > 1d8.

2016-01-27, 05:00 AM
"Hmm," Cadeyrn mused. "The wand didn't heal him enough. Let's try again..."

Cadeyrn will activate his wand twice to see if that will do the trick.



2016-01-27, 10:45 AM
Tareen just nodded at the paladin when he offered healing. She wasn't too hurt, but going into combat injured without needing too was a bad idea, no matter how you look at it. When they find the note, Tareen in suspicious, poking it with the toe of her boot, but otherwise leaving it be. She does have an idea when they struggle waking the dwarf up. "Why don't we just dunk him in the river? Faster and less chance of that wand blowing up in our faces."

2016-01-27, 01:59 PM
The dwarf slowly rouses, blinking groggily. "Er... 'ello. How drunk did I get, and who tha' hell are ye?"

2016-01-27, 06:44 PM
Elsbeth picked up the helmet, and after a quick examination, she had a good idea of the curse upon it. "Of course, a benefit to make taking the cursed object more alluring." She said softly. Curio heated up slightly on her belt, so Elsbeth looked for a new subject

The dwarf waking up provided one."So where did you get this?

2016-01-27, 06:54 PM
Horace is quick to jump in; apparently he has been thinking about this answer all day. "We are the Saviors of Ardonia! More to the point, who might you be, that attacked us with such haste and ferocity?"

2016-01-27, 07:26 PM
"I've got just the spell to figure out what is going on with that helmet. Identify!" Cadeyrn spoke while reaching out and touching the helmet as Elsbeth held it.

Identify gives Cadeyrn a +10 to his spellcraft check to find and decipher spells affecting something. So, here's his spellcraft check: [roll0]

It might not reveal anything new, but it's worth a shot.

2016-01-27, 07:49 PM
The dwarf pales slightly. "I cannae imagine that's jus' me bein' drunk, then... Sorry 'bout tha'. I dinnae know what's goin' on, but I'd be unsurprised if tha' helm was cursed, given tha' godsforsaken trees..."

He scratches his beard uncomfortably. "Tell ye' what, don' kill me, an' I can work somethin' out with tha' other dwarves - tha' Ironfoots, ye heard o' them? Osrik might know somethin' 'bout wha' happened. I think I c'n find tha' way from tha' river bend ta' tha' camp."

Nothing new.

2016-01-28, 01:58 AM
Elsbeth smiled sympathetically. This sometime happens when dealing with unfamiliar armor and weapons.But at least it doesn't seem bonded to you specifically. Just don't wear the helmet, and I think you'll be fine."

2016-01-28, 10:10 AM
"Indeed, we had plans of meeting with the Ironfoot Clan in due time. How fortuitous! I am Horace Belkington, and my compatriots and I are in league with others to deliver this forest from its evil entities. I urge you to talk to your leader, gather your peoples' arms that, when we arrive, I hope the Ironfoots will be ready to march to help eliminate this threat to all!" A few dappled rays of sunlight through the forest leaves glint off of Horace's shining armor resplendently, giving him the air of a true knight, protector of the weak and innocent, tall and handsome atop a mighty steed (at least from the dwarf's sitting position). Roxanne gives a powerful-sounding "MEEEEEH!" like a warhorse's whinny, high off of the adrenaline from the recent battle.

2016-01-29, 02:25 AM
The dwarf smiles brightly, a gesture that makes his battle-scarred face seem more like a weathered grandfather's than a menacing warrior's. "Well, tha's awfully decent o' ye. I'll tell tha' Ironfoot's o' yer kindness fer sure, coul' help ye' if yer tryin' ta talk ta' em." He gets up and dusts off his armor, then fishes something out of it, a small, pure white feather. "Er... I don' suppose ye' could let me keep tha' lighter shield? It's na' worth nearly as much as tha' big one, tha's enchanted, but it'd make me les' prone ta' gettin' killed by tha' fores' on tha' way back. I c'n give ye' this feather token - it shoul' make a tree, if ye' jus' throw it at somethin'."

I'm assuming you didn't spend then 10+ minutes fully stripping him of his spiked armor (since you'd still be there if you were trying :smalltongue:)

Prince Zahn
2016-01-29, 09:02 AM
no, I didn't, but much of his other gear that Jaeyn could take quickly is kind of missing. Other than the helmet, the armor and the axe, I don't know what else he had.
EDIT: And a shield he can slam with, apparently.

2016-01-29, 12:13 PM
Ragnor wasn't interested in continuing the conversation or even taking part in it. They had already wasted enough time with this chat. Ragnor was just waiting for the whole thing to be over so they would continue on their way to meet with the orcs.

2016-01-29, 12:52 PM
"Of course, friend. No one should walk these woods unarmed. And in the coming days, when we ride to the Ironfoot for aid, who might I say I have the pleasure of dueling with, that we might meet again?"

2016-01-30, 01:46 AM
"Er, Baeldir Stalack." The dwarf gives a last smile, then begins wandering off.

The group sets off, quickly reaching a noted river-crossing where the river briefly flows around a small island, forming relatively slow pair of short crossings. From there, it is a few hours to the orcish camp, but as promised, the indications come long before the camp itself - red paint and gouged markings decorate trees a good ten minutes before you see the orcs.

The camp seems somewhat better fortified than Shada's - a seven foot tall barricade of spiked logs and branches, tied and bundled and reinforced with further stakes and mounds of dirt, appears to surround the area. While the walls seem to be cobbled together inexpertly, with animal skulls and bones decorating them, they are rather imposing.

At that point, an orc covered in heavy furs and carrying a greatsword - a guard, you think - calls out to you. "Who are you? What do you need of the Skullcrusher Orcs?"

2016-01-31, 12:21 PM
Ragnor was excited to finally meet someone of his mother´s parentage. He wasn't sure how to act or what to do. He wanted to make a good first impression to the orcs. He looked at the camp with wonder. "I am Ragnor Ignislash, son of Argha Ignislash. We have arrived here on the orders of our contractors to speak to the leader about the danger plaguing this forest."

2016-02-01, 12:18 AM
One of the orcs walks closer, then nods approvingly. "Sent a token orc, hm? Well, I don't recognize that name, but you seem alright. I'll get Garrock. Stay here."

A minute or so later, another orc wearing bone armor and hefting a what could be a small, bone-studded tree or a large club walks over. "So, you wish to speak to me of the dangers of this forest? It is convenient then, that I wish to speak of the dangers of this forest with you." He lets the club thunk to the ground, then reaches into a pouch to withdraw a small metal object.

"Arrows with these as arrowheads have been plaguing our tribe in the past few days. Something, described by survivors only as swifter than the eye and darker than the forest, is hunting us. We no longer walk alone, and even then, it is dangerous if there is not a healer nearby. However, we suspect these are no ordinary arrows." Holding the object up and lightly letting it lean against his finger, you are surprised to see a thick line of blood appear immediately. At first, it would seem he is simply talking about the baffling sharpness of the arrowhead, but upon closer inspection, the blood seems to be drawn into tiny lines, highlighting its striking similarity to a feather.

"I will hear your dangers now. I believe we may reach an accord."

2016-02-01, 12:32 AM
While they await the Garrock's arrival, Horace leans over to Ragnor and whispers, "Why don't you do the talking? It must be lovely to interact with some distant brethren!" He is all smiles for Garrock, pleased at how well things are going. "Ah, interesting, let me have a look at that," the halfling says when the arrowhead comes out.

Using the good old detect evil, particularly on the arrowhead and orcish folk.

2016-02-01, 12:39 AM
Garrock looks a little questioningly at the diminutive halfling, but walks over and hands him the feather, with exceeding care. He smiles and says "I'm glad you take these precautions. We are not particularly prone to follow a path of such restricted righteousness. Perhaps, some time, you can impress upon some of our more level-headed warriors the values of a moral code - having a paladin in our camp would be very helpful."

1st Round: Only normal ambient evil.
2nd Round: Still only normal ambient evil.

Prince Zahn
2016-02-01, 01:24 AM
The girl looms behind Horace as he inspects these arrows, though she does not take both eyes off of Garrock for more than 2 seconds at a time. quite scared to take a closer look at Garrock's thumb, or more accurately, a fear from the massive, full-blooded orcs, she keeps her distance.
"A-are the arrows m-m-m-magical?" she speaks to no one in particular.

2016-02-01, 01:50 AM
Garrock's eyes narrow, then widen slightly as he sees Jaeyn. "...they are not. Despite their quality, they scan as nonmagical."

Prince Zahn
2016-02-01, 01:56 AM
"T-they a-a-are quite i-i-i-i-impresive, sir!" she gulps with her ears shifting back. her stuttering getting worse, too, when the orc answered her.

2016-02-01, 02:04 AM
Garrock snorts, then pats his side. "Impressive, yes, but that is more a problem than anything else. If it weren't for our healers, I would still be bleeding in the woods. In any case." He turns to back to the rest of the group. "Your... danger?"

2016-02-01, 01:08 PM
Ragnor notices that they got Garrock´s attention and decides to explain. "We are here to offer the chance for an alliance against the force that brings calamity to this land, the Endbringers." Ragnor pauses for a second to wait for his reaction.

2016-02-01, 07:13 PM
Garrock looks only curious. "The Endbringers?" He motions, as if to allow Ragnor to continue.

Prince Zahn
2016-02-01, 11:34 PM
"A-A-Ako, Ezo a-and Ino. " the girl added sheepishly, it almost seemed as if everybody knew already, however.

2016-02-02, 12:02 AM
"Fascinating." Elsbeth said noncommittally. She glanced at the arrow herself, just in case the orcs missed something.

Using Detect Magic to double check the arrows.

2016-02-02, 12:23 AM
Garrock gestures a little more. "I'm sorry, I don't recognize those names. Who?"

Round 1: Presence of magic.
Round 2: You detect a Transmutation, Necromancy, Conjuration, and Abjuration effect.
Round 3: The arrows are nonmagical, and Garrock seems to have a low-level Transmutation spell active on himself. His face seems to have some manner of magical face-paint - It normally blends in well with his face, but it lights up under the Detect as faint necromancy. His armor seems slightly magical, thus the abjuration effect, and he's got something on the right side of his chest, presumably under his armor, that's Conjuration.

I'm going to roll Spellcraft for you, if that's ok (tell me if not):


The Transmutation is Shillelagh, cast on his club, the Necromancy is War Paint of the Terrible Visage (which can activate to shift into horrible shapes and colors that Cause Fear as the spell), and the Abjuration is his +1 magic breastplate. You can't quite figure out what the Conjuration is, but it seems similar to the Feather Token on the dwarf.

2016-02-02, 02:43 PM
"They are basically a group lurking in the forest and causing trouble. I am almost certain they are the ones behind the increased perceived danger in the forest. " He adds hoping to convince Garrock about the danger.

2016-02-02, 09:24 PM
Garrock seems a little hesitant to acknowledge a threat without knowing what he's up against, but he nods. "Our shamans believe there is a root to the pervasive evil as well - perhaps your Endbringers are what caused this. In any case. I had just finished my calculations to try to pinpoint where the archer that has been harrying us is. If my charts are correct, we should be able to hunt it down. If you join us and survive with us, we will treat you as allies and welcome you into our camp, and provide whatever assistance you require. Fair?"

2016-02-03, 10:27 PM
Horace, trying to remain quiet and be a time player for what seems like absolute ages, cannot help but blurt out, "Of course we will help! You can count on the Saviors of Ardonia to bring this threat to justice! Point the way, and we shall proceed with gusto."


2016-02-04, 12:16 AM

Seeing all the enchantments on his armor, Elsbeth smiled, impressed. "I for one, would be happy to call such well equipped people my allies."

2016-02-04, 02:05 AM
Garrock grins, a little ferally. "Very well then. Darian! Call our best warriors!" The orc who stayed quiet before runs in, shouting and chanting a sort of war song, and soon it sounds like the entire camp is joining in war cries and preparing. However, within the minute, the discordant cheers slowly begin falling into rhythm as a drum begins to beat, until what seems to be three shamans, Garrock, and seven warriors are stomping in unison. You're quite surprised by the amount of noise only eight of them can make, and equally surprised when, with a final beat and shout, they fall silent.

"We will lead the way. Let us set off!"

Despite the show of discipline, the warriors soon relax into more normal travelling positions, and start joking and talking and roughhousing. Eventually, you're introduced to most of the group, notably Helika Skullcrusher, Garrock's wife and the strongest druid of the group, Gandu Stormeye, the strongest warrior and warleader, and Torik Bonetail, the only cleric of the group. Garrock shows everyone a rough map as he walks, and the orcs talk amongst themselves about it, gesturing towards it and talking with the group if they show interest. You do notice that it leads just at the edge of the area Shada marked as additionally evil, though you don't think it's inside.

Assuming you proceed anyway, it's only a few miles away, so it's only a couple hours before Garrock motions for you to slow down. He lowers his voice, and whispers, "Spread out. Sweep the area, stay within ten feet of a healer at all times." The shamans and one more-armored figure move in front of Garrock, warriors spreading in an arc in front of that, and they begin carefully advancing. Garrock only then seems to remember the party, and shrugs, motioning them forward. "Take any position, I suppose. You know yourselves best."

Put yourself wherever you'd like (or mention if off-grid).





















S = Scout
W = Warrior
D = Druid
H = Helika Skullcrusher (Druid)
G = Gandu Stormeye (Barbarian/Fighter)
G! = Garrock Skullcrusher (Druid/Barbarian)
T = Torik Bonetail (Cleric)

2016-02-05, 12:27 PM
Ragnor is impressed by the orcs but tries to keep his excitement down the best he could. He starts walking besides Gandu as he remembered her own mother like such a proud warrior and resembled the best the image in his head of an orc.

2016-02-05, 01:02 PM
Horace, as usual, rides toward the front of the group. He let's the scout lead the way, but places himself among the other warriors, ever ready for a fight.

F3 I suppose

2016-02-08, 03:06 AM
Elsbeth stepped into formation, trying to be as alert as possible. And you help me out too, cause I know you can. Elsbeth thought sharply at Curio, who only gave a soft hum in response. Hopefully that meant it was working

Putting Elsbeth at G4. And don't mind what Elsbeth says; it's mostly just interpreting the Alertness feat that the blade grants. Which still only gives her a +3...

2016-02-08, 08:41 PM
Settling into positions, you proceed forward with care, Skullcrushers moving around you. Soon, you can definitely feel a chill you hadn't noticed before, and it seems the sky is getting darker despite sunset being a ways off. The Skullcrushers appear to notice as well, but a look from Garrock and they all seem to steel themselves and continue.

Your blade, Curio, seems to vibrate a little more than usual as you proceed. Periodically, it does so again, getting stronger each time, oscillating like some sort of distorted, muffled speech.

You seem to be feeling the chill especially, shivering uncontrollably while the others only look vaguely uncomfortable. Then, you look down, and notice that rather disconcertingly, your arms seem paler than usual, and... smoother? It's strange.

(OoC: If you would be so kind, please keep all actions to a spoiler until noted to do otherwise - things are happenin' :smallbigggrin:)

Roxanne seems particularly unnerved by this area. She doesn't buck or try to flee, but she's definitely uncomfortable.

A short time later, the group finds their way to a wide cave opening, easily enough to fit the current formation. A few spells are muttered, light fills the cave, and a shadowy figure swoops out, just as Tareen's keen senses cause her muscles to tense for combat. Unfortunately, it seems the rest of the group is caught unawares, and several glittering projectiles take down three orcs almost immediately while the rest begin to react. The figure then seems to part into two, one falling to the ground behind the party, the other flying into the air, shadows parting to reveal a nearly human-sized bird, silvery feathers glinting in the half-light.

As Garrock whips around, heaving his club, he glances at each of his fallen warriors before shouting, "They're fine! Our healers will take care of it, take it down before it can hit more!"

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7], [roll8], [roll9], [roll10], [roll11]
[roll12], [roll13], [roll14], [roll15], [roll16], [roll17]
[roll18], [roll19], [roll20], [roll21], [roll22], [roll23]
[roll24], [roll25], [roll26], [roll27], [roll28], [roll29]

Tareen and Jaeyn each get a single standard action (as in a surprise round), and Horace gets a full turn. Then the enemy, then everyone, then the orcs, and so on.

Map to come up later today - sorry for taking so long. If you'd like to prepare actions: The bird 60 feet up and 20 feet behind the group, while the shadowy figure is 20 feet behind the group.
























S = Scout
W = Warrior
D = Druid
H = Helika Skullcrusher (Druid)
G = Gandu Stormeye (Barbarian/Fighter)
G! = Garrock Skullcrusher (Druid/Barbarian)
T = Torik Bonetail (Cleric)
S = Shadow
B = Bird
E = Elsbeth
H = Horace
T = Tareen
R = Ragnor
C = Caedryn

Prince Zahn
2016-02-09, 03:57 AM
so much for scouting ahead O. O

the girl panics momentarily as the bird takes down three orcs in one go, she realizes it must be neutralized. She aims and knocks an arrow skyward toward the bird as it flies.

2016-02-09, 04:32 PM
Horace wheels Roxanne around to face the mysterious shadow monster. "Onward to glorious battle, Roxanne!" he cries. She gives a baa of protest but proceeds with some caution, not rushing into the fray. When within striking distance, Horace raises his lance, aiming for the shadow-thing on the ground. "I hope this works," he mutters to himself, before bringing the lance down into the shadow. "I smite thee!" he cries, the tip of the lance glowing with a blue fire as it bears down on the mysterious entity.

Horace moves to E8 for a Smite evil lance attack with Power attack:
[roll0] (+12 + 4 CHA - 2 PA)
[roll1] (1d6+5 + 7 Pal level + 6 PA) (+7 if fighting an evil subtype outside or undead)

Crit confirm if necessary:

2016-02-09, 05:56 PM

An arrow flies from in front of the party, striking the metallic bird above and causing it to squawk in pain. Meanwhile, Horace's lance pierces through the shadowy figure, passing through seemingly without resistance, but the holy energy seems to hurt it enough.

At that point, you hear a voice call from within the cave, saying "Wait! Stop!" Looking in, it seems like a middle aged elven woman is extracting herself from a large bow which her feet held - you hadn't seen her before, and with a second glance, you catch wisps of shadow dissipating, as if she materialized from them. In her hand, being removed from the bowstring, is a razor-feather tipped arrow.

Just Tareen is up, but you can talk without issue.

Prince Zahn
2016-02-10, 01:46 AM
"W-who are you?" cried one voice to the women losing control of her shadow.

2016-02-11, 11:32 AM
Horace looks with surprise at this woman who seems to have emerged from the very shadows; or was it the other way around? He keeps a wary eye on the shadowy... thing next to him. The feather arrow is recognizable enough. This woman who appears to have already felled three orcs is not to be immediately trusted.

"You appear to have attempted to slay these noble warriors. Explain yourself!" he calls to the woman, lance still held in position for combat.

Detect Evil. Just all of it, detect all the evil. (concentrating on the woman in particular)

2016-02-11, 11:36 AM
Ragnor kept his hand on his handle just in case they could enter in battle and waited for them to explain themselves. "What do you want? Explain! Do it fast or you might face our wrath!" Ragnor replies with anger.

2016-02-11, 02:48 PM
"I thought they were evil and attacking me - I'm no paladin, like I presume you are. When I saw you smite my shadow, I realized you couldn't be evil, so I stopped." The woman spins the arrow between her fingers, flipping her hair to the side. "And don't think I'm scared of you. You seem stronger than the orcs but they're far, far below me in strength." She re-nocks her bow, even as the shadow sinks into the ground and the huge bird flies away.

At this, Garrock snarls and mutters, loud enough for the group to hear but just barely. "She's right, and I don't want to lose more warriors... but I still think we should fight. This feels wrong." Meanwhile, the healers tend to the fallen, keeping them from bleeding out.

Skipping Tareen, the orcs have gone, so everyone's up.
Round 1 (still in combat time): Presence of evil, no greater than passive forest.

A few seconds later, the tense silence has continue, and nobody has lashed out, so the woman seems to relax a bit. "One of you, er, non-orcs, would you be willing to talk? This cave is consecrated, should hedge out the general influence of the forest. I'd prefer just one person, though the rest of you can wait outside."

Round 2: No evil other than the passive forest (even in the Shadow)

Prince Zahn
2016-02-20, 06:07 AM
A restless woman stepped forth and approached the lady. She looked at the woman - one archer to another. She stared at her with her head down, but said not a word, testing if the other woman would care, or if someone more. . . Worthy, is necessary.
Either way, she is used to going wherever she wants to. How would this be any different?

2016-02-21, 01:51 AM

...oops >.<

The two woman stare at each other for a moment, then the shadow-woman shrugs and waves her hand, seemingly conjuring two chairs from shadow. "Please, sit." She peers, as if having trouble focusing. "...anyway. My name is Caitlyn Hastur. Me, my husband and child live... nearby, and orcs attacked us some time ago. My husband detected them as strongly evil, so I slew them, and attacked those who wandered near us. But it appears these are not - I assume your paladin has scanned them. I'd like to apologize for any good orcs I've killed, but I'd rather not go out..." Sighing, she gestures vaguely towards the orcs. "Is there anything I can do to make amends?"

Listening from outside the cave, Garrock angrily shouts in, "You can bring back the three warriors you murdered!"

Grimacing, Caitlyn shakes her head. "I can't, unfortunately. Any ideas?"

You think she's being genuine. Pretty sure. She seemed surprised that you showed up, but takes it in stride.

Prince Zahn
2016-02-21, 03:19 PM
"Oh! Uhh... A-alright."
The girl carefully sits on the shadow chair, inspecting with her hands first that it feels solid enough to sit down on.
She listens to the troubles lady Hastur.
"W–w-well." she tries to get a good look at the cave surrounding her. Her eyes wander towards the entrance, wishing someone else could have been in her position right now. She has no choice but to say the right things to Caitlyn out they're done for. But what are the right things? And why is she staring so much? "I-I-I...–I understand, h-how scary orcs can get. B-but they are only here now t-to defend themselves–a-against a sniper. the girl draws out the black, cutthroat-sharp arrow she seamlessly pilfered earlier."I-Is this y-yours, by any ch-chance?"

"We a-we are t-trying to seek an alliance w-with these orcs, as–as a matter o-of fact. she says, now avoiding direct eye contact with the shadow sorceress. "I-it's scary, but a-a-also smart, better to h-have them fight with you r-rather than..." She glances at Lady Hastur and fidgets in the shadow chair, it makes her uneasy."

"...the paladin, h-he leads a mission to p-purify the woods of it's many c-curses, y-you see, and to b-banish the greater evils o-of this forest. And h-him, and his friends, need all the help they could muster, i-i-if you'd like to help us..."
I'm not going to roll Persuasion or anything like that. I think unless the DM has trouble making up his mind, either it works for me or it doesn't.:smallsmile:

2016-02-21, 04:04 PM
Caitlyn twirls the arrow, nodding. "I can get behind that. Orcish Leader!" Garrock snaps to attention, teeth gritting, before Caitlyn continues. "How does this sound? Now that I know I've been tricked, I will track down the source of the evil orcs, and we can slay them together to avenge your fallen! With the help of these people, we can purify the forest together!"

Garrock grimaces, but nods. "You are clearly the stronger warrior. But I ask for a boom from you - enough of those arrows to fill our quivers, and those of out allies."

Caitlyn nods as well, but slowly. "I can only make as many as my Steelwing sheds feathers, but I can provide you with a few dozen now." Pulling quivers out of a bag much smaller than the volume withdrawn suggests, she hands then to the woman.

There's three dozen arrows. They function as keen adamantine arrows despite being mundane (+1 attack, damage, and x2 crit threat range, pierces some DR and most hardness)

Prince Zahn
2016-02-21, 04:18 PM
Having diffused the situation, the sorceress seems to be a rather reasonable lady. "C-Caitlyn, Cou-m-may I k-keep a few of those? T-they are i-impeccable. " the girl knows somewhere inside that it might be easy to just take a handfulof arrows from the orcs, but it is unwise to cross powerful magic users, considering what happened in Shada's tent.

there's only so much I can allow Jaeyn Doe to do without asking for permission, especially from powerful new allies. :smallredface:

2016-02-21, 05:20 PM
Elsbeth had been readying her next spell with Curio, only for the whole situation to dissipate somehow. Thanks to the girl. What was her name again? Well, she saved them a lot of trouble, and if the woman was tricking them, Elsbeth wasn't going to let her hurt the girl. Elsbeth walked over to the girl. "Nice job... there.I guess this means we go back to searching? Or something else. I'm not the best at coming up with plans."" Elsbeth turned around, looking for Horace to see what he was doing at the moment, so she could follow his lead.

Prince Zahn
2016-02-22, 01:52 AM
The maiden flinched. People don't simply walk up to her for a conversation. Not anymore, at least.

"Uhh, thanks, Elsbeth." she smiled sheepishly. It was nice to be thanked. Though somewhere inside, a little voice told her it didn't matter. They wouldn't give her a second glance once their backs are turned. Why? Because she was nothing to them. Nothing to anyone...
She fought the urge to cry.
"W-well, we–uhm, found the–uhm, hunter tr-tro-troubling the–uhm, orcs." she told Elsbeth. "T-they agreed, to stop fighting e-e-each other. And C-Caitlyn o-offered to aid us on H-Horace's uhm, mission. We. . . Can return, now, to the orc camp. " she said meekly,
The girl grabbed another parchment, sketched a simplifistic flower upon it's back. She tapped the shadow sorceress on her back. "Uhm, Miss Hastur? How do I spell your name?"
writing our progress to Shada on a forget-me-not parchment. Like a log for her to read next time we meet.

Forgot to ask, how many arrows can I keep? How many go to the Orcs?

2016-02-22, 02:13 AM
As you walk into the cave entrance, Curio suddenly quiets completely, quite opposite of the increased coherence you were previously experiencing.

Caitlyn raises an eyebrow, but intones, "C-A-I-T-L-Y-N, H-A-S-T-U-R, though I'll admit it's not my given name. That one I'd like to forget. In any case, um. Take a dozen, I guess? It looks like that's the ratio of people here right now. I can send more every now and then. You can't miss the giant, metallic bird."

Looking simultaneously relieved and irritated, the orcs begin trundling off. One mutters something about "blue-blood" and several take swings at trees as they leave, but they seem alright. However, the muttering and grumbling doesn't stop for another several minutes as they leave, and finally, Garrock sighs and shouts to his warriors. "Fine! Let us fight something. Allies, you have proven your tongues are silver-tipped, and we have seen some of your strength, but my warriors are unsatisfied. Will you face us in nonlethal battle?"

Prince Zahn
2016-02-22, 03:23 AM
"[...]–T-U-R, thank you."
The girl writes Caitlyn's name slowly and carefully as she followed her letter by letter. Thankfully her penmanship is adequate. "Trust me, losing your name, disappearing... is... it's not all it's cracked up to be". she hangs her head down.

Her head perks up again as the orcs challenge them to a sparring match. Lethal or not, when you fight orcs, there will be pain. She hesitates, her eyes widen.
"B-B-B-Ba-Ba-B-BATTLE?!"I think I'll let everyone else decide what to do with this challenge. I'm gonna take a break from the spotlight.

2016-02-22, 03:46 AM
Garrock laughs heartily. "Not afraid, are you, er... girl?" He then points towards Ragnor. "You could fight with our warriors, if you'd like. I am proud of my strength, but I must admit, you warriors seem stronger than us." The other orcs don't seem to mind the casual dismissal, and in fact, seem eager to fight a powerful enemy.

Curio seems to sigh as you leave the area, then slowly falls mostly silent again.

Roxanne seems to relax as you leave... until the battle challenge comes. Then she gets very typically nervous at the potential battle.

Your claws and fur retract as you leave - you hadn't even noticed they were slightly out.

(OoC: You still here?)

2016-02-22, 02:56 PM
Elsbeth frowned at Curio's reaction. Not that she particularly wanted him constantly buzzing, but him suddenly stopping felt wrong. She kept her hand on Curio as she stepped forwards. "If you wish to battle, I would be up for it. Would magic be permitted?

2016-02-28, 09:56 AM
Horace watches the goings on with some pride. "Look at that, Roxy. Not a moment's time wasted, and we've already found new allies for our quest! Let us be on with the task at hand then," he says, starting to steer the sheep away in triumph. But then Garrock speaks of the fight, and Horace stops Roxanne in her tracks. Somehow, it seems like the words get a little jumbled in his mind, but Horace wheels about with a great grin on his handsome face.

"A tourney?! By the gods, of course we shall join you in such an event. Although we have an important task at hand, we appear to have saved time by making peace here, and it is important for a knight to hone one's body as well as sword. Very well, Garrock, let us joust!" Roxanne appears to give a little sigh of despair.

2016-03-01, 01:48 AM
Garrock nods, and the orcs lead you to a clearing they seem to know - you notice a few marks and somewhat hidden packages that indicate they've used it before. Three orcs jog off to draw three lines along the center of the clearing, then return to the rest of the orcs to arrange themselves in the same formation as before, facing off against the party. After a countdown from three, the warriors begin charging forward with a collective roar, as several of the shamans begin casting spells.

Put yourself wherever you'd like (or mention if off-grid).































S = Scout
W = Warrior
D = Druid
H = Helika Skullcrusher (Druid)
G = Gandu Stormeye (Barbarian/Fighter)
G! = Garrock Skullcrusher (Druid/Barbarian)
T = Torik Bonetail (Cleric)

I'm just going to get this started, rolling initiative and letting people place themselves as they go.

Anywhere in the first 7 rows.

Everyone's up.


