View Full Version : Help with this fight!

Max Caysey
2016-01-06, 02:13 PM
I am not that good at playing wizards, but I have learned alot from this forum, now I was looking at this guy (http://d20npcs.wikia.com/wiki/LeShay_Fighter_30) and thinking that a level 30 wizard build should be able to take this guy easy. But here I hit a snag... I'm unsure of what to do here.

How would you guys take this guy down with a level 30 wizard? The fight begings with both characters unbuffed.


2016-01-06, 02:47 PM
Well, if you can get a fast fly speed, I think you can kite him (he has Alter Self, though, so you'll need to find a way to fly faster than his fastest Alter Self form).

You could also be undead, and thus unable to be harmed by his Brilliant Energy weapons. Cast Mindblank, and I think he'll only be able to hurt you with his fists. If you fly away, I think he'll have to Alter Self to catch you, at which point you're just dealing with a 5 HD creature with a lot of health and Fighter feats.

2016-01-06, 02:53 PM
If you need more time to buff, use Timestop.

Use Nerveskitter to help win initiative.

2016-01-06, 02:59 PM
The fight begings with both characters unbuffed.
Why? A level 30 wizard casting Extended hours/level spells has his spells last 60 hours or just shy of 3 days. He also has plenty of 24 hour long spells (which can be Extended for 48 hour duration) as well as spells with even longer duration (such as Contingency). No battle starts without buffs because buffs can just always be on.

The fighter itself is a joke. He has no damage increases (his weapons are considered light for him; he cannot Power Attack with them) and no meaningful offensive options aside from damage (everyone and their mother is immune to crits and mind-affecting at level 30).

2016-01-06, 03:23 PM
The only problem you will need to solve is efficiently dealing damage to him. He has a big pile of HP, displacement as an at will SLA and heal as an at will SLA.

Strategy is simple: disable him until you can CDG him and summon up something with a high damage to spam CDG until he either dies of damage or fails his save vs death. Fort is his worse save and you have epic feats, so getting a massive save DC is easy (assuming you don't just use an epic spell instead).

John Longarrow
2016-01-06, 05:52 PM
Walk up to him and take a couple lockets of his hair.
Teleport/gate home.

Whip up a pair of ice assassins of him.
Come back with the 'twins' while you are under superior invisibility.
Break out the popcorn and watch the show.

2016-01-06, 06:18 PM
Win initiative, hit him with ocular Otto's Irresistible dance (Assay SR to ensure it works) then persist it via Incantatrix.

Now you've got a whole day to do whatever. Swing at him with a vorpal butterknife until his head pops off.

John Longarrow
2016-01-06, 07:00 PM
Is the Vorpal Butter knife intended to spread Jabberwock butter?

2016-01-06, 08:08 PM
Killing this guy isn't exactly easy with a low-op Wizard, but even a mid-op Wizard 30 can wipe the floor with this guy without even trying...or even an army of these guys, if he puts his all into it.

My current strategy is a pretty basic, mid-op mage that uses some high-op building to let him get away with using less-than-fully-optimized tactics. Incidentally, it doesn't help that this guy is only immune to poison and disease. The only real "problem" with killing this guy in a straight up fight is the at-will Greater Teleport; he can, theoretically, keep ahead of you if he decides to run...which means you need to not give him the chance to run, or take away his ability to teleport. The latter is easier, the former is more curbstompy.

Venerable Grey Elf Wizard 5/Incantatrix 10/Archmage 5/Incantatrix +10

ACFs: Elf Wizard Racial ACF Lvl 3

Familiar: Hummingbird

Attributes (before adjustment): 9/16/9/18/11/9
Attributes (after race/age/lvl adjustment): 1/10/1/30/14/12
Attributes (after DCS/items): 10/30/18/136/30/30

Flaws: Noncombatant; Vulnerable

Traits: Aggressive

Concentration 33 ranks
Knowledge (Arcana) 33 ranks
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 33 ranks
Knowledge (Local) 33 ranks
Knowledge (Nature) 33 ranks
Knowledge (Religion) 33 ranks
Knowledge (The Planes) 33 ranks
Spellcraft 33 ranks
Use Magic Device 33 ranks

Other ranks gained from Int increases along the way can be whatever you want, but this is the important stuff. I suggest you take the other knowledge skills up a bit, just so you can basically auto-succeed on those as well; if you don't want ranks in the other knowledge skills, Diplomacy and Sense Motive are nice too, although you'll likely want to use another DCS or two to get them as class skills through various feats.

ECL 1: Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
Flaw: Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Flaw: Nymph's Kiss
Wizard 1: Scribe Scroll
ECL 3: Extend Spell
Wizard 5: Delay Spell
ECL 6: Iron Will
Incantatrix 1: Twin Spell
ECL 9: Knowledge Devotion
Incantatrix 4: Maximize Spell
ECL 12: Reserves of Strength
Incantatrix 7: Quicken Spell
ECL 15: Spell Focus (Transmutation)
Incantatrix 10: Empower Spell
ECL 18: Persistent Spell
ECL 21: Improved Spell Capacity
Incantatrix 13: Improved Spell Capacity
ECL 24: Improved Spell Capacity
Incantatrix 16: Improved Spell Capacity
ECL 27: Improved Metamagic
Incantatrix 19: Intensify Spell
ECL 30: Improved Metamagic
Otyugh Hole+DCS: Irresistible Spell
Otyugh Hole+DCS: Split Ray
Otyugh Hole+DCS: Chain Spell
Otyugh Hole+DCS: (2) Improved Metamagic
Otyugh Hole+DCS: (3) Improved Spell Capacity
Otyugh Hole+DCS: Arcane Disciple (Destiny)
Otyugh Hole+DCS: (4) Great Strength
Otyugh Hole+DCS: (15) Great Dexterity
Otyugh Hole+DCS: (12) Great Constitution
Otyugh Hole+DCS: (95) Great Intelligence
Otyugh Hole+DCS: (5) Great Wisdom
Otyugh Hole+DCS: (7) Great Charisma
Otyugh Hole+DCS: (10) Multispell

Manual of Bodily Health +5 (27500)
Manual of Gainful Exercise +5 (27500)
Manual of Quickness of Action +5 (27500)
Tome of Clear Thought +5 (27500)
Tome of Leadership and Influence +5 (27500)
Tome of Understanding +5 (27500)
Crown of Mental Prowess (custom item; 918000)
Intelligence +6 (Enhancement)
Wisdom +6 (Enhancement)
Charisma +6 (Enhancement)
Concentration +30 (Competence)
Knowledge: Arcana +30 (Competence)
Knowledge: Dungeoneering +30 (Competence)
Knowledge: Local +30 (Competence)
Knowledge: Nature +30 (Competence)
Knowledge: Religion +30 (Competence)
Knowledge: The Planes +30 (Competence)
Spellcraft +30 (Competence)
Use Magic Device +30 (Competence)
150 Otyugh Hole+DCS (847500)

That's enough items for now; about a quarter of our ECL 30 WBL on a powerful mental boosting item, and another quarter on trips to the Otyugh Hole and a pair of spells afterward...I'm sure there's something creative you can do with the remain 1.5 million gp, but that's enough for what I needed here.

A stay in the Otyugh Hole Hotel (and the Dark Chaos Shuffle you're staying there for) costs 5650 gp; that's the going rate for a free feat...which makes the going rate for a stacking +2 to an attribute a whopping...11300 gp. This means that an item of Intelligence +4 is worth the cost buying it retail, but the +6 item is only worth the cost if you make it yourself, and even then only barely...and it still takes up a slot. Obviously, you should just skip the expensive +8 "upgrade" entirely and just do the Dark Chaos shuffle until your stats are where you want them. Incidentally, this is just a hair more expensive than the stat books, but those only go up to +5 (although they still stack with the Great Stat epic feats), so you may as well get them before upgrading you stats via the Dark Chaos Shuffle.

Make sure you're somehow immune to stunning.

Alright, so you start with at least one pre-fight buff: Persistent "Choose Destiny" (gained via the Arcane Disciple feat); this lets you roll 2 d20s every time you'd roll a d20 and choose which one to use. Nice right? Another technically pre-fight buff is your contingency spell: Celerity triggered by having to roll initiative (which it interrupts), which you use to cast Intensified "Time Stop" for 8 rounds of time before your initiative is rolled.

The first round is spent being dazed (unless you found a way to be immune to that, but you don't need it here).

The second round is spent casting Persistent "Superior Invisibility" and Quickened Reserves of Strength'd "Moment of Prescience", as well as making Knowledge checks until you have a +5 Attack/Damage against this foe from Knowledge Devotion.

The third round is spent casting "Contingency: Celerity" (to be triggered by you being targeted) and Quickened Twinned Chained Split Ray'd Reserves of Strength'd "Disintegrate"; this second spell causes a whopping 144 Disintegrate effects to all target the ground in a growing circle around the target. A hole appears beneath the targets feet that is 40 ft deep and has a 60 ft radius centered on the target.

The fourth round is spent casting Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 5 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop) and Quickened Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 5 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop).

The fifth round is spent casting Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 4 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop) and Quickened Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 4 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop).

The sixth round is spent casting Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 3 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop) and Quickened Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 3 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop).

The seventh round is spent casting Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 2 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop) and Quickened Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 2 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop).

The eighth round is spent casting Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 1 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop) and Quickened Delayed Irresistible'd Twinned Intensified "Energy Drain" (delayed for 1 rounds, to your first round outside this Time Stop).

Now Time Stop ends; the both of you roll Initiative, and you spend your "Moment of Prescience" bonus to ace it: you have a +53 and roll twice, he has a +29 and rolls once, so you auto-win the initiative...making him flat-footed for your turn. Now that things actually happen, your spells go to hit him, and then he'll fall down into his new grave. To be clear, you have a +30 attack roll for all 40 of these spell attacks, and you're targeting his flat-footed Touch AC of 30...and you roll twice and take the better roll. That means each attack has a 1/400 chance of dealing no negative levels, and a 399/400 chance of dealing 16 negative levels. If any 5 of those 40 attacks hits, he dies.

The odds of him surviving this is about (9.9 x 10-77)% chance. This is...incredibly unlikely to happen. Now, maybe your DM will say that he comes back to life if he saves against enough of the spells to raise his level back up a day later...which is not RAW legal, but let's cut the guy some slack. So to be clear, if he can make the DC 92 Fortitude save enough times to reduce the potentially 640 negative levels to 79, he'll survive. Too bad he's got to roll a natural 20 to make the save...and that's assuming you're playing with the errata for Irresistible Spell; if you're not, the save is literally impossible to make and he's just dead.

At this point, his husk of a corpse falls into his swanky new grave, and you've got a full round of actions left. First, give him a soft landing with a Feather Fall, so that his corpse isn't destroyed by the fall very much. Secondly, cast Soul bind so the two of you can be best friends forever. Thirdly, float your new best friends corpse to the center of the grave, before lining the walls and floor with Walls of Iron. Now fill the grave to the brim with water (through various methods, depending on preference), position your best friends corpse in the center, and then begin using Polymorph Any Object to turn the water to solid diamond; do this enough times for the transformation to go all the way through and be permanent.

Teleport away.

There's a lot of ways this particular build could wreck this particular foe, and it's not because they're particularly well-optimized to fight foes on their level, but because they're optimized for fighting foes of much lower char-op than them...and you could easily fix that, if you were willing to break the game with infinite loops and similar levels of cheese. This is just the way I chose to go with.

EDIT: You know, I completely forgot to mention Caster Level. So, with each of those Energy Drain effects, you have to beat a DC 42 on 2d20b1+35, which has a 91% chance of success for you; if 91% success rate is too low, spend another month in the Otyugh Hole and another ~16000 gp or so to get Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, and Epic Spell Penetration to make it an auto-succeed.

2016-01-06, 09:56 PM
At that level with those HP a wizard could probably deal with him even using damage, heck, people do fighter-only tarrasque one-shotter builds at level 15, a wizard could kill that thing easily.

Twice-Enhanced Twinned Maximized Empowered Admixtured Searing Orb of Fire is SR: No, Saves kinda No, and deals 1260 damage a casting, just quicken a second and you're good.

2016-01-06, 10:10 PM
Why bother targeting his HP?

Level 30 wizard with BAB 15, DEX 24 (14 base + 6 belt of magnificence + 4 tome), so your ranged to-hit is +22. Pop a True Strike and you're rolling 1d20+42 on a ranged touch attack against a touch AC of 51... you hit just over half the time.

With Greater Spell Pen, an orange ioun stone, and a Spell Pen +4 item, you're rolling 1d20+39 against SR 42.

A Maximized Twinned Ray of Enfeeblement will do 22 points of Strength damage. The LeShay has a STR score of 21. One hit, and the battle is over. At 0 STR, he's unable to move, and lies helpless on the ground. Given the definition of helpless, it probably can't even open its mouth to utter the verbal component for Greater Teleport.

I'm sure there are ways to further optimize your to-hit (perhaps with Wish or Limited Wish) and damage. If you prefer, Wisdom damage renders a target unconscious. I'm sure there's a spell somewhere that targets it.

2016-01-06, 10:25 PM
Ray of Enfeeblement
"The subject takes a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels (maximum 1d6+5). The subject’s Strength score cannot drop below 1."

2016-01-06, 11:54 PM
"The subject takes a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels (maximum 1d6+5). The subject’s Strength score cannot drop below 1."

Also this makes that spell the ultimate counter to anything strength effecting that can drop said stat below 1. Now it can't go below one.

2016-01-07, 12:07 AM
Why bother targeting his HP?

Level 30 wizard with BAB 15, DEX 24 (14 base + 6 belt of magnificence + 4 tome), so your ranged to-hit is +22. Pop a True Strike and you're rolling 1d20+42 on a ranged touch attack against a touch AC of 51... you hit just over half the time.

With Greater Spell Pen, an orange ioun stone, and a Spell Pen +4 item, you're rolling 1d20+39 against SR 42.

A Maximized Twinned Ray of Enfeeblement will do 22 points of Strength damage. The LeShay has a STR score of 21. One hit, and the battle is over. At 0 STR, he's unable to move, and lies helpless on the ground. Given the definition of helpless, it probably can't even open its mouth to utter the verbal component for Greater Teleport.

I'm sure there are ways to further optimize your to-hit (perhaps with Wish or Limited Wish) and damage. If you prefer, Wisdom damage renders a target unconscious. I'm sure there's a spell somewhere that targets it.

Intensify the True strike, now you hit except on a natural 1, done.

2016-01-07, 01:49 AM
"The subject takes a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels (maximum 1d6+5). The subject’s Strength score cannot drop below 1."

Well, I'm sure there's a way to get 1 point of strength damage from somewhere. Dropping the Leshay to 1 STR gives him a heavy load (assuming his two bastard swords weigh 5# each), which puts his max dex bonus at +1. This eliminates 20 points of DEX AC. It also drops his speed by 10'/round... so it's still a worthwhile opener.

In theory could always dismiss his blades, move close, and then reactivate them a a free action so that he moves without encumbrance. The question then is: "Is he naked? Clothing weighs 8 lbs and he's probably carrying some potions and magical gear."

2016-01-07, 10:49 AM
Well, I'm sure there's a way to get 1 point of strength damage from somewhere.
Doesn't help - ray of enfeeblement is a penalty so it does not stack with damage in the way that you want it to.

The question then is: "Is he naked?"
It's a fey, so probably.