View Full Version : Pathfinder "Glass Cannon" Witch Help

2016-01-06, 07:58 PM
I am playing a witch (basically a creepy version of a wizard) and I have rolled terribly for hit points. I am the only full spellcaster in the party and can dish out a lot of really powerful spells (both as a buffer character and an attacker) The party I am in is facing off against challenge rating 23 and up battles, and I only have 80 hit points. I have tried to play her as a background buffer and use ranged spells (Spectral Hand to deliver touch spells, etc.) but I really need something to boost my hit points.

2016-01-06, 08:06 PM
Magic Jar a lot. You can still use your hexes and, if you have eschew materials, can cast spells too.

2016-01-06, 08:07 PM
False life and greater false life are near manditory buffs for casters at higher levels, cast it in the morning and it lasts all day. In combat, vampiric touch is a decent way to buff and do some damage.

But the best answer is simply to not be hit. Summon minions, blur/displacement, put up walls of force, fly, use invisibility,cast save or X effects. At this high of level, the worst things will generally either kill outright or something that neutralizes a threat without doing damage.

2016-01-06, 09:14 PM
Retrain for hit points? It can be expensive, but its permanent.

2016-01-06, 10:50 PM
Get the Spite spell active and load it with Vampiric Touch. Get spell storing armor (with no ASF; haramaki or silken ceremonial armor, or even bracers of armor) and load it with Vampiric Touch likewise. You can load them with Stricken Heart instead to try and interrupt a full attack instead if you prefer, but if at all possible you should avoid being in a position to be full attacked.

2016-01-07, 02:21 AM
Depending on your charisma and disposition towards necromancy and alignment you could start your very own Lich ritual. After all, fearing death is only natural and what would a creepy arcanist of your levels do to avoid said death? Probably very much. You could even argue that you want the undeath because your job as protector of the innocent is too important for you to die to some random jab of a sword. Being a vampire or Worm Who Walks are alternatives. If you really want a alignment neutral solution (as in your alignment doesn't change), just cast a wish or ask a cleric to cast a miracle for you. I am sure some celestial being understands that you could use a boost in Constitution and some immunities.

Now it's your job to sell it to your DM. On your level, templates are really not powergaming anymore. They are mostly making your build defensive and are very fun cosmetic additions to your characters. Ask him to apply some templates to anyone in the group, covering the biggest weaknesses. Think about it, most epic heroes die by someone exploiting their weakness, not fair combat.

Think about it. Make your Witch, Barbarian, Inquisitor and Rogue group to:
- Vampire Witch
- Animal Lord Barbarian
- Half Celestial Inquisitor and a
- Shadow-Lord Rogue

and have the Witch not to worry about cold or death effects. Have your barbarian gain powers over his totem animals, and other stuff. If the change is not hamfisted it is actually a decent addition to your backstory as well.

2016-01-07, 09:14 AM
Get the Spite spell active and load it with Vampiric Touch. Get spell storing armor (with no ASF; haramaki or silken ceremonial armor, or even bracers of armor) and load it with Vampiric Touch likewise. You can load them with Stricken Heart instead to try and interrupt a full attack instead if you prefer, but if at all possible you should avoid being in a position to be full attacked.

Oh yeah, I DID have Vampiric Touch on my bracers. Used it once.

Really, HP were never a problem for my Witch. Being Dominated and destroying the rest of the party was the main downside.

2016-01-07, 02:22 PM
Really, HP were never a problem for my Witch. Being Dominated and destroying the rest of the party was the main downside.

Yipes. Bad will save, or bad rolls?

2016-01-07, 02:58 PM
I concur, when I played a witch I dont think I ever got hit after 3rd level. I suggest if you want to play a buffer, look into a Cleric, which also gets more hit points. Witch's should be removing about 25% (or more) of an opponents effectiveness from play every round, through SoD, SoS, etc spells, or battlefield control. The rest of the teams job is to protect you while you beat the other guys, though since you are flying/invisible or some other defensive state, that shouldnt interfere with them killing things much.

2016-01-07, 03:05 PM
Yipes. Bad will save, or bad rolls?

Roll often enough and you are bound to fail. Fortunately there were in-character reasons to not obliterate my friends.

2016-01-07, 03:16 PM
Yipes. Bad will save, or bad rolls?

11th level ( where even a single round of domination can spell out doom for your party) gives a Witch +7, with a Cloak+3 and - let's be generous here - Wisdom 12, that's still +11 on a save where Dominate person starts off at a DC 17 (casting stat 15 + 5th level spell). This means you fail roughly every third save.

2016-01-07, 05:45 PM
11th level ( where even a single round of domination can spell out doom for your party) gives a Witch +7, with a Cloak+3 and - let's be generous here - Wisdom 12, that's still +11 on a save where Dominate person starts off at a DC 17 (casting stat 15 + 5th level spell). This means you fail roughly every third save.

I have a fellow gamer that usually blows his first large lump of cash on a +5 cloak or resistance. He doesn't like to fail saves.

2016-01-07, 06:04 PM
I have a fellow gamer that usually blows his first large lump of cash on a +5 cloak or resistance. He doesn't like to fail saves.

Our NPC casters usually have a +4 item plus 18 base in their casting stat anyway (and +2 from levelups). Making this a DC 22 check. Before bloodline mods and spell foci. Witch with +5 cloak and 12 wisdom is still only +13, making this even more probable. The saves almost NEVER increase as quick as the DCs do.

That is why I loved 'Near Death' as a Bones Oracle. +4 on such saves without the detrimental undead effects. But honestly I precast a Protection from Evil in most fights where a caster is flying around.

2016-01-07, 07:59 PM
Our NPC casters usually have a +4 item plus 18 base in their casting stat anyway (and +2 from levelups). Making this a DC 22 check. Before bloodline mods and spell foci. Witch with +5 cloak and 12 wisdom is still only +13, making this even more probable. The saves almost NEVER increase as quick as the DCs do.

Yikes. Any NPC I see with an natural 18 in a casting stat had better be a boss encounter, or I'm calling shenanigans. Most of my characters (and the group I play with) rarely have an 18 in their casting stat to start with, and that includes to racial +2. Of course, we play with 15 point buy. Saving throws tend to scale fairly well when no one purposefully optimizes one stat to its max.