View Full Version : Pathfinder Would this work...

Idea Man
2016-01-07, 08:43 PM
I'm going to revisit an old campaign of mine. I've been considering converting from 3.5 to PF. My biggest concern is about the character with levels of Duskblade. Would I need to adjust the class to be Pathfinder-competitive?

2016-01-07, 11:05 PM
I'm going to revisit an old campaign of mine. I've been considering converting from 3.5 to PF. My biggest concern is about the character with levels of Duskblade. Would I need to adjust the class to be Pathfinder-competitive?

Personally, I think you'd be best off converting him over to a PF Magus. Magus does blended sword and spell from level 1, and Duskblade is more like "Eldritch Knight - the Base Class".

2016-01-08, 12:05 AM
If he's higher than lvl 7, Magus into Eldritch Knight.

2016-01-08, 03:07 PM
We actually had a thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?473311-Duskblade-as-a-Magus-archetype) about making Duskblade into a Magus archetype recently, see if this helps.

Idea Man
2016-01-08, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the link. Food for thought.

2016-01-08, 09:15 PM
Most importantly you should talk to the player about the adjustments. Though the community archetype definitely makes things easier. Personally I hate the magus with a passion but love the duskblades. Cause with the duskblade I am burning raw magic to be really good at my job while still having some personal utility. The magus never had that raw power feel to it. Not saying it isn't a great class just not a direct comparison like many people think.

2016-01-08, 10:06 PM
If he's higher than lvl 7, Magus into Eldritch Knight.

While possible, it's really not recommended.
All you're really getting is a slight bump in Bab/HD, at the cost of ALL your class abilities. And you have a lot of class abilities.

2016-01-08, 10:36 PM
Cause with the duskblade I am burning raw magic to be really good at my job while still having some personal utility. The magus never had that raw power feel to it.

Wait, what? Less raw power? Magi get a whole additional spell level! They can actually fly, teleport and shapeshift! :smalltongue:

2016-01-08, 11:16 PM
Wait, what? Less raw power? Magi get a whole additional spell level! They can actually fly, teleport and shapeshift! :smalltongue:

But only the last one helps with teh art o de swoard nuke. And in language of the wizard junkies around here, who actually casts teleport (besides me, cause how can a mage be paranoid and NOT have a silent teleport while wearing a tin foil hat). Plus there is always wing grafts.

Edit: oh, i think i also forgot to mention I also like working around class limitations... Actually that is probably the biggest issue i have with the magus, it sacrifices all the good parts of duskblade and makes a well rounded and decent class. I don't like well rounded.

I like how they limited duskblade hard with spell level limits and then juiced the hell out of it with slots and quirky class abilities. Somehow resulting in a very workable class especially when you work really hard to manipulate it into prestige classes though that is mainly a 3.5 thing than a pathfinder thing.