View Full Version : Player Help Adventurers' League Wizards?

2016-01-08, 12:21 PM
What is your experience when it comes to wizards as players in Adventurers' League? Does the need for a spell book become a major hindrance? Do they find plenty of extra spells for their spell books?

Thanks in advance.

2016-01-08, 01:12 PM
I'm running a BS wizard in AL currently doing OotA. My experience is limited as this is my first season in AL, but I've had no issue with finding spell books. I'm toting around a defeated enemies spell books right now that contain 1st through 6th level spells and copying them as I gather gold/time to do so. As always ymmv based on the enemies fought and if you/the DM remember to look for/reward the books.

2016-01-08, 01:37 PM
One of the things that hurts being a Wizard in AL is not being able to create scrolls. I can see why they do it as wizards would spend their downtime days creating scrolls that would give them an advantage.

I just miss that aspect of being a Wizard.

2016-01-08, 01:52 PM
What is your experience when it comes to wizards as players in Adventurers' League? Does the need for a spell book become a major hindrance? Do they find plenty of extra spells for their spell books?

Thanks in advance.

Level 9 Evocation Wizard in AL. No problem at all getting spells, just try to get in an expedition or two because they almost always have a spellbook in season 3.

2016-01-08, 01:54 PM
There are spell scrolls available in many adventures. Also, certain factions (Zhents), and the arcane casters who join the Cloaks of Mulmaster in season 2 could get access to spell scrolls using downtime. In tier 2 adventures there are upwards to 6 or 7 spell books that a wizard can capture and scribe.

They are not as readily available as some may like. But they are there.

2016-01-08, 03:16 PM
Also, remember that if you play at a table with another AL Wizard, you can copy each other's spells (after spending the appropriate cold and DT obviously).

2016-01-08, 04:26 PM
The first couple of AL adventures were pretty bad about items in general not just scrolls/spellbooks.
It was hard getting more than one non-levelup spell in them.
The later AL adventures seem to be better with this though no one is playing a wizard here right now so this has not come up lately.
I will say that I have never seen a spellbook show up as a lootable item in AL but that may just be how the DMing trend runs here.

One thing to remember is that AL DMs can modify the loot somewhat so experiences may vary from table to table.

2016-01-08, 05:44 PM
I'm only 4th level but I've done pretty well so far. There are spellbook drops and scroll drops and I've pointedly joined games with another wizard (or two) so we could exchange spells. Having the money to do the copying is a bigger issue but I think it will be manageable. I've gained access to books to copy and not had enough money at the time. You can copy from a fellow player and vice-versa but only as many spells as you can afford to copy as of the end of the adventure. The the opportunity has passed.