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2016-01-10, 12:07 AM
You all have arrived from ships in early morning with the same peace of parchment in hand:

I wish any one who has the power to slay dragons come to my
kingdom and rid it of this dragon plague. show any captain this
note and he will give you free passing to my castle.

Your reward will be judged by the size of each dragon you kill
p.s. you will need the dragons' head(s)

I will be wanting at high cliffs keep.

So what do you all do.

head to the pink castle on the vary steep hill?
go shopping?
go wandering till you find a dragon to kill?

2016-01-14, 01:00 AM
As Seath disembarks from the ship, he previously booked passage on, the young man took a last whiff of the sea breeze before releasing a sigh and reading the parchment again. 'A Call to arms to hunt dragons...' The rare sight of a frown began to form on his face as he thought possibilities of his father already having fallen to a dragon hunter seeking rewards. 'No!' The frown quickly faded away into the grin that most people back home recognized him by. 'I Doubt father would be caught so easily after all this time.'

After the bard pushed his worries aside, he flicks his white hair with a flourish before looking back towards the ship waiting for his new acquaintances to join him. "Should we head up the castle now or shall we explore a bit first?"

Figured I'd at least post first since my character's done while we wait for the rest to finish up

btw Italics and ' ' means it's my characters thoughts just to clear up confusion.

2016-01-14, 01:37 AM
Xik'chta'pak steps off of the boat, grateful to have solid ground beneath his feet once more. Looking around, he notes the distinctive castle, wondering why anyone would build such a structure. Shrugging, he looks over at his cloud-haired acquaintance, and says in his raspy, clicking voice, "Many will come to hunt dragons, to claim their hoards and their heads. Many are fools who will die, but some may be capable hunters. Xik'chta'pak says we speak with this elder, who cannot defend his own tribe from the scaled beasts. Xik'chta'pak says we show him our strength and make sure others are not allowed to hunt our prey..."

2016-01-17, 05:17 PM
If Xugb was taller, he'd place a placating hand on Xik'chta'pak's shoulder. Since he stood barely at the insectoid's waist, he instead grabbed his wrist gently. The foes we seek may be cruel, vile creatures, but they are not prey my friend. We seek to end their ruinous behaviors, not to demean them as nothing more than sport. We need not like their actions but they are not prey. The former goblin looked into the insectoid eyes of his companion with large, forest green eyes. They exuded confidence and purpose, but also kindness, love and care.

We should seek the King. His woes will be ours if Tiamat's children and their spawn are at the roots.