View Full Version : ToB-style archery discipline focusing on precision and range

2016-01-10, 06:59 PM
I know there's a lot of homebrew out there, too much for just one person to reasonably pour over.
I mean there's like half a dozen "falling star" variants - what the everliving frick?

So rather than reinvent the wheel I thought I'd come collect a few opinions first.

What I am looking for is a ranged discipline that focuses on the range, accuracy, sniping and the like, both crunch and flavor-wise. And being able to do interesting things with a bow - i.e. not just "and on this level you get this new awesome maneuver with a fancy name and all it does is increased damage over a previous level".

Not this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=8364949&postcount=2) one.

2016-01-10, 07:02 PM
I did one called Heaven's Arc which was reprinted here (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=7219.0).

I think my work pre-dated Falling Star, or at least I wrote it before seeing any other ranged disciplines, so it's certainly not derivative of that (or anything outside of the main ToB:Bo9S disciplines, really).

2016-01-10, 07:26 PM
Dreamscarred press is the answer. Check out their disciplines, specifically steel Serpent, solar wind, and then one I don't remember.

2016-01-10, 07:38 PM
Dreamscarred press is the answer. Check out their disciplines, specifically steel Serpent, solar wind, and then one I don't remember.

Oh, those are some great names.

Especially Steel Serpent.

On that note any ideas for a name focused on misdirection and illusion? (And ranged attacks of course.)

2016-01-10, 07:57 PM
Veiled moon (from dsp) can help with that. It focuses on teleporting, etherealness, incorporeality, and force damage. It's mostly defensive, but it works very well.

Try porting a Stalker from Path of War into your game. Those are super fun.

Don't reinvent the wheel. Use the wonderful thing that they made.

2016-01-10, 08:28 PM
I recall Crystalized Silver as a homebrew discipline that allowed the use of a short bow.

2016-01-10, 09:00 PM
Veiled moon (from dsp) can help with that. It focuses on teleporting, etherealness, incorporeality, and force damage. It's mostly defensive, but it works very well.

Try porting a Stalker from Path of War into your game. Those are super fun.

Don't reinvent the wheel. Use the wonderful thing that they made.

You are right. And I think I'm gonna take your(and my own) advice.
Though I did come up with an interesting new concept.

I have no idea what to call it yet(Eagle Talon is the working name) and there is no guarantee it will ever be completed, but the general design is as follows:
2 fighting styles should be possible(like Tiger Claw, where maneuvers focus on 2 distinct styles - TWF or jumping):
1. Short-range that focuses on crippling your opponents and preventing them from closing in, with many maneuvers that work only within point blank range and impede movement or prevent attacks(shooting arrows and fireballs out of the air, pinning opponents to the ground, etc). This includes a stance that doubles point blank range. (Which can stand alone as it is, but within my set of house-rules "point blank range" also has special meaning, being the range at which precision damage such as skirmish and sneak attacks work and other effects that modify it, which makes even more builds viable.)
2. Long-range mode that focuses on sniping and misdirection/illusion to make sure your opponents don't even know where the hell they're being shot from.

2016-01-10, 09:05 PM
Tempest Gale is the PoW:E discipline to look at. Reduce ranged penalties and perform maneuvers at range.

2016-01-10, 09:12 PM
Tempest Gale is the PoW:E discipline to look at. Reduce ranged penalties and perform maneuvers at range.

Don't have access to PF books, so only whatever is in the PFSRD. And I can't find that in the PFSRD. :)

2016-01-10, 10:33 PM
Literally ever different kind of discipline you said has a POW equivalent. Black seraph, cursed razor, primal fury, thrashing dragon....

Tempest gale is found on a google doc. Look here:


2016-01-11, 02:57 AM
Monk-dipped Warblades with Decisive Strike, Unorthodox Flurry and Aptitude Bows can do it quite well actually, especially with the really easy ways to get extra ranged attacks from Warblade(Mongoose series, Time Stands Still, etc).

Platymus Pus
2016-01-11, 03:40 AM
Near horizon along with spells like Guided shot ignore all range penalties, the latter even ignoring cover as long as it isn't total cover.
Combine those with a gnome's crossbow sight and range penalties don't really exist.
Find the Gap spell to ignore AC on your first attack.
Hunter's Eye to gain the Rogue's sneak attack features for free and even go beyond them.
Exacting Shot allows you to ignore any miss chance besides total cover and auto confirms crits(provided you have nothing crit related on the bow or arrow already)
Snowsight to ignore all snow based penalties like whiteouts and blizzards
These are all just Ranger spells and can be prepped to where they can all be set up for that one perfect shot there are more stuff likes that to make it even easier from ranger itself in 3.5
onto PF
Pathfinder has an item called sniper Goggles that lets you sneak attack at any range.
Spells like mist sight to avoid mist based penalties.