View Full Version : Longshot looking for something from the old WotC 3.5 character optimization forums.

2016-01-10, 10:27 PM
So I only just recently learned that the WotC forums died last year, and I've been trawling through the archives on the waybackwhen machine to find a specific thread with a specific build I liked. I was hoping someone had a copy of it or a direct link to where it used to be or knew the build I'm looking for.

The thread was called "Finish what you started", and was based around trying to make builds that finished off as many PrCs with low level caps as possible.

The build I'm looking for was a shifter scout/totem barbarian, where the idea was using spring attack to move in and out of combat using ridiculous movement speed buffs from scout + reachrunner + barbarian, and getting free bite/trip attacks from the totem barbarian and your weretouched master, and extra damage from the scout's skirmish. It also used skill tricks for utility and had the uncanny trickster class.

Any clue? Or anyone wanna have a go at recreating the build from the description I gave?

Thanks for any and all help. :)

2016-01-11, 01:55 AM

if it was saved, its possible there is a link on this page

2016-01-11, 01:14 PM
No luck, sadly. Anyone wanna make a go at reconstructing or making a new version of the build based on the description I gave?

Race Shifter, classes are Scout, Wolf Totem Barbarian, Reachrunner, Weretouched Master, and Uncanny Trickster. All PCRs are taken to level cap, since that was the point of the original challenge thread, to make something without dipping.

2016-01-11, 02:59 PM
Well, Reachrunner and Weretouched Master are both 5-level PrCs, and Uncanny Trickster is a 3-level. So you'd have to fit Barbarian and Scout into seven levels. Since you're getting fast movement from Barbarian, I'm assuming it used the SRD Wolf Totem, not the Complete Champion spiritual wolf totem. That means you swap out the class feature at 2nd for Improved Trip. You'd have to have at least two levels of Barbarian, otherwise no point in specifying Wolf Totem.

So here's my best guess.

1 Scout1 Power Attack
2 Scout2
3 Scout3 Endurance
4 Scout4 Track (Scout bonus)
5 Scout5
6 Barb1 Longstride Elite
7 Barb2 Improved Trip
8 Reachrunner 1
9 Reachrunner 2 Improved Skirmish
10 Reachrunner 3
11 Reachrunner 4 Run (Reachrunner Bonus)
12 Reachrunner 5 Improved Bull Rush
13 Weretouched Master 1
14 Weretouched Master 2 Healing Factor
15 Weretouched Master 3 Shock Trooper, Pounce (from Weretouched Master)
16 Weretouched Master 4 Extra Shifter Trait
17 Weretouched Master 5
18 Uncanny Trickster 1 Leap Attack
19 Uncanny Trickster 2
20 Uncanny Trickster 3