View Full Version : DM Help War of the burning sky

2016-01-11, 11:38 PM
Hello friends. I am considering running the WoTBS adventure path for my group. What I have read is awesome I do I have one question however that I could use some suggestions for. In the Path, teleportation magic causes users to spontaneously combust, but in my homebrew world setting, teleportation isn't easily accessed like in the book. Does anyone have any suggestions that I could substitute it with?

2016-01-11, 11:46 PM
This seems like the opposite of a problem. The whole "you will explode" part in WotBS is there to stop PCs from just teleporting to where they need to go. If teleportation is already unavailable, then the problem is already solved.

Maybe make all summoned creatures appear on fire or something.

John Longarrow
2016-01-12, 12:07 AM
In a modified setting I was running in, one area has a portion of the river Styx running through it. The net effect is teleportation in the area has a 75% chance of throwing you to a random lower plane when used. Really keeps most folks from teleporting around there since this applies if you are teleporting in or out.

2016-01-12, 12:37 PM
I'd suggest to keep it, even if teleportation-magic is rare, simply because the scenario is so strongly built around the Burning Sky-effect.

Some of the enemies have teleportation abilities, and if they do decide to use it in a last ditch escape without precautions, it can backfire on them (happened when we were running it).
Then there's NPCs built around being good at teleporting around the place, some who do help the PCs to get to the next point in the story.

War of the Burning Sky is really excellent and I hope you'll enjoy running it as much as my group did. But I suggest to keep it as is. The fluff-reasons for that effect is really good too and ties in nicely with the story near the end.

2016-01-12, 02:40 PM
I'd suggest to keep it, even if teleportation-magic is rare, simply because the scenario is so strongly built around the Burning Sky-effect.

Some of the enemies have teleportation abilities, and if they do decide to use it in a last ditch escape without precautions, it can backfire on them (happened when we were running it).
Then there's NPCs built around being good at teleporting around the place, some who do help the PCs to get to the next point in the story.

War of the Burning Sky is really excellent and I hope you'll enjoy running it as much as my group did. But I suggest to keep it as is. The fluff-reasons for that effect is really good too and ties in nicely with the story near the end.

OK I'm excited to run it.