View Full Version : [Empire] Peace in the West

2016-01-12, 12:54 PM
Ascetic Qorobus Daiy was a Prevaz, born to the family Drollastrem originally and trained in the arts of oration and poetry he had found his calling to the Doctrine early on with so many of his performances and stories relating to the principles of the Nine Candles. He had adopted Peace as his ninth virtue long before this war had erupted and when it did and the Doctrine had begun to shake loose he had been at the forefront championing peace. That he had been called on by the Nevarri to host these peace talks was a mighty sign in favor of the ways of peace but it could all shatter if the proceedings fell apart. It would be everything for the Doctrine to ensure peace was achieved.

The Ascetic had arranged for a former human lord in Aneth loyal to the peaceful principles of the Doctrine to make his keep available for the peace talks. He supposed the Primal Queen would claim dominion over the land due to the conquest but the fact remained that the lords who had ruled within the region for generations would continue to reign unless formally removed from power. The lord had however renounced his oath to the Lymners of Skianz when they had declared war and had yet to swear any oaths to the Primal Queen. So perhaps that made this truly neutral ground.

Daiy had been researching deeply the laws and codes of the lands in preparation for the hosting of these talks, seeking out the Law Orators and sitting for hours as they recounted him with the laws. He would need to understand them if he was to be a capable arbiter of peace. A table had been set, with papers and quills so Daiy had been told. He could sense the table and of course the chair he sat in but the intricacies were lost, his sensitivity to his locational ability having dulled from blocking it while focusing on memorizing epics. Chairs sat around the table available for all the belligerents of the recent war. Daiy hoped they were all willing to talk.

2016-01-12, 01:59 PM
Rikadime Navus was surprised that she had not been ordered to disarm when coming to the meeting. She'd been told that showing up with her normal wakizashi would be taken as a sign of hostility, and potentially lead back into war, but they had also stretched that if she felt the need to bring it in they could speak to the other dignitaries. Rikadime had handed it over (though she kept a dagger hidden in her boot) on the condition she get it back when she left.

She wore a purple overcoat that covered her breastplate, and a tall hat in a similar purple. Her hair was white as snow (a rare mutation among the Primal, but not unheard of. Queen Tusameia of Berrium had similar hair.) and her eyes the red of blood.

As she arrived, she took stock of the mediator, this 'Ascetic Qorobus Daiy'. She'd never seen a Prevaz in person before. She'd expected it to look more... snakish. Especially in the face.

She took a piece of paper out of her coat - a letter from Knight-Protector Alistair. "The Primus Imperium has been asked to represent the Kingdom of Berrium at these negotiations. The good Knight-Protector is currently otherwise occupied with internal matters of state."

2016-01-12, 03:32 PM
A young man from Nand took his seat at the designated spot, his skin a bluish-purple with pink features, except where it was obscured by the marks of mourning: a grey-white ash smeared under the eyes - although, given the context of the meeting, he had foregone the dusting of chalk, which would doubtless cause a mess and irritate the other attendees, and clad in what for the Nanda was a relatively modest robe of grey and white. Isfandir was king in all but name, nineteen years old with all the arrogance and suppressed nervousness of youth, characteristics which he tried to mask behind an imperious mask, which seemed ill-fitting on one of such age, and which was prone to slip more often than he would have liked.

Beside him came a man with lighter, more purple-pink skin, attired similarly; the observant (or those who had met him before) would know him for Isfandir's father, the former prince regent Kusal. He took a seat next to his son, careful by his body language to give the impression that Isfandir was in charge, though close enough that his hand could be applied delicately to the tiller if the crown prince looked like veering off course.

They regarded Daiy with an element of suspicion, for their experiences of the Prevaz had not, as a rule, been positive, but willing to entertain the possibility that this one was honourable: perhaps their race was not so blighted as they had thought. Once they were settled, Kusal coughed politely and introduced the pair of them verbally, to ensure their blind host was aware of their presence.

2016-01-12, 04:50 PM
The Three Crowns would be represented at the peace negotiations by Lugal Annan of Nevarr.
High Tirk Rahbid had been called back to Fiid to deal with another of the seemingly-endless uprisings in their conquered territories, and had asked Annan to negotiate on his behalf. As for the Prevaz, the northern advance had cut off contact with their leadership in Skianz - their remaining subjects on the surface had given their fealty to the Nevarri or the Fiid, and in their last letter, the Lymners had sent Annan the signet ring bearing the Great Seal of the Three Crowns and implored him to look after their subjects.

That ring now rested on Annan’s finger, where it would be used to seal a peace treaty if these talks were successful, and the responsibility it represented weighed heavily on his mind. This war had cost far too many lives already, and all the peoples of the former Three Crowns were now depending on him to bring it to an end without further bloodshed.

Those who had met Annan before the war would notice that he seemed to have aged much more than two years. The fringe of hair around his bald head was now filled with grey, and his dark skin wrinkled with worry. As he approached the meeting room, however, he seemed to marshal his strength, holding his head high and pulling his face into the practised mask of calm assurance he’d developed over years of leading the Nevarri Council. He was still the canny leader who had overseen unprecedented expansion of the League, forged alliances, and led Nevarr through the Blarhiminn crisis that ultimately sparked this war. He would see his people - all his people - through this as well.

Annan took his place at the negotiating table, folding his hands with the winged-star seal on his ring visible. “Greetings. I am Annan, Lugal of Nevarr, and I speak for the Three Crowns.”

Silverbit and WaylanderX have agreed for me to negotiate on their behalf here

2016-01-12, 05:51 PM
the temperature had risen as Derris (http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q487/Brandi_42/Derris_zpslyloytps.jpg) had traveled south from Askerville to Aneth. He arrived at the summit wearing a long red cloak fastened at his throat with the rose of Ambrose. The gilded Laurel Crown sat atop his dark curls, the eyes below it dark and intense. At his waist he wore the Mournblade, the moonsilver longsword that had been a gift from Roethye upon her death. A small band of loyal men had journeyed with him, including several of his Polemarchos from prominent clans, Maldarr Drivas, Peder Collins, Arsen Rosso, Zemel Ferin and Galon Barberis wearing the greatsword Perdition. Polemarchos Galon, Arsen and Zemel remained outside of the house, while Derris, Maldarr and Peder entered the house, Maldarr dressed casually as usual in traveling leathers, Peder, as always, was dressed immaculately, and wore a small bemused smile on his face just as he wore a spotless yellow embroidered tunic and cream colored breeches.

Derris registered the unknown faces for a moment as he entered, turning his head back to conceal his displeasure at seeing a prevaz presiding over the talks. As he turned back towards the assemblage he squared his broad shoulders and led his compatriots forward. First he stopped at Kusal and Isfandir and noting their mourning dress, greeted them both with a compassionate grip on the men's shoulders. He did not immediately recognize the Primal delegate, but he acknowledged her presence with a nod of the head as he sat between the officials from the Nand and Primus, Kusal on his right and Maldarr on his left, with Peder on Maldarr's left next to Rikadime. Derris let his eyes flick over the unknown human at the table, his face expressionless though he fought to forge the hot flame of his anger and sorrow into cold steel beneath the surface.

At length, he addressed the Prevaz,

"I am Protos Archigos Derris Asker, of the League of Allied Provinces. I have come to discuss peace on behalf of the people of Ambrose." Derris had been pressed by his war council to continue the war which had not been begun by them, though had gone in their favor, but as he spoke the words, he knew them to be true.

2016-01-12, 07:50 PM
Once all the delegates had arrived the Ascetic stood and began to speak, "Hmph, well, I believe we are ready to begin, then? Yes? Quite so."

The Prevaz spoke with the practiced voice of a storyteller who could talk without pause, filling any lulls of conversation with filling words.

"I shall begin by saying, welcome. Thank you all for coming, it shows a willingness to peace that I most appreciate. It is my hope that an agreement might be forged from this in the face of such loss of life. I shall act as an arbiter and a guide at the request of the Three Crowns and kind acceptance of the League of Allied Provinces. I suspect each side has a list of expectations from peace so each side should present their desires first."

2016-01-12, 08:04 PM
Rikadime Navus stepped forward. "The Primus Imperium and the Kingdom of Berrium demand - at absolute minimum - a non-aggression pact between all parties to the war. This conflict was too costly to be repeated, if at all possible to prevent. Further, Primus will maintain control of Colonia, formerly Aneth."

2016-01-12, 08:43 PM
Isfandir frowned slightly as Navus spoke, but nodded.

"A non-aggression pact is well and good, but alone it may not be sufficient to prevent war. In all honesty, we are still somewhat in the dark as to what it was that brought about this war, and as such what steps are necessary to prevent one occurring again. There was an unfortunate misunderstanding on our first encounter with the Prevaz, one which circumstances conspired to ensure was never fully resolved." He spoke relatively distantly of these events, as he had been a child when they had occurred. "Then followed the standoff where the armies of the Three Crowns were summoned to defend a patently false Prevaz claim to lands we wished to acquire, and from which we stood down rather than have war. The declaration of war sheds little light on the subject."

His father handed him a document, which he read aloud.

Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven? After more than a decade of murder, injustice and unbalance, we will take no more. The turmoil that creeps upon the West threatens to tear everything apart. Nand beliefs label our kind as demons, our allies as demonfriends and spawn. We tried to rectify this crooked viewpoint, but ultimately failed. If it is war you want, then even we, who only desire lasting peace, will take up arms. Nine candles will outshine the sun, until they are one and the same. Only then, under nine lights, the west will know peace. So shall we pray, for our souls and for yours, that this war will end swift. For all of those who are innocent, we pray for their safety. Nine Flames, Nine Wings, Three Crowns, One King….

Nine Flames light our path,

Kara and Jentyl, Lymners of Skianz, Delow of the Three Crownes

"The Lymners talk in vague terms of "injustice" and "unbalance" without at any point stating what is meant by this. There has been precisely one "murder", as the Lymners call it, and that, as they acknowledge, more than a decade before this declaration was sent. Our beliefs are indeed uncharitable to those who dwell in the darkness, but we do not believe the Prevaz are "demons", and I should hope the friendly overtures we have extended to the Nevarri and the Fiid over the years have demonstrated that to suggest we considered them as suggested is nonsense. I am not sure what efforts were made to rectify this 'crooked viewpoint', as we have been unable to find any diplomatic correspondence from Skianz in the last ten years before this declaration. I have heard that a Prevaz representative attended the Triumph, albeit uninvited, but left without speaking to anyone of import."

He put the document aside. "We are at a loss as to precisely what it is that has driven the supposedly peaceable Prevaz to war, save that it seems they consider it impossible for they and we to coexist. The implicit threat here is that they will exterminate us, and if that is indeed their belief it is hard to see what terms we can agree which will not lead to renewed aggression from the Prevaz at the earliest opportunity.

"Or at least, that is what we have assumed, but as I say we have heard little of politics and attitudes in the Three Crowns and it may be that responsibility for this war lies elsewhere. That the Prevaz are guilty not of reckless aggression but rather of a failure of responsibility in restraining their vassals. We believe we have given even less cause for offence to the Nevarri or the Fiid, but that does not preclude their taking issue with us."

He sat back and glanced at his father, who nodded in something approximating approval. Kusal himself leaned forward.

"To follow up on what Lady Navus and the crown prince have said, then, in addition to whatever reparations we later agree, a minimum period of non-aggression between the parties to this peace of ten years, during which time the perpetrator of this war shall raise or maintain no military units above an agreed maximum. At present we have been treating the Prevaz as this party, but if this assumption is in error we would welcome correction."

2016-01-13, 09:26 PM
“I am glad to hear you both speak of non-aggression, and of preventing future conflict - these are my highest goals here as well. As for the causes of this war,” - nodding slightly to the Nanda prince - “I believe I can speak to that.”

“In short, this war was caused by fear - on the part of the Prevaz most of all, but of all three of our peoples. The historical enmity between Nand and Prevaz, the death of their emissary, the crisis in Blarhiminn, the threats and posturing in its aftermath, attempts to turn the Nevarri and Fiid against the Prevaz, the failure of the Fiid-led talks on recognising each others’ territories - all this carved an image of an aggressive, expansionist power that intended conquest at the earliest opportunity. It has since become apparent that this assessment was gravely in error - I sincerely hope this is the case - but it was the reason for this war.”

“Why did we not attempt to resolve this through diplomacy? We believed that had already failed - the series of mistranslations that led to the breakdown of the Fiid-Nand talks will go down in history as one of the great tragedies of this war. I am confident the Prevaz had no intention of exterminating your people, nor would the Nevarri have supported such an action - ironically they feared that you intended to exterminate them. The Nevarri have taken no direct issue with the Allied Provinces, nor I believe have the Fiid - we fought in support of our allies. If that conflict is resolved you can expect no further hostility from us.”

“Returning to more concrete matters, the proposal of a non-agression treaty is a good one, and an important step towards preventing a recurrence of this war - provided we reach agreement on the other issues at hand, the Three Crowns accepts. We are willing to discuss limitations on Prevaz troops in addition if you feel them necessary - I would also like to propose the establishment of embassies to improve communication between our peoples. Further, we are prepared to recognize Primal control over Aneth and presumably Allied Provinces control over Nogr, though this brings up a few matters that will need to be resolved - most notably those of access to Skianz and the enslavement of the Whansis in Aneth.”

2016-01-13, 10:53 PM
Lady Navus nodded. "The Imperium has no issue with allowing access to and from Skianz. Personally I had rather hoped that the Prevaz would be on good terms with House Florus. The Whansis slaves are a bit more difficult. They are currently..." She paused a moment, considering her words. "...promised to other parties and projects. It would anger them if the Imperium were to break its word."

She glanced at the Protos Archigos. "Your thoughts, your majesty? You have yet to speak."

2016-01-14, 01:07 AM
Derris had listened attentively to Isfandir as he stated his concerns, he could only hope his own son would do as well when it was his turn to wear the Laurel Crown. He paid careful attention to the delegate from Nevarr and his response, and then waited patiently for Lady Navus to say her piece, nodded his head to her in acknowledgment as she ceded the floor to him and addressed Lugal Annan directly,

"Crises" Derris snorted,

"The fact the Nand were willing to back down in Llurikesh - what you call Blarhimmin", the unfamiliar word sounded gruff and guttural in his throat,

"That fact should have told you all that the Nand were not lusting for blood-soaked land. Any attempts we made to turn you "against the Prevaz" as you say, were efforts to make you see reason, and not be led by those who cowered blindly in the dark. That would be true of the Lymners even if they had seeing eyes and lived in the light of day, for those who act and react out of fear doom their people to cower in the darkness, and that is where they are at this very moment, no doubt cursing us for failing to fall at their capricious whims." Derris swept his arm at his allies, his chest burned at the thought of the lives lost once again.

"I see you have finally seen reason, at the cost of 13,000 lives lost in the war. Still, I believe you are here in good faith as are we. I would accept Isfandir's proposed terms, insisting that the Prevaz in Skianz, and any others under the rule of the Lymners do not raise any more troops while we are under treaty, and we would agree to an embassy, a Nevarri embassy," he emphasized,

"And also raise one in your lands. The treaty would last for a duration of ten years, during which the League of Allied Provinces would not seek to undertake fresh hostilities with the Nevarr, Fiid or Prevaz." Derris considered for a moment,

"I would also negotiate the exchange of Fidigis, the land you know as Nogr for Llurikesh, the land you know as Blarhimmin. As far as Aneth goes, the League of Allied Provinces claims no dominion over Primal customs, and they would need to be negotiated with directly on the matter of the whansis. Perhaps even separately if it is to be a contentious issue in which the League has no bearing." Derris glanced over to Lady Novus and then to Kusal and Isfandir to see if they had anything to add.

2016-01-14, 02:16 AM
As the Protos mentioned the Whansis and released the floor to defer to Lady Novus and Prince Isfandir, there was a momentary interruption.

"Ahem." mumbled a faint voice in the background, a previously silent delegate who had chosen to stay back amongst the retinues rather than approaching the table. His eyes were a brilliant red color, betraying some Woodwind native or even Grey Folk heritage mixed in with his traditional Kroznat complexion. His long sleeveless tunic was a dull orange in color and trimmed with a floral pattern, not opulent as one might expect of the Kroznat Highborn but more befitting a somewhat wealthy merchant; this impression was helped along by the silver pin on his vibrant green headwrap, depicting the insignia of the Kroznat South Sea Trade Company.

"My apologies for any interruption, my lords, but I may be able to assist in this particular matter. As one of the Grand Secretaries of the South Sea Trade Company, I have access to extensive records of registered Company merchants' operations throughout the Provinces, including the ledgers of all legally-licensed Slave Traders. If you indeed have reason to believe that some of the captured Wahn-sees were Highborn and thus illegal to sell at market, Lugal, I will take any list of names and search for matches in the ledgers so that they might be ransomed as is proper."

2016-01-14, 02:33 AM
Lady Navus' mouth twitched into a frown for a brief moment at the mention of the 13,000 lives lost.

"Primal customs present several problems in regards to the enslavement of the Whansis (in particular that many were captured as war prizes)," Lady Navus confirmed, "But the High Queen and I can handle it. The problem is that the labor they provide has been promised to several interested parties, not all of whom are under Primal domain. There are many who desire a cheap source of labor for large projects and their businesses."

She sighed. "It is regrettable, truly - I find the practice distasteful* at best, but the Primal made a deal and we shall keep it if at all possible." She glanced at Annan. "I can - if you wish - make sure no more will be taken, and those currently enslaved will be released when our obligations are complete. More than that will be more difficult."

*Man-slaves didn't count. They were wedded, not actual slaves.

(The above was written before I saw Blade's post)

Lady Navus turned to the Kroznat League's representative and smiled. "That would be acceptable. Any 'Highborn' or other nobility in Primal lands will be returned as is proper, that much I can do."

2016-01-14, 09:23 AM
"Excuse me, Lady Navus? These 'interested parties' outside Primal dominion. Could they not be convinced to surrender their desire for Whansis slaves? Perhaps in exchange for payment? I believe the issue of peace might be much easier addressed without the threat of extermination or enslavement haunting the signatories. Already we have seen the destruction wrought by suspicion of extermination, the reality of enslavement shall prove ever harder to overcome for those who find their calling among the Ninth Struggle."

Daiy was a man of peace but he was not so delusional as to think all were and even if his teachings might eventually affect a majority leaving temptatious loose ends was to ensure a minority would never surrender the cause.

2016-01-14, 11:35 AM
Rikadime pretended to consider. She'd already gone over this line of thought in her head on the way to these peace talks. The idea had merit, certainly, but she was in no position to make this promise, because...

"I cannot say for certain if they will take it." Lady Navus bowed her head, looking contrite. "Those in Primal lands (House Florus in particular) will not have much choice, but those who do not give their fealty to my Queen are under no such obligation. Kroznat's traders, some merchants in Nand, unaffiliated caravans, the silver mines in Colonia, even a few groups in the Three Crowns have reached out to Florus. Slaves are valuable and in high demand."

"I'm sorry, I will not promise you what I cannot deliver. That would send us back into war just as easily, and we will be right back here in another few years. The best I can do is make the offer to each party and hope they take it."

2016-01-14, 03:26 PM
Annan listened intently as the Protos Archigos responded to the offered terms, and the discussion moved to the issue of the Whansis slaves. “Ascetic Daiy’s assessment of the situation matches my own - it will be difficult to build a lasting peace under the threat of enslavement. That said, the Lady Navus’s offer is a generous one, and under the circumstances one I think we can accept. If Primus will agree to take no more slaves, and pass on an offer to purchase the freedom of those already taken, I am content to let that be an end to this.” A flicker of anger crossed his face as he continued. “As for those in the Three Crowns, I will speak with them personally - they too will have little choice in the matter.” He then turned to the Kroznat trader. “If I understand your term correctly, Grand Secretary, there were indeed some… Highborn among those taken in Aneth, and the Artistry or my own people will wish to ransom them - if it is agreeable I and one of my clerks will meet with you to discuss this after the conclusion of our negotiations.”

Addressing the Ambrose and Nand delegates, Annan returned to the broader issues. “We too would accept the proposed terms of peace. For ten years, we will initiate no hostilities with the Allied Provinces or the Primus Imperium, and the subjects of the Lymners will not expand their armies. The Nevarri will raise an embassy in your lands, and will provide space for your own - and the Primal if they wish - in the political district of Akkar, our crown city. The suggested exchange of territory is a good one - this too we accept, provided you are willing to accept all the inhabitants of Blarhiminn, or Llurikesh, as citizens of the Allied Provinces.”

2016-01-14, 03:53 PM
He then turned to the Kroznat trader. “If I understand your term correctly, Grand Secretary, there were indeed some… Highborn among those taken in Aneth, and the Artistry or my own people will wish to ransom them - if it is agreeable I and one of my clerks will meet with you to discuss this after the conclusion of our negotiations.”

The official nods, acknowledging these words but not wishing to further interrupt proceedings where a gesture might suffice.

2016-01-14, 05:01 PM
Things were moving along quite nicely, Daiy thought to himself as the back and forth continued. The Nevarri as representatives of the Three Crowns seemed committed to the goal of peace which would help in the years to come. The League and Imperium were certainly opposing in their weighted presence, backed by so many thousands of swords, but so far no demand had seemed too unseemly to the Ascetic.

"I shall have a scribe begin to draw up a document at once, is there anything more in need of discussion before ink is set to paper?"

2016-01-14, 05:18 PM
Derris could feel his anger at the Nevarri melting away as they discussed their terms, though a sorrow filled the lingering empty space it left behind. Still, they would be able to heal in the peace time, though some wounds would likely linger. His eyes flicked to Kusal, no length of peace would bring back his friend's daughter.

"I would speak for the Grey, as Primus speaks for Berrium. If I am not mistaken, the Grey would wish to offer a conciliatory invitation of trade to the Fiid, and be included within the terms of the treaty."

2016-01-14, 06:17 PM
"I would speak for the Grey, as Primus speaks for Berrium. If I am not mistaken, the Grey would wish to offer a conciliatory invitation of trade to the Fiid, and be included within the terms of the treaty."

"We would gladly include the Grey in the treaty, and I will pass their invitation of trade to the Fiid leadership with my recommendation. Alternatively, they might join our existing trade route, the Western Cultural Exchange. Maintaining such a long trade route over lands with a variety of cultures might prove difficult, but I understand the Allied Provinces have learned a Luskan-developed trade language that could smooth out those issues if they were willing to share it."

I'm not sure whether Silverbit is around to accept the Grey trade request - I can't add his regions to a trade route, but I can give the Grey permission to join the existing trade route that includes the resources they need. With WaylanderX pulling Skianz off that route, it's down to 8 regions, including Silk, Metals and Food (the Grey's resource requirements) - if they were to acquire the Luskan Trade Language and add all 4 of their regions to that route, it looks to me like that would satisfy their resource needs.

Edit: noticed that the Allied Provinces received the Luskan Trade Language at an event last round - that makes things easier if we decide to go this route.

2016-01-15, 12:46 PM
The Imperial Financier of the Grey Empire arrived a bit after conversation had developed and so quietly slipped into the room but as matters turned towards closing requests and the needs of his own people were brought up he joined in.

"If we are to be waiting for the distribution of the Luskan Trade Tongue we may as well wait and if the Nevarri are willing to speak for the Three Crowns and give us permissions to a route in Fiid and one in Lerr we may add them to the Grey Route ourselves in the upcoming years. Your Western Cultural Exchange can be maintained as your own for extensions elsewhere."

They wouldn't be able to add all their regions to the WCE until they had the Luskan Trade tongue which wouldn't be until next round if they got it gifted this round. They can Hostile Takeover the free routes of Fiid and Lerr next round to add them to the Grey Route if Silverbit doesn't add them this round.

2016-01-15, 12:58 PM
"If we are to be waiting for the distribution of the Luskan Trade Tongue we may as well wait and if the Nevarri are willing to speak for the Three Crowns and give us permissions to a route in Fiid and one in Lerr we may add them to the Grey Route ourselves in the upcoming years. Your Western Cultural Exchange can be maintained as your own for extensions elsewhere."

"We are indeed willing to do so - the Three Crowns would welcome your merchants. I hope that trade will lead to the start of better relations between our peoples."

Ah, hadn't considered a "friendly" Hostile Takeover - that's a good plan

2016-01-15, 01:33 PM
Lady Navus held up a hand. "Ah, speaking of trade routes; House Florus wishes to know their land's status on the Western Cultural Exchange. I would assume that it would remain unchanged, since the route needs to go through Colonia to reach Skianz, but it is better to be sure."

"If it is changed or requires further concession then I bear no ill will, but will need to know before these talks conclude."

2016-01-15, 02:28 PM
Lady Navus held up a hand. "Ah, speaking of trade routes; House Florus wishes to know their land's status on the Western Cultural Exchange. I would assume that it would remain unchanged, since the route needs to go through Colonia to reach Skianz, but it is better to be sure."

"As you say, it is the access point to Skianz - if you agree we intend to leave it unchanged."

2016-01-15, 09:32 PM
"As you say, it is the access point to Skianz - if you agree we intend to leave it unchanged."

Rikadime smiled. "Of course. I'm glad we can come to an understanding." She stepped back and waited for any further concerns from the other dignitaries.

2016-01-16, 11:52 AM
Treaty of the Ninth Peace

This document shall in its pursuance conclude and prevent further war between the Kingdom of the Three Crowns (Prevazan Artistry, Nevarri League, Rabhid Dynasty of the Fidd), the League of Allied Provinces, the Primus Imperium, the Kingdom of Berrium, and the Grey Empire.

The war is recognized as the result of actions taken by the Three Crowns in instigating armed conflict with the League of Allied Provinces. Combined with the victory of the League in the conflict the terms of peace are as follows.

All belligerent parties agree to a ten year period of non-hostility and non-aggression.
The military forces of the Prevaz shall not be expanded during this ten year period.
Nogr/Fidigis (42) captured by the League shall be exchanged to the Three Crowns for Blarhiminn/Llurikesh (43) to the League
An exchange of embassies will occur between the Nevarri League and the League of Allied Provinces with the option for a Primal embassy in the Nevarri League made available.
Slaves already taken in Aneth shall be examined and those of noble birth shall be ransomed back to the Three Crowns. Further no more slaves shall be taken and the Primals will endeavor to discourage development of the slave trade in the region.
The Grey Empire shall gain trade rights to a route through Fiid (39) and Rasp (37)
The Western Cultural Exchange trade route running through Aneth to Skianz shall remain unchanged by the Primus Imperium.

Let these terms develop peace and prosperity for time immemorial.

So Signed,
Ascetic Qorobus Daiy, Witness and Arbiter

2016-01-19, 02:34 PM
Annan brushed ink over the seal on his ring, stamping the document with the winged star of the Three Crowns before signing it.

So signed and sealed,
Annan, Lugal of Nevarr, on behalf of the Three Crowns

2016-01-19, 05:46 PM
The wording of the last section troubled her, but she brushed the thought out of her mind. They wouldn't alter the exchange to any great degree. After all, Skianz needed it even more than Colonia. This was a safe deal. House Florus would throw a fit, but they wouldn't be too much trouble.

Lady Navus pressed her thumb into her canine until it drew blood. She pressed her thumb print into the page, then around it drew an image of the Primal flag - a blood drop wreathed in flame - before signing her name with ink.

So shall it be,
Lady Rikadime Navus
On behalf of the Primus Imperium and the Kingdom of Berrium

2016-01-19, 07:43 PM
Derris followed suit with his seal, solemnly stamping the treaty page with the three sword seal the Provinces had taken as their mark.

The League of Allied Provinces and her signatories The Ambrose Ascendancy, The Kingdom of Nand, and The Kroznat League, do agree to the terms outlined within this treaty.

Protos Archigos Derris Asker of
The Ambrose Ascendancy for
The League of Allied Provinces.

2016-01-20, 04:00 AM
Kusal looked on with a degree of satisfaction as the document was sealed, a treaty which should ensure peace for ten years. So long as the Fiid and the Prevaz held to the agreement, of course. He was troubled by their absence, but hoped that they would indeed defer to the Nevarri in this matter, for the Lugal did seem genuine in his desire for peace.

The thought crossed his mind that he might not even live to see the expiry of the treaty: he was not so young as he had been, and Isfandir would likely have to confront that challenge alone if war broke out a decade from now. In a sense, he supposed, this treaty marked the end of his direct influence over the affairs of state, a coda to his and Aiman's joint rule. Isfandir was proud and headstrong and would soon find his own course without needing approval from his parents, and that reassured him at least as much as it troubled him.

Peace, then - and now the chance, indeed the necessity, to confront the challenges raised by the establishment of the League, those which the invasion had interrupted. It would, he suspected, be the success or failure of that enterprise which would determine his legacy, and that of his son, far more than this war.