View Full Version : Hilarious (Or AWESOME) Setting Combinations

2016-01-12, 01:50 PM
I had an idea recently. What would a 3.5 Ravenloft game be like, if it was combined with the rules from Aberrant D20?

It would be hilarious. So I began thinking, what other combinations would be hilarious?

Off the top of my head, these are a few I thought of:

Ravenloft + Aberrant D20
Aberrant D20 + Book of Erotic Fantasy
Scarred Lands (Swords and Sorcery) + Big Eyes, Small Mouth D20
Aberrant D20 + Scarred Lands
Call of Cthulhu D20 + Big Eyes, Small Mouth D20 + Book of Erotic Fantasy

So, can you guys think of any?

2016-01-12, 04:11 PM
Ravenloft + BESM D20

Ravenloft + Call of Cthulu

2016-01-12, 04:14 PM
Deadlands + Eberron. Zombie Abraham Lincoln meets the Lord of Blades!

2016-01-12, 04:20 PM
Spelljammer + Spelljammer. Yo dawg, I heard you like settings, so we put settings in your settings so you can be in a setting while being in a setting.

2016-01-12, 04:30 PM
Not an official setting by any means, but I tossed around an idea of being one of the beings living in the metal dream. So why not combine that with darksun. A metal less world, dreamed up by a metal man!

2016-01-13, 03:02 AM
Paranoia + Exalted: Autochthon.
Call of Cthulhu + Vampire (You're not as far up the food chain as you thought.)
Little Fears + Monsters and Other Childish Things
D&D Forgotten Realms + The Adventures of Baron Munchausen ("So, Elminister, tell us about the time you...")
The One Ring + Ryuutama (It's all about walking, either way.)
Changeling: The Dreaming + Big Eyes Small Mouth (Chuunibyou, the RPG.)
Wraith: the Oblivion + InSpectres
Exalted + old World of Darkness (for the wonderfully cathartic chance to kill all those stupid uberNPCs.)
Pendragon + Fiasco ("It's only a rabbit!")

2016-01-13, 04:01 AM
Dark sun + forgotten realms = dark realms, forgotten sun?

John Longarrow
2016-01-13, 04:02 AM
Paranoia + Vault of the Drow. Lolth wants you to be happy. Are you happy?

2016-01-13, 04:28 AM
Legend of the 5 Rings + Dark Sun = Post Apocalyptic Mad Max Universe, set in Feudal Japan, BEAUTIFUL

2016-01-13, 08:32 AM
Legend of the 5 Rings + Dark Sun = Post Apocalyptic Mad Max Universe, set in Feudal Japan, BEAUTIFUL

This is prompting me to change the name of the thread to Hilarious (Or AWESOME) Setting Combinations.

2016-01-13, 08:44 AM
Dark Sun + Earthdawn
Fantasy Fallout. You've even got Vaults lying around for the raiding. Add a dash of Zendikar for a more apocalyptic element.

Spelljammer + Planescape + MTG
Every setting in one. But with more high level shenanigans.

Eberron + Birthright
What if the industrial revolution had been the magic revolution instead? Birthright mostly because it cuts out the high level characters Eberron doesn't consider.

Planescape (Sigil) + Ravnica
Like Planescape, but the factions work better.

I don't know what setting I'd combine them with, but I personally think Tarkir's setup for Dragons is better than D&D's.

Also, Dugeons: The Dragoning 40k 7e is this turned up to eleven. I would totally play that in a better system.

2016-01-13, 09:19 AM
I'd love to play a Warhammer 40k game, but with the lore and classes of D&D, and made entirely virtual so I don't need to spend thousands of dollars and square foot garage space for it

2016-01-13, 09:27 AM
What about any of the D&D worlds (Greyhawk, Eberron, FR, Ravenloft, etc) with Munchkin? That strikes me as a recipe for hilarity

2016-01-13, 09:27 AM
Shadowrun + Ebberon = Arcanepunk world

2016-01-13, 09:37 AM
Shadowrun + Ebberon = Arcanepunk world

Heck, Eberron was already pretty heavily steampunk.

2016-01-13, 10:44 AM
Kobolds ate my baby + Shadowrun: Mr. Johnson may have found the worst shadowrunners of all time

T.G. Oskar
2016-01-13, 03:20 PM
Earthdawn + Shadowrun + the Trinity universe.

On the Fifth World, a mysterious device sorta kick-started the existence of Adepts on the 1920s, spearheading the stories of Daredevils like the Shadow and the Phantom, as they unearthed the ruins of old Immortal Elves and cults to the Great Dragons.

Come some time later, the first Nova erupts, the Shiawase decision kicks in, the first Shadowrun (most likely with a Nova and an Adept on tow) happens, and the Sixth World kicks in full-throttle. Max Mercer, the last known Daredevil and unlikely time traveler (a power unknown even to future Adepts), sees the future and prepares the steps for Project Utopia.

2050s, and the world is full of spike babies, hotshot Novas toe-to-toe with heavily cybered Razorboys, corporate Mages, urban Shamans, Adepts with years of knowledge about their powers, facing the dangers of Great Dragons and megacorps alongside the newest kids in the block: the novahot Deckers and Riggers. While the world is still figuring out how some people get superpowers and others get to use magic, the realms of Quantum, Magic and Cyberspace begin to creep in.

2070s, and Technomancers (the spawn of the Otaku) also join the fray...alongside proto-Psions, becuase Noetics are also a thing. Novas are starting to go a bit out of control with their powers (some say they've gone Toxic, but that's really Shamans, and Novas and Shamans can't stand each other as Taint drives Spirits mad), and things are going hectic! Just when things couldn't get wrong...

21XX, and the Doyen promise the world to get rid of the Aberrants, which are obviously Novas that make so much taint that they can't handle it anymore. They do it by spearheading the process of Psionics...which doesn't sit well with the Great Dragons, as the company that allows the process just got into the Corporate Court and is getting a bit TOO powerful. Azzies don't like it, Lofwyr is uncharacteristically aggressive towards them, but for the average Shadowrunner, it's just another day at work.

2210 and onwards, the Aberrants that were expelled have returned, and Shadowrunners fear the worst - the Doyen are the puppets of the Horrors. The world is at peril, and perhaps what they said about Novas isn't really what everyone thought. Also, Psions are manifesting on their own.

So yeah - take a "kitchen sink" setting that mixes fantasy with cyberpunk, and just stir enough amounts of superpowers and psionics to the mix...coincidentally, what Shadowrun lacks in order to be the true kitchen sink universe. That, and life in other worlds... Oh, and stir the hornet's nest even MORE. Plenty of opportunities for Shadowrunners to save the universe, one plot a day.

2016-01-13, 03:29 PM
Not an official setting by any means, but I tossed around an idea of being one of the beings living in the metal dream. So why not combine that with darksun. A metal less world, dreamed up by a metal man!
Why does that sound familiar (http://store.steampowered.com/app/225260/)?

2016-01-13, 04:13 PM
Why does that sound familiar (http://store.steampowered.com/app/225260/)?

What did I just watch?

2016-01-13, 06:41 PM
What did I just watch?
Heavy Metal Cover Albums: The Video Game. Starring Jack Black.

2016-01-14, 01:12 AM
I've heard (second hand from Counter Monkey) that DARK SUN® is kind of/sort of a potential possible future to DRAGONLANCE® after the deities had left, though I've been reading up on the latter lately so I'm not sure how well that works out.

Admittedly I haven't really given this idea too much thought* outside of having characters plane shift from one setting to another… usually picking up trinkets and flavorful items here and there, like Clebdecher glamerweave outfits in Shar, or a native of Greyhawk working towards becoming a noble in Waterdeep.

…though now I'm picturing RAVENLOFT® applied to BESM d20. Which, depending on your taste, I guess becomes something akin to Godchild, Black Butler, or Rosario + Vampire. :smalltongue:

*Except for wondering what it would take for some D&D characters to crush a Star Destroyer in Star Wars: Saga Edition.

2016-01-14, 01:42 AM
I've heard (second hand from Counter Monkey) that DARK SUN® is kind of/sort of a potential possible future to DRAGONLANCE® after the deities had left, though I've been reading up on the latter lately so I'm not sure how well that works out.

I don't see how anyone could come up with that. DS and DL are not the same setting in any way. Both have their own cosmologies and were forced into the greater Multiverse in PS (though the rationalizing actually works in DL's case). Their respective histories and conceits are wildly different. Ignoring DS history and only going with the original Barsoom/Mad Max feel, it could in that way be equally applicable to, say, Greyhawk or FR as a potential future as it is to DL. Given that you change almost everything about the the other setting.

2016-01-14, 09:51 AM
…though now I'm picturing RAVENLOFT® applied to BESM d20. Which, depending on your taste, I guess becomes something akin to Godchild, Black Butler, or Rosario + Vampire. :smalltongue:

*Except for wondering what it would take for some D&D characters to crush a Star Destroyer in Star Wars: Saga Edition.

Really? I see Ravenloft in BESM more as Hellsing or Gungrave