View Full Version : Pathfinder Post-Apoc Antipaladin- Villain Help

2016-01-13, 12:29 AM
So I have been planning an adventure for my urban campaign that involves being flown out to a part of the (homebrewed) setting that is very much post-apocalyptic. Roamed by robots, tribes, mutants and the like. Cross Fallout with Mad Max, and you have the right idea. The campaign is set on a flying city that is the roaming center of worldwide commerce, so it facilitates such expeditions.

Now, I had an idea for an adventure. Basically, something a little more free-roaming than my players would be used to: dropped in given three weeks to accomplish their objective, defeat a despotic warlord and free the tribes under his command. For the warlord himself, I was thinking an antipaladin with a post-apocalyptic theme; think Immortan Joe, but younger. And an antipaladin. Now, he is not entirely alone; like most martial rulers that are a bit too big for their britches, while he does indeed rule his little fiefdom, he is supported by a wizard that actually knows what he's doing, and is being used as a figurehead by the wizard (a technomancer or psi-tech psychic) to exert control over the region for his own ends.

I have a pretty good idea of how to build a psychic or technomancer. However, I have no damn clue what to do with the antipaladin. I know that he's really a coward and throws his minions to fight with first (some low-level warrior 1 schmucks or something) along with his two Furies (savage technologist archer harpies, a playable race in the setting). I want him to be a classic throwback to the iconic image of a BBEG, mixed with some teched-up flair. As for crunch needs, the party will likely be APL 4 or 5 when they face him, and his Fiendish Boon has to be the weapon one, for reasons. Also, he needs to be somewhat tanky, for some survivability against the party. Any suggestions?

2016-01-13, 12:47 AM

If race is still open, make him a Drow, FCB going to Cruelties. You simply _must_ give him a +1 Conductive Chainsaw, for crying out loud.

2016-01-13, 09:06 AM
Actually, I was considering giving him a chainsaw, but ultimately decided against it. It might be better, though, if I go with the chainsaw and have him wearing normal armor.

2016-01-13, 11:40 AM
I second the chainsaw because the +2 to intimidate stacks with the antipaladins aura of dread. You probably want weapon focus/dazzling display to attempt to scare the party early on, then cut them apart. He could also use this to intimidate his minions into doing their jobs.

Since you need tankyness, throw on the heaviest armor you can afford and boost it up. Full plate is fine unless the party has guns/tech lasers, in which case get an innsuit/scatterlight shield and other things to increase touch. Or fiat that plate works against guns and lasers, however you wanna play that. Having a good charisma score will fortify saves and power cruelties/neg energy. Obviously a decent con score, and maybe toughness for even more HP.

For a human, 15 point buy, Level 5 antipaladin and WBL:
Str-16 Dex-12 Con-14 Int-8 Wis-8 Cha-16 (+2 strength racial, +1 charisma with stat increase at level 4)
Feats-Weapon focus(chainsaw), dazzling display, toughness, power attack
Skills-Max intimidate and perception.
Gear- +1 Full Plate, +1 Chainsaw(fiendish boon), +1 cloak of resistance, +1 ring of protection, 850 gp of swag
Spells prepared- bane, litany of weakness.

Start combat with bane/dazzling display to shake the party, then give the chainsaw keen(15/20 crit range) and go to town with power attack. Alternatively, if you want less sheer damage and more survival, just get a tower shield and a one handed weapon a la carte.

2016-01-13, 01:36 PM
There is a vanilla paladin in the party, having an opportunity to flex his Aura of Courage might be cool for the player. Remember, he also has to take proficiency in the chainsaw.

Another possibility for beefing him up is giving him some cybernetic enhancements. They are recoverable by the party, but getting them implanted would be a whole other story. And, they wouldn't want to just sell them off; one is a budding technomancer himself, and will definitely want to keep them.

2016-01-13, 02:46 PM
Oh yes, if you have a party paladin then it would be nice to let his aura shine-also keep in mind the pally and antipally auras cancel each other out at close range. I forgot the chainsaw was exotic, so maybe drop power attack, or just go with a 1 handed martial and shield.

You could always make the cloak of resistance and ring of protection some form of bionic implant-just refluff them. Mark 1 dermal plating is about the only thing you could realistically afford, that you would want. Of course, you could increase his WBL, or use some of the wealth from your technomancer wizard to boost said antipaladin. Maybe some cybernetic muscles...