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2007-06-13, 08:46 PM
So... how would a deity of chaos operate? Since chaos in DnD represents personal freedom, how would a deity of chaos even restrict the alignment of his clerics without contradicting himself? How would he send his clerics on quests if he doesn't like ordering people around? How would he pass on his teachings if he thinks that the individual person has a right to his own actions?

2007-06-13, 08:58 PM
Sounds like CN with the Chaos and the Freedom Domain which I couldn't find in the PHB or the Complete Divine source book although the Divine Minds from Complete Psionic had a Freedom domain. Most dieties have at least 3 domains.

Divine ranking and followers would probably play a big part. A CN Demipower of rank 1 to 5 with a few hundred to a few thousand followers for a campaign racial minority race probably won't have a lot of impact on the overall world campaign while a Greater power like like Carl Glittergold would. Even a CN demipower for a major campaign race of humans like Zagyg CN(CG) can be pretty influencing in various locales of a campaign world. Zagyg's domains are Humor, Eccentricity, Occult Lore and Unpredicatability and his clergy alignments are CN, CG and N. In some of the Greyhawk campaign material despite being a demipower the power of his church was felt more in the campaign than more powerful dieties of Intermediate and Greater power status.

Sounds like you will need to make it up unless it is in another source book or go the opposite of the Domination Domain for core deities like Gruumsh, Hextor, St. Cuthbert and Wee Jas.

It also sounds like CN, CG and CE Holy Liberator types from your post as one of the PRC types.

Generally clerics are alignment compatible either the same or within a single step of the diety in most examples of in game diety clergy alignment.

Of course a True Neutral Diety N(C) that favors Chaos over Law or Good or Evil would probably make a nice choice but it's your campaign (something like St. Cuthbert LN favors Good over Evil).

2007-06-13, 09:05 PM
Short answer: Look into something called "Discordianism", that might give you some ideas (if you can see past the silly to the core beliefs, that is)

Long asnwer: Divine inspiration can come without commands. A goddess can be chaotic and still rational, can offer recommendations without giving orders. As for alignment restrictions, that would make sense, but more importantly, why would, say, a Lawful character WANT to follow a god of chaos? Seems like so long as you generally support your diety's agenda then that diety would offer you favor. Alternately, so long as you follow your own heart and aren't acting directly against the diety, they might respect it and offer you their favor.

brian c
2007-06-13, 09:06 PM
So... how would a deity of chaos operate? Since chaos in DnD represents personal freedom, how would a deity of chaos even restrict the alignment of his clerics without contradicting himself? How would he send his clerics on quests if he doesn't like ordering people around? How would he pass on his teachings if he thinks that the individual person has a right to his own actions?

Well, a cleric of a deity of Chaos shouldn't be allowed to be Lawful, since Chaos wouldn't like that. Chaos does represent personal freedom, but not the freedom to be Lawful in the sense of making other people follow your rules. A cleric of Chaos would know that their god doesn't like laws and rules, so they would oppose any restrictive government or other group with strong laws.

2007-06-13, 09:20 PM
I think a deity of chaos would be satisfied that their clerics had CHOSEN to serve them, and would let them leave without any hard feelings. Unless they were CE.

Kurald Galain
2007-06-14, 02:17 AM
Put Nahal's Reckless Dweomer on its domain list, and have some kind of high priest that spouts phrases that are incomprehensible nonsense... or are they?

2007-06-14, 02:31 AM
The god's name needs to be Mike. I can't help with anything else, here, but Mike, God of Chaos ... come on ... that's got a ring to it.

Oo, oo, and he wears high tops! And wanders around, doing whatever!

... :smallredface: I need to stop ...

BUNNIES! That is the holy symbol! As many bunnies as someone can carry!