View Full Version : Legend of the five rings combat questions

2016-01-13, 02:52 PM
A group of friends and I are going to be starting a campaign in L5R 4th edition soon, for all of us it's our first experience in the setting/rules so we've been doing a few mock fights to figure out how the game feels and to get a handle on the rules, particularly for combat. With that in mind a couple of things have come up I wanted to ask about.

The first question I have has to do with mounted combat. Horses apparently move on the rider's initiative but attack on their own initiative. Does that mean when they're moving on the player's turn they're using their own actions rather than the player's? So on a mounted charater's turn, their horse uses two simple actions to move and the player's character then uses their own separate actions?

This seems to be the case, but it seems to allow for some weird things like having a guy declare the full defense stance and have his horse carry him 120 feet across the battlefield in the same round. Full attack specifies it can't be done while mounted but I don't recall a similar restriction on full defense.

The second issue I recall from our experimentation sessions is that... armor piercing arrows seem pretty awful. They ignore some Armor TN as I recall but they do nothing against reduction. So given that they roll a single d10 and heavy armor gets 5 reduction, they can essentially do 5 damage not counting an explosion? This seems to defeat the purpose of having an armor piercing arrow as it seems likely that firing an equal number of normal arrows may hit slightly less frequently but do more damage over a given number of shots. This wouldn't even be considering the potential other ways characters can gain reduction, which could reduce that single die of damage that an armor piercing arrow does to nothing at all if it's at least a reduction of 5. I would assume that armor piercing arrows would interact with reduction mecanically in some way but I see nothing about that in the core book. The tsuruchi school is viewed pretty favorably from the discussion of it I've seen online so maybe this isn't an issue that ever comes up?

2016-01-14, 07:28 PM
Feels like no matter which system I play, Mounted Combat is always a nightmare. :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, pg.322 Core Rulebook, the sidebar: "A horse which is under control will move on its rider's Turn, but attacks on it's own Turn in the Initiative Order. A horse which is out of control (such as being injured or lost its rider) will move on its own Turn". So as long the player is in control of the horse, they can direct the horse as they wish and basically subsitute the horse's movements for their own movement.

Remember also pg.321 Core Rulebook. The sidebar does point out that it is an Animal Handling roll to ride a horse into battle. This is done at the beginning of battle, and as written in the Rokugani Pony entry, it must be done at the start of each turn as a Free Action to keep it in battle (TN 20). Unless the horse is a Unicorn Riding Horse, in which case it's a TN 10 at the start of battle as a Free Action and does not have to be repeated. In the case of a Utaku Battle Steed, you never need to roll, because that horse is an absolute beast (it's often joked about that an Utaku Battle Maiden is the Human Companion of her Horse Overlord).

You're correct that only Full Attack is not available while mounted, unless the rider has Horsemanship 3 Mastery Ability, which allows for him to assume the Full Attack Stance even when mounted.

L5R 4E is not very hardline with many of its rules, so what you guys can agree on that since Full Defense Stance and Center Stance only allows for Free Actions when assuming the stance, it goes against the RAI that you charge ahead on your horse.

As for the arrows... yeah, arrows are horrible in L5R. Incredibly pricey per unit and not very fantastic. If you'd just houserule that they can ignore something like 2 points of Reduction. Thing is, not many things outside of Heavy Weapons allow for bypassing Reduction, and I think that since Ranged Combat has a superiority of keeping out of harm's way for quite some distance, it was one of the balancing points. Also don't forget that since they ignore Armor bonus to Armor TN, it pretty much allows for them to raise at least one or two more times for more damage. So the low-damage output is a balancing point of negating armor.