View Full Version : Roleplaying Tri Towers Gaming Campaign 1

2016-01-13, 06:06 PM
So I'd like to start off by saying that I have been thinking about sharing this with the forum boards for quite awhile now. My Dungeons and Dragons group has been playing for some five years now, and we always thought it'd be cool to share some of our adventures. I finally decided it was time to talk about our longest running campaign, but would like to give everyone some background information about the group.

Me- I have been playing dungeons and dragons since I was a kid and got my friends into it our Sophomore year of high school. I will start this campaign playing a Paladin of Lathander.

Fred- Plays a fighter named Leoric Lionhart ( First campaign Fred was ever a part of)

Gabe- Plays a rogue named Saint (First Campaign)

Dom- Playing a barbarian named Smere (first campaign

Jason- Playing a cleric named Bishop ( Dungeons and Dragons Veteran also my Uncle)

Cody- Starts play as a lizardfolk Druid (Same experience as me also my cousin)

Last but not least the Dungeon Master( Sean also my father who got us all into playing dungeons and dragons. This man is evil and has made all of us so paranoid when we play now I don't remember the last time any of us felt safe fighting anything.)

So now that I got that out of the way I'll give a brief background of the story the campaign takes place in Faerun but many of the things are heavily homebrewed. This is not the forgotten realms that you know, which will be apparent in the story. Our group is also starting at level 1 ( sorry about the long post)

Our group is part of a caravan heading towards Daggerford from Soubar and each one of us have recently met. We are all hired hands, but my paladin took the job to get closer to Neverwinter where his commander is waiting. other than our group the caravan has one other hired hand named Jimmy a young kid with a longbow. The first few nights go without consequence until the fourth night where our cleric Bishop notices a group of horsemen approaching us. Our group stops setting up camp and hail the riders.... unfortunately for us they weren't interested in talking. The men had two archers and they both took aim at the 6'2 paladin in plate armor... lucky for me only one of the arrows hit their mark and only for a couple points of damage.
After that our group takes defensive stances with the fighter grabbing one of the spears he brought and throwing it into one of the horsemen killing the guy with one hit.
Now its us versus four other horsemen. Our druid tries to cast entanglement on the horses, but with no luck that round. The Barbarian who is a dwarf btw charges one of the horsemen, but he is too slow to keep up with any of them as they go around do strafing runs.

My action is ready my sword and shield hoping one of the horsemen come into range for me to attack.

Our party Cleric pulls out his crossbow and loads his crossbow and fires a shot at another of the horsemen, but misses. The Dm ask all of us to make wisdom check( Our dm uses these alot). All of us roll... really low so whatever he was going to tell us isn't happening. At this point the horsemen are attacking the party, but something happens that surprises everyone in the group. All of us are engulfed by a huge wave of mist.

We all make will saves and fail ( we had really bad rolls that night.) We fall unconscious and wake up in the morning in a completely different place. At this point my Uncle knows where we are, but he didn't want to ruin the mystery so he stays quiet.

Our party makes sure each other are okay, and I look around for the caravan we were with.. no sign of them. I look around some more and the whole area is covered in light fog. I see some lights in the distance and suggest we head that way. The rest of our party agrees and after a few minutes of walking we stumble into a dark looking town with people shuffling around trying to avoid us. I get the attention of a man that looks like a guard and ask him where we are. He looks at me like I'm some sort of plague and says "You are in Barovia lad where else would you be." That's right folks we landed ourselves in Ravenloft.. but for most of our party excluding my uncle we didn't know what that meant. Oblivious to this my character ask the best way to Daggerford from here, and I get a weird stare with the mans reply being "I ain't heard of no place like that, but maybe Earl the barkeep can help you out."

I thank the man and our party heads over to the tavern, but before we got their I sense evil, and its coming into to town fast. A lone horsemen arrives in town on a skeletal horse wearing black robes and carrying a sword that glows purple . The man was decaying the very ground he walked on. Our newbies in the party wanted to attack this guy, and I was inclined to do so except for the cleric he convinced us that fighting this man right now would be a grave error his words were somewhere along the line of "Put your weapons away now is not the time to start a fight with whatever that is"
The people around town scurried away from the skeletal horsemen and when he finally spoke he zeroed in our group with his voice sending a chill down all of our spines " New souls for the harvest good the master has grown bored without a challenge." This makes all of us uncomfortable with the fact that this guy who could probably wipe the floor with us answers to a master. The cleric speaks up and questions the rider "Who exactly is this master, and who are you?" The horsemen smiles and says "You'll find out soon enough" he pauses for a moment looking at each one of us before stopping on me "If you survive the night that is." after this he rides off from the town like a bat out of hell. Obviously our party is pretty nervous right now and still trying to figure out where the hell we winded up.
( I'ma split this up into another part so it isn't so long our sessions are usually really long so a lot happens.) I'll upload the other part sometime tonight or tomorrow.