View Full Version : New Product Releases

2016-01-14, 08:33 AM
So, after the release of the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Wizards has released everything 5e-related they had in the pipeline for 2015, and everything they had announced to date. It's now two months later, and not only do we not have any new books (which isn't all that surprising given Wizard's release history), we don't even have any announcements of forthcoming new books to chew on (which is pretty surprising, given Wizard's marketing history) other than a vague quote from Mearls suggesting that Wizards is planning on doing two storylines a year (http://www.pundak.co.il/library/roleplaying/638-mike-mearls-interview). What, if anything, should be read out of Wizard's relative radio silence on new books?

2016-01-14, 09:27 AM
Last year, Elemental Evil storyline was announced around January 20th, for an official launch in march-april. And as for PotA, it launched in may if I remember well. So if the follow the same strategy this year, we may be only a few weeks away from knowing what will be the next storyline.

2016-01-14, 09:45 AM
Read some of the answers that Chris Perkins gave at GameholeCon recently (I think Tome Show posted the audio, although I could be off).

There is another adventure coming down the pipeline which has an arctic theme (IIRC).

Wizards listens to our feedback on member surveys, and they've noticed that people aren't as keen about playing through a whole adventure book. They might be recaliberating adventures to be in line with what the consumer wants --- like a number of short adventures with the same theme that the DM doesn't have to run as a whole campaign.