View Full Version : couple campaign

2016-01-14, 10:12 AM
Me and my wife will be in a campaign together. Its expected to hi to level 20. She hasn't played but maybe twice. She wants me to design her character. Its a fiend lock with approval to pick which spells are on the custom list. These are almost exclusively spells that incapacitates a target or two. Spells that really get in your head. Also has a custom 14th level ability of basically getting advantage on death saves. Has alterations on blade pact which allows 2 weapons to be summoned and no matter what is summoned it does 1d6 finessable. So needless to say she will be in melee a lot. Tried to make her a straight foward character to her liking. Versitile to allow her to explore the game. Haven't decided on feats til I see how she plays the character. Retraining allowed so not worried. Want her to take the lead for most things.

Now to my character? I kinda wanna be a protector not so much a healer (never enjoyed clerics). I want to allow her to shine. So I've come up with a build. Stat array given for both of us 18 17 16 15 14 13

Hill dwarf barbarian
Totem in order:wolf tiger bear
Feats durable toughness shield master sentenel one str increase
Wanted to give myself a use for all actions. Wanted to give her close buffs.
Is there anything I could have done better or diffrently? Anything redundant? Any better suggestions? Anything I should watch out for like weaknesses or being only 2 player campaign? Any other info required? Thanks in advance.

2016-01-15, 10:26 AM
Got another build or two. This would be a tanking healbot. 12 Paladin of crown 8 lore bard. Stats would pump con. Hill dwarf. Same feats exept inspiring leader and healer so possibly no need for expending no spell slots on healing. Ups saves. Provides advantage with prone. Lock down enemies or take hits for her or reduce rolls against her. Thoughts?

2016-01-18, 04:35 AM
First and foremost, HOLY !@#$ DEM STATS, BRO!!! and you guys are starting at lvl 1? Either you got the coolest DM or the most evil, if he/she lets you use those to start.

Any ways, what are the home brew options for the Warlock? I would love to see them(and maybe beg my DM to let me use them). The vanilla feindlock is pretty solid as is(Archfey needs love)and the lvl 14 ability Hurl Through Hell is one of(if not the)best in the game.

2016-01-18, 09:20 AM
Maybe clarification is in order. Not sure what level we are starting out at. Its either one or three. I think he is using those starting stats so that we might survive a bit better. I aready said everything about the warlock customs though she gets to pick from any spell list as long as it's dm approved. 14th level she gets advantage on death saves. The dm boosted blade pact for her to basically be two short swords that she can change damage type with to suit what she feels like hitting them with. I think the dm has a custom rule of 1st a certain level you get to make a second off hand attack like 10 or something as long as you have the extra attack feature. I'm mainly concerned about my character protecting hers and allowing her to shine and enjoy herself allowing her to do bout anything she pleases without too much fear of dying.

2016-01-19, 06:41 AM
Maybe clarification is in order. Not sure what level we are starting out at. Its either one or three. I think he is using those starting stats so that we might survive a bit better. I aready said everything about the warlock customs though she gets to pick from any spell list as long as it's dm approved. 14th level she gets advantage on death saves. The dm boosted blade pact for her to basically be two short swords that she can change damage type with to suit what she feels like hitting them with. I think the dm has a custom rule of 1st a certain level you get to make a second off hand attack like 10 or something as long as you have the extra attack feature. I'm mainly concerned about my character protecting hers and allowing her to shine and enjoy herself allowing her to do bout anything she pleases without too much fear of dying.

I'm with your DM on retooling the Bladelock features. It sucks that you have to pay a double Invocation tax just to be on par with other classes(even Tome and Chainlocks). Its just that with your stats protecting her, that advantage of deaths saves wont come up nearly enough to be as useful as Hurl Through Hell.

Anyways, I can't see any flaws in the setup you got planned( you'll be the smartest Bab I have ever seen ;P) I can't wait to hear the outcome of your adventure. Good luck

2016-01-19, 06:47 AM
Would the paly be better?

Lonely Tylenol
2016-01-19, 07:13 AM
Would the paly be better?

Arguably yes, because the Paladin's auras make your wife's character more survivable, which is important for a small party, but it's your call. Both are fine as long as you are careful: small party campaigns are inherently swingy, and most of the time, you will lack the advantages of action economy that make a lot of encounters easier for large parties.

Sir cryosin
2016-01-19, 12:35 PM
you are just going to sit there and be the DM's punching bag? Because you built the perfect build to do that. A s&b paladin with here Auras will help a lot more then you think.