View Full Version : D&D "ask me anything" on Reddit 1/15 at 3 pm PST

2016-01-14, 04:22 PM
With all the new info swirling around about DMsGuild.com and the D&DAL, there's a Reddit AMA tomorrow


To start off the new year Community Manager, Trevor Kidd will be helping us do an AMA with Senior Manager, Dungeons and Dragons Research and Design, Mike Mearls and Product Marketing Specialist, Chris Lindsay! The AMA will start at 10am PST (GMT-8) on Friday the 15th of January.

Just wanted to make sure folks were aware.


2016-01-14, 04:26 PM
This is my list of questions for the Reddit AMA tomorrow 1/15. I'm not putting this here looking for answers.

Does anyone have a question that they want me to ask for them?

1. What about DM rewards? There's an opinion out there that they're pretty anemic (particularly because DMs lose out on faction renown). Any idea about beefing them up? Or have you discussed it and think that they're fine as is?

2. Can we buy a "season pass" or "subscription" for AL adventures from the DMsGuild store? Maybe with a discount since we're getting them all?

3. Can a store (or a convention) buy the modules and then send them to the DMs that will be working for them?

4. What about someone who organizes content at several stores in a local area? Can he purchase the mods and give them out to the DMs working for him to run them?

5. Some people have expressed disappointment with the editing in the DDAL adventures, and perhaps even more strongly with the 3rd season. Some of the maps have been hand-drawn as well. Since these will now be a paid product, are we going to see more focus on production values? This is in reference to only the DDAL stuff - it's understood that there's no QC on the stuff in DMs Guild.

6. Players love certs. Even for items they're never going to trade, they still want certs. A few people have voiced the opinion that if they're paying for a module, they feel they should get the WHOLE package, including certs. What's the plan with certs going forward?

7. If only stores and conventions get certs, then will you be releasing certs for old adventures? So if DragonCon wants to run some "Tyranny of Dragons" adventures, will we be able to get or purchase certs?

8. Will certs be only for the D&DAL adventures or for the published adventures in books?

9. Will there be a system for approving DM/player made content and modules for Adventurers League play?

10. Do you see a need for more need for 2 hour modules? Or do you intend to focus on the 4 hour modules?

2016-01-14, 04:33 PM
I got one, not related to AL but to the SRD;

If someone wants to create a class archetype that would use Domains as a feature, can you refent to the other domain not listed in SRD? Same goes he you want to create a class archetype that use Maneuvers or EK spell progression?

2016-01-15, 04:49 PM
Reddit AMA - here's my take. You should look at Mike and Chris' answers and draw your own conclusions.


There is a hope that reviews/ratings will help sort the items on DMsGuild.

They are focusing on PC stuff because that's their biggest demand. (Classes and that kind of thing.)

More art coming to DMsGuild.

Can use FR specific monsters, NPCs, and spells in DMsGuild.

Nothing in the store is okay for AL play *except* the adventures that are clearly marked adventurers league. There are no plans to pull modules that people have written for the store into DDAL.

No plans currently for mods to retire. If they change their minds, they'll let us know well ahead of time.

It is totally okay if you want to play around with one or more of the other continents in the Forgotten Realms. Kara-tur, Al-Qadim, and Maztica are totally part of the DMs Guild allowed content.

Stores will get a free launch event package, including an adventure. They can run the adventure week after week if they want to. The season 4 launch event will be directly from the print product. After that the following seasons launch events will be brand new material.

WotC will reach out to people who've published good stuff to create more or revise it for an AL or published product.

Mike Mearls "We've seen what happens when we do too much content, so the plan is to take things slow."

No news on digital versons of the 5E core rulebooks.

No other logos provided, only the DMsGuild logo.

You can reference other material in the DMsGuild in your DMsGuild document, as well as materials that WotC has made available under it, but not things OUTSIDE the DMsGuild.

MM says the DM and/or players "should" purchase the mod to run in a store (rather than the store). But it wasn't a clear "must".

Reporting tables played - it only helps a store increase their WPN credit. If they don't need to increase their credit, then they don't have to be bothered with reporting. Reporting for home play is entirely unnecessary.

Don't intend to add any more material to the SRD (other than necessary updates).

You can add a color quote from a FR novel, but don't take paragraphs wholesale.

If you're writing for DMsGuild, you can absolutely use beholders and illithids and all of the other proprietary monsters.

Forgotten realms stuff includes anything that was published with a forgotten realms logo on it.

You can play the encounters stuff at home now.

Several people want to convert old mods to 5E. That's legal for DMsGuild IF you put it in the realms. They hope authors will do more than a straight conversion and put their own spin on it.

2016-01-17, 10:41 AM
Scorpienne, thanks for sharing your awesome list of questions, and the responses.