View Full Version : Pathfinder 20 and beyond: help me build a character over the top

2016-01-15, 03:01 PM
Hi All,

I'll start soon a new campaign, and the master told me that the character will reach level 30!!!

I will play a wizard (diviner foresight, conjurer teleportation or infernal binder), and I think to take 20 levels in this class.

Of course, a class cannot have more that 20 levels.

So, in order to grow my levels of existing arcane class over the 20th level, I'm thinking to take my other 10 levels in a PrC.

Allowed sources are:

Inner Sea World Guide
Ultimate Combat
Ultimate Magic
Gamemastery Guide
Bestiary 1-2-3

So, which PrC do you suggest in order to achieve 30 levels of wizard?

I will also accept to have few levels of wizard, but my CL has to be 30 (p.e. using Magical Knack).

Do you suggest to go straight as a wizard, and than have the PrC in the last 10 levels, or to enter is the PrC as soon as poosible, and then leave the rest of the wizard class for the end of the build?


2016-01-15, 03:15 PM
Classes can have more than twenty levels, using epic progressions. The only reason to ever take the 20th (19th, ...) level in wizard, is when you're gestalting and you want to get at the bonus epic feats past 20, which is not applicable here. Don't do it - don't waste fifteen levels on three bonus feats.

I'd recommend cloistered cleric 1/wizard 5/dweomerkeeper 10/incantatrix 10 for starters.I'm guessing this is for Pathfinder? Can't help you there, sorry about that.

2016-01-15, 03:19 PM
Yeah, this is Pathfinder :smile:

2016-01-15, 03:53 PM
That's not a kind selection selection of sources for full spellcasting PrCs.

These are your choices:

Harrower - http://archivesofnethys.com/PrestigeClassesDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Harrower

Loremaster - http://archivesofnethys.com/PrestigeClassesDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Loremaster

Magical Knack will get you a CL of 30 with Eldritch Knight.

But it won't with Arcane Archer. You could take 2 levels of Loremaster and 8 of Arcane Archer mind. Or 4 levels of Arcane Archer, 10 of Eldritch Knight, and 16 of Wizard.

17 Wizard, 3 Cleric, 10 Mystic Theurge just misses out but might be stronger anyway.

2016-01-15, 04:23 PM
I agree, the major source for PrC is missing, that limits the actual choices.
So I second Mystic Theurge, the only one of the bunch where you gain anything worthwhile, even is falling a bit short of CL30.

2016-01-15, 05:19 PM
If you can persuade your GM to put Paths of Prestige on the allowed list, that would be super helpful for you.

2016-01-26, 02:33 AM
given the sources listed as available and the lack of prestige classes your choices are pretty limited. books i have myself are core, apg, um, uc, acg. so far i have the lore master, and thats it.

2016-01-26, 04:02 AM
That's not a kind selection selection of sources for full spellcasting PrCs.

Ta-da! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?230500-Pathfinder-Dipping-for-Fun-and-Profit-%28mostly-Profit%29&p=12613046&viewfull=1#post12613046)
No Lost Casting
*Arcane Trickster, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting (Sandman Archetype Bard only, otherwise +2 lost Casting)
Arclord of Nex, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting
Bloatmage, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting
Cyphermage, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting
Diabolist, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting
Envoy of Balance, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting
Genie Binder, 1/2 Bab, 5/5 Casting
Harrower, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting
Hellknight Signifier, 3/4 Bab, 10/10 Casting (must have Medium Armor Prof., if you would rather Dip than spend 2 feats, this drops to 1 Lost Casting)
Loremaster, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting
Magaambyan Arcanist, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting
Spherewalker, 3/4 Bab, 5/5 Casting
Thuvian Alchemist, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting
Veiled Illusionist, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting

1 Lost Casting (no Casting on 1st level of PrC)
Agent of the Grave, 1/2 Bab, 4/5 Casting
Arcane Archer, Full Bab, 7/10 Casting (if taken to level 4 or less)
Blackfire Adept, 1/2 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if taken to level 4 or less)
Daivrat, 1/2 Bab, 9/10 Casting
Demoniac, 3/4 Bab, 9/10 Casting
**Dragon Disciple, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if taken to level 4 or less)
***Eldritch Knight, Full Bab, 9/10 Casting (only for Magus entry)
Evangelist, 3/4 Bab, 9/10 Casting
****Living Monolith, 3/4 Bab, 9/10 Casting
Mystery Cultist, 3/4 Bab, 9/10 Casting
Pathfinder Savant, 1/2 Bab, 6/7 Casting
Razmiran Priest, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if taken to level 4 or less)
Riftwarden, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if taken to level 4 or less)
Souldrinker, 1/2 Bab, 8/10 Casting (if taken to level 5 or less)
Storm Kindler, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if taken to level 4 or less)
Tattooed Mystic, 1/2 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if taken to level 4 or less)
Umbral Court Agent, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if taken to level 4 or less)
Winter Witch, 1/2 Bab, 9/10 Casting (Winter Witch archetype-Only)

2 Lost Casting
Arcane Archer, Full Bab, 7/10 Casting (if 5-to-8 levels are taken)
Arcane Trickster, 1/2 Bab, 10/10 Casting (lost casting due to Pre-Req of 2d6 Sneak Attack)
Blackfire Adept, 1/2 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if 5-to-8 levels are taken)
**Dragon Disciple, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if 5-to-8 levels are taken)
Eldritch Knight, Full Bab, 9/10 Casting (lost casting due to Pre-Req of All Martial Weapon prof.)
Razmiran Priest, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if 5-to-8 levels are taken)
Riftwarden, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if 5-to-8 levels are taken)
Souldrinker, 1/2 Bab, 8/10 Casting (if taken to level 6 or more)
Storm Kindler, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if 5-to-8 levels are taken)
Tattooed Mystic, 1/2 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if 5-8 levels are taken)
Umbral Court Agent, 3/4 Bab, 7/10 Casting (if 5-to-8 levels are taken)

The main issue is your limited "allowed books".
Most PrC's were published in side-books, very few in the main ones.

As far as straight up casting goes, Loremaster is your best bet. Can enter with only Wizard levels, full casting advancement. The problem is that there is little that is truly unique about the PrC.

Eldritch Knight loses 2 caster levels (one from the class itself, the other from needing to dip for Weapon Prof), but gives a good boost to HD/Bab/Fort. Depending on how your DM runs Epic levels, you may 'need' to take Eldritch Knight levels before 20 to get full benefits.

Mystic Theurge loses 3 caster levels, but will get you level ~13 divine casting.

Arcane Trickster loses 2 or 3 caster levels, but will shore up your Ref Save, and Sneak Attack can boost the damage of your spells on occasion (Rogue 1/Assassin 1 for minimal caster loss).

Arcane Archer/Dragon Disciple only have 7/10 casting, but could be fun with the right build (do note that although you need Spontaneous casting to qualify for Dragon Disciple, you can choose to advance ANY arcane casting).
Sorc 1/Dragon Disciple 4 loses 2 caster levels, but you get a bump in HD/Fort, +4 STR, +3 Nat Armor. Nothing spectacular, but decent.

Platymus Pus
2016-01-26, 06:35 AM
Hi All,

I'll start soon a new campaign, and the master told me that the character will reach level 30!!!

What level are you starting as though?