View Full Version : Pathfinder First time Kingmaker player looking for class advice

Feather Sigil
2016-01-15, 05:23 PM
I'm going to join a Kingmaker game that just recently started. Never played the AP before. The party just lost their rogue and is in need of:

-Ranged combat (arrows, spells, doesn't matter)

They also need someone with Sense Motive, as nobody really has that.

My usual preference is casters but I don't know if any caster can fulfill such roles, so I'm uncertain of what to try out. Any advice in that regard would be most appreciated. :smallsmile:

2016-01-15, 05:25 PM
A druid or hunter could fulfill any and all of those roles, and they're certainly still casters. A ranger could too, although they're casting is much more modest. Any of those classes would flourish in Kingmaker; there's no shortage of wilderness terrain, animals, etc.

2016-01-15, 05:26 PM
A Druid of Erastil with any of the dozen traits that give Sense Motive would work fine, imho.
Else you just described the Ranger or Slayer classes to a T. ;)

2016-01-15, 05:52 PM
Even without sense motive as a class skill, the hunter/druid/ranger are all wis based casters, so if you are putting ranks in it you should be fine.

2016-01-15, 05:54 PM
I've played a alchemist in Kingmaker before using one of the more 'natural' archetypes. They're casters, can fill a few roles, and and also I found the craft skill used plenty in my experience.

2016-01-15, 06:12 PM
I played a ranger when I went through it and it was nice since many combats allowed for the range. A druid would work and you'd actually get use out of entangle since there is very few traditional dungeon crawls. A druid easily meets all of your requirements too. You'll just have to justify why it is your building a kingdom of cities as opposed to tending forests but if your group is ok with a few nature themed cities you'd likely fit in just fine.

2016-01-15, 07:15 PM
Beguiler can cover everything bar Survival, and the combat thing - but you have spells for that.

2016-01-15, 07:25 PM
Inquisitors make pretty good archers and skillmonkeys. The Heretic archetype gives you Wisdom to Stealth instead of Knowledge, which can make you extra-sneaky. Wisdom casting goes well with Perception, and disabling magic traps is just a Trait away. (A different campaign, but I'm sure you can get permission if it's to fill the specific role you guys need). Heck, pick up the Reformation Inquisition and you'll be a great party face, too. I might also recommend a one-level dip in Zen Archer Unchained Monk, for a bonus feat and effectively-Improved-Rapid-Shot (and Wis to AC, for a fun little bonus. Three levels gets you Wis for attack, but that's a big dip if you want to be more caster-y)

2016-01-15, 08:11 PM
I have run the AP once up to the 4th book. If you go Divine do Erastil for your God she is pretty prominent in the area. Inquisitor would fill the role you are looking for. I prefer the Sanctified Slayer Archtype just because I dont like Judgements.