View Full Version : Trasmuter with loose sense of ethics obtains potential Demonic Mutagen. What do?

2016-01-16, 03:03 AM
So in our last adventure, after having slain what we thought to be an Ettin but was really just a crazed 2-headed stone giant, one of the party members secretly harvested what i can only call "A mason jar of black goop" that, after giving it an hard look at with the party's fighter/wizard, seems to have mutagenic properties, demonic in nature.

Now, as a Transmuter and researcher who found himself accidentally magic'd into a party with loose morals in a hostile and somewhat foreign land, I feel that this might be an opportunity to look into studying aspects of magic that would be frowned upon in other, more civil company.

potential ideas are :
-grab magic circle at next level (we're currently lvl 4) then begin experimenting on natural critters, leading up to supernatural ones
-at level 6 test effect of mutagen on creation of transmuter's stone
-potion-making and how the addition of mutagen affect the primary properties and potential side-effects
-mutagen as a bonus spell component in summoning spells
-mutagen as a bonus spell component in shapeshifting spells
-mutagen as a bonus spell component in spells that alter natural capabilities
-mutagen as a bonus spell component in healing spells (note:will need to get a healer for this)
-spread light coat on copper/silver coins and use to make purchases. See if reactions occur in the public.
-find a way to crystallize some of it/use it as an arcane focus
-find a way to manufacture more, naturally or artificially

Any other takers on what one could possibly attempt through transmutation & other magics and liberal application of the scientific method by way of loose morals?

2016-01-16, 04:44 PM
While one of the other players are playing pool, put a tiny dab of the black goop into their drink. Then they can be infected and you can see what happens! Fun stuff!

Wouldn't it be cool if they had sex with their partner and had a weird monster tentacle baby that had to be removed by emergency surgery? Then the monster baby could get real big for no reason and attack the hostile half giant albino attacking the party, and lay an mutant egg inside it's body!

Who knows what Gigeresque monster might be born?

Surely nothing bad will happen. Go for it!

(i.e. the plot of Prometheus.)

The Glyphstone
2016-01-16, 04:49 PM
Spread it on your toast and eat it for breakfast?

2016-01-16, 05:21 PM
Spread it on your toast and eat it for breakfast?

No, spread it on toast and give it to orphans! As always, document everything for posterity!

The Glyphstone
2016-01-16, 05:40 PM
No, spread it on toast and give it to orphans! As always, document everything for posterity!

Just as long as half of the orphans are given plain toast. Proper science demands a control group, after all.

2016-01-16, 05:51 PM
Just as long as half of the orphans are given plain toast. Proper science demands a control group, after all.

No a proper control group would be 2 groups, one with parents, one without. Each are then divided into trial and control groups with equal amounts of males and females in both (ideally species and average age would remain approximately the same between groups.) Then the trial group are given jam on toast with the active ingredient in and control group are given normal jam on toast. (Jam is to mask the taste and ensure blindness of test group.) Then results are documented for posterity and any remaining test subjects are disposed of via humane firebolt.

2016-01-16, 08:30 PM
Just as long as half of the orphans are given plain toast. Proper science demands a control group, after all.

Plain Toast then kill them with mundane weapons. We need to verify everything with autopsies after all.

Then we burn the bodies with firebolts. In the name of science, of course.

2016-01-16, 08:34 PM
I will take these under grateful consideration and when the tests are complete and data compiled, the associated thesis will be submitted to the Council for peer review.