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2016-01-16, 03:37 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

The five of you have been rushed through the system. At least, you think you were. You were all sent up to the old Tower in Alexandria, sworn in and kitted out in less than a day. The tower was huge, but generally pretty empty feeling. One hundred stories tall and with more empty offices that you could fathom. Only the administrators, some technicians, and the council made their permanent residents there, with the other guardians usually only showing up for a briefing or to archive some valuable artifacts. The windows were tall and the balconies decadent, but they only looked over a ruined city that hasn't seen a civilian in almost a century.

Donning your new spiffy coats, a sign of a Guardian, and holding a folder of files, you were all shipped back south to Frontiera. The difference is pretty shocking. Even this cozy suburb you were assigned too is bustling compared to the Tower. In the distant you can see the wall that keeps the forest at bay. Umbria has developed to survive despite that forest, and as such has a strong hydroponics and technological business sectors.

You are greeted by a tall catfolk. She has hazel eyes and long red hair. Her light almond skin is occasionally scored by a stripe, giving her an appearance similiar to that of a tiger. She's fit, too, and not hard on the eyes. Adorned by this fine specimen, possibly a pinnacle of catfolk ability, is a Guardian's Coat.

"Well, this is certainly interesting. Master never said their would be so many of you," she says. "The codename is Bast, but you guys can just call me Tora. I was trained by Diael, just as you'll be, and now I act as his assistant." She flips her long hair in the most fabulous and impressive way she can while sporting a cocky grin. "Don't let the title 'assistant' fool you. I'm a pretty good Guardian."

2016-01-16, 06:00 PM
Lea was starting to regret her choice to try out to be a guardian. Donned in her armor already, the fancy coat that served as a uniform was only serving to make her sweating worse.

Fanning her head trying to make the sweating go away, Lea looked over her companions. The Nilphiam.. Her name was Cynthia right. She looked like she could hold herself in a fight. The rest she had assumed were brought in for other skills. She would have to see what they could do later.

Leaving her "uniform" on as loosely as possible, she ran her head through sweaty hair, as the pretty catfolk introduced herself. Quirking one of her silver eyebrows at her assistant comment she chuckled.

Greetings Tora. She said curtsy. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lea.

2016-01-16, 06:52 PM
Lobelia was filled to the brim with excitement, this was a day she had been looking forward to for a long time. Now she was a guardian like her big brother. She sized up her team and was astonished to see that it was comprised of mostly women! How did she not notice before?

Slightly flustered, Lobelia pulls out a little notepad from her pocket and begins to scribble a note that reads "Pay attention to your surroundings." She is startled slightly by the catfolk as she begins to talk, but realizes quickly that she is not a threat and that she really should be paying better attention to her surroundings.

"Whoa! A real guardian? Very nice to meet you! I'm Tse- Lobelia. Lobelia Strongarm!"

A sincere grin draws itself on Lobelia's face. She'd met lots of guardians before. All of her brothers friends were guardians like him. But something about meeting a guardian now that she too was a guardian was even more exciting!

2016-01-17, 12:37 AM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora return's Lea's curtsy with a well practiced one of her own. Tora's coat is very tight fitting, obviously set to show off her curves. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lea," she replies, with a conflicting air of grace compared to her attitude she introduced herself. "It can't be that warm here. A balmy 50, maybe. Is the armor and coat a bit warm, even in this climate?" she asks, noticing Lea's difficultly.

As for Lobelia's verbal slip, she say "Oh, some kind of pseudonym, huh? I wouldn't worry about it. I don't know many Guardians who use their real names." She crosses her arms and stares at Lobelia intently. "So what's a little green thing like you doing in the Guardian's, anyway. The only races that are worse represented are catfolk and elves, and elves don't exist." She giggles are her own jest.

2016-01-17, 12:59 AM
Grinning slightly, Kadic stood up from his lean against the nearest wall. Removing his battered cap in a languid bow to the catfolk woman in front of him, he yawns and says "Name's Kadic. Emeth. Professional ne'er-do-well."

He stands up from his bow as a sort of miniature griffin lands on his shoulder. The creature chirps in his ear for a few moments and Kadic seems to reply to the creature, saying in an exasperated voice "Fiiiiiiiiiine, Snack, you insufferable little carrier pidgeon, you may bother the orc lady. Not my fault if she eats you. Also not my fault if Snack tastes bad... Lobelia, was it?"

2016-01-17, 01:10 AM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora return's Lea's curtsy with a well practiced one of her own. Tora's coat is very tight fitting, obviously set to show off her curves. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Lea," she replies, with a conflicting air of grace compared to her attitude she introduced herself. "It can't be that warm here. A balmy 50, maybe. Is the armor and coat a bit warm, even in this climate?" she asks, noticing Lea's difficultly.

Lea chuckles. I'm used to much cooler climates, and currently in three layers. I'll adapt, but it'll take some time. She leans against a nearby wall and the fanning does slow down a little. She flashes a smile towards the catfolk, and her talking starts to speed up.

So how long have you been a guardian? And do they really all use codenames, when do we get code names?

2016-01-17, 02:07 AM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Ah, yes," Tora nods her head knowingly. "It's much hotter where I come from. Getting used to the cold temperatures was a bit of a struggle. The good news is that I wear clothing that's too light for the weather like the best Umbrian!" She gives another self serving laugh. "Anyway, I've been a full fledged Guardian for a couple years now. I got my codename about when I graduated, but I never really use it, so it's a bit hard to remember."

"Tsk," Tora says, noticing Kadic. "Better make yourself into someone who does well. Diael doesn't mess with anything less than the best. A lackadaisical attitude will just land you in trouble. 'Diligence is a virtue,' he says." She frowns slightly.

2016-01-17, 02:19 AM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Ah, yes," Tora nods her head knowingly. "It's much hotter where I come from. Getting used to the cold temperatures was a bit of a struggle. The good news is that I wear clothing that's too light for the weather like the best Umbrian!" She gives another self serving laugh. "Anyway, I've been a full fledged Guardian for a couple years now. I got my codename about when I graduated, but I never really use it, so it's a bit hard to remember."

"Tsk," Tora says, noticing Kadic. "Better make yourself into someone who does well. Diael doesn't mess with anything less than the best. A lackadaisical attitude will just land you in trouble. 'Diligence is a virtue,' he says." She frowns slightly.

Lea finally unzips her jacket hastily the zipper catching causing a moment of frustation, the armor obscures some of it. But it's not heavy, it's supposed to offer little restriction of movement. It's clear that Lea has a sizable chest under that jacket. About how long did it take you to adapt, Tora? Lea replies clearly hoping for a shorter timeframe. Please don't let it be years. is the main thought in her head.

And will you be teaching us some things as well, or just Diael? She adds curious.

2016-01-17, 02:38 AM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora stares intently as Lea fidgets with her jacket zipper, snapping herself out of it a few seconds later to answer Lea's question. "W-well, let me think... about 7 months, maybe? It was after I went through my first full winter. Winter can get pretty cold and windy around here. Like, 40 below wind chills. It was pretty rough."

She strokes her chin, glancing away. "I-I guess I could teach you a few things. I'm not a fully fledged master like Diael is, but I picked up a bit from my training. The council would probably prefer that he teaches directly, though. It's to better preserve his techniques through apprenticeship. I'm observing so I can learn to succeed him for this stuff." She suddenly stops. "N-not that I'm saying I won't help or anything. It's better to ask a question than getting something screwed up, after all."

2016-01-17, 03:02 AM
"my name is Cynthia, pleasure to meet you Tora"

After introducing herself, Cynthia stays to the side and waits seemingly composed, but using her armor as a barrier to hide her nervousness at meeting a new person and wanting to leave a good impression.

2016-01-17, 04:27 AM
Lobelia smiles politely at Tora "It's my name! I was originally named Tsegtseg, but now I go by Lobelia. With all the papers I was signing..." she looks down at her feet and blushes "I just got a little mixed up. As for the green thing... I'm an orc! Sorta small for an orc though... the other orcs all used to make fun of me."

Lobelia looks to Kadic "I promise I won't eat your bird! I'm not a mean orc..." She tries her best to look nice, smiling wide. A lot of people thought she was uncivilized before she even opened her mouth, purely because of the color of her skin.

2016-01-17, 09:39 AM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"A pleasure," Tora says, somewhat disappointed with apparent lack of impact she has had on Cynthia.

Looking back at Lobelia, and having to stop for a moment to process what had just transpired, Tora starts with "What? Did you write your name wrong?" Obviously confused, she tries to move the conversation in another direction. "Oh! So you didn't get along with other orcs, huh? That's too bad. I didn't really, ya know what, never mind." Tora awkwardly stops talking.

2016-01-17, 01:45 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora stares intently as Lea fidgets with her jacket zipper, snapping herself out of it a few seconds later to answer Lea's question. "W-well, let me think... about 7 months, maybe? It was after I went through my first full winter. Winter can get pretty cold and windy around here. Like, 40 below wind chills. It was pretty rough."

She strokes her chin, glancing away. "I-I guess I could teach you a few things. I'm not a fully fledged master like Diael is, but I picked up a bit from my training. The council would probably prefer that he teaches directly, though. It's to better preserve his techniques through apprenticeship. I'm observing so I can learn to succeed him for this stuff." She suddenly stops. "N-not that I'm saying I won't help or anything. It's better to ask a question than getting something screwed up, after all."

Lea chuckles slightly, rolling her eyes more out of amusement then annoyance as Tora ogles, the attractive, buxom, foreign bard was used to attention. She just quirks a silver eyebrow with a smirk as she continues to speak.

Well would his individual techniques be important. I'm sure that there is similarities between each guardian's SOP. But wouldn't each of them have slightly difference preferences? I'm sure I would chafe under some formal wizard's studying, while shine in the learning if our guardian was a bard.

2016-01-17, 01:52 PM
Lobelia smiles politely at Tora "It's my name! I was originally named Tsegtseg, but now I go by Lobelia. With all the papers I was signing..." she looks down at her feet and blushes "I just got a little mixed up. As for the green thing... I'm an orc! Sorta small for an orc though... the other orcs all used to make fun of me."

Lobelia looks to Kadic "I promise I won't eat your bird! I'm not a mean orc..." She tries her best to look nice, smiling wide. A lot of people thought she was uncivilized before she even opened her mouth, purely because of the color of her skin.

Kadic chuckles at the orc's reaction and replies "Never said you were, I was simply making a joke. You look too nice to be eating small fuzzy creatures, even if they deserve it." he said, glaring at Snack, who had now landed on the Orc's neck, and was beginning to headbutt her repeatedly. It also becomes apparent that the young catfolk had a strange accent hidden in his voice, buried under years in another country as well as a proper 'university accent'.

2016-01-17, 01:56 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"I guess. Diael can be real hands on, though. A wizard in the study, but in the field he gets muddy," Tora says, punctuating with another nervous giggle. "I guess I could give a few pointers, though. If we have time, I mean. It can get pretty crazy. I mean, maybe some individual sessions to a-address your needs. Different students learn different ways, right?" She stretches her back by pulling her arms upwards. "Yeah..."

"Oh, and another thing to know is that Diael can be a little short, but he means well. I mean, I was trained one on one, so having so many students at once might be too much, so I bet I can throw a little time in," she continues to babble.

"...Anyway, is that a hint of an accent, Kadric?" Tora asks.

2016-01-17, 02:14 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"I guess. Diael can be real hands on, though. A wizard in the study, but in the field he gets muddy," Tora says, punctuating with another nervous giggle. "I guess I could give a few pointers, though. If we have time, I mean. It can get pretty crazy. I mean, maybe some individual sessions to a-address your needs. Different students learn different ways, right?" She stretches her back by pulling her arms upwards. "Yeah..."

"Oh, and another thing to know is that Diael can be a little short, but he means well. I mean, I was trained one on one, so having so many students at once might be too much, so I bet I can throw a little time in," she continues to babble.

"...Anyway, is that a hint of an accent, Kadric?" Tora asks.

Glancing away from Lobelia for a moment, Kadic replies, "It's Kadic, m'love. Kadric is m'dad's name. Even still, you surprise me, being able to catch an accent as hidden as mine. Care to guess where I'm from?"

2016-01-17, 02:23 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora shrugs. "I don't know, Blacklight? I just know enough to know it sounds adopted. Where are you from, little guy?"

2016-01-17, 02:26 PM
So many people talking at one time flusters Lobelia slightly. "I wrote it all down correctly! Legally my name is still Tsegtseg, so I've just had to use it a lot the last few days." She moves a little closer to Tora than is socially acceptable, clearly with innocent intent. You can assume she carries a few socially awkward habits. Eyes widening, she says "My brother says that if you start talking about something, you should always finish." She stars with determination into Tora's eyes, adorably. "Otherwise you leave somebody wondering and that's 'just so cruel'!"

She then turns to the bird that his hitting her with it's head, it looks like she just noticed it. "Interrupting is rude, Mr. Snack." She bumps him back with her head and proceeds to make some chirping sounds at him.

2016-01-17, 02:41 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Hrk!" Tora blushes and takes a step back, uncomfortable withe Lobelia's sudden approach. "If you don't go by the name, you could have gotten it changed for the passport, at least. All of my stuff just says Tora." She pushes Lobelia another step away, just in case.

2016-01-17, 02:53 PM
"Hello, Tora. You can call me Sonia."
Sonia managed to give a lazy curtsy before her glance began to drift. She wasn't trying to be rude, but she definitely wasn't trying to be overly polite.

She had been listening for the most part, not caring to take huge part in the conversation as of yet. However, her ears twitched when Lobelia eating a live bird was suggested.

2016-01-17, 02:59 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"I guess. Diael can be real hands on, though. A wizard in the study, but in the field he gets muddy," Tora says, punctuating with another nervous giggle. "I guess I could give a few pointers, though. If we have time, I mean. It can get pretty crazy. I mean, maybe some individual sessions to a-address your needs. Different students learn different ways, right?" She stretches her back by pulling her arms upwards. "Yeah..."

"Oh, and another thing to know is that Diael can be a little short, but he means well. I mean, I was trained one on one, so having so many students at once might be too much, so I bet I can throw a little time in," she continues to babble.

"...Anyway, is that a hint of an accent, Kadric?" Tora asks.

Lea smiles at Tora.

Right I heard about that. Like book learning, motion learning, learning by doing, I'm surprised the academy didn't test for that? Or did they and I just didn't recognize the test? She says taking a swig from her waterskin.

Any idea what I'd be best at, Tora? She asks out of curiosity.

With Sonia speaking, Lea pipes up now. Oh! Should we all exchange numbers to keep in contact? She says pulling out her phone, and starting to fiddle with it, swiftly growing frustrated.

2016-01-17, 03:07 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Sonia, huh? That's a lovely name." She notes Sonia's eyes. "Greyhorn, huh? Sunlight bothering you? You'll get along with Diael, that's for sure. Of course, I can always be of help."

"Oh and yes we can totally exchange numbers." Tora whips out her phones with gusto. "Lea, you look like you need some help. Learning over phone sounds like it wouldn't be best with you. Maybe we can try some doing, instead. It's how I learn best."

2016-01-17, 03:13 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Oh and yes we can totally exchange numbers."[/COLOR] Tora whips out her phones with gusto. "Lea, you look like you need some help. Learning over phone sounds like it wouldn't be best with you. Maybe we can try some doing, instead It's how I learn best."

Lea still pounding random keys on the phone in frustration. Nods at Tora's suggestion. Sure, sure. She says impatiently clearly not catching innuendo this time.

Holding out her phone to Tora's face she winces. Can we start on the help, now? She asks clearly feeling like a idiot.

2016-01-17, 03:20 PM
Sonia was surprised to have her little issue recognized. "Yes, always." her eyes turned to the floor to allow some rest from the light. "What else can you tell me about Dael? I'm interested." she said preparing her mental notebook.

Holding in a small chuckle, Sonia stole a quick look at Lea struggling with her phone.

2016-01-17, 03:23 PM
Lobelia clearly doesn't notice Tora attempting to maintain a normal distance. "My brother had a catfolk girlfriend once, she looked kind of like you... but he said her hair wasn't her natural color and... I'm rambling! Oh no!" Lobelia looks like her heart has been broken by her lack of social aptitude. Taking another step forward she looks into Tora's eyes and croaks a little "I'm sorry teacher. Please don't fail me."

She walks away, dejectedly and sits on a nearby curb. "Talking to normal people is so hard..."

2016-01-17, 03:26 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Here," Tora takes the phone. "Ugh, the default background? Let's fix that first." Tora takes a picture of herself with Lea phone, and a few taps later is now embedded on the screen. "Man, that looks like a good photo. I understand why kids do this. And a bit more..." a few more taps, and Tora adds herself to Lea's contacts.

She looks up at Sonia. "Diael? Well, he's a real bastard if I ever saw one. Really dependable though. Super strong. I'd bet that he'd give Bandriel a good fight, but really they wouldn't fight. Uh, he can be pretty strict, too. He says he likes the 'gravitas' that comes with his position."

Seeing the saddened Lobelia, Tora sweeps her hair with her hand. "Pep up, 'Belia. And yes, these are real. I'm the genuine article. Who's your brother anyway?"

2016-01-17, 03:30 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora shrugs. "I don't know, Blacklight? I just know enough to know it sounds adopted. Where are you from, little guy?"

Kadic glances over at Snack just in time to see him get headbutted, chuckling at the thing's confusion. He turns back to Tora and replies, "Eastern Isles, miss. My parents decided to ship me off to some human college because I can make things. And Lobelia, I doubt any of us here qualify as any form of normal. I don't think that normal is word that can be used to accurately described the Guardians, to be honest."

2016-01-17, 03:33 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Here," Tora takes the phone. "Ugh, the default background? Let's fix that first." Tora takes a picture of herself with Lea phone, and a few taps later is now embedded on the screen. "Man, that looks like a good photo. I understand why kids do this. And a bit more..." a few more taps, and Tora adds herself to Lea's contacts.

You're really photogenic! Lea comments enthusiastically. But shouldn't the photo at least include me? Lea adds starting to grin, and gesturing her over.

2016-01-17, 03:45 PM
Sonia mentally catalogs the details on Dael and nods in thanks. She decides that the rest would be better to learn from meeting him herself.
Seating herself by Lobelia while the picture shenanigans take place, Sonia sighs and stretches her bone thin frame."Maybe I'll change my background to a picture of Jeremy..." she thinks to herself aloud.

2016-01-17, 03:48 PM
Cynthia sits down near Lobelia and Sonia on the curb smiling slightly.

"Don't worry too much about, Lobelia. I also do not have a lot of expeirience talking to a lot of people. If you ever want to talk to me don't hesitate."

She gets her phone ready.

2016-01-17, 04:28 PM
Lobelia perks up immediately when she is asked about her brother. "My brother is the Apollo Strongarm! Dashing do good extraordinaire!" She takes a couple of quick jabs at the air, mimicking her brother.

Looking at Cynthia, she follows suit and pulls out her phone. It has lots of guardian stickers all over it, the kind they hand out to kids who go to rally's and the like. "I most certainly will talk to you!" Grinning, she presses a couple of buttons and turns her phone around to show Tora a picture of her brother.
I'm on mobile, so we'll have to make due. Here is the best I can do for a picture:

2016-01-17, 05:55 PM
Lobelia perks up immediately when she is asked about her brother. "My brother is the Apollo Strongarm! Dashing do good extraordinaire!" She takes a couple of quick jabs at the air, mimicking her brother.

Looking at Cynthia, she follows suit and pulls out her phone. It has lots of guardian stickers all over it, the kind they hand out to kids who go to rally's and the like. "I most certainly will talk to you!" Grinning, she presses a couple of buttons and turns her phone around to show Tora a picture of her brother.
I'm on mobile, so we'll have to make due. Here is the best I can do for a picture:

The who? Lea calls over as Tora moves.

I'm new here, so you'll have to describe what he's like. She adds in way of explanation.

2016-01-17, 06:02 PM
Lobelia tilts the screen so that Lea can see the picture too. "He is a guardian! He fights evil by daylight and wins the hearts of women by moonlight!" Clearly getting more and more pumped up, Lobelia laughs innocently and leans on Sonia.

2016-01-17, 06:07 PM
Lobelia tilts the screen so that Lea can see the picture too. "He is a guardian! He fights evil by daylight and wins the hearts of women by moonlight!" Clearly getting more and more pumped up, Lobelia laughs innocently and leans on Sonia.

Oh, so if I meet him, watch myself? Lea chuckled. Or he might win my heart as well?

2016-01-17, 06:42 PM
Lobelia grins widely and obviously sized Lea up from head to toe. "You look like you might be a prime candidate for Apollo's attention." She nods and puts a finger to her chin. "But he's a nice guy and treats girls nice! He saved me from some bad people!" She closes her eyes as if pondering deeply. "But he hates tomatoes."

2016-01-17, 07:33 PM
Train station

"Eastern Isles? Wouldn't know anything about that," Tora says to Kadic, sporting her best poker face.

"A picture of both us, huh? Only if you think you can improve on perfection," Tora says to Lea's request.

She examines the photo of Lobelia's brother. "Oh... I knew that sounded familiar," Tora says in knowing tone. "Tomatoes are important in our line of work too. Seriously..." Tora suddenly changes the topic. "So who's this Jeremy fella, Sonia."

2016-01-17, 07:37 PM
Lobelia makes direct eye contact with Tora and squints. "You know my brother. Don't you?"
Sense Motive:

2016-01-17, 07:54 PM
Train Station

"Well, for starters not liking tomatoes is ridiculous. Their juice is great for getting smells out of your skin and clothes. I can't begin to describe all of the outfits tomatoes have saved me from romps in the sewers or swamps." Tora grunts. "I've nothing against the guy. He just rubs my fur the wrong way."

An astute observer* may notice the disposition of an animal whose hunting ground is being impeded upon from Tora's posture.

DC 20 sense motive. I can't read the rolls on mobile. :p

2016-01-17, 08:04 PM
Lobelia smiles and shrugs. "That's okay. To each their own!" Slyly, Lobelia adds a quip that doesn't seem to match up with her bumbling personality. "He's currently into nephie's anyways." It seems like she's joking, but that there may be a little truth behind her words.

Lobelia pulls out a notepad and jots down a small note that reads "Ask big brother about teacher Tora. (The nice cat lady that might like other ladies...)"

"Miss Tora! Can I take a picture of you too? I'll put it as my contact picture for you!" She smiles happily.
Dang. I rolled a 19 and don't have any bonuses to Sense Motive...

2016-01-17, 09:04 PM
Train Station

"Oh definitely!" Tora exclaims. "Just make sure to get my my good side!" Tora faces the left side of her face towards Lobelia. It's suddenly obvious that the stripes on her face don't match. Her left cheek has 2 stripes, but her right side only has one.

2016-01-17, 09:21 PM
Lobelia clicks the button and snaps a picture. "Oh wonderful!" She does indeed set it as Tora's contact image, but not before sending a the picture to her brother captioned "Here's my teacher!" She smiles sincerely at Tora and remarks "I like your stripes! They're very fiesty!"

2016-01-17, 09:25 PM
"Jeremy is...you could call him my best friend." Sonia attempted a sweet smile but it wasn't of very good use. They always turned out a little bit crooked. Feeling her awkwardness on her own face she waved her hand in dismissal, "I told him to wait out of sight for a bit, but I can call him back if you'd like."

"Can you send me that, Lobelia? I'd like one for my contacts as well, and that way Tora doesn't have to pose for another one." Sonia asked trying to be considerate- but she had a feeling Tora didn't mind posing.

2016-01-17, 10:07 PM
Train Station

Tora bares her claws and makes a playful growl. "Grr! Damn straight they are! Anyway, just don't send any of these photos to your brother."

"Aw, do you have an imaginary friend, Sonia? I'd like to meet him." Tora smiles encouragingly, still making poses for anyone willing to photograph her.

2016-01-17, 10:17 PM
Lobelia grins widely and obviously sized Lea up from head to toe. "You look like you might be a prime candidate for Apollo's attention." She nods and puts a finger to her chin. "But he's a nice guy and treats girls nice! He saved me from some bad people!" She closes her eyes as if pondering deeply. "But he hates tomatoes."

Are you saying I look like a hot tomato? Lea asked.

"A picture of both us, huh? Only if you think you can improve on perfection," Tora says to Lea's request.

Lea puts her face right next to Tora's, and starts a handful of clicks, taking about ten seconds before she gets a picutre.

What do you think? Lea asks showing it off.

Train Station

"Well, for starters not liking tomatoes is ridiculous. Their juice is great for getting smells out of your skin and clothes. I can't begin to describe all of the outfits tomatoes have saved me from romps in the sewers or swamps." Tora grunts. "I've nothing against the guy. He just rubs my fur the wrong way."

An astute observer* may notice the disposition of an animal whose hunting ground is being impeded upon from Tora's posture.

Lea flashes Tora a knowing grin.

2016-01-17, 10:34 PM
"Yeah... 'imaginary'." Sonia smiles her natural grin, waving in her not so imaginary friend.
Soon, her friend approaches. Jeremy towers over Sonia's 5 foot frame and even though he is nothing but bones his appearance is rather thick standing next to her. "I'll hide him behind doors and posts sometimes. Or in my backpack when he'd a pile of bones. My favorite is when I have him 'play dead' though. It's fun to watch people cringe at a random skeleton laying around."

2016-01-17, 10:37 PM
Taken aback by Lea's misunderstanding. "You're not a vegetable! I was merely stating a fact. If he did take an interest in you, don't feed him tomatoes!"

She smiles sheepishly at Tora's statement about sending Apollo a picture. "Right... don't send any pictures to Apollo." Her smile widens, attempting to stay innocent.

2016-01-17, 10:46 PM
Taken aback by Lea's misunderstanding. "You're not a vegetable! I was merely stating a fact. If he did take an interest in you, don't feed him tomatoes!"

She smiles sheepishly at Tora's statement about sending Apollo a picture. "Right... don't send any pictures to Apollo." Her smile widens, attempting to stay innocent.

Why would I be feeding him? Lea asked.

Do the Guardians have a party get together I don't know about? She asks walking to "Lobelia" and giving her a light slap at the back of her head.

If you're going to lie, at least lie well. Lea whispered.

2016-01-17, 10:50 PM
Lobelia's eyes immediate grow large and teary. "Hitting isn't n-nice." She runs and throws herself into Tora's arms for comfort.

2016-01-17, 11:00 PM
Lobelia's eyes immediate grow large and teary. "Hitting isn't n-nice." She runs and throws herself into Tora's arms for comfort.

Lea sighs and rubs her forehead.

Hey, hey. She replies softly. I'm sorry. It's a cultural difference where I come from. Lea explained.

The elders use slaps as a way to enforce discipline. She says patting Lobelia's shoulder softly. I won't do it again.

She also mouths Sorry. To Tora.

2016-01-17, 11:04 PM
Lobelia tries to regain her composure, clearing her throat. "It's okay..." she looks down. "Violence among 'friends' is not a normal concept for me." She rolls back her sleeves to reveal robotic arms. "I had people tell me they were my 'friends' once, and now I have these."

2016-01-17, 11:06 PM
Lobelia tries to regain her composure, clearing her throat. "It's okay..." she looks down. "Violence among 'friends' is not a normal concept for me." She rolls back her sleeves to reveal robotic arms. "I had people tell me they were my 'friends' once, and now I have these."

Regardless. It won't happen again, my apologies. Lea promised giving her a hug.

2016-01-17, 11:12 PM
Lobelia tries to regain her composure, clearing her throat. "It's okay..." she looks down. "Violence among 'friends' is not a normal concept for me." She rolls back her sleeves to reveal robotic arms. "I had people tell me they were my 'friends' once, and now I have these."

Kadic leans over, apparently extremely interested in the robotic arms "If you don't mind me asking, where'd you get those? They're some of the most well-designed arms I've ever seen. It sucks that those scum hurt you, but these are amazing." He starts closely inspecting the arms, pulling out a jeweler's glass and peering at the mechanisms, completely oblivious to everything.

2016-01-17, 11:18 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Oh yeah, that's a nice photo, it has m-" Jeremy's arrival interrupts Tora's statment. "HOLY JESUS ****ING CHRIST ON A GRILLED CHEESE!" she interjects, drawing a .50 handcannons and readying it at Jeremy with astonishing, practiced speed, a look of determined concentrations on her face. "Oh," she says, putting the safety back on her weapon and stowing it once more. "That's Jeremy. I don't know what I expected from a Guardian. Still, that's pretty... creepy."

Tora gives a respectful nod to Lea. "You get me," the nod seems to say. Of course, with all of the commotion, Tora doesn't notice that Lobelia is lying about not sending pictures to her brother.

"Oh, that looks pretty sick, Lobelia. Like you can crush concrete. I can't relate, but Diael's lost at least one arm. If you need to talk about it, he'd probably sympathize with you. Maybe."

Lobelia's phone buzzes! She's getting texts from Apollo
"You're being trained by that fox? Damn!"
the texts say.

2016-01-17, 11:25 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Oh yeah, that's a nice photo, it has m-" Jeremy's arrival interrupts Tora's statment. "HOLY JESUS ****ING CHRIST ON A GRILLED CHEESE!" she interjects, drawing a .50 handcannons and readying it at Jeremy with astonishing, practiced speed, a look of determined concentrations on her face. "Oh," she says, putting the safety back on her weapon and stowing it once more. "That's Jeremy. I don't know what I expected from a Guardian. Still, that's pretty... creepy."

Tora gives a respectful nod to Lea. "You get me," the nod seems to say. Of course, with all of the commotion, Tora doesn't notice that Lobelia is lying about not sending pictures to her brother.

"Oh, that looks pretty sick, Lobelia. Like you can crush concrete. I can't relate, but Diael's lost at least one arm. If you need to talk about it, he'd probably sympathize with you. Maybe."

Lobelia's phone buzzes! She's getting texts from Apollo
"You're being trained by that fox? Damn!"
the texts say.

Grilled cheese? Lea asked. What is a grilled cheese? She asks clearly confused, trying out the photo function on all of you several times to get the hang of it.

2016-01-17, 11:29 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora employs a flat "What." She shakes her head. "'What's a grilled cheese?' It's a sandwich that has cheese in it that you fry! And it goes great with TOMATO SOUP!"

"Anyway, if we've all of our stuff, we should move to the house. Diael's waiting for us." Tora says.

2016-01-17, 11:38 PM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora employs a flat "What." She shakes her head. "'What's a grilled cheese?' It's a sandwich that has cheese in it that you fry! And it goes great with TOMATO SOUP!"

"Anyway, if we've all of our stuff, we should move to the house. Diael's waiting for us." Tora says.

Oh! We don't make those where I come from. Lea replies explaining the reason for her confusion.

Zipping her jacket half way up, and putting her phone away, she gestures to Tora. Lead the way.

2016-01-17, 11:48 PM
Lobelia sniffles a little and accepts Lea's hug. She turns to Kadic and blushes. "My brother got them for me. He said 'good guardians have good connections'."

Her phone buzzes a few times and she unlocks it. "Uh..." She looks behind Tora, looking for a fox tail and shakes her head. "She looks like a cat folk to me." Lobelia texts in reply. "I am ready to mobilize whenever we're all ready!"

2016-01-17, 11:49 PM
Sonia giggles at Tora's response and then pats Jeremy's shoulder "She didn't mean it, lovely. I don't think you're creepy.". She turns her focus back to Tora and smiles with a subtle tilt of the head.

2016-01-17, 11:50 PM
Lobelia sniffles a little and accepts Lea's hug. She turns to Kadic and blushes. "My brother got them for me. He said 'good guardians have good connections'."

Her phone buzzes a few times and she unlocks it. "Uh..." She looks behind Tora, looking for a fox tail and shakes her head. "She looks like a cat folk to me." Lobelia texts in reply. "I am ready to mobilize whenever we're all ready!"

Your brother speaks sense! Lea calls out.

2016-01-18, 12:39 AM
Train Station, Umbria, Frontiera

"Whose brother speaks what?" Tora cries indignantly. She glances at Lobelia's phone and rolls her eyes. "Seriously, what the **** did I just say?" She shakes her head, and gestures for the team to follow.

Guardian Manor' Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

The garden to the manor is full of a lot of black roses. Suffice it to say, it's a gaudy choice in floral gardening. It makes the place look much more austere than the open area and well tended plant should allow.

There is a set of patio furniture arranged under a pagoda, with an evening tea prepared. There is also a nephilim.

This is another Guardian, according the coat, which is modified with armor plates about the shoulders and forearms, all bearing a vague skull motif. It's also much darker than the typical whites and dark blues the coats normal have. This man's most striking feature is his horns, six in total, iron in color, 3 on each side of his head, forming a crown adorning his blonde hair. Following that, the second feature on notices is the large scar carving it's way down his gaunt face and through his right eye. These eyes, a steely grey to match his horns, a filled with a vibrant mettle. Strapped to his waist is a sword, which has a and ornate guard.

In his right hand, he holds a cup of tea, which he sets down when he see the party arrive. In the other, an obscure book in some arcane language. Without looking up, he nods to Tora, and she nods back. A simple but coordinated acknowledgment between partners. Any words between the two would be wasted. They simply understood each other, without so much a glance.

The man's voice is low and breathy, with a slight rasp to it. Despite whisper like tone, the words he speak carry powerfully. "I see. So this is them." The question is rhetorical. Tora knows better than to answer.

2016-01-18, 12:52 AM
Lea curtsies upon meeting her boss to be. Her mind aflutter with how to present herself. Would he want to speak first, how would he want to be addressed.

Greetings sir. Lea replies with a curtsy. I am Lea Brightheart, hopeful guardian to be.

She adds, before blushing, and zipping up her jacket the rest of the way, and taking a swig of her waterskin.

2016-01-18, 01:09 AM
Lobelia pats Tora's backside, still curious where she is hiding the fox tail. "My brother said you're a fox. I'm having a difficulty understanding where you're hiding the fluffy tail..." She shrugs and follows Tora out of the building.

Lobelia, not knowing any better, waves cutely at the man in the jacket. Releasing a small giggle.

2016-01-18, 01:15 AM
Lobelia pats Tora's backside, still curious where she is hiding the fox tail. "My brother said your a fox. I'm having a difficulty understanding where you're hiding the fluffy tail..." She shrugs and follows Tora out of the building.

Yeah, Lea burst out laughing at this.

Um... That's........ Rather forwards Lobelia. She says still laughing.

2016-01-18, 01:16 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora suddenly grabs her tail and turns to face Lobelia. "How is that okay, 'Belia?"

"Tora, there is undead in the garden again, please make sure to get rid of it." He looks up. "Also, you can have that one. I don't want it," he finishes, vaguely.

"Excuse me, master? Lobelia doesn't listen to anything I say, and she very difficult for me to be around."

"But if I don't keep it, and you don't keep it, then she goes back to the pound, and we all know how hard it is to get picked up after that." he puts his book down, and waves lazily in some direction. Oddly enough, the claws on this hand are pink instead of the expected grey. They don't look painted, but more like nephilim horn, judging by the way the color is banded, like some kind of claw. Weird.

"Ugh, you overgrown brat," Tora says, though it's not clear if she's speaking to Diael or Lobelia. "Also, that undead belongs to the other greyhorn, and you're forgetting the bard."

2016-01-18, 01:44 AM
Lea takes this moment to grab Tora's shoulder softly. Leaning in close, she starts to whisper into her ear.

Hey, if he's in a bad mood, just let me escape his notice. Let me make a good "first" impression later when he's in a better mood.

2016-01-18, 01:54 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Yeah, he's in rare form today," Tora mutters back to Lea. "Something must be on his mind."

"I've spectacular hearing, you know. Courage is a vital part to our work. If you don't have the mettle, or at least the idiocy, to face conflict head on, then I have much to teach. Good men have died at the hands of procrastinating attendants. Diligence is a virtue, after all," Diael says absentmindedly, examining a file on the table.

2016-01-18, 01:57 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Yeah, he's in rare form today," Tora mutters back to Lea. "Something must be on his mind."

"I've spectacular hearing, you know. Courage is a vital part to our work. If you don't have the mettle, or at least the idiocy, to face conflict head on, then I have much to teach. Good men have died at the hands of procrastinating attendants. Diligence is a virtue, after all," Diael says absentmindedly, examining a file on the table.

Lea winces at the courage comment.

Sorry, sir. She adds with another curtsy.

2016-01-18, 02:08 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Furthermore, never apologize for that which is beyond your control," Diael glances up from the files. "But the sentiment has not fallen on deaf ears." He picks up his book again, flipping a few pages back. "Of course, if you were perfect, what good would a teacher be, anyway," he says reassuringly.

Tora gives Lea a quick thumbs up.

2016-01-18, 02:16 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Furthermore, never apologize for that which is beyond your control," Diael glances up from the files. "But the sentiment has not fallen on deaf ears." He picks up his book again, flipping a few pages back. "Of course, if you were perfect, what good would a teacher be, anyway," he says reassuringly.

Tora gives Lea a quick thumbs up.

Lea smiles.

So Sir Diael, what are you reading? She asks curious.

2016-01-18, 02:18 AM
"That undead is mine, sir. His name is Jeremy." Sonia clears her throat and decides to forgive Diael and Tora for not using Jeremy's correct name. "And my name is Sonia. It's nice to finally meet you."

2016-01-18, 02:26 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Well, it's true that I've been knighted, I loathe the title. 'High Luminary' if your feeling auspicious, but 'Master' will suffice as well," he replies curtly. "If you really must know I'm tracking the movements of a particular lich. I've been given a few reports on possible incursions that are linked to him..." Diael shuts his book.

"Miss Sonia, I will say that carrying undead is certainly a bold move, but I must ask that you refrain from allowing them into the garden. We occasionally do encounter undead, so a friendly fire accident would best be avoided." He looks into Sonia's eyes. "I will say that it's interesting to meet another greyhorn. It's a rare type, even amongst nephilim. I can only name one more uncommon."

2016-01-18, 02:26 AM
Lobelia's face clearly shows her distaste for being called "it" and for the "pound" comment. She was not an animal, or a pet. But she doesn't want to disgrace her brother, so she decides to keep entirely silent.

2016-01-18, 02:28 AM
Readjusting himself to a more dignified stance, away from inspecting Lobelia's arms as they began moving, he vaguely muttered, "It would appear so, Lobelia. It would appear so."

Taking in the nephilim, Kadic thought to himself 'Oh boy, I'm sure he'll be a joy to work with.' grimacing slightly at the prospect of having to speak to the horned hard-*** in front of him, his curiosity gets the better of him and he bluntly asks, giving a cursory slight tip of his cap, "Diael, was it? I'm Kadic. What's with the color difference between your hands and your claws? You're clearly a greyhorn, so why are your fingernails pink of all colors?"

2016-01-18, 02:29 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"The limb is a loan. I misplaced my own sinister arm recently. A friend of mine gave me hers until I could regenerate," he says. "Of course, it could take me some time to learn how. She's not missing it anyway. It's not something that she's in short supply of. The color of the claws are her type color. They're hard to change, so even though she transmuted her genetics into mine to avoid rejection, the nails are pink."

"You! Lobelia, was it? Did you hear what I just imparted to Miss Lea?" Diael says, glaring at Lobelia. "A wise man learns from a fool's mistakes."

2016-01-18, 02:33 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Well, it's true that I've been knighted, I loathe the title. 'High Luminary' if your feeling auspicious, but 'Master' will suffice as well," he replies curtly. "If you really must know I'm tracking the movements of a particular lich. I've been given a few reports on possible incursions that are linked to him..." Diael shuts his book.

As you wish Master Diael Lea responds with another curtsy to try and impart that she's performing a new and correct introduction this time.

And is gathering more information on this lich our first task? She queries.

2016-01-18, 02:46 AM
Lobelia pulls out her notepad and starts scratching down notes. Her memory was impeccable, but notes were forever. She clears her throat, reading off what she just wrote as if it was a bullet'd list. "Ahem:

It is hard to be picked up from the pound.
No undead in the garden.
Courage is vital.
Diligence is a virtue.
You loathe being knighted and we should address you as High Luminary or Master.
You're tracking a lich.
You lost your own arm.
The arm you're currently using is from a female and without proper procedure it would reject you.
A wise man learns from a fool's mistakes.

Yes. I was listening, High Luminary." She folds her notepad and puts it away. Her response was matter of fact, not snarky.

2016-01-18, 02:56 AM
"I'll respect that." Sonia agrees begrudgingly, slightly biting her lip in an attempt to hold her minor frustration. Separation from Jeremy at any time is less than ideal, but she'll make it work. "One more uncommon? Which is this?" her eyes begin to show a spark of interest again.

2016-01-18, 02:59 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"No, I would be remiss if I were to take you on this quest, Miss Lea. It's unrelated to your training, and only of a personal interest to me," Diael says. "No, you will be trained in basic artifact collecting first. It's more vital to your daily operations as a Guardian."

Lebolia reads her list and Diael starts muttering "Stop, stop..." when she gives to "Courage is vital," and places his palm on his face. When she finishes her list, Diael says "Reread your third item."

"If you have a problem, you should just tell him," Tora says, shrugging. "It doesn't take a mind reader to tell that you're upset about something."

Diael waves the pink claws at Sonia. "I only know one."

2016-01-18, 03:06 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"No, I would be remiss if I were to take you on this quest, Miss Lea. It's unrelated to your training, and only of a personal interest to me," Diael says. "No, you will be trained in basic artifact collecting first. It's more vital to your daily operations as a Guardian."

Lebolia reads her list and Diael starts muttering "Stop, stop..." when she gives to "Courage is vital," and places his palm on his face. When she finishes her list, Diael says "Reread your third item."

"If you have a problem, you should just tell him," Tora says, shrugging. "It doesn't take a mind reader to tell that you're upset about something."

Diael waves the pink claws at Sonia. "I only know one."

Lea trained in conflict resolution for the campfire fights of her youth could easily produce bruised egos, now piped up loudly.

Ah! And perhaps we should start. The sooner we learn, the sooner we can become full-fledged guardians. She hinted.

Diplomacy? [roll0]

2016-01-18, 03:09 AM
Lobelia shrugs. "Courage is vital, but a wise man learns from a fool's mistake." She pulls out her phone and takes a picture of Dael, creating an informationless contact. "I have no problem being courageous, sir. But it would seem the 'fool's mistake' is speaking our mind." She closes her phone and pockets it.

"Calling someone an it and talking about bringing them to a pound is rude." She pulls out an older notebook that has clearly been around for a decade or more. "I've got it written here on page one: 'no one likes a rude person'. My brother taught me that on day one."

2016-01-18, 03:11 AM
"Ah." Sonia inhales slightly and nods to Tora to think through her statement, "I do have a slight concern...Jeremy is integral to my defensive capability. It'd be... unfortunate if I were caught without him."

2016-01-18, 03:26 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Hmm, perhaps," Diael says to Lea. "Well, I can't say that I do not admire persistence. Very well, I believe I can track where he will appear next. You may accompany me."

Meanwhile, Lobelia is talking, and when she finishes, Tora and Diael stare at her blankly for a second. "Belia, I think you learned the opposite thing he was trying to teach you," Tora says.

"Sonia, make sure not to bring any undead into the garden, and there should be no fighting in the garden. Do we have an agreement?" Diael says. "If you're concerned, please note that you have two graduated Guardians present. At the very least, we could buy you time to fetch your skeleton from inside the manor if this garden was attacked."

2016-01-18, 03:34 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Hmm, perhaps," Diael says to Lea. "Well, I can't say that I do not admire persistence. Very well, I believe I can track where he will appear next. You may accompany me."

Meanwhile, Lobelia is talking, and when she finishes, Tora and Diael stare at her blankly for a second. "Belia, I think you learned the opposite thing he was trying to teach you," Tora says.

"Sonia, make sure not to bring any undead into the garden, and there should be no fighting in the garden. Do we have an agreement?" Diael says. "If you're concerned, please note that you have two graduated Guardians present. At the very least, we could buy you time to fetch your skeleton from inside the manor if this garden was attacked."

... Wait what? Lea asked concerned.

How... Does the.... She starts.

Does the Lich have the only artifact nearby? She questions.

2016-01-18, 03:39 AM
Sonia thinks for a second and concludes that Diael's argument is reasonable enough. "Agreed." She observes his grey horns and wonders how strong exactly Diael really is. The thought is short lived though, as her attention is quickly drawn to listen to the details about the Lich.

2016-01-18, 03:40 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"After a fashion, you can use a lich's phylactery, the source of their regenerative powers, as a powerful magical tool. Each one is a artifact in its on right, even after you purge the beast's soul from it. The Guardian's Assembly would rather have me start with the basics, but I am capable of taking any route, providing it creates effective Guardians," Diael says. "Miss Lea, in short, I believe you and I would learn more from hunting larger prey. If I destroy the lich before the Assembly would deem you ready, then we would miss a valuable opportunity for a lesson."

2016-01-18, 03:58 AM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"After a fashion, you can use a lich's phylactery, the source of their regenerative powers, as a powerful magical tool. Each one is a artifact in its on right, even after you purge the beast's soul from it. The Guardian's Assembly would rather have me start with the basics, but I am capable of taking any route, providing it creates effective Guardians," Diael says. "Miss Lea, in short, I believe you and I would learn more from hunting larger prey. If I destroy the lich before the Assembly would deem you ready, then we would miss a valuable opportunity for a lesson."

Lea's eyes flash to Tora giving her a help look.

Okay, should Tora teach us the basics while you locate this lich? Lea asks.

2016-01-18, 05:03 AM
"Yes, we should get some training before we head out and fight a lich. Master, I think you should at least see how strong we are before taking us to fight a lich." said Cynthia. She was trying to keep a calm demeanor but was visibly nervous after hearing the suggestion of fighting a lich.

2016-01-18, 01:06 PM
Lobelia returns their blank stares. It's unclear whether there is a gap in culture or if she's stopped paying attention.

2016-01-18, 01:31 PM
Kadic shakes his head, holding up his hand, "Wait wait wait... you're saying that you want to use the phylactery. Of a lich. As a tool. Aren't liches those guys who won't die unless you destroy their phylacteries? I'm not entirely certain having some lich's soul-in-a-box would be worth having to smash the poor **** into pieces every few days. But that's just my opinion, and I'm not important, right?"

2016-01-18, 01:36 PM
Lobelia stares intently at Kadic, taking in every word he says. She nods when he finishes speaking and then stands next to him, eyes fixed again on Diael.

2016-01-18, 02:05 PM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Indeed. While I continue my work, you may get them started on their curriculum, Tora," Diael says, addressing the concern for learning the basics before going on a life endangering mission.

"Me, sir?" Tora asks, unsure of herself. "I'm not sure if I'm ready."

"Tora, you are a fully fledged Guardian. It won't be long before you take on an apprentice of your own. It's better that you get a head start on that experience, so that in the event of my death, you may succeed and train new Guardians in our traditions." Diael gives a respectful nod.

Diael addresses Kadic's question. "Mister Kadic, do you have some kind of allergy to necromancy," Diael asks, not expecting or answer or he would have inflected the statement as a question. "Once you have the phylactery, you can take steps to remove the lich from it. After that, it can no longer regrow itself from it, and then it makes a very powerful magical focus. It would be a shame for such a useful item to go to waste, would it not? I've the tools necessary to perform the procedure. Rest assured that this lich will not be escaping his fate."

2016-01-18, 03:21 PM
"Me, sir?" Tora asks, unsure of herself. "I'm not sure if I'm ready."

You've got this! Lea insists, clasping Tora's shoulder.

2016-01-19, 05:48 PM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

"Either way, I don't have much of a choice," Tora says to Lea.

"Alright you grunts, get inside and unpack. We've a lot of ground to cover tomorrow," she continues, in a louder and more authoritative tone. "Diael got us this larger building, so there should be plenty of bedrooms. Take your pick." She ushers all of the apprentices inside.

The manor is quite large. It has three stories, with a lot of marble floors and surfaces. You're entering from the back, but you can see that the front lobby is open all the way to the ceiling of the top story. It makes the manor seem bigger than its already impressive size.

2016-01-19, 05:51 PM
Kadic laughs at Diael's statement. Still chuckling, he replies, obviously ignoring the rhetorical implication of the statement, "Allergy to necromancy? Hell no, what I do is practically necromancy itself!" at this, he gestures to Snack and two previously unseen homunculi, two semi-mechanical lynx about 2 feet at the shoulder each. Kadic continues, "However, due to your rather opaque motives, Sir Diael, I'm not sure I entirely wish to risk my life and limb fetching something for a pet project of yours. I'm sure the others here would say the same, if they had any common sense." Kadic pauses for a moment, considering what he's already said. Speaking again, he says "Look, I have... problems with authority. I'm sure my file says something about that. The problem is, my parents are kind and dear old people, and would hate to see their son turn out to be a failure, quitting college and the Guardians. I'm sure they would also be rather upset if I was returned to them in a box. Possibly several boxes. I'm gonna at least try to make them proud and continue working, but I'd like to know what you're up to."

2016-01-19, 05:56 PM
Guardian Manor's Garden, Umbria, Frontiera

Since Kadic stuck around for a bit, Diael answers his questions. "Personally, I've no interested in the lich's phylactery. Suffice it to say that the destruction of the lich will be more than reward enough to me." Diael eyes the golems. "Either way, you seem like you may make an erudite colleague. Do not concern yourself with the ins and outs of our operations. Apply yourself and focus on your training, and not only will you make your parents proud, but you will improve your own abilities and knowledge immensely."

"Now, speaking of valuable companions..." Diael suddenly disappears.

2016-01-19, 05:57 PM
Lea whistles when she sees the high raised ceiling. They don't make them like this where I come from. She says her head steadily rising to scan the ceiling as one hand falls to her hips.

So. She says breaking her gaze from the ceiling to address Tora. What are we doing for the rest of day? Is dinner a get your own affair, or group affair?

2016-01-19, 05:59 PM
1600 hours
Guardian Manor Interior, Umbria, Frontiera

"You know, I haven't really thought about it. I guess you guys are free to do whatever you want, as long as you all are well rested for tomorrows lesson." Tora shrugs absentmindedly.

2016-01-19, 06:00 PM
Lobelia rigidly walks inside and begins to furiously text her brother about how rude Diael is, making sure to include her photo of him.

"I don't like him. He is rude." She fumes audibly as she begins to lug her bags upstairs. "I've also decided my brother is wrong! Tora is not a fox. She is clearly a cat!" She yells, slamming her door shut behind her.

Inside she begins to unpack and assumes a more depressed demeanor. This was not the start she wanted as a guardian. Not only was she referenced as an animal, their "leader" was the one to do it.

2016-01-19, 06:03 PM
"I've seen better." Sonia sighs to herself in an absent minded manor as she observes her marble surroundings, not realizing her comment may be perceived as rude.

"Are you sure, Lobelia? You may not have checked hard enough. I'm fairly certain I did see a fox tail somewhere on Tora." Sonia grins as she passes by, making her way to unpack her bags.

2016-01-19, 06:04 PM
1600 hours
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

As Lobelia mumbles to herself, she feels something rub against her leg.

Also, her phone buzzes. It's Apollo's reply to Lobelia saying that Tora is a catfolk.
"Know, I mean like she's hot."
"I would r8 her 8/8, you know?"

2016-01-19, 06:05 PM
1600 hours
Guardian Manor Interior, Umbria, Frontiera

"You know, I haven't really thought about it. I guess you guys are free to do whatever you want, as long as you all are well rested for tomorrows lesson." Tora shrugs absentmindedly.

Lea's about to pipe up. Then Lobelia storms off, and Sonia leaves.

Sighing, she addresses Tora, and Cynthia.

Would you two like to get dinner? She says flicking her gaze back and forth.

2016-01-19, 06:11 PM
Lobelia ignores Sonia's response... for now.

Pulling her phone from her pocket, she grimaces at her brother's response and texts back. "Are you sure? She's kinda got a big butt." She puts her phone down and questions her big brother's choice in women.

The yelling about her being a cat folk was out loud. She texted him about Diael. Not a big deal. But you can tell she's texting when it is uncolored quotes that I've italicized.

2016-01-19, 06:19 PM
Kadic, Stomping through the Front Door

A couple minutes later, Kadic stomps into the manor, grumbling in quite an obvious manner and oblivious to the others in the room, "Shady, lying sunuva can't tell his subordinates what he actually wants, think's he's all cool and stuff, can't be bothered to pick an original color scheme or be straightforward and-or at least semi-polite the bastard, I'll vandalize his library if he continues on like this so help me..." Kadic pauses, looking up and noticing the rest of his group. Stopping his self-rant, he gives a quick command to his two Lynx homunculi and they take his bags upstairs as he looks for a place to sit down.

2016-01-19, 06:22 PM
1600 hours
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia puts her phone on that lovely snake skin throw rug on the best. It has has really interesting pattern. White, with large black diamonds. It almost seems like it's moving.

Snake. There is a in the room. It must be 10 feet long. It lifts it head and the phone drops to the floor. The snake stares right at Lobelia. "Is everything alright? I heard a lot of noise." The voice is soft and ethereal.

The phone buzzes again.
"Of course she does."
"She's fine as hell."
"Man, too bad she never seemed into me."
"Diael is a bit of a jerk, though. So gloomy."

It's hard to track.

Sonia's Room

"Pardon the intrusion, but there is something I wish to speak to you about," Diael says. He seems to have appeared out of nowhere.

Guardian Manor Interior, Umbria, Frontiera

"I could eat. What about you, Cynthia?" Tora says nonchalantly. She's playing it cool. "Oh, Kadic. You sound hungry. You looking for somewhere to eat?"

2016-01-19, 06:28 PM
Sonia Grindle
Sonia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

After locating her room, Sonia perches herself on Jeremy's skeletal shoulder and watches him unpack for her. "Maybe we'll plan to go get dinner after setting up the basics." She suggests to her companion, discounting the fact he doesn't consume anything, and she would barely beat him in an eating contest.

Diael appears, making Sonia jump in shock and nearly fall off Jeremy. She composes herself and decides to hop down on her own accord. "Yes, sir Diael?" she says in her best polite tone. What could he want? It's the grey horns isn't it? She thinks to herself apprehensively, still not knowing her opinion on the strange man.

2016-01-19, 06:29 PM
Lea Brightheart, Guardian Manor Interior, Umbria, Frontiera

So Tora. You've been here the longest I imagine, I guess you'll pick where we eat? Lea suggests.

Checking the time on the phone, she winces that's it's only 4.

Although we'll be eating early. I know we're getting an early day tomorrow, but 4 still seems like too early to eat. Hang out, then get dinner? She adds as a second suggestion.

2016-01-19, 06:31 PM
1600 hours
Guardian Manor Interior, Umbria, Frontiera

"I could eat. What about you, Cynthia?" Tora says nonchalantly. She's playing it cool. "Oh, Kadic. You sound hungry. You looking for somewhere to eat?"

Kadic's head snaps up, and his face softens fractionally, "Well, I was hoping I could find an excuse to remove that smug fool's brain from his body, preferably with copious amounts of lead, but I suppose food will do as well. What do we have and is it meat? I could really do with some mea-- Snake. Snake upstairs. Sif and Faro smell it. Be right back." Kadic bounds off, showing a surprising amount of agility, taking the stairs three at a time. He slows down at the top of the stairs to see Sif and Faro baring their metal teeth at the door to Lobelia's room. He runs over and slams on the door, yelling, "Lobeliaaaa! There's a snake in there! Snakes are bad! Should I come in? Should the snake be dead?"

2016-01-19, 06:33 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

At first a look of panic strikes Lobelia out of surprise, but then it fades as her eyes become large and sparkly. "A snake?! A talking snake?! A taking blanket snake?! I have the coolest room ever." She picks up her phone and texts her brother some messages. "I'm Lobelia, mister snake. Who are you?"

She shouts to Kadic. "Don't kill mister snake!" Pause. "But you can come in! Thank you for asking!" Good job, she remembered to reward politeness.

"You can't have her."
"She's rude."
"She likes girls anyways."
"She's also pudgy on the bottom."

Group: Kadic & Sonia
"Let's grab food."

I'll start using spoilers for texts and a header for who I'm texting.

2016-01-19, 06:38 PM
Lea Brightheart, Guardian Manor Interior, Umbria, Frontiera

Oh dammit! Lea swore immediately getting jittery. Really hope the snake isn't poisonous. She says starting to run after Kadic, gesturing for Tora and Cynthia to follow suit.

Taking the steps two or three at a time, she hammers at the door after Kadic

Lo! Lo! It's me Lea, are you safe!?

2016-01-19, 06:42 PM
Kadic opens the door rather quicker than politeness necessarily dictates, moving into the room at the same speed, signaling for Sif and Faro to stay back. As soon as he sees the snake, he pauses, beginning to talk with increasing rapidity, "Ooooooh that's a Snake that's a big Snake I don't like snakes especially big snakes resist urge to kill snake with fire please stop being such a snake snakes are bad I don't like snakes sorry if you're offended snake I don't like snakes please don't come close I don't like snakes..." Pausing to breath for a few moments, he visibly calms himself, and very directly doesn't look at the snake, asking Lobelia in a very faked casual manner, "Hey gal, is this ...Snake... supposed to be in here and why is it so big? Also dinner plans."

2016-01-19, 06:43 PM
"Sure, I could go for some food." Replies Cynthia.

not doing color right now. On mobile at the moment

After hearing about a snake Cynthia yells "Lobelia are you OK" and follows Lea.

2016-01-19, 06:49 PM
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora slinks after the party, not getting a chance to explain or talk about dinner. "Guys, it's not a big deal. Diael's favorite animals are all snakes. Might even be his familiar."

The snake shakes her head at Lobelia. "I'm a girl snake. Lamia Lamina, at your service." She bows her head and shakes the end of her tail at Lobelia. "There is no need for alarm. Everyone should probably calm down."

Apollo texts Lobelia
"Wait what she's gay"
"Wow that explains so much"

Sonia's Room

Diael sits himself down at the desk's chair after pulling it out to face Sonia. "I've been considering the roles the new apprentices will play as their training continues. Out of all of them, you are easily the most specialized and powerful magician. You also exhibit the highest proficiency in necromancy." The sun gets in his eyes, and so he waves his hands to close the blinds. "The lich I am tracking is performing his attacks in order to sharpen his knowledge of necromancy. I'm sure that he has accrued a huge amount of data. I was wondering if you would be interested in this data once we defeat the necromancer." He stares into Sonia's eyes with his own steely ones.

2016-01-19, 06:53 PM
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora slinks after the party, not getting a chance to explain or talk about dinner. "Guys, it's not a big deal. Diael's favorite animals are all snakes. Might even be his familiar."

The snake shakes her head at Lobelia. "I'm a girl snake. Lamia Lamina, at your service." She bows her head and shakes the end of her tail at Lobelia. "There is no need for alarm. Everyone should probably calm down."

Lea Brightheart, 1415 Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

As the door is opened, Lea's falls flat on her face, finally registering Tora's words she winces.

So I made a fool of myself, and no one was in danger? She moans planting her face to the floor.

Help up? She asks waving a arm in Tora's direction. And you were saying about dinner?

2016-01-19, 06:59 PM
Sonia Grindle
Sonia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera
Sonia hears the commotion over the snake in Lobelia's room, but her eyes don't leave Diael for one moment. Even as her phone chirps to alert her to the text from Lobelia asking about dinner, Sonia remains completely silent and focused.

At first hearing, Sonia almost feels a bit giddy being offered one of her favorite prizes: knowledge. Data, especially in regards to necromancy, is extremely tempting. But with minor struggle she remains cool and expressionless. "Should I expect some kind of catch?" she says sharply. Putting in effort to soften her tone she continues, "I mean... I would greatly appreciate that. May I request that any new findings on the Lich be reported to me as they come in? Or must I wait till they have been defeated? It's purely to feed my curiosity."

2016-01-19, 07:37 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"Hello, miss snake." Lobelia smiles. She peers around the snake at her friends. "Oh. Everybody came in. It's all good in here." She watches Lea "You should probably be careful, falling isn't good for you." Lobelia begins to unpack again but then turns to Tora with a sly grin "My brother says it makes a lot of sense that you're gay and that you've got a big butt." She chuckles a little and adds "I am also ready for food. Where is Sonia?"

"You can tell Harley. He'd probably still be able to make it happen though. :smallwink:"

2016-01-19, 07:46 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"Hello, miss snake." Lobelia smiles. She peers around the snake at her friends. "Oh. Everybody came in. It's all good in here." She watches Lea "You should probably be careful, falling isn't good for you." Lobelia begins to unpack again but then turns to Tora with a sly grin "My brother says it makes a lot of sense that you're gay and that you've got a big butt." She chuckles a little and adds "I am also ready for food. Where is Sonia?"

"You can tell Harley. He'd probably still be able to make it happen though. :smallwink:"

Lea Brightheart, 1415 Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

And what does your big brother say about the rest of your teammates? Lea says quirking her silver eyebrows again.

2016-01-19, 08:26 PM
Lobelia's Room

"Wha- I'm not-" Tora giggles nervously, furiously red. "I'll be in the lobby if anyone wants to leave for dinner." Tora darts back down the hall.

"That would be Miss Lamina if you wish to be formal, Miss... Lobelia, is it?" Lamina says. She reaches up and nudges Lobelia on the cheek and whispers "Is everything okay? If you need to talk, I'd be happy to help."

Lobelia has a new message from Apollo.
"If she's actually gay I don't think it would matter"
"besides he can't beat me >;)"

Sonia's Room

Diael smiles. It's unsettling. "Of course there is no catch. It's important that research of all forms is continued, Miss Sonia. You're the best student for the job, and I'm sure that you would benefit the most. As for any information about the lich, I'm only trying to predict his next attack at the moment, by figuring out the next enticing target and checking it against estimations of how long it takes him to replenish his forces..." He trails off and sighs. "Understand that I my own apparent distaste for undead is not my own, and doesn't stem from my own sensibilities."

2016-01-19, 08:45 PM
Sonia Grindle
Sonia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera
"I'm honored. I really do appreciate you providing me with this opportunity." Sonia responds bearing a modest, but genuine grin; she's apparently unphased by Diael's less than soothing expression of his own. "Please inform me whenever my assistance may be needed. As for this... 'distaste' of undead...where does it stem from if I may ask? If it isn't your own personal judgement then to whom may I accredit it to? The general public?" Sonia turns her gaze to Jeremy as she finishes her thought.

2016-01-19, 08:50 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1415 Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

After waiting for Lobeila's answer. Lea proceeds to claim the coldest room left.

Hmm.... 50 degrees outside, buildings tend to hover around 70. Short sleeve, I suppose. Keep the jacket.

Pulling off her armor, she squicked at the mostly dried sweat clinging to her shirt and frame. Wiping off as much from her body as she could, she quickly changed clothes into a long skirt, and a short sleeved shirt.

Wringing out her hair and taking another swig from her waterskin, she considered the sword. She supposed there was no reason to keep it.... But.... She couldn't quite make herself throw it on her bed for later.

With her new high-heels, Lea was heard far sooner then she was seen. Hair cleared from her face her silvered eyebrows were even more noticeable then before. As was her frame out of her armor, sword jutting on the hips.

Hey Tora. I'm ready when everyone else is? What are we getting? She asks.

2016-01-19, 09:18 PM
Lobelia grins as Tora become flustered. Mission complete! She turns to Lea. "I haven't told him of anyone else." She pulls out a phone and takes a photo of Lea's bust. "I will ask him!"

After everyone leaves, Lobelia will unpack and have a nice chat with the snake about her day and how Diael was rude to her. Once that is done she proceeds downstairs.

She walks to Tora and puts her hand on her should. "Miss Tora, I must make amends. My brother actually finds you thoroughly attractive, though he now thinks you're gay." She nods earnestly. "He went so far as to remark 'dat ass' about you."

"Fufufufu! We shall see!"

Apollo & Harley
"FWD: Conversation
'besides he can't beat me >;)'
What do you think, Harley?"
"It sounds like a challenge!"
"Attachment: Contact Information; Tora"

2016-01-19, 09:27 PM
Kadic beats a hasty retreat after Lobelia left, not wishing to be anywhere resembling alone with the snake, whatever her name was. Arriving downstairs appearing none the worse for wear, he brushes some imaginary lint of his jacket asking, "Soooo... what are we doing for food? I'm hungry and can eat just about whatever right now, preferably drink whatever as well."

2016-01-19, 10:18 PM
Sonia's Room

Diael doesn't answer immediately. At first he is lost in thought, but then his eyes grow unfocused, like he looking far behind Sonia. When he answers, his voice is slightly raspier than normal. "My wife's."

The nephilim suddenly looks to the side. "The others are going out to eat you should join them."

Lobelia's Room

Lamina isn't happy about what she hears. "I'm sorry that upset you," she coos. "You shouldn't take it t heart. Diael has a tendency to be uncouth. He's much easier to deal with once you get to know him. You should try talking to him if you have a problem. He means well. He really does."

Guardian Mansion Lobby

Lobelia joins the group.

Tora is now sipping from a flask, checking out Lea in her change off clothes. Tora doesn't reply to Lobelia, and just takes another swig. "I've a place that has nice food. It's got nice outdoor seating, too. 'Slong as the wind behaves it should be wonderful."

Lobelia's phone buzzes.
"Damn, whose are those? Tora's? They real?"
"What do you mean you can beat me?"
"Pfft, all I'm saying it that I've got style."
"As if. Where can I find this?"
"Frontiera? I'm a continent away!"
"do u give up?"
"... No."

2016-01-19, 10:26 PM
1430 Guardian Mansion Lobby

Well, when we're all ready, you can lead the way. Lea chuckles posing a little for Tora, she then groans as Lobeilla's phone buzzes.

Facepalming yet again, she moans out So verdict? She says spreading her arms wide in exasperation.

2016-01-19, 10:27 PM
Cynthia grabs a room with a view of the garden if possible, then prepares to go out to eat. While reluctant to go out without her armor she supposes it wouldn't be very appropriate, and she leaves her sword behind too because she doesn't need it.

She decides on changing into a knee length blue pleated skirt and a simple black form fitting long-sleeve shirt. She takes a lot of her gold out of her bag of holding then puts the armor and greatsword into it and takes it along.

She goes to meet the other going out to eat. It is now obvious that she is lean, fit and well proportioned too. Her long pony-tail only serves to emphasizes her athletic physique.

2016-01-19, 10:30 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Mansion Lobby, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia puffs up her cheeks at being ignored and then laughs behind her hand. "My brother and his friend Harley approve of you heartily, Lea." She snaps a candid shot of Tora's bust.

Apollo & Harley
"That was my teammate Lea."
"This is Tora."
"More specifically Umbria. Guardian mansion."
"I think Tora is single."
"She's drinking."

"I think Harley's mistress won't let poor pupa come to Fronteria!"
"Oh no! Wrong number!"
"This isn't the Lobelia you're looking for!"

"Are you single?"

Oh no! Lobelia is the reason Tora drank all the time?!

2016-01-19, 10:38 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1430 Guardian Mansion Lobby

Lea facepalmed as Lobelia took a picture of Tora's chest.

Lobelia... You might want to stop taking pictures of just girl's chests. Here She says moving in front of the phone.

I think my eyebrows are my best feature, see what they think? She says quirking them up to call attention to them.

2016-01-19, 10:43 PM
Sonia's eyes wide at the news of Diael's wife having such a firm dislike of the undead. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised." she thinks with a drag, but remains silent on the outside and only nods to dismiss herself.

Since Diael's visit was unexpected Sonia only had time to remove her guardian coat, unable to change into any other attire. She carries on as normal with Jeremy in tow and makes her way to the others to try and catch them in time for dinner.

2016-01-19, 10:57 PM
Guardian Manor Lobby

Tora nods in a approval at Lea, and takes another swig. Her view changes to Sonia when she arrives. "Will you and your plus one be joining us?" She grins. She also gives Cynthia a good look over. "Okay, let's get going."

She leads the group outside and starts walking through the town.

Lobelia's phone buzzes.
"You should watch out when she drinks
Because she does it a lot when she's having fun"

Hey leave Motte out of this!

Yes, it's canon now that Lobelia is one of the reasons why Tora drinks.

2016-01-19, 11:08 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1430 Outside Guardian mansion

Lea goes beat red, at Tora's noted approval of her eyebrows.

So you really like them? She whispers taking stride next to Tora.

2016-01-19, 11:23 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Outside Guardian Mansion, Umbria, Frontiera

"You know, Tora. My brother is single right now!" She smiles sincerely. "You're a guardian and like to have fun. He's a guardian and likes to have fun." She grins. "He was dating this other cat girl, but she got called away to be our friend Harley's cousin's assistant or something like that." Her eyes sparkle with the fire of youth. "Tragic, isn't it!?" She looks like she might be drooling out of one side of her mouth a little.

She hears Lea's words about her eyebrows, she nods profusely and makes cute grunting noises of approval. She then proceeds to take pictures of them incessantly. In fact, she takes as many pictures as Lea lets her and doesn't stop until she is told to.

Harley & Apollo
"My new friend Lea has cool eyebrows!"
"I think Tora is single!"

That... actually explains a lot.

2016-01-19, 11:28 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1430 Outside Guardian mansion

I think.... Lea thinks to herself for a moment. How do I tell Lobiella who hero worships her brother that Tora's not interested. Ah!

That Tora would um... dislike long distance relationships perhaps.


2016-01-19, 11:31 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Outside Guardian Mansion, Umbria, Frontiera

"That's okay!" She smiles innocently. "He lives here too!"

Sense Motive:

2016-01-19, 11:33 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1430 Outside Guardian mansion

Oh well... I think Tora already has her eyes on um other people. Lea replies rubbing a hand through her hair.

2016-01-19, 11:36 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Outside Guardian Mansion, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia smiles sweetly, clearly not understanding how anyone could turn down her brother.

2016-01-19, 11:38 PM
"Jeremy and I are in. He won't eat anything though." Sonia states as if it isn't obvious. "Where are we going?"

2016-01-19, 11:45 PM
1630 (that's the actually time I've been messing it up)
Umbria, Frontiera

Tora purrs slightly. "There's a good reason why your brother is single, I bet," Tora says after taking another drink from her flask.

"Sonia, we're going to Bittersweet's cafe. It's great you'll love it and she'll love you." Tora hiccups.

Lobelia's phone buzzes.

2016-01-20, 12:01 AM
1630 (that's the actually time I've been messing it up)
Umbria, Frontiera

Tora purrs slightly. "There's a good reason why your brother is single, I bet," Tora says after taking another drink from her flask.

"Sonia, we're going to Bittersweet's cafe. It's great you'll love it and she'll love you." Tora hiccups.

Lobelia's phone buzzes.

Lea Brightheart, 1630 Umbria, Frontiera

She'll love you? Lea asks quirking an eyebrow, and crossing her arms. But an amused smirk crossed her face.

Sniffing her breath she does roll her eyes at the smell of alocohol.

Shouldn't you not drink on an empty stomach? She teased lightly.

2016-01-20, 12:03 AM
Umbria, Frontiera

"Hey! You're not my mom!" Tora defiantly chugs the last of the alcohol. "Anyway, Bittersweet is fantastic. It'll be the best."

2016-01-20, 12:07 AM
Umbria, Frontiera

"Hey! You're not my mom!" Tora defiantly chugs the last of the alcohol. "Anyway, Bittersweet is fantastic. It'll be the best."

Lea Brightheart, 1630 Umbria, Frontiera

What kind of food do they serve there? Sandwiches? I think cafe's serve sandwiches. Lea replies musing outloud.

2016-01-20, 12:16 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Sandwiches, hell yeah," Tora hiccups. "What else? well you're about to find out sugar-"

"BITTERSWEET'S IS GOOD TO EAT." You arrive at a quaint little cafe with some patio furniture out front. Also, you have just been assault by a cafolk with very long black hair with a braid in the side. She has mocha skin and eyes to match, contrasting the white in her french maid oufit. There is a fair zettai ryouki present, as well. Between her thighs and her chest it's hard to figure out where to look without ogling. She talks very fast in a diabetes inducingly sweet tone. "Welcome to Bittersweet's cafe! Home of Bittersweet's super sweet delicious treats! Would you like a super sweet super special awesome treat?!" Bittersweet rushes the gang to a table.

Everyone is appalled at Jeremy's skeletal appearace, but Bittersweet is nonplussed. "Does he eat?"

2016-01-20, 12:25 AM
Lea Brightheart, 1630 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea sober that she is, is able to meet this gorgeous catfolk french maid in the eye, restricting the urge to ogle.

At the disgusted views towards the skeleton, Lea noticeably gestures to her official guardian sigil. Hoping to hint that this skeleton is okay.

Uh. Yeah, sure. What is the special treat. Lea asks the serving girl as she attempts to sit next to Tora.

2016-01-20, 12:34 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Flashing the Guardian sigil gives mixed results. Some people calm down, but at least one person runs out of the cafe screaming "I don't want to be a newt!"

Bittersweet hits the back of Lea's legs with a chair, forcing her to sit. "Bittersweet's Super Sweet Edible Stuffed Mushroom!" is her reply to Lea's question.

Tora sits between Sonia and Lea. "Give me the usual, 'jya."

"One Super Awesome Alcoholic Coma coming up," Bittersweet says, slamming a mixed drink onto the table. "Bittersweet saw you coming, Bittersweet's best customer!"

"Uh, the food is really good," Tora say apologetically between downing her drink.

2016-01-20, 12:34 AM
Kadic, Bittersweet's

Rather flustered by the hyperactive catfolk ushering them to their seats, Kadic buries his head in his phone, barely remembering to remove his hat and muttering, "Errrrr... just a panini and a sweet tea, thanks. Also I need a drink. Possibly several."

... A bit forward, you think?

The 'Rents
First day with my squad. Everyone's certainly unique. Snack seems to tolerate a few of them. Also how do you deal with a talking giant ...snake?

2016-01-20, 12:39 AM
Lea Brightheart, 1630 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea definitely orders her drink last. If 3 people or more go for an alcoholic beverage she'll go for one as well.

Smiling at Tora, Lea chuckles. So how often exactly do you come here. She teases as she starts digging into her mushroom.

2016-01-20, 12:47 AM
"No, he doesn't eat. Thank you." Sonia bows her head slightly and gives a friendly smile, happy that someone acknowledged her friend in a positive way. She continues to walk to the table, ignoring the reactions people are having to Jeremy. "The most bitter tea you have, please. And I'll skip the main course. Do you have cake?"

2016-01-20, 12:51 AM
"I'll have a Monte Cristo and a bottle of wine" Cynthia says.

She sits down next to Lobelia, and tries not to look at the waitress for too long.

2016-01-20, 12:57 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"I've been here once or twi-" Tora starts.

"She's here almost everyday. Bittersweet can even afford to lose customers when her crazy new girlfr friend that is a girl starts flashing scary badges and frightening customers and then her side friend that is a girl brings skeletons which is fine normally but some customers don't like that. She likes it so much that her friend got her a years supply of Bittersweet's treat deliveries to her manor. "
Bittersweet interrupts. "One panini and one Super Decadent Bittersweet Chocolate Mudslide coming right up." She drops a hug alcohol ice cream and a panini in front of Kadic.

"How many sugars do you want in that bitter tea, lady? 3 or 4? And yes Bittersweet has plenty of cake. Bittersweet Foot Amputation Triple Chocolate Cake. Bittersweets Nosebleeding Carrot Cake. Bittersweet's Diabetic Coma Parfait Cake..." Bittersweet continues listing more food that would probably kill a mortal man.

Bittersweet goes out of her to get in Cynthia's sight before pouring her a glass of wine.

Tora just stares at her blanking before downing another drink. She can't even process what Bittersweet is saying and isn't bothering with damage control.

Kadic's phone buzzes. His parents!
"You should talk to the snake. It's just being friendly."
"It's after your body heat, boy. Don't let it touch you!"

2016-01-20, 01:04 AM
"No sugars. And u-um... I'll have the first one. Sonia stutters, trying to wrap her head around the flurry of words the waitress was spitting out faster than sound could be carried itself.

She turns to her phone to try and act distracted as to avoid any more questions. Sadly, the only contacts she had in her phone were all sitting at the table right with her.

2016-01-20, 01:05 AM
Lea Brightheart, 1630 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea calls to Bittersweet's retreating form. Aren't girlfriends usually girls? Feeling stumped why Bittersweet felt the need to empathize Lea's femininity.

Starting to sip from her wine, Lea chuckles Once or twice, huh? She teases.

2016-01-20, 01:09 AM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia takes in all the loud noises and info. "I'll take whatever it is get's Tora the most wasted!" She grins widely. "I'll buy one for Tora too!" She flashes her ID.

"Not me!"
"Tora is single too, I think!"

2016-01-20, 01:19 AM
Cynthia cannot help but stare as the waitress pours the wine.

"well, shall we see if the food here really is that good? Or maybe you come here for other reasons?"

2016-01-20, 01:33 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Bittersweet fetches more drinks for Tora and Lobelia., enjoying the attention.

"Did Bittersweet say girl friend because Bittersweet didn't," Bittersweet says really quickly.

"Tha foodsh great," Tora says, still drinking trying to forget the night.

"Sure it is, honey. Look at Tora she's fine," Bittersweet says. She fetches more food and drinks for the gang before sitting herself on the table next to Sonia, knocking over several dishes and cups. "So Bittersweet doesn't see many necromancers around here. Where are you from, shallot?"

2016-01-20, 01:39 AM
Lea Brightheart, 1630 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Oh sorry, you said something that said like that, so I just assumed Lea blushed at the waitresses comment.

Mmm. The food is good. Lea agrees sipping her second glass of wine.

So Tora. Lea says turning to her. What will our first task be? She asks taking another bite of the mushroom.

2016-01-20, 01:49 AM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Here you go, teach!" Lobelia passes the drink to Tora. "Now we can really bon-" Lobelia takes one swig and her eyes glaze over. "We can really getta know eachother. Y'know? Gotta stick together in this world, people like us." Lobelia looks flushed. "Can't be too carful. S'dark place out there."

2016-01-20, 02:01 AM
Kadic, Bittersweet's

Kadic looks up from his phone, still munching on his panini and shooing Snack away from his sweet tea. He turns to Tora, inquiring "So Tora, you never said we're you were from. In fact, I think only Miss Smashed-after-one-drink and I bothered explaining where we came from. How 'bout we do that? Forcing potentially embarrassing or traumatic memories in fellow squad mates seems fun."

2016-01-20, 02:08 AM
Sonia's head was beginning to spin. This was more conversation than she was used to. Granted, most her conversations were with Jeremy.
"Where I'm from... U-uhm. Doesn't really matter. I spent some time in Black Light though. Hence the necromancy." she was trying desperately to get the attention off of herself.

2016-01-20, 10:51 AM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia turns her gaze towards Kadic. "S'cuse me?" She looks mildly unamused. "I'll have ya know, I can hold m' liquor pertty well." She finishes her drink and waves for Bittersweet to bring another one for her and Tora. "Yo teach, ya gotta tell me about yourself."

She sizes Tora up and down. "Ya seem like you're a pertty feisty cat." She waves dismissively. "But ya have a drinking problem and need a boyfriend." Hiccup. "Sounds like you were offended when I said you're gay. So you must not be. Don't tell me when I'm sober though, s'not worth the trouble." She starts pointing at other members of the table and jabbering about snakes on lollipops.

Now look what happened, you let Lobelia drink and she's a whole new person.

2016-01-20, 11:04 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Hrrmm... Bittersweet is intrigued," Bittersweet says to Sonia, putting her face really close to Sonia's, examining her closely. "Bittersweet thinks that not many people from Black Light makes their way up here." She hops off the table and fetches more drinks.

"What the hell was tha' aboat?" Tora asks. "Anyway team we have a long week head of us." She takes another drink. "Gotta teach you the ropes about finding stuff in people's old buildings."

She then turns to Lobelia. "Now you listen here you little ****. I've been with like..." she pauses to take another drink, "like a gajillion gusy. I"m not gay. I'm as straight as an arrow. it's not liek I'm offended that you think I'm gay because ther'e anthing wrong with that, it's just becaust it's factually inaccurate." She takes another drink.

Bluff bluff bluff the stupid orc :elan:

2016-01-20, 11:16 AM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia waves off Tora. "Fufufufufufu. Not a lot t'show for it, eh teach?" Lobelia takes another big swig and sighs. "Listen, teach." She says matter of factly. "Ya ain't foolin' anyone at the table. Ya been eyeing' up Lea's rack all day."

"Ya ashamed or sumthin'?" Lobelia laughs and orders another drink for the two. "Now I know why ya don't like Apollo. No straight woman would resist that."

Apollo & Harley
"Kitty McCatterson is gay."
"What? No way."
"Did I just..."
"I'm swear to drinking I haven't been god!"
Stupid orc is likely to just believe you anyways and just think she hit a nerve. :smallsmile:
Sense Motive

2016-01-20, 11:56 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"I'be not been doin' anything!" Tora chug another drink. "You should learn you place and know that just cause you're thinking a grrl looks good doesn't make you gay. Yu were checking oat my arse before and does that make you a gay?!" The closet is strong with this one. Which is strange, because most people in this area really don't care.

Bittersweet slaps down a large steak in front of Lobelia. "Bittersweet thinks you should fill your face with this."

She also has some more cake and tea for Sonia, and the Monte Cristo for Cynthia. "Bittersweet is good to eat!"

2016-01-20, 12:03 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia's eyes widen and her mouth waters when the steak is placed in front of her. "Thank you." She says in her normal innocent tone as she begins to stuff her face. "Y'know mmmmpfff not that bad. Y'could be mmpfff or mmmpff." The orc is strong with this one and meat is a weakness.

"But it's bad t'lie to mpfff students." She says, waggling her fork at Tora. "Why are ya so touchy? Lea's down to mmmpfff anytime, I reckon." Lobelia keeps eating. "I bet that's why you like this place. Bitters-mmmpff is pretty mmmmpfff."

2016-01-20, 12:57 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora bares her teeth. "Well maybe you shouldn't be goin' 'round grabbing arse if you're not-"

"Oh, Bittersweet thinks you're just the most adorable little thing!" Bittersweet interjects. She slams herself onto Lobelia's lap, hugging her and pulling Lobelia's face into her cleavage. Lobelia's arms are now pinned to her sides and her speech will only be more muffled. The cafe owner is surprisingly strong, and her skin is very cold to the touch."Please don't antagonize Bittersweet's customers. This one is worth her weight in gold, and Bittersweet considers her part of Bittersweet's pack," she whispers into Lobelia's ear. Bittersweet's voice is as saccharine as ever, but her tail is thrashing in agitation.

2016-01-20, 01:19 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Mmmmmpfff!" Lobelia seems barely phased by Bittersweet's cleavage, but quite distraught over the fact that she can no longer eat her steak. She is desperately attempting to reach her food. "Mmmmpff! Mmmpfff!" Lobelia presses herself further into Bittersweet, not on purpose, but because she really wants that steak.

2016-01-20, 01:31 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1700 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

At Tora's announcement of her sexuality, Lea's face noticeably falls.

Well, you see Lobeilla. I kinda thought she was at least interested in girls, which means just not straight. But you know. If she's saying it, there's not much reason to lie.

At Lobiella's cleavage sandwich, Lea wolf whistles. Loudly, then puts her face down blushing.

2016-01-20, 01:38 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Unable to reply to Lea about Tora's sexuality, Lobelia offers a thumbs up to her.

2016-01-20, 02:25 PM
At hearing Tora's announcement of her preferences Cynthia seem to be noticably saddened

She says "Lobelia, there isn't much reason to reason to keep antagonizing her about her preferences, you should leave her alone. If she's straight there's no point in egging her on unless you are trying to get yourself in trouble. It's probably not a good idea to antagonize your teacher."

When the maid comes back and crushes Lobelia into her chest Cynthia turns beat red and quickly downs a lorge amount of wine before trying the monte cristo. "yes this is very delicious, What's the sweetest thing you have for desert?" Cynthia says pouring a full glass of wine out of the bottle clearly trying to maintain composure with everything going on around her.

2016-01-20, 02:40 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Tora drowns herself in more alcohol. The day is more stressful than she expected.

Bittersweet free Lobelia from her marshmallow prison. She addresses Cynthia's question by lean across the table. "Bittersweet has a lot of sweet treats. You're going to have to be more specific so Bittersweet can do her best!" She says excitedly.

2016-01-20, 02:45 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1715 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Seeing Cynthia's shoulders slump, makes Lea's shoulders slump even more.

Even were Tora into girls, Cynthia wants her too.... She thinks to herself.

Sending a text to Lobiella, her gaze rises up..

Right into Bittersweet's cleavage.

I'll have what she had. She mono-toned blushing as she ogled Bittersweet, and pointed to Lobiella.

You don't mind if I flirt with.................................

2016-01-20, 02:48 PM
Cynthia's blush deepens, starting to resemble a more crimson color, it is now darker than her horns. after a short pause she replies "cake, get me your sugariest cake."

2016-01-20, 03:17 PM
Sonia Grindle
Bittersweet Cafe
Sonia's expression has set itself into a firm look of being perfectly bewildered. She swears the last time she looked down at her tea to avoid any more questions everyone was normal (for their standards anyway). But, as she raises her head she catches the end of an orc sandwiched into their waitress' chest along with the rest of the tables' shenanigans.
This is why I talk to undead. She smiles to herself as she sips her tea again. There is something about the minor chaos she enjoys- especially since she isn't directly involved at the moment. She enjoys observing.

2016-01-20, 03:25 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia gasps for air. "Freedom!" She squeels, only to be dissapointed that Bittersweet has not left her lap and is instead leaning across the table still blocking her steak. "From boobs to butt! Can't a girl eat her food!" She yells, up Bittersweet's skirt. Her phone buzzes and distracts her, so she checks it. Of course, she snaps a shot of Bittersweet first.

"Flirt with..?"

2016-01-20, 03:49 PM
Kadic notices the bewildered Sonia and shuffles in his chair over to her. He gives a lop-sided grin, vaguely gesturing at the surrounding chaos, "I'm beginning to think we think in similar patterns, Miss Sonia. Mind talking shop? I create life, you recreate it. Not so different, hmm? What got you into necromancy?"

2016-01-20, 03:56 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Bittersweet could, but Bittersweet would have to charge," Bittersweet said to Lea, referring to what was obviously a business smothering.

Bittersweet gets off the table. "One Bittersweet's Super Sweet Diabetic Coma Cake coming right up for the redhorn." She then puts a hand on Sonia's shoulder. "Can Bittersweet get you anything else?" Her hand is so cold.

Tora happens to glance down at Lea's phone and spits out her drink. She coughs a few times before looking around nervously, wiping her mouth off with a napkin, and getting another drink.

2016-01-20, 04:13 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1715 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea gulps, but the standing up is all Lea needs to finally avert her eyes from her rack. Nodding to Bittersweet's offer, she checks out her phone.

Wow. She blushes as she sees the picture. Sending out a text, to get the picture away before Bittersweet came over.

Our really hot Waitress!

2016-01-20, 04:19 PM
Sonia Grindle
Bittersweet's Cafe
Sonia's head gently dips as she returns her own crooked smile in response to Kadic's lopsided grin. She's happy to have some decent conversation. "Well I originally wanted to be a cleric... so I went traveling to further my studies. However, with a turn of events..." She shakes her head slightly, as if to force something out of it. "Anyways, I now only possess negative energy. You can't really do much healing to the living with that." She's now gripping Jeremy's hand. "But I've come to love it. There's something really beautiful about undeath." Sonia giggles in an odd, discordant way.

"No thank you, Miss." Sonia waves to Bittersweet. The cold of Bittersweet's hand doesn't phase her- she's used to the temperature of undead. Which made this oddly familiar...

She turns to Kadic again. "Back to our conversation, Kadic. What about yourself? I'm curious."

Sonia casts Detect Undead

2016-01-20, 04:28 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia begins to chow on her steak. "Can I have another, miss Bittersweet?!" She shoots Tora a glance that reads. "I'm not done with you!"

"Well I certainly don't want her."
"She's all yours."
"Is this going to delay my steak?"
"I've changed my mind!"

Since you don't text, every line is a new text. Which means your phone buzzes individually for each one! Haha.

"No thank you, Miss." Sonia waves to Bittersweet. The cold of Bittersweet's hand doesn't phase her- she's used to the temperature of undead. Which made this oddly familiar...
Sonia casts Detect Undead
Good call, sis.

2016-01-20, 04:39 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1715 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea rolls her eyes at the second half of the texts.


Me flirting, should not slow down your dinner significantly.

2016-01-20, 04:49 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Wait a second- 'significantly' still means a little!"
"If it takes too long, I'm eating you instead! I'm still an orc!"

2016-01-20, 04:52 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1715 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Bring it! Lea yelled out theatrically...... Before face-palming.

Wait. Don't. Because then we'll get thrown out, and then no steak for you. She realized/

2016-01-20, 05:03 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"I'm just drunk and crazy enough to do it!" Lobelia growls, tensing her hands into claw shapes. "If it wasn't for that steak..." Her mouth begins to water again.

2016-01-20, 05:09 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1715 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

I'm still sober. Lea admitted, looking down and taking another swig of her wine.

2016-01-20, 05:20 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"That can be fixed." Lobelia smiles sweetly. "Bittersweet! Can Lea please have a Tenser's Tasty Trashcan?"

*whistling innocently*
I mixed Extra Anchovies' famous quote with a real life drink (http://www.drinksmixer.com/drinko14n062.html). I figured it was fitting, since we don't have actual menus...

2016-01-20, 05:38 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Bittersweet digs her thumbnail/claw into Sonia's shoulder, just below her clavicle. It hurts. Not enough to spoil Sonia's concentration, but enough to hurt. "Bittersweet would like to remind you to not cast spells in Bittersweet's Cafe. Bittersweet likes her customers to feel safe." She leans down and whispers to Sonia, "Bittersweet is glad to know that you're curious."

Bittersweet looks at Lea when she yells. "Oh, Bittersweet wouldn't throw you out of Bittersweet's Cafe."
She walks back to the kitchen. "One peasant drink, coming up," she says to Lobelia.
You're looking at a Strong Aura.

2016-01-20, 05:46 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1730 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Um. What about my order!? Lea questions waving her hand in Bittersweet's direction.

2016-01-20, 05:58 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Peasant drink or not, it's the quick way to get a young lady drunk!" Lobelia chuckles. "Tastes like juice, stings like a megapede."

Lobelia makes a face at Sonia. "Oooo. You're in trouble!"

2016-01-20, 06:00 PM
Sonia Grindle
Bittersweet's Cafe
Sonia doesn't turn to look at Bittersweet; she doesn't need to."Duly noted." Though her shoulder hurts, Sonia can't help but smile as she sips her tea. She is curious.

"At least I didn't get smothered by her cleavage." Sonia jests, only offering a sideways glance and grin to Lobelia.

She keeps her attention on Kadic, since she's equally as concerned with listening to him. But, with a new found interest, Sonia keeps a discrete, attentive watch on the waitress.

2016-01-20, 06:06 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1730 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lucky Lobelia. Lea mutters at Sonia's comment.

2016-01-20, 06:34 PM
Kadic, Bittersweet's

Kadic begins to answer, but stops, noting the exchange between Bittersweet and Sonia silently. Waiting till she had moved away, he continues "Not much to know. Came from a decently large family from a village over in the Eastern Isles, traveled here for college because I had a talent for... creating..." Kadic pauses to gesture at Sif, Faro, and Snack, "I subsequently had a rather strong difference in opinion about my academic career with the Dean and was thrown out posthaste. And now I'm here, two years later, still trying to avoid being a disappointment. To be frank about undeath, some days I sincerely wish I could use it, just to fix my mistakes, but then I realize doing that feels like it would violate them instead." Kadic whispers this last sentence, grin dropping, briefly exposing a rather lost and grief-ridden side to the snarky catfolk.

2016-01-20, 06:48 PM
Sonia Grindle
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera
"I don't think undeath fixes mistakes. Everybody dies." Sonia admits, frankly. She eases and continues, "But, I think undeath creates new purpose and opportunity. It's like additional chapters in a book that ended too soon." She notices the lack of smile on Kadic's face. "Damn." Sonia inwardly curses, wishing she was better at this whole "cheering up" thing. "You know... if you made it to being a guardian then that means you must have done something right."

That probably didn't help at all. She mentally lectures herself.

2016-01-20, 08:39 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Bittersweet arrives, dropping the large mixed drink in front of Lea. She ambushes Lea with a hug, press her face against her chest. "Bittersweet makes no promises she doesn't keep," she says, not so covertly pocketing five of Lea's gold pieces.

"Bittersweet will put this on your tab, Tora. Bittersweet knows you're good for it," Bittersweet says to Tora, who has passed out.

2016-01-20, 08:50 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1730 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Although no one can see it, muffled by Bittersweet's chest. Lea's face breaks out into a grin.

Unlike everyone else the cold doesn't seem to bother, or concern Lea.

So why do you talk in the third person? Lea asks into her chest, wrapping her arms around the catgirl's back.

2016-01-20, 10:52 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Do you really want to know? Everyone who knows about Bittersweet regrets it. You don't really want to," Bittersweet warns in such a soft voice that Lea can barely hear it. Her skin is very cold, and she is utterly unmoved despite the intimate position she's taken.

2016-01-20, 10:59 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Do you really want to know? Everyone who knows about Bittersweet regrets it. You don't really want to," Bittersweet warns in such a soft voice that Lea can barely hear it. Her skin is very cold, and she is utterly unmoved despite the intimate position she's taken.

Lea Brightheart, 1730 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea thinks for a moment, still nestled in that cool bosom.

I... would it ease your burden? She asks simply To tell me that is.

2016-01-20, 11:25 PM
Sonia Grindle
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera
"I don't think undeath fixes mistakes. Everybody dies." Sonia admits, frankly. She eases and continues, "But, I think undeath creates new purpose and opportunity. It's like additional chapters in a book that ended too soon." She notices the lack of smile on Kadic's face. "Damn." Sonia inwardly curses, wishing she was better at this whole "cheering up" thing. "You know... if you made it to being a guardian then that means you must have done something right."

That probably didn't help at all. She mentally lectures herself.


"You might be right in that matter, but no one should die by another person's mistakes. Especially if they love them." Kadic pauses, resting his hand on Sif's head. Speaking again, he deliberately shifts the topic,"Speaking of grim things, what's your thoughts on our CO, Diael? I personally don't like him. His motives are rather hidden, which bothers me. He's also a fan of snakes, which definitely doesn't win brownie points in my book."

2016-01-20, 11:34 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Meet me after the others leave, shallot," Bittersweet whispers to Lea. "It'll be just us." Bittersweet gets off of the Guardian in training to fetch another round of drinks.

2016-01-20, 11:40 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1745 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

After Bittersweet gets off of Lea, she breathes a lustful sigh into the air. Checking out Bittersweet's retreating form, she clangs glasses with Lobelia.

Cheers. She says taking a sip. Pretending to like it.


And finally gets a bit tipsy.

Tora.... Time to get up. She says shaking the catgirl softly.

2016-01-21, 12:15 AM
Sonia Grindle
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"He's... well he's definitely interesting. To be honest I've yet to form a full opinion on the man. I question some of his tastes." Sonia sighs, remembering Diael mentioning his wife's hatred of undead. "I guess we'll have to wait and see what he's really like."

Sonia turns and notices Lea attempting to wake up Tora. "Are we leaving? I hope the sun isn't strong..." she mentions, regretting the fact that she still hasn't bought a parasol.

2016-01-21, 12:21 AM
Cynthia looks down at Tora, "I think she had a bit too much to drink. I can carry her back, would you like to give me a hand, Lea? and if we are leaving i'll take a bottle to go."

2016-01-21, 12:25 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

The sun is setting!

Tora mumbles to herself as she wakes up. "What, is it time to go?" Tora gets up, stumbles around a bit and lands on Cynthia's shoulders. "We should go then. Get me home Sylvia," Tora says, butchering Cynthia's name.

Bittersweet waves. "Bittersweet is good to eat!" She heads into the back of the cafe.

Guardian Manor, Umbria, Frontiera

You arrive at the manor!

2016-01-21, 12:27 AM
Lea Brightheart, 1800 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

I'm sorry. I already promised Tora I would stay. Lea replied shrugging her shoulders.

As she does she follows Bittersweet into the back of the cafe, her gaze falling a little lower, then it usually would.

2016-01-21, 12:31 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Bittersweet looks at Lea, a pensive look on her face. Her arms are cross and she's biting her lip.

2016-01-21, 12:33 AM
Lea Brightheart, 1815 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Tipsy Lea hugs Bittersweet loosely.

So.... She seems lost to what to say, before settling on.

How can I help?

2016-01-21, 12:36 AM
Cynthia Shadowsword, 1815 Guardian Manor, Umbria, Frontiera

"What room should I take to, Tora, or can you make it there by yourself?"

2016-01-21, 12:38 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"This will only serve to satisfy your curiosity. Touch Bittersweet, and she can not feel a thing," Bittersweet says. "Her skin is cold. Her blood is still. Her breath only fuels words."

Guardian Manor, Umbria, Frontiera

"Up there!" Tora leads Cynthia upstairs. A few doors over, Tora stops her. "Here. Definitely here."

2016-01-21, 12:44 AM
Lea Brightheart, 1815 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Oh... Oh... Well Lea starts.

I.. don't get it.... But I don't think I need to. She replies,

If telling me will not help you, and you think it is for my best interest to remain in the dark. Then I will bow to your wishes. She adds squeezing her tight.

2016-01-21, 12:46 AM
Sonia Grindle
Guardian Manor
Sonia watches Cynthia escort Tora up the stairs. She's not quite ready to head to her own quarters, so she waits around the entry way to see what Lobelia and Kadic are doing with the rest of their evening.

2016-01-21, 12:52 AM
Cynthia Shadowsword, 1815 Guardian Manor, Umbria, Frontiera

"I don't know if you will remember this tomorrow, but if you are still worried about Lobelia, I think you will be fine. do you need help inside?"

2016-01-21, 01:08 AM
Kadic, Manor

"Does this place even have a wet bar? I did not have enough to drink. Not nearly enough. Also a fire, I need a fire." As he's talking, Kadic begins exploring the manor, homunculi in tow.

2016-01-21, 01:17 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Bittersweet is long dead, shallot," Bittersweet says to Lea. "She can feel no joy for herself. There is no embrace that can warm her. There is no drug that can cure her. She was cast down and cursed long ago. She's now but an empty vessel. Bittersweet hardly remembers what it's like to be Bittersweet. What it's like to laugh or really smile. Instead she must revel vicariously through others." She pulls herself out of Lea's embrace, and instead hugs herself, shivering slightly. "She cannot not cry. She cannot wail. She cannot not scream. She may curse and fuss all she wants, yes, but Bittersweet is a hollow thing with echoing thoughts."

Tora's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"Yesh please, lady," Tora says, stumbling into the room with Cynthia. She struggles with her coat. "Help me get out of this stuff."

Parlor, Umbria, Frontiera

Kadic finds the bar! Hey, there is a stone fireplace here, too. It has a pretty decent fire going inside of it, too.

2016-01-21, 01:23 AM
Lea Brightheart, 1815 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

That.... That's so sad. Lea said tearing up as she cups her face.

Who.. Who cursed you? She asks looking into her eyes.

2016-01-21, 01:31 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Athlipsi. The sister to the Queen Alatreia of Black Light," Bittersweet says. She looks up to see that Lea is crying. Bittersweet wipes away her tears, saying "Do not cry for Bittersweet, shallot. She has no tears to spare, and Bittersweet does not want to be in your debt."

2016-01-21, 01:37 AM
Lea Brightheart, 1815 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea nods, sniffling once blinking, then her tears stop.

Would.... Can this curse be ended. And if so, what would happen?

2016-01-21, 02:40 AM
Cynthia Shadowsword, 1815 Tora's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"Please, I am hardly a lady. I don't even know who my parents are" Cynthia says as she helps Tora with her coat.

2016-01-21, 11:04 AM
Kadic, Manor

Kadic pours a shot of brandy, then goes over to the fireplace, sitting down directly in front of the hearth, while Snack flutters to the manglemantelpiece, settling down on top of it. Sighing and then actually purring in content, he half-jokingly yells, "I like this room, can I call dibs on it?"

2016-01-21, 11:37 AM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"If it would end," Bittersweet turns away, stroking her chin. "Then what is left of Bittersweet would cease to exist. No longer living in exile and despair, Bittersweet would die. Even if this shambling corpse would continue to stumble through unlife, Bittersweet would only be a memory."

Tora's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"And I haven't seen my parents in years. There's nobody here watching us." Tora stares into Cynthia's eye. "You're really pretty. You know that? This darkness... really brings out those eyes." Tora puts her hands on Cynthia's shoulders, and her breath grows heavy.

Parlor, Umbria, Frontiera

"I'm afraid you can't, Mister Kadic," Diael says, appearing behind the bar. "Though I loath to admit it, a stiff drink is good for hardened nerves. One may say that it's the most important room in the manor." Diael pours himself a glass of whiskey, and flicks a couple drops of water into it.

2016-01-21, 12:11 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Mansion Lobby, Umbria, Frontiera

Lobelia looks around at everyone parting ways. "Well... I guess I'll just head to my room..." She sighs and heads up the stairs.

2016-01-21, 12:45 PM
Parlor, Umbria, Frontiera

"I'm afraid you can't, Mister Kadic," Diael says, appearing behind the bar. "Though I loath to admit it, a stiff drink is good for hardened nerves. One may say that it's the most important room in the manor." Diael pours himself a glass of whiskey, and flicks a couple drops of water into it.

At the sound of Diael, Kadic's grip tightens around the glass, nearly shattering it. The catfolk whips up from his seated position on the ground,turning and staring Diael straight in the eyes, "Announce yourself next time. I tend to react... badly to that sort of party trick. I do have to grudgingly agree though, nothing like a bit of booze at the end of a day. Now then, I suspect you want a word with me. I'm not really inclined to move, so I'll have to listen."

2016-01-21, 01:37 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1815 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Do you know how to end it? Lea asks grasping Bittersweet's hands.

Her drink made her gaze sink a little lower, onto Bittersweet's chest as she says her next part.

I... I would like to see you... off hours. I'm interested in you, and I'd like to see if this could work. Lea says hopefully.

Diplo? [roll0]

2016-01-21, 02:46 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Bittersweet would find that, enjoyable." Bittersweet tries to smile, but it seems so much more artificial now that her facade has crumbled. Her cold hands grip Lea's in return.

Parlor, Umbria, Frontiera

"Codswallop. I'm 'off the clock,' as it were. I'm just here to enjoy a drink and a fire before I return to some personal interests. It's important that we find time for ourselves." Diael swishes the whiskey before taking a sip. "When I was younger, I used to lose a lot of sleep to my work. I've learned to relax since then, and focus on what I find important."

Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

Lamina is where Lobelia left her. The large snake raises her head. "Enjoy your meal?" She asks.

2016-01-21, 02:55 PM
Cynthia Shadowsword, 1815 Tora's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"I don't understand, What are you suggesting? Didin't you say you were straight?" Cynthia says with a confused look on her face, not moving an inch. "Even if you weren't straight I would have thought you were more interested in Lea.

2016-01-21, 03:13 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"Dinner was good." She smiles, taking off her armor. "My whole team is apparently into women. Which reminds me-" She locks the door. "It's definitely different than living with my brother." She puts on some everyday clothes, black shorts and a dark purple tee-shirt. "How was sitting on my floor?"

2016-01-21, 03:19 PM
Sonia Grindle
Sonia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera
Sonia's attempt to be social and wait for the group didn't go as planned. So, she followed suit with Lobelia and returned to her own room. Since she didn't get the chance to change earlier, she takes the opportunity now to put on a more casual, comfortable dress. However, in reality it's just a gray sweatshirt that's three sizes too big for her with some leggings underneath.
"It's not very late, Jeremy. What would you like to do?" She sits on her bed and lets her feet sway a bit as they dangle.

2016-01-21, 03:39 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1815 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea kisses Bittersweet's hand and pulls out her phone.

Can we trade contact info? She asks as she poses for a picture.

2016-01-21, 04:12 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Oh? Bittersweet does not own a cell phone," Bittersweet says sheepishly as her ears droop. "You can have the cafe's number, though."

Tora's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"Oh hush. You don't have to be so uptight with me," Tora says, stroaking Cynthia's ponytail. "Aren't you ready for a little fun." Tora falls to her bed, pulling Cynthia with her.

Sonia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

Sonia thinks she hears Jeremy answer. She often hears him speak. This is what happens when you talk to inanimate objects too much.

Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"Oh, you know, it has its ups and downs," Lamina says. "You know, people would often joke that many of the women in this order were gay. I guess it's true." She raises the middle portion of her body in a serpentine shrug.

2016-01-21, 04:19 PM
Cynthia Shadowsword, 1815 Tora's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

Cynthia lets herself be pulled to the bed, "I think i am." She follows Tora's lead as she has no experience in such matters.

2016-01-21, 04:19 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1815 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Oh. Lea drops her posing. And the cafe will send the message to you? Lea asks.

And may I take a picture? She adds holding out her phone.

2016-01-21, 04:26 PM
Sonia Grindle
Guardian's Manor, Umbria, Frontiera
"I suppose we could just go explore a bit...maybe walk off some of that cake." Sonia sighs, as if she really does have any weight to lose off her already rail-thin frame.

She sits up and motions to Jeremy to follow her. Leaving her room, Sonia decides to take every other right turn until she hits something or somewhere of interest. She debates knocking on Lobelia's door before exploring, but figures the orc might want time to herself.

2016-01-21, 05:00 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"No kidding!" Lobelia sounds exasperated. "Maybe I should transfer to our friend Harley's region." Her eyes get sparkly. "He always makes it sound so romantic!"

2016-01-21, 05:21 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

"Of course! It's Bittersweet's cafe!" Bittersweet strikes a pose for Lea.

Tora's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

Well that happened. Cynthia and Tora spend a night of passion in Tora and Cynthia spend a night of passion in Tora's room.

Sonia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

Sonia wonders about and ends up in the basement. It's dark in here, and there is a fine layer of dust on the ground. There's a closed a door ahead.

Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"Well, there's always Luka. He and Harley are cousins, right?" Lamina says, scratching her chin with the tip of her tail.

2016-01-21, 05:27 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1815 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea's tipsy addled mind, immediately makes sure Bittersweet's chest is the focus of her picture.

Lovely. She says, turning the phone so that Bittersweet can see.

2016-01-21, 05:36 PM
Lobelia Strongarm
Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

"Apollo always says 'don't date Harley or his kin, just send the sheep his way'." She grins devilishly. "I'm not a sheep! I'm the wolf!" Lobelia lets out a laugh. She was joking and still mildly intoxicated. She loved Harley, but more like another brother.

2016-01-21, 05:48 PM
Sonia Grindle
Guardian's Manor, Umbria, Frontiera
Sonia can't help but wander to the door. "Oh stop worrying, Jeremy." She whispers with a smile, responding to nothing but silence. She is bored, after all, and her curiosity can't be helped. Keeping Jeremy close, she checks to see if it's locked.

2016-01-21, 07:12 PM
Parlor, Umbria, Frontiera

"Codswallop. I'm 'off the clock,' as it were. I'm just here to enjoy a drink and a fire before I return to some personal interests. It's important that we find time for ourselves." Diael swishes the whiskey before taking a sip. "When I was younger, I used to lose a lot of sleep to my work. I've learned to relax since then, and focus on what I find important."

Kadic snorts, "So being a shady bastard with unclear ulterior motives isn't part of the job description? Never would've guessed." Taking a sip of brandy Kadic pauses, noting Diael's last statement. "Is that comment supposed to mean something, Sir Diael?"

2016-01-21, 07:17 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Bittersweet frowns. "Bittersweet things it is amazing what these little machines can do. Unfortunately they seem to only make pictures of Bittersweet's breasts."

Lobelia's Room, Umbria, Frontiera

Lamina chuckles. "I wouldn't say Luka is anything like that. His taste is certainly for wolves," she says. "A man like that doesn't want things easy, and certainly doesn't want a weak willed mate."

Diael's Lab, Umbria, Frontiera

Sonia open the door, which is made of a heavy, pitted steel. Inside is a relatively well lit room, painted white to make it appear more sterile. There are drums in the near corner of the room, some filled with chemical reagents, the others filled with spell components. There is a surgical table in the center, with a box of supplies and a couple of chairs near it. Lining the walls are binders full of spells and notes, filing cabinets listing everything from "monsters" to "arcane phenomena," monster limbs, bottles of disintegrated objects and, most odd of all, what appear to be incredibly life like dolls. Sonia thought that they were people first, but upon closer examination, people have blood instead of what appears to be tar.

Parlor, Umbria, Frontiera

Diael smirks. "I do what I will. I'm a grown man, so I don't have to follow any rules but my own," he says. "Keep in mind that these are the arcane arts I practice. When information is literal power, you don't have much room for error." He finished his drink. "On the other hand, there is no reason for us to let our fears, distrust, and paranoia to defeat us before our enemies do."

2016-01-21, 07:35 PM
Sonia Grindle
Diael's Lab, Umbria, Frontiera
Sonia stifles an excited giggle. A shiver is sent shooting up her spine as she observes the monster limbs. It's not a shiver of fright, no, it's because she's thrilled. Considerable effort has to be put in to not touch any of the binders. She's so curious. Once the dolls are spotted Sonia nearly forgets about the limbs and binders though.
"Who took your blood away, lovelies?" She whispers to the dolls as she examines them further.

2016-01-21, 07:49 PM
Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Bittersweet frowns. "Bittersweet things it is amazing what these little machines can do. Unfortunately they seem to only make pictures of Bittersweet's breasts."

Lea Brightheart, 1815 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Lea blushes at that. Yeah.... I don't exactly think I'm sober so much any more, and well...

You have a nice chest. She says frankly.

2016-01-21, 08:28 PM
Diael's Lab, Umbria, Frontiera

Sonia examines the bodies. She's not sure what kind of magic these were made with, if it was magic at all. They aren't real bodies. While the skin may be soft like a human's, the interior structure seems off. The vessels that carry the black substance throughout the body don't seem to match the vessels of a human. The bone structure is slightly different, seemingly arranged to give the appearance of bones without the need to attach muscles or move properly. While they seem to be analogues for humans, they are imperfect. They are very cold to the does, and the skin is slightly translucent.

What Sonia does know that these were made by hand, rather that crafted from a body like a zombie would be. Furthermore, negative energy wasn't involved in their crafting, and she can't find any of the typical signs of necromancy being used.

Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Bittersweet pats Lea's face. "Bittersweet has been told that many times. People have said that Bittersweet's beauty was wasted on war." Her examine her own hand, a wistful look of nostalgia. "Should Bittersweet help you home? You and Bittersweet may continue further next time."

2016-01-21, 08:33 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1830 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

I know the first feeling. Lea chuckled, cuddling up to Bittersweet alot more then she would if she were injured and sober.

After you. She replies pecking her cheek.

2016-01-21, 08:43 PM
Streets, Umbria, Frontiera

"Oh, you flatter Bittersweet," Bittersweet says in response to the kiss. "So has Lea been in many battles?" Bittersweet puts an arm around Lea as she walk her to the manor.

2016-01-21, 08:48 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1845 Bittersweet's Cafe, Umbria, Frontiera

Battles to the death? Or battles at all. Lea replied.

Because the first one. Only one major one, and it didn't go too well. Lea said frowning before perking back up.

But battles in general, yeah. Plenty. She says nodding.

2016-01-21, 08:59 PM
Streets, Umbria, Frontiera

"Didn't go well? What happened to Bittersweet's friend?" Bittersweet asks, her ears drooping again.

2016-01-21, 09:01 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1845 Streets, Umbria, Frontiera

Nothing so much to me... I fled.... Lea admitted.

But it was.. It was a suicide mission. On purpose or accident, if I had stayed. I'd be dead.

2016-01-21, 09:17 PM
Streets, Umbria, Frontiera

"You fled?" Bittersweet blinks. "Bittersweet thinks that if you had no other choice, living another day is better. Not everyone is cut out for battle."

2016-01-21, 09:22 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1845 Streets, Umbria, Frontiera

I'm cut out for battle. Lea says clearly sensitive about it.

I'm just not for a pointless suicide mission.

I'm a Guardian to be, after all. Battle is part of my job.

2016-01-21, 09:38 PM
Streets, Umbria, Frontiera

"Bittersweet never backs down from a challenge," Bittersweet says. "Living in exile is preferable to the shame of cowardice to Bittersweet."

2016-01-21, 09:58 PM
Parlor, Umbria, Frontiera

Diael smirks. "I do what I will. I'm a grown man, so I don't have to follow any rules but my own," he says. "Keep in mind that these are the arcane arts I practice. When information is literal power, you don't have much room for error." He finished his drink. "On the other hand, there is no reason for us to let our fears, distrust, and paranoia to defeat us before our enemies do."

Kadic's eyes narrow, scrutinizing the nephilim thoroughly, "I'm sure. But when you hide your rules from those whose lives you intentionally endanger, a few might get suspicious." Finishing his drink, Kadic's stare hardens, still directly looking at Diael, his voice low and nearly growling, "I, most of all people, know that. I have made errors and I have paid. Do not act like I am naive, that belief will come back to bite you. I shall remain distrustful of you and your motives until I decide otherwise. I cannot speak for the others, but I can say I will not attempt influence their opinions, or sabotage your orders."

2016-01-21, 09:59 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1845 Streets, Umbria, Frontiera

I... probably should be more like that.... But I'm not. Lea replies sadly, before shaking her head.

But well. I have other talents besides battle. Lea adds.

2016-01-21, 10:20 PM
Sonia Grindle
Diael's Lab, Umbria, Frontiera

Sonia mentally catalogs everything she has seen and begins to feel increasingly less welcome. She should probably leave... but not yet. While she's not entirely certain what she's looking at, Sonia definitely want to know more. She considers borrowing a binder, but judging by the organization system the owner will recognize it's missing in a heart beat. But, it doesn't hurt to look.

Skimming to see if there are any labels that could shine some light on the situation, Sonia tries to be quick. Unfortunately for her, she has a nasty habit of attracting strange noises which doesn't help her stealth at all.

And by strange noises I meeeean this. (http://www.realmshelps.net/charbuild/feat/Haunted)

2016-01-21, 10:41 PM
Streets, Umbria, Frontiera

"Bittersweet wonders what kind of other talents you have," Bittersweet wonders aloud.

Diael's Lab, Umbria, Frontiera

On the desk next to the bodies is a filing cabinet labeled "spell research." Inside are several folders, labeled by school. Necromancy and Evocation are conspicuously absent, but the conjuration, illusion, and transmutation folders are quite large.

Sonia hears a woman murmuring. She speaks in an old language. The walls are tongues and the reflective surfaces of the lab are her eyes. Inhuman eyes, devoid of the familiar waxing and waning of human emotion. Common in appearance, but alien in purpose and composition.

2016-01-21, 10:46 PM
Lea Brightheart, 1845 Streets, Umbria, Frontiera

That's all the invitation Lea needs to spin around, and place an arm on the small of Bittersweet's back, pulling her close.

Dancing for one. She says softly, as she starts to lead Bittersweet in a dance.

Perform [roll0]

However, she swiftly gets distracted as she starts looking down Bittersweet's outfit and dazed by cleavage, is not as good as she usually is.