View Full Version : Lucky Stiff...

2016-01-16, 08:56 PM
So, I'd like to make a ridiculously lucky character by taking as many things as I can, as a level ten character, that involve Luck. I'm looking at taking Dallah Thaun's Luck, the Luckstealer Class, the Fatespinner Class, the Fortune's Friends class, a frankly impractical number of Luck feats, the Luck domain, and all the spells and items I can think of that grant luck bonuses. Does anyone have any quick suggestions for proceeding here?

This'll be a halfling, naturally (even if not for Dallah Thaun's Luck and Luckstealer, Pathfinder named Halfling's racial save bonuses Halfling Luck, even though this is for a 3.5 game). Also, I'd like to make it a Sorcerer since that seems to synchronize well with a number of little things. One question I did have, though: I notice that the Luckstealer class has a Domain requirement, and it's weirdly listed as Domain: Luck (divine spellcasters only.) I've never seen that before on a Domain requirement. Does this mean, as I expect it to mean, that a Sorcerer taking the Domain Access ACF in Complete Divine would *not* qualify?

2016-01-16, 11:27 PM
It's debatable, but my reading of the "divine casters only" portion of Luckstealer's prereqs is to mean "this requirement only applies to divine characters; characters without divine casting are not required to have the Luck domain." Whether that's 100% RAW is debatable, but that's how I interpret RAI.

Beyond that? Magic is probably the way to go (since magic can be fluffed as being lucky if you pick the right spells, and because full casting is potentially strong enough to survive the barrage of suboptimal feats and classes), though all the lost caster levels are going to suck. I guess you just need to figure out exactly what you want it to look like to be the luckiest fool alive on a round-by-round and encounter-by-encounter basis, and then build towards that. (If your goal is just to have a huge number of things with the word "luck" in the name, that's doable, but it's probably less interesting than building for something specific.) So . . . what does it look like to be super lucky? What effects does that have on your gameplay? What will other characters notice, and what will other players notice? (Perhaps as importantly, what will they NOT notice?)

2016-01-17, 05:33 PM
It's debatable, but my reading of the "divine casters only" portion of Luckstealer's prereqs is to mean "this requirement only applies to divine characters; characters without divine casting are not required to have the Luck domain." Whether that's 100% RAW is debatable, but that's how I interpret RAI.

Nice... my GM says she's fine with that interpretation. Reading it again, I think you're definitely right about it.

Beyond that? Magic is probably the way to go (since magic can be fluffed as being lucky if you pick the right spells, and because full casting is potentially strong enough to survive the barrage of suboptimal feats and classes), though all the lost caster levels are going to suck. I guess you just need to figure out exactly what you want it to look like to be the luckiest fool alive on a round-by-round and encounter-by-encounter basis, and then build towards that. (If your goal is just to have a huge number of things with the word "luck" in the name, that's doable, but it's probably less interesting than building for something specific.) So . . . what does it look like to be super lucky? What effects does that have on your gameplay? What will other characters notice, and what will other players notice? (Perhaps as importantly, what will they NOT notice?)

Well, most of what I'll be doing counts as rerolling, most of that through the luck feats and cleric domain, with more daily rerolls granted through Luckstealer. I'm hoping to also eventually work in Fatespinner so that I can nudge the rolls of other people about. I'm also trying to figure out a decent way to get a magic item that grants a few Artificer infusions that grant rerolls or things like them. I'm also considering picking up a few spells that'll cause miss chances (Entropic Shield would grant it to me, Darkness to others, I've not done the reading yet to find other miss chance things. Wait, Blur, I could cast Blur...) Also, taking weird chances and gambling are both themes (though I doubt I'll be taking the feat that lets me replace combat with Three Dragon Ante games, fun as that might be.)

Beyond that, I'll likely be playing as a buffer/debuffer, helping party members make their saves and making the abilities of enemies weaker. This is a really new group of players, so I'm not planning on optimizing this too much.

And yes... as you say, collecting a lot of things with "luck" in their name or that grant those deliciously non-stackable luck bonuses is a priority, but it's a tertiary one. The Luck Blade would be a nice weapon, but one I doubt I'll be tossing much cash at.

2016-01-17, 05:50 PM
I don't know whether you can fit it in, but the Pride domain allows you to reroll natural 1s on saves, which ties in on the 'luck = reroll' theme from Complete Scoundrel. It'll certainly be funny if you roll a one, and your group groans at yet another d20 reroll :smalltongue:.

2016-01-17, 06:57 PM
I don't know whether you can fit it in, but the Pride domain allows you to reroll natural 1s on saves, which ties in on the 'luck = reroll' theme from Complete Scoundrel. It'll certainly be funny if you roll a one, and your group groans at yet another d20 reroll :smalltongue:.

Ooh, nice catch! I don't think I can do that, at least not without some weird items. but I'll definitely keep it in mind.

But I'll do ya one better (arguably). I've already got the Dumb Luck feat from Complete Scoundrel that allows me to treat a Natural 1 as a Natural 20 on saves. I have to expend a luck reroll to use it, so I couldn't just do it any time, but I won't get a reroll on my natural 1s for saves so much as I'll just achieve success in spite of the roll.

I'm also looking forward to getting Better Lucky Than Good, which is basically the same feat but for attack rolls instead of saving throws.

2016-01-17, 07:03 PM
Pick up Residual Rebound- 1/10 of the time you're targeted with a single-target spell that allows a save, the caster is targeted instead.

Maybe you could get some synergy with the roll-heavy Truenaming (you said your group wasn't optimized), or backport that Tzcoatl homebrew.

2016-01-17, 07:57 PM
Pick up Residual Rebound- 1/10 of the time you're targeted with a single-target spell that allows a save, the caster is targeted instead.

Maybe you could get some synergy with the roll-heavy Truenaming (you said your group wasn't optimized), or backport that Tzcoatl homebrew.

Residual Rebound sounds fun, but I'll have to check to see if there'll be room. I don't know how many levels this campaign'll go, and there are some luck feats yet that I'd like... having said that, it's definitely in keeping with the gambling, weird luck theme so I'll keep it in mind.

As for Truenaming, that's not a bad thought. I generally prefer going all in with Truenaming instead of just dabbling, but this feels like one of those situations where some dabbling might be useful.